Holding Hands. What do you think?

Did you read the article?

I also read the question, which is why I asked if you where serious.

Here is the problem I see with the question.

Is a good is it a good move? It is if you want kids to be monkeys.

Does it promote homophobia? There is nothing homophobic about mocking people who are forced to hold hands as a punishment. I am quite sure that students would laugh just as hard if it had been a boy and a girl fighting because, unlike you, I remember being a teenager, and even remember my anthropology classes. Being a teenager in high school is remarkably like being a monkey in a zoo. There is a pecking order, and the only way to become socially accepted is to pick on others who are beneath you. If you ever watch the monkeys at a zoo you might see one monkey getting the crap beat out of him, and him turning around and passing the same treatment down the shit pile.

By the way, mocking gays is not homophobia either, but that is another example of your stupidity that has nothing to do with this thread.

I see you didn't read the article. Go back and read it and you will find out why I asked the question dipshit.

Is this a serious question? I ask because it seems you were drunk when you asked it. WTF does that even mean?

Is a good is it a good move? It is if you want kids to be monkeys.

I did read the article, the principle thought that humiliating the kids would prevent fighting. Then some idiots got offended by the fact that teenagers are cruel monkeys.

What, exactly, is it you think I missed?
The district was smart to put out a statement saying that they don't condone the punishment. It was designed to deter others from the same behavior through humiliation. Most kids would choose the punishment over suspension, and a lot would let the teasing roll off their shoulder...but not all of them would, and with bullying being such a focus, it does seem like an inappropriate method. I would have rather seen them have to write a report and present it to the class on the importance of civil disagreements with our peers.
It was a stupid punishment that would probably encourage the same kids to fight each other again to prove they are not gay because of all the gay taunting they will be getting from their peers. This principal has no idea what a teenage boy's psychology consists of. Nor does the principal seem to understand the cause of bullying. The principal just gave license for the student body to harass the kids who were fighting. It just goes to show that teenagers aren't the only ones who bully in schools.
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2 Mesa students forced to hold hands as punishment for fighting

Two East Valley high school students were forced to hold hands in front of their classmates as punishment this week for fighting.
Now that punishment is drawing criticism.

The students at Westwood High in Mesa were apparently given the option to hold hands instead of being suspended.

Read more: 2 Mesa students forced to hold hands as punishment for fighting

Does this encourage homophobic behavior or is this a good move on the part of the principal to stop fights?

Are you serious??? HOMOPHOBIC BEHAVIOR??? Geez!!! Do you hold hands with your father if you are male? Hold hands with your sister you just got into a fight with yesterday and you are female? Have a close friend that is the same sex as you and hold hands just for the joy of touching? I envy that. Touching. And not feeling guilty or shame for doing it. Never had it. Never will.
I think the Principle is very wise but some people are just too dim to see the light.
I also read the question, which is why I asked if you where serious.

Here is the problem I see with the question.

Is a good is it a good move? It is if you want kids to be monkeys.

Does it promote homophobia? There is nothing homophobic about mocking people who are forced to hold hands as a punishment. I am quite sure that students would laugh just as hard if it had been a boy and a girl fighting because, unlike you, I remember being a teenager, and even remember my anthropology classes. Being a teenager in high school is remarkably like being a monkey in a zoo. There is a pecking order, and the only way to become socially accepted is to pick on others who are beneath you. If you ever watch the monkeys at a zoo you might see one monkey getting the crap beat out of him, and him turning around and passing the same treatment down the shit pile.

By the way, mocking gays is not homophobia either, but that is another example of your stupidity that has nothing to do with this thread.

I see you didn't read the article. Go back and read it and you will find out why I asked the question dipshit.

Is this a serious question? I ask because it seems you were drunk when you asked it. WTF does that even mean?

Is a good is it a good move? It is if you want kids to be monkeys.

I did read the article, the principle thought that humiliating the kids would prevent fighting. Then some idiots got offended by the fact that teenagers are cruel monkeys.

What, exactly, is it you think I missed?

At first I thought you were just being an ass. Now I see you are just stupid. You don't know the meaning of homophobia do you? :lol:

1. Fear of or contempt for lesbians and gay men.
2. Behavior based on such a feeling.

From the article

"Kids were laughing at them and calling them names asking, 'Are you gay?'

The reason why I asked the question is because of the above quote. How did you miss that?

BTW you still haven't explained WTF this meant.

Is a good is it a good move? It is if you want kids to be monkeys.
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2 Mesa students forced to hold hands as punishment for fighting

Two East Valley high school students were forced to hold hands in front of their classmates as punishment this week for fighting.
Now that punishment is drawing criticism.

The students at Westwood High in Mesa were apparently given the option to hold hands instead of being suspended.

Read more: 2 Mesa students forced to hold hands as punishment for fighting

Does this encourage homophobic behavior or is this a good move on the part of the principal to stop fights?

Are you serious??? HOMOPHOBIC BEHAVIOR??? Geez!!! Do you hold hands with your father if you are male?

In case you don't get out much let me be the first to tell you hetero males in the US don't walk around holding hands much. Please refer to the definition of homophobia for clarification as to my question.
Nah. The question you pose is just too stupid for me to respond further.

Like I said..the principle is wiser than dim people can see. Why bother to shine a light in darkness?

AND..I am betting the two forced to hold hands will learn something about themselves and maybe become friends. Kinda like here...when folks battle it out then one says something the other can relate to and it is a very slow progress to FINALLY understand where and why they didn't like each other. But it takes gumption, bravery, and an open mind to get that far and some just don't have it in them to remove the tunnel vision. I'm hoping these two students get some of the wise shine light on them. Those who laughed at them? They are in the dark. Someday they may understand it all....and many not.
Normal boys get into fights.....that's natural.

So why have them act like queers and hold hands?

That's a really perverted punishment......... :doubt:

Or Muslim?
Isnt hand holding by men in Eastern Cultures viewed as a sign of respect?
Didn't Bush hold the King of Saudi Arabia's hand? I don't think either are gay.
So you are first a homophobe? Not a Muslim?

The Principal did nothing wrong, which is probably why 200 students stood up for me. It's not his fault Americans like to put everything into a box.
He wasn't shaming them by making them do something sexual. He was probably trying to get them to respect each other.

Actually, you are correct. I've been to Jidda Saudi Arabia, Dubai U.A.E., and yes, that was part of our port brief. We were told that a lot of times, males who are friends will hold hands as a sign of mutual respect while walking around together in public. Saw quite a bit of it actually, and there was nothing in the behavior of any of those men to suggest that they were the least bit gay.

But then again, Americans have some pretty strange ideas when it comes to sexuality when compared with the rest of the world. Personally? I think it came from the puritanical beliefs of the people who formed this country early on, and it kept growing into what it is today.

I remember being overseas in Rhodes Greece, when some females from the air det decided to go native while hanging out on the beach and went topless. Well...............seems that an LT from the air wing saw them and told them immediately return to the ship. Matter of fact, he even wanted to revoke their liberty privileges and restrict them to the ship for the rest of the port visit.

However................the Captain heard about what the LT was doing, took him aside and chewed his ass. The skipper said that those women did something good, because they were blending in with the rest of the beachgoers, and if they'd have kept their tops on, they would have stood out as Americans, and could have possibly opened themselves up for unwanted attention by those who weren't exactly friendly with the U.S.

No................there is nothing "gay" or homosexual about 2 people of the same gender holding hands. Matter of fact, lots of times you can see young children here in America running around the playground (3rd grade or younger), holding hands because they are friends, not because they are gay. It's only when they get older and start to have their sexual ideas formed by society that they quit.
I dislike the term "forced".

What would have happened if one of them refused to hold hands?

I remember getting into a fight in HS the idiot asst Jailer tried to get me to shake the hand of the ass I clocked for making some comment about me being in foster care. I refused to shake hands and told him if that kid came near me again I'd break his nose.

I got a couple days off from school and that kid didn't come within 10 feet of me again.
I dislike the term "forced".

What would have happened if one of them refused to hold hands?

I remember getting into a fight in HS the idiot asst Jailer tried to get me to shake the hand of the ass I clocked for making some comment about me being in foster care. I refused to shake hands and told him if that kid came near me again I'd break his nose.

I got a couple days off from school and that kid didn't come within 10 feet of me again.

This a very good point - some altercations have deep rooted issues because of very bad blood.

I would just like to point out here is that some people need their asses kicked.

It's the ultimate cure for bullying. Most of the time, all you really need to do is make a stand. I have a frighting, crazy look in my eyes when I'm mad. All I have to do is to go off and people get the message.
2 Mesa students forced to hold hands as punishment for fighting

Two East Valley high school students were forced to hold hands in front of their classmates as punishment this week for fighting.
Now that punishment is drawing criticism.

The students at Westwood High in Mesa were apparently given the option to hold hands instead of being suspended.

Read more: 2 Mesa students forced to hold hands as punishment for fighting

Does this encourage homophobic behavior or is this a good move on the part of the principal to stop fights?

My god, kid are you fucking nuts?:lol:
2 Mesa students forced to hold hands as punishment for fighting

Two East Valley high school students were forced to hold hands in front of their classmates as punishment this week for fighting.
Now that punishment is drawing criticism.

The students at Westwood High in Mesa were apparently given the option to hold hands instead of being suspended.

Read more: 2 Mesa students forced to hold hands as punishment for fighting

Does this encourage homophobic behavior or is this a good move on the part of the principal to stop fights?

My sister used to do that when her kids fought. They hated it and toned down the fighting
2 Mesa students forced to hold hands as punishment for fighting

Two East Valley high school students were forced to hold hands in front of their classmates as punishment this week for fighting.
Now that punishment is drawing criticism.

The students at Westwood High in Mesa were apparently given the option to hold hands instead of being suspended.

Read more: 2 Mesa students forced to hold hands as punishment for fighting

Does this encourage homophobic behavior or is this a good move on the part of the principal to stop fights?

My sister used to do that when her kids fought. They hated it and toned down the fighting

No teacher could ever make me hold hands with another guy.
Nah. The question you pose is just too stupid for me to respond further.

Like I said..the principle is wiser than dim people can see. Why bother to shine a light in darkness?

AND..I am betting the two forced to hold hands will learn something about themselves and maybe become friends. Kinda like here...when folks battle it out then one says something the other can relate to and it is a very slow progress to FINALLY understand where and why they didn't like each other. But it takes gumption, bravery, and an open mind to get that far and some just don't have it in them to remove the tunnel vision. I'm hoping these two students get some of the wise shine light on them. Those who laughed at them? They are in the dark. Someday they may understand it all....and many not.

Nah...You sound like you are high on some good stuff. :lol: What does all that have to do with whether or not the teachers actions could encourage homophobic behavior as exhibited by the students calling them gay for holding hands?
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2 Mesa students forced to hold hands as punishment for fighting

Two East Valley high school students were forced to hold hands in front of their classmates as punishment this week for fighting.
Now that punishment is drawing criticism.

The students at Westwood High in Mesa were apparently given the option to hold hands instead of being suspended.

Read more: 2 Mesa students forced to hold hands as punishment for fighting

Does this encourage homophobic behavior or is this a good move on the part of the principal to stop fights?

My god, kid are you fucking nuts?:lol:
No but you must be stupid. The kids called them gay. That would classify as homophobic. You appear to be number 3 that doesn't know the meaning of homophobic. Was the question really that hard to understand? Can you please enlighten me as to what was nuts about it? Be specific.
2 Mesa students forced to hold hands as punishment for fighting

Two East Valley high school students were forced to hold hands in front of their classmates as punishment this week for fighting.
Now that punishment is drawing criticism.

The students at Westwood High in Mesa were apparently given the option to hold hands instead of being suspended.

Read more: 2 Mesa students forced to hold hands as punishment for fighting

Does this encourage homophobic behavior or is this a good move on the part of the principal to stop fights?

My sister used to do that when her kids fought. They hated it and toned down the fighting

Do you think it would be effective long term in a setting like a high school where the children are not raised with this punishment as part of their makeup?

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