Hollywood Celebrities & Others Indicted In College Admissions Scam

Tell me is it a scam when the exact same thing has been going on since there have been colleges and universities?

Admission to private school is not a meritocracy neither is admission to public colleges for that matter.
Or Barry into Havaaaard. No way that dumbfuck was Ivy material
Why do you folks keep claiming Obama as being dumb -- yet according to you sycophants, he was smart enough to be the only president to not have ANYONE in his cabinet/campaign/etc indicted, let alone convicted...in decades

Even tho, according to you sycophants, he is the most corrupt evil murderous criminal president in the history of civilization -- and despite that, yall couldn't even get an indictment on his gardener?

Meanwhile, according to you sycophants -- Obama (despite being dumb) was smart enough to mastermind the Deep State and control lifelong republicans to the point he made them investigate and indict their own administration?

Yea...he is so dumb....but smarter than Trump
Obama was just point man, a cut out.

He is CIA, like GHWBush.

It is why everyone in the Bush clan voted for him. It's why the republic has become a banana republic.

The fact that Holder ignored a subpoena from congress should be all you need.
He was in the Bush clan, did he vote for it too?

Clan? I'd lay odds you couldn't name him and what he does without looking it up!
I know who John Bolton is -- I also know how you future Trumptards were all in favor of worshipping neo-cons back then...you guys even brought Elliot Abrams back and I don't recall one Trump lover saying shit about it....you trumpers despise those with memories, because we have to keep reminding you of how full of shit you are...

Remember when you future Trump lovers were Bush lovers?? Remember when you said anyone who spoke out against Bush were terrorists, traitors, etc?

If you pretend that you were not one of them, you have proved my point...I would pretend I wasn't one of them either if I were you....but its cool, you will have your chance to pretend again after Trump is out of office for a couple of years..

You just gave a typical clueless libtard response! You cannot point to one time I said anything contained in your tirade of bullshit.
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According to that "logic" this college scam couldn't have happened because it's against the law.

You cannot force someone to not do something that it already against the law in the first place. You didn't look it up did you?

I want you to not release my educational records because it already illegal for you to do so without my permission! Dumbass!

I'll take you at your word that release of records is illegal. But again, as I've already posted, let's live in the real world.

By your responses I'm led to believe your position is that because the release of educational records is illegal there is insufficient need for proactive re-enforcement of notice of that legality. I expect this would take the form of a lawsuit threat.

You are aware that college personnel played role in one aspect of the college admission scam?

Why would you need to remind educational institutions of something that they deal with every day? I'm sorry but you don't understand the rules regarding educational records. As a high school administrator and spending 9 years in college, I think I am familiar with the rules.
It's sad that among all of this, no one has said anything negative about legacy admissions -- despite is racist conception....oh well....

The only reason anyone does not get into college is they set their sights too high based on their academic background. If your ACT composite is in the high teens or low 20s, or your SAT is in the 800-900 composite level, you probably should not be in college anyway.
Why do you folks keep claiming Obama as being dumb -- yet according to you sycophants, he was smart enough to be the only president to not have ANYONE in his cabinet/campaign/etc indicted, let alone convicted...in decades

Even tho, according to you sycophants, he is the most corrupt evil murderous criminal president in the history of civilization -- and despite that, yall couldn't even get an indictment on his gardener?

Meanwhile, according to you sycophants -- Obama (despite being dumb) was smart enough to mastermind the Deep State and control lifelong republicans to the point he made them investigate and indict their own administration?

Yea...he is so dumb....but smarter than Trump
Obama was just point man, a cut out.

He is CIA, like GHWBush.

It is why everyone in the Bush clan voted for him. It's why the republic has become a banana republic.

The fact that Holder ignored a subpoena from congress should be all you need.
He was in the Bush clan, did he vote for it too?

Clan? I'd lay odds you couldn't name him and what he does without looking it up!
I know who John Bolton is -- I also know how you future Trumptards were all in favor of worshipping neo-cons back then...you guys even brought Elliot Abrams back and I don't recall one Trump lover saying shit about it....you trumpers despise those with memories, because we have to keep reminding you of how full of shit you are...

Remember when you future Trump lovers were Bush lovers?? Remember when you said anyone who spoke out against Bush were terrorists, traitors, etc?

If you pretend that you were not one of them, you have proved my point...I would pretend I wasn't one of them either if I were you....but its cool, you will have your chance to pretend again after Trump is out of office for a couple of years..

You just gave a typical clueless libtard response! You cannot point to one time I said anything contained in your tirade of bullshit.
I can't point to anytime you were a Bush supporter? See, this is the hope of a trumptard -- since I don't have screenshots of you in AOL chats from years past or old message board posts of you cheerleading for Bush -- you can pretend you didn't cheerlead the war in Iraq and call all of those who opposed it, traitors...

But I don't need to do all of that, I can just go off of your willingness to support all of the dumb shit Trump and republicans are doing now...like that 1 trillion tax cut, same type of tax cut Bush passed that was a disaster...

and no, Trump didn't finish at the top of his class in ANY college institution despite him claiming he did....but like the sycophant you are, you don't mind lies from your cult leader.
Obama was just point man, a cut out.

He is CIA, like GHWBush.

It is why everyone in the Bush clan voted for him. It's why the republic has become a banana republic.

The fact that Holder ignored a subpoena from congress should be all you need.
He was in the Bush clan, did he vote for it too?

Clan? I'd lay odds you couldn't name him and what he does without looking it up!
I know who John Bolton is -- I also know how you future Trumptards were all in favor of worshipping neo-cons back then...you guys even brought Elliot Abrams back and I don't recall one Trump lover saying shit about it....you trumpers despise those with memories, because we have to keep reminding you of how full of shit you are...

Remember when you future Trump lovers were Bush lovers?? Remember when you said anyone who spoke out against Bush were terrorists, traitors, etc?

If you pretend that you were not one of them, you have proved my point...I would pretend I wasn't one of them either if I were you....but its cool, you will have your chance to pretend again after Trump is out of office for a couple of years..

You just gave a typical clueless libtard response! You cannot point to one time I said anything contained in your tirade of bullshit.
I can't point to anytime you were a Bush supporter? See, this is the hope of a trumptard -- since I don't have screenshots of you in AOL chats from years past or old message board posts of you cheerleading for Bush -- you can pretend you didn't cheerlead the war in Iraq and call all of those who opposed it, traitors...

But I don't need to do all of that, I can just go off of your willingness to support all of the dumb shit Trump and republicans are doing now...like that 1 trillion tax cut, same type of tax cut Bush passed that was a disaster...

and no, Trump didn't finish at the top of his class in ANY college institution despite him claiming he did....but like the sycophant you are, you don't mind lies from your cult leader.

You can't even keep your own delusional arguments straight. Oh, but I know you pine for the glorious Obama days where unemployment was high, gas prices were out of this world, we were bombing counties all over the world on a daily basis, and taxes were running roughshod over everyone. Why do you want to go back to those days?
It's sad that among all of this, no one has said anything negative about legacy admissions -- despite is racist conception....oh well....

The only reason anyone does not get into college is they set their sights too high based on their academic background. If your ACT composite is in the high teens or low 20s, or your SAT is in the 800-900 composite level, you probably should not be in college anyway.
My comment was about "legacy admissions" and the reason that it was created...and you 10000% avoided it....but that's typical..
Or Barry into Havaaaard. No way that dumbfuck was Ivy material
Why do you folks keep claiming Obama as being dumb -- yet according to you sycophants, he was smart enough to be the only president to not have ANYONE in his cabinet/campaign/etc indicted, let alone convicted...in decades

Even tho, according to you sycophants, he is the most corrupt evil murderous criminal president in the history of civilization -- and despite that, yall couldn't even get an indictment on his gardener?

Meanwhile, according to you sycophants -- Obama (despite being dumb) was smart enough to mastermind the Deep State and control lifelong republicans to the point he made them investigate and indict their own administration?

Yea...he is so dumb....but smarter than Trump
Obama was just point man, a cut out.

He is CIA, like GHWBush.

It is why everyone in the Bush clan voted for him. It's why the republic has become a banana republic.

The fact that Holder ignored a subpoena from congress should be all you need.
He was in the Bush clan, did he vote for it too?

Clan? I'd lay odds you couldn't name him and what he does without looking it up!
I know who John Bolton is -- I also know how you future Trumptards were all in favor of worshipping neo-cons back then...you guys even brought Elliot Abrams back and I don't recall one Trump lover saying shit about it....you trumpers despise those with memories, because we have to keep reminding you of how full of shit you are...

Remember when you future Trump lovers were Bush lovers?? Remember when you said anyone who spoke out against Bush were terrorists, traitors, etc?

If you pretend that you were not one of them, you have proved my point...I would pretend I wasn't one of them either if I were you....but its cool, you will have your chance to pretend again after Trump is out of office for a couple of years..
Voters in our nation do not study the issues. We have a choice of two people. I voted for W. Bush in 2000. But voted for Kerry in 2004. Both are the same from different sides. After 9/11 we as Americans lost. Everything we do is recorded for posterity. And if times go bad we can become the enemy and take the blame for all the ills. The issues with you are that progressive socialists are little goody two shoes. They expanded Homeland Security, Patriot Act and other goodies when in power. People slowly wise up. But not fast enough. We elect the same people over and over. As that is what is promoted to us. The truth is the longevity of politicians in office has caused this. Spending fifty years proudly spouting they are honored to serve us is incredible. That in itself is corruption. That in itself is payouts and money crossing hands that hamstring laws to be passed. That is what the founding fathers warned against. And why they are crapped on now.
Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin Indicted in Alleged College Admissions Scam

So Lori Loughlin of Full House fame and Felicity Huffman of Desperate Housewives were both indicted for desperately trying to get their kids into colleges by college entrance exam cheating and outright financial bribes -- this came in a wide range federal college admissions scam investigation.

According to article: The 54-year-old Full House star and her husband, “agreed to pay bribes totaling $500,000 in exchange for having their two daughters designated as recruits to the USC crew team — despite the fact that they did not participate in crew — thereby facilitating their admission to USC.”

So this is more evidence of how Hollywood libs feel they can lie and cheat their way thru life or to benefit their bratty kids...These kids should get into college the old fashion way, by either earning it thru their grades and hard work or because their parents went there or donated large sums of money, oh wait!

How is this any different from affirmative action?
It's sad that among all of this, no one has said anything negative about legacy admissions -- despite is racist conception....oh well....

The only reason anyone does not get into college is they set their sights too high based on their academic background. If your ACT composite is in the high teens or low 20s, or your SAT is in the 800-900 composite level, you probably should not be in college anyway.
My comment was about "legacy admissions" and the reason that it was created...and you 10000% avoided it....but that's typical..

How many legacy admissions are there in a typical university that would not otherwise be admitted? You can't admit there may not be a problem except your perceived notions.

My two daughters were admitted to my alma mater but they would have been admitted on their academics. Neither one attended school there but went to other schools.
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All college sports should be abolished unless it's a private U...

That’s just stupid. Since Ancient Greece it has been recognized that a complete education includes the physical. One of the many reasons why America has the best universities in the world is the sense of community the best schools foster.

Clearly what I was talking about was the citizens of Ohio sending the Ohio State Football team or the Ohio State Volleyball team to Nebraska to play a meaningless football or volleyball game.

You can have physical education; you don't need million dollar athletic budgets that raise tuition, take time away from studies, endanger the health of students etc...

You frail, bitter little idiot. Who says those games are meaningless?

And it seems to have missed you completely that athletics spur enrollment,
Arguable under the best of circumstances.

Successful teams spur enrollment. Most teams are not successful.

increase a sense of community,
Laughable. Zion Williams is already trying on NBA jerseys. It's a rarity to see top players spend their entire allotment at their university.
As for the fans...I imagine they could find something else to do. Here's an idea, attend a game where the shirts play the skins or an inter-squad game or whatever. Last year, the taxpayers of Michigan sent their Michigan State football team to Arizona State to play a football game. Yep...it probably cost the taxpayers upwards of $100K to send the team, their equipment, the band, the cheerleaders, the support staff.

Nobody in Michigan enjoyed a "sense of community" from that expenditure...did they?

and bring in hundreds of millions of dollars in donations from alumni.
Perhaps the alumni could invest in the education at their universities....

You are a shortsighted little weakling.

You're picking a fight. And losing. Badly.

Answer me this:

If college sports bring in millions of dollars from TV, from alumni, from ticket sales, from concessions, from shoe contracts, from radio contracts, from other events....

Why isn't tuition free?

University of Texas
Residents of Texas pay an annual total price of $25,440 to attend The University of Texas at Austin on a full time basis. This fee is comprised of $10,398 for tuition,$10,070 room and board, $662 for books and supplies and $0 for other fees.
The University of Texas at Austin - Net Price, Tuition, Cost to Attend, Financial Aid and Student Loans

University of South Carolina
This fee is comprised of $11,462 for tuition, $10,008 room and board, $1,044 for books and supplies and $400 for other fees. Out of state residents are charged a total cost of $47,162 which is 74.3% higher than South Carolina residents.
University of South Carolina Columbia - Net Price, Tuition, Cost to Attend, Financial Aid and Student Loans

Michigan State University

This fee is comprised of $14,460 for tuition, $10,026 room and board, $1,084 for books and supplies and $0 for other fees.
Michigan State University - Net Price, Tuition, Cost to Attend, Financial Aid and Student Loans

Where is all the money they are bringing in going? I'll give you 3 guesses:

A). The Athletic Department
B). The Athletic Department
C). The Athletic Department

What a load of ignorant crap. You clearly have zero experience with the subject.

Care to answer the question?

Where does the money go?
Why should taxpayers pay to send athletes anywhere much less across two time zones?
What benefit do they get by doing so?

Be a man and debate it. If you can.
To review: There are basically TWO revenue sports in colleges and universities: football and MENS basketball. Every other sport is a financial drain, with the exception of two or three women's basketball teams.

Historically, the revenues from the two revenue-generating sports were used to fund other sports, and overall, A FEW colleges made enough on FB and BB to offset the losses from the other sports. But most colleges lose money overall on sports.

Along comes Title IX, and the Leftist do-gooders notice that few women are getting football scholarships. In fact, for most schools there are more football scholarships ALONE than are given to women in all sports combined. So they bully the universities into structuring their scholarship grants in a way that ensures that there are JUST AS MANY women getting scholarships as there are men getting scholarships.

Which leads to scholarships for fencing, band, crew, field hockey, and other nonsense games that nobody but the players' parents would ever bother to attend. This is absurd.

While the Title IX "logic" is frightfully wrong-headed (if football generates the revenue then football should reap the "profits," and damn the other sports), the better solution is to eliminate athletic scholarships altogether. College sports, if they must exist, should be competitions between actual, legitimately-admitted, STUDENTS from one school playing STUDENTS from another school, coached by unpaid volunteers or teachers.

And if the NBA and NFL don't like it, they can fund their own minor leagues, just like baseball does.
Paying a bribe for the coach to pretend that your daughters are outstanding rowers ("crew") in order to get an athletic scholarship, or THE FACT THAT SUCH ELITE SCHOOLS WOULD AWARD A FOUR-YEAR FULL SCHOLARSHIP TO SOMEONE FOR ROWING A FUCKING BOAT?

Athletic scholarships to college are an abomination, and should be abolished, with cheaters executed.

All college sports should be abolished unless it's a private U...

That’s just stupid. Since Ancient Greece it has been recognized that a complete education includes the physical. One of the many reasons why America has the best universities in the world is the sense of community the best schools foster.

Clearly what I was talking about was the citizens of Ohio sending the Ohio State Football team or the Ohio State Volleyball team to Nebraska to play a meaningless football or volleyball game.

You can have physical education; you don't need million dollar athletic budgets that raise tuition, take time away from studies, endanger the health of students etc...

You frail, bitter little idiot. Who says those games are meaningless?


It seems you need some more experience with life, because you don’t seem to understand it at all. “Meaningless” to you seems to mean whatever YOU are uninterested in or incapable of. For those students, their families, friends, fellow students and the wider community in and around the college they mean quite a lot. You can’t see past your own prejudice.
To review: There are basically TWO revenue sports in colleges and universities: football and MENS basketball. Every other sport is a financial drain, with the exception of two or three women's basketball teams.

Historically, the revenues from the two revenue-generating sports were used to fund other sports, and overall, A FEW colleges made enough on FB and BB to offset the losses from the other sports. But most colleges lose money overall on sports.

Along comes Title IX, and the Leftist do-gooders notice that few women are getting football scholarships. In fact, for most schools there are more football scholarships ALONE than are given to women in all sports combined. So they bully the universities into structuring their scholarship grants in a way that ensures that there are JUST AS MANY women getting scholarships as there are men getting scholarships.

Which leads to scholarships for fencing, band, crew, field hockey, and other nonsense games that nobody but the players' parents would ever bother to attend. This is absurd.

While the Title IX "logic" is frightfully wrong-headed (if football generates the revenue then football should reap the "profits," and damn the other sports), the better solution is to eliminate athletic scholarships altogether. College sports, if they must exist, should be competitions between actual, legitimately-admitted, STUDENTS from one school playing STUDENTS from another school, coached by unpaid volunteers or teachers.

And if the NBA and NFL don't like it, they can fund their own minor leagues, just like baseball does.
Title IX applies across the board; it’s most evident in athletics where teams are separated by gender
To review: There are basically TWO revenue sports in colleges and universities: football and MENS basketball. Every other sport is a financial drain, with the exception of two or three women's basketball teams.

Historically, the revenues from the two revenue-generating sports were used to fund other sports, and overall, A FEW colleges made enough on FB and BB to offset the losses from the other sports. But most colleges lose money overall on sports.

Along comes Title IX, and the Leftist do-gooders notice that few women are getting football scholarships. In fact, for most schools there are more football scholarships ALONE than are given to women in all sports combined. So they bully the universities into structuring their scholarship grants in a way that ensures that there are JUST AS MANY women getting scholarships as there are men getting scholarships.

Which leads to scholarships for fencing, band, crew, field hockey, and other nonsense games that nobody but the players' parents would ever bother to attend. This is absurd.

While the Title IX "logic" is frightfully wrong-headed (if football generates the revenue then football should reap the "profits," and damn the other sports), the better solution is to eliminate athletic scholarships altogether. College sports, if they must exist, should be competitions between actual, legitimately-admitted, STUDENTS from one school playing STUDENTS from another school, coached by unpaid volunteers or teachers.

And if the NBA and NFL don't like it, they can fund their own minor leagues, just like baseball does.

Nice rant. Long on assumptions and short on facts.

Don't like? Go to a small college.

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