Hollywood Celebrities & Others Indicted In College Admissions Scam

Does anybody believe Trump got into college based on his intelligence and not money?

I'll put it this way, I didn't doubt the claim by Michael Cohen about how Trump went to great lengths to prevent his college grades and SAT scores from becoming public.

That's because you don't understand federal law in regards to educational records. You must give permission for anyone to access your educational records, and that goes from the dumbest high school dropout to Ivy League graduates.

Nah, it's because I understand how the real world works.

You don't! Look up FERPA. Educate yourself!
Seems like Singer has some 750 clients over the years. Like 761 kids.
All the names of kids need to be exposed. Is there a crime for
using a fraudulent gotten degree in the workplace?
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Wow! Democrats just can't do anything legal.

Edit update! Title is wrong. It wasn't 49 of 50.

Democratic Donors Charged in College Admissions Scam
That's because Democrats care about higher education. Republicans don't.

But it is terrible rich kids are taking the place of those who work.

I saw the video of this one spoiled child saying she only cared about game day and parties.

They care so much about higher education that they committed felonies and gave the entire educational system a huge black eye with their disgraceful behavior.

I agree. If more people cared about the world they are trying to leave their children, the world would be a better place.
But who cares about their future if you’re going to leave them a dying planet?
These people‘s priorities are in the wrong place. Instead of caring what school their kids go to and don’t learn anything, they should care more about the environment.

"The all time chutzpah award goes to Nutty Professor Elizabeth Warren, who defrauded Universities by claiming to be an Indian, for actually having the nerve to comment on the college admissions scandal'
The Justice Dept claims that the kids aren't affected but how can you justify keeping them in school under fraudulent conditions? It's alleged that some of the parents photo shopped and cut and pasted fake pictures of their kids doing sports to justify the bribes. There are indications that the former president claimed to be a (legal) alien to get preferential treatment at Harvard.
Does anybody believe Trump got into college based on his intelligence and not money?

I'll put it this way, I didn't doubt the claim by Michael Cohen about how Trump went to great lengths to prevent his college grades and SAT scores from becoming public.

That's because you don't understand federal law in regards to educational records. You must give permission for anyone to access your educational records, and that goes from the dumbest high school dropout to Ivy League graduates.

Nah, it's because I understand how the real world works.

You don't! Look up FERPA. Educate yourself!

According to that "logic" this college scam couldn't have happened because it's against the law.
Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin Indicted in Alleged College Admissions Scam

So Lori Loughlin of Full House fame and Felicity Huffman of Desperate Housewives were both indicted for desperately trying to get their kids into colleges by college entrance exam cheating and outright financial bribes -- this came in a wide range federal college admissions scam investigation.

According to article: The 54-year-old Full House star and her husband, “agreed to pay bribes totaling $500,000 in exchange for having their two daughters designated as recruits to the USC crew team — despite the fact that they did not participate in crew — thereby facilitating their admission to USC.”

So this is more evidence of how Hollywood libs feel they can lie and cheat their way thru life or to benefit their bratty kids...These kids should get into college the old fashion way, by either earning it thru their grades and hard work or because their parents went there or donated large sums of money, oh wait!

How do you think Trump got into Wharton?
I can't believe that these celebrities are going to get off with probation and fines. Isn't that what they did to get in trouble? Pay off and the world will still turn.
Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin Indicted in Alleged College Admissions Scam

So Lori Loughlin of Full House fame and Felicity Huffman of Desperate Housewives were both indicted for desperately trying to get their kids into colleges by college entrance exam cheating and outright financial bribes -- this came in a wide range federal college admissions scam investigation.

According to article: The 54-year-old Full House star and her husband, “agreed to pay bribes totaling $500,000 in exchange for having their two daughters designated as recruits to the USC crew team — despite the fact that they did not participate in crew — thereby facilitating their admission to USC.”

So this is more evidence of how Hollywood libs feel they can lie and cheat their way thru life or to benefit their bratty kids...These kids should get into college the old fashion way, by either earning it thru their grades and hard work or because their parents went there or donated large sums of money, oh wait!

How do you think Trump got into Wharton?
Could be. Show me the link. NOW
Not to go “what about….” on you but this is nothing new. It’s how W got into Yale.

Or Barry into Havaaaard. No way that dumbfuck was Ivy material
Obama’s parents were affluent? Or are you just talking through your sphincter again?
Oh, you can go after Trump but Obama is off limits. There may be a good reason he doesn't allow anyone to see his school records...same with Trump.
It’s funny to see people acting so shocked about all this. It has been going on for ages, and has been the worst kept secret ever.
Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin Indicted in Alleged College Admissions Scam

So Lori Loughlin of Full House fame and Felicity Huffman of Desperate Housewives were both indicted for desperately trying to get their kids into colleges by college entrance exam cheating and outright financial bribes -- this came in a wide range federal college admissions scam investigation.

According to article: The 54-year-old Full House star and her husband, “agreed to pay bribes totaling $500,000 in exchange for having their two daughters designated as recruits to the USC crew team — despite the fact that they did not participate in crew — thereby facilitating their admission to USC.”

So this is more evidence of how Hollywood libs feel they can lie and cheat their way thru life or to benefit their bratty kids...These kids should get into college the old fashion way, by either earning it thru their grades and hard work or because their parents went there or donated large sums of money, oh wait!

How do you think Trump got into Wharton?
Could be. Show me the link. NOW
I would have, but then you had to go and throw in, “NOW.”

I don’t take orders from you.
Not to go “what about….” on you but this is nothing new. It’s how W got into Yale.

Or Barry into Havaaaard. No way that dumbfuck was Ivy material
Obama’s parents were affluent? Or are you just talking through your sphincter again?
Oh, you can go after Trump but Obama is off limits. There may be a good reason he doesn't allow anyone to see his school records...same with Trump.
Where have I said Obama is off limits?
Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin Indicted in Alleged College Admissions Scam

So Lori Loughlin of Full House fame and Felicity Huffman of Desperate Housewives were both indicted for desperately trying to get their kids into colleges by college entrance exam cheating and outright financial bribes -- this came in a wide range federal college admissions scam investigation.

According to article: The 54-year-old Full House star and her husband, “agreed to pay bribes totaling $500,000 in exchange for having their two daughters designated as recruits to the USC crew team — despite the fact that they did not participate in crew — thereby facilitating their admission to USC.”

So this is more evidence of how Hollywood libs feel they can lie and cheat their way thru life or to benefit their bratty kids...These kids should get into college the old fashion way, by either earning it thru their grades and hard work or because their parents went there or donated large sums of money, oh wait!

How do you think Trump got into Wharton?
Could be. Show me the link. NOW
I would have, but then you had to go and throw in, “NOW.”

I don’t take orders from you.
Riiight....you know there is no link. I admit the word NOW was foolish. Sorry.
Hollywerird brats! Scum like their "famous" parents.

Shame on all of them!
Heaven forbid the parents actually make their children study and get good grades to EARN their way into college! If their kids are that lazy or stupid, spend the money on tutors.
Paying a bribe for the coach to pretend that your daughters are outstanding rowers ("crew") in order to get an athletic scholarship, or THE FACT THAT SUCH ELITE SCHOOLS WOULD AWARD A FOUR-YEAR FULL SCHOLARSHIP TO SOMEONE FOR ROWING A FUCKING BOAT?

Athletic scholarships to college are an abomination, and should be abolished, with cheaters executed.

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