Hollywood Celebrities & Others Indicted In College Admissions Scam

Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman implicated in massive college entrance exam cheating scandal | Daily Mail Online
Actresses Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman are among 50 people charged in massive college entrance exam cheating scandal in which parents paid up to $6M in bribes to get their kids into elite schools like Yale, Georgetown and Stanford


bank on it all these leftist ------ are being brought down because all you trash bags do nothing but
HATE AND YOU IDIOTS NOT IN HOLLYWOOD YOU DUMB FK MOROSN still can't figure out why they tried leading you into TRUMP HATE SYNDROME" . HOLLYWOOD wanted TRUMP OUT because all these leftist c..ts are getting caught doing so much illegal chit and you Clitnon Obama loving Whores support this criminal trash bs.



There is an easy solution here.

Don't go.

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

Look on the bright side.

After all these years, Republicans finally got something on Obama:

College-entrance case ensnares Obama family’s tennis instructor

Arrests Made in Nationwide College Admissions Scam: Alleged Exam Cheating & Athletic Recruitment Scheme

If you scroll down its at the end of the article. I'm not sure if this was posted before, if it was delete this post.

This is a tax fraud situation, as you can't make a payoff or a bribe and say it was a charitable contribution.

For example, President Trump made an alleged payoff to someone who said their name was "Stormy Daniels". That's fine, because he did not deduct it as a charitable contribution. If he had, the libs would have a point, but he didn't.

I'm not aware of anyone who is claiming Trump said it was a charitable contribution. It was an illegal expenditure in campaign finance law.

Hush money payments are legal, where did you get the idea they weren't?

Obama paid off Rev. Jeremiah Wright to keep quiet in 2008. 100% legal.

Cohen has already plead guilty for doing that under Trump's instruction. After his 60 day delay, will go to prison for it. Trump is guilty of the same crime. Your "but Obama" claim is pathetic.
Does anybody believe Trump got into college based on his intelligence and not money?

How about you?

Trump is dumb. No way he got into college on his intelligence.
View attachment 249994

I guess that meme is far different than with Obama. With him they're all saying "We never had him as a student."

That's odd since he graduated magna cum laude. Nobody will give anyone that honor. You've got to earn it. What school honors did Trump ever earn, other than a bowling trophy?
Not to go “what about….” on you but this is nothing new. It’s how W got into Yale.

Or Barry into Havaaaard. No way that dumbfuck was Ivy material
Why do you folks keep claiming Obama as being dumb -- yet according to you sycophants, he was smart enough to be the only president to not have ANYONE in his cabinet/campaign/etc indicted, let alone convicted...in decades

Even tho, according to you sycophants, he is the most corrupt evil murderous criminal president in the history of civilization -- and despite that, yall couldn't even get an indictment on his gardener?

Meanwhile, according to you sycophants -- Obama (despite being dumb) was smart enough to mastermind the Deep State and control lifelong republicans to the point he made them investigate and indict their own administration?

Yea...he is so dumb....but smarter than Trump

When you own the police department, the prosecutors, and the judges, why are you surprised that none of your crooks get arrested and jailed?

So when universities are the targets of scams, Bad?

But when students (everyday working Americans) are the targets of Trump's university scam...big deal?
No. That's not remotely what I said but keep on swinging. You'll hit that T-ball eventually.

You guys sure love defending everyone but everyday Americans.....#MAGA
You mean the "everyday American children" of Hollywood Big Shots? Or the everyday working Americans who wanted to emulate Trump and be big important real estate and business moguls, and who settled a $25 million dollar law suit with the school?

I'm sorry. You really aren't making your whiny self clear at all.
I noticed when I said Trump scammed everyday americans -- you didn't say "No he didn't"

That sycophantic created bubble is starting to soften and some truths are getting thru....

I bet it feels like when you had to finally acknowledge the "libs" were right about Iraq...stings, but at least you are better for it....

Who said he scammed them? Many were happy with their experience. A few were not satisfied.
Not to go “what about….” on you but this is nothing new. It’s how W got into Yale.

Or Barry into Havaaaard. No way that dumbfuck was Ivy material
Why do you folks keep claiming Obama as being dumb -- yet according to you sycophants, he was smart enough to be the only president to not have ANYONE in his cabinet/campaign/etc indicted, let alone convicted...in decades

Even tho, according to you sycophants, he is the most corrupt evil murderous criminal president in the history of civilization -- and despite that, yall couldn't even get an indictment on his gardener?

Meanwhile, according to you sycophants -- Obama (despite being dumb) was smart enough to mastermind the Deep State and control lifelong republicans to the point he made them investigate and indict their own administration?

Yea...he is so dumb....but smarter than Trump
Obama was just point man, a cut out.

He is CIA, like GHWBush.

It is why everyone in the Bush clan voted for him. It's why the republic has become a banana republic.

The fact that Holder ignored a subpoena from congress should be all you need.
He was in the Bush clan, did he vote for it too?

Clan? I'd lay odds you couldn't name him and what he does without looking it up!
Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin Indicted in Alleged College Admissions Scam

So Lori Loughlin of Full House fame and Felicity Huffman of Desperate Housewives were both indicted for desperately trying to get their kids into colleges by college entrance exam cheating and outright financial bribes -- this came in a wide range federal college admissions scam investigation.

According to article: The 54-year-old Full House star and her husband, “agreed to pay bribes totaling $500,000 in exchange for having their two daughters designated as recruits to the USC crew team — despite the fact that they did not participate in crew — thereby facilitating their admission to USC.”

So this is more evidence of how Hollywood libs feel they can lie and cheat their way thru life or to benefit their bratty kids...These kids should get into college the old fashion way, by either earning it thru their grades and hard work or because their parents went there or donated large sums of money, oh wait!
What's the date on this?
Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin Indicted in Alleged College Admissions Scam

So Lori Loughlin of Full House fame and Felicity Huffman of Desperate Housewives were both indicted for desperately trying to get their kids into colleges by college entrance exam cheating and outright financial bribes -- this came in a wide range federal college admissions scam investigation.

According to article: The 54-year-old Full House star and her husband, “agreed to pay bribes totaling $500,000 in exchange for having their two daughters designated as recruits to the USC crew team — despite the fact that they did not participate in crew — thereby facilitating their admission to USC.”

So this is more evidence of how Hollywood libs feel they can lie and cheat their way thru life or to benefit their bratty kids...These kids should get into college the old fashion way, by either earning it thru their grades and hard work or because their parents went there or donated large sums of money, oh wait!

So rich Hollyweird Libturds got caught getting around the rules by spending lots of $$$$ YOU gave them?

The real problem isn't the bribes, but the Fact that these libs are deducting these bribes from their taxes, and that is not allowed.

They are cheating on their taxes, and should get at least 4 years each in solitary confinement- the same that Manafort got for the same crime.

Manafort did not get 4 years in solitary confinement dumbass!

I can see you singing, "If I only had a brain" to yourself!
Does anybody believe Trump got into college based on his intelligence and not money?

I'll put it this way, I didn't doubt the claim by Michael Cohen about how Trump went to great lengths to prevent his college grades and SAT scores from becoming public.

That's because you don't understand federal law in regards to educational records. You must give permission for anyone to access your educational records, and that goes from the dumbest high school dropout to Ivy League graduates.
Arrests Made in Nationwide College Admissions Scam: Alleged Exam Cheating & Athletic Recruitment Scheme

If you scroll down its at the end of the article. I'm not sure if this was posted before, if it was delete this post.

This is a tax fraud situation, as you can't make a payoff or a bribe and say it was a charitable contribution.

For example, President Trump made an alleged payoff to someone who said their name was "Stormy Daniels". That's fine, because he did not deduct it as a charitable contribution. If he had, the libs would have a point, but he didn't.

I'm not aware of anyone who is claiming Trump said it was a charitable contribution. It was an illegal expenditure in campaign finance law.

Hush money payments are legal, where did you get the idea they weren't?

Obama paid off Rev. Jeremiah Wright to keep quiet in 2008. 100% legal.

Prove that.
Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin Indicted in Alleged College Admissions Scam

So Lori Loughlin of Full House fame and Felicity Huffman of Desperate Housewives were both indicted for desperately trying to get their kids into colleges by college entrance exam cheating and outright financial bribes -- this came in a wide range federal college admissions scam investigation.

According to article: The 54-year-old Full House star and her husband, “agreed to pay bribes totaling $500,000 in exchange for having their two daughters designated as recruits to the USC crew team — despite the fact that they did not participate in crew — thereby facilitating their admission to USC.”

So this is more evidence of how Hollywood libs feel they can lie and cheat their way thru life or to benefit their bratty kids...These kids should get into college the old fashion way, by either earning it thru their grades and hard work or because their parents went there or donated large sums of money, oh wait!

So rich Hollyweird Libturds got caught getting around the rules by spending lots of $$$$ YOU gave them?

The real problem isn't the bribes, but the Fact that these libs are deducting these bribes from their taxes, and that is not allowed.

They are cheating on their taxes, and should get at least 4 years each in solitary confinement- the same that Manafort got for the same crime.

So instead of giving money to a fake charity, the one who owned a fake charity now is sitting in the oval office. That is so much better.
Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin Indicted in Alleged College Admissions Scam

So Lori Loughlin of Full House fame and Felicity Huffman of Desperate Housewives were both indicted for desperately trying to get their kids into colleges by college entrance exam cheating and outright financial bribes -- this came in a wide range federal college admissions scam investigation.

According to article: The 54-year-old Full House star and her husband, “agreed to pay bribes totaling $500,000 in exchange for having their two daughters designated as recruits to the USC crew team — despite the fact that they did not participate in crew — thereby facilitating their admission to USC.”

So this is more evidence of how Hollywood libs feel they can lie and cheat their way thru life or to benefit their bratty kids...These kids should get into college the old fashion way, by either earning it thru their grades and hard work or because their parents went there or donated large sums of money, oh wait!
You have to understand, these are people who became rich and famous cuz they slept with Harvey Weinstein.
Does anybody believe Trump got into college based on his intelligence and not money?

I'll put it this way, I didn't doubt the claim by Michael Cohen about how Trump went to great lengths to prevent his college grades and SAT scores from becoming public.

That's because you don't understand federal law in regards to educational records. You must give permission for anyone to access your educational records, and that goes from the dumbest high school dropout to Ivy League graduates.

Nah, it's because I understand how the real world works.
Wow! Democrats just can't do anything legal.

Edit update! Title is wrong. It wasn't 49 of 50.

Democratic Donors Charged in College Admissions Scam
That's because Democrats care about higher education. Republicans don't.

But it is terrible rich kids are taking the place of those who work.

I saw the video of this one spoiled child saying she only cared about game day and parties.

They care so much about higher education that they committed felonies and gave the entire educational system a huge black eye with their disgraceful behavior.

I agree. If more people cared about the world they are trying to leave their children, the world would be a better place.
But who cares about their future if you’re going to leave them a dying planet?
These people‘s priorities are in the wrong place. Instead of caring what school their kids go to and don’t learn anything, they should care more about the environment.
Wow! Democrats just can't do anything legal.

Edit update! Title is wrong. It wasn't 49 of 50.

Democratic Donors Charged in College Admissions Scam
That's because Democrats care about higher education. Republicans don't.

But it is terrible rich kids are taking the place of those who work.

I saw the video of this one spoiled child saying she only cared about game day and parties.

They care so much about higher education that they committed felonies and gave the entire educational system a huge black eye with their disgraceful behavior.

I agree. If more people cared about the world they are trying to leave their children, the world would be a better place.
But who cares about their future if you’re going to leave them a dying planet?
These people‘s priorities are in the wrong place. Instead of caring what school their kids go to and don’t learn anything, they should care more about the environment.

Actually, the environment has improved approximately 1000% since I was a kid. The nation's great rivers like the Mahoning used to be virtual sewers, the air used to smell with overpowering aroma of rotten eggs. My old man explained to me that it was the smell of money being made. Very pristine in comparison nowadays.
I agree. If more people cared about the world they are trying to leave their children, the world would be a better place.
But who cares about their future if you’re going to leave them a dying planet?
These people‘s priorities are in the wrong place. Instead of caring what school their kids go to and don’t learn anything, they should care more about the environment.
Harrison Ford, Al Gore, Leo DiCaprio, etc. all profess to love the planet and care for it. Yet they all fly their private jets
and live in their many mansions as it suits them.

Shouldn't people that love the planet behave as if they did?
I agree. If more people cared about the world they are trying to leave their children, the world would be a better place.
But who cares about their future if you’re going to leave them a dying planet?
These people‘s priorities are in the wrong place. Instead of caring what school their kids go to and don’t learn anything, they should care more about the environment.
Harrison Ford, Al Gore, Leo DiCaprio, etc. all profess to love the planet and care for it. Yet they all fly their private jets
and live in their many mansions as it suits them.

Shouldn't people that love the planet behave as if they did?

Bingo. It hard to take the Greeny Wienies seriously when they don't even act as if they really believe it.
Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin Indicted in Alleged College Admissions Scam

So Lori Loughlin of Full House fame and Felicity Huffman of Desperate Housewives were both indicted for desperately trying to get their kids into colleges by college entrance exam cheating and outright financial bribes -- this came in a wide range federal college admissions scam investigation.

According to article: The 54-year-old Full House star and her husband, “agreed to pay bribes totaling $500,000 in exchange for having their two daughters designated as recruits to the USC crew team — despite the fact that they did not participate in crew — thereby facilitating their admission to USC.”

So this is more evidence of how Hollywood libs feel they can lie and cheat their way thru life or to benefit their bratty kids...These kids should get into college the old fashion way, by either earning it thru their grades and hard work or because their parents went there or donated large sums of money, oh wait!

So rich Hollyweird Libturds got caught getting around the rules by spending lots of $$$$ YOU gave them?

The real problem isn't the bribes, but the Fact that these libs are deducting these bribes from their taxes, and that is not allowed.

They are cheating on their taxes, and should get at least 4 years each in solitary confinement- the same that Manafort got for the same crime.

So instead of giving money to a fake charity, the one who owned a fake charity now is sitting in the oval office. That is so much better.

Hillary lost. When will you accept that?

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