Hollywood Is Taking Beating At Box Office

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Shattered said:
EVERY well-rounded, smart woman at *least* carries a tweezer with her at ALL times... :D

Or she learns the art of improvising like McGuyver.... :teeth:
rtwngAvngr said:
Yes. Actually it is. It's a lonely road, but someone has to walk it.

Is it frustrating having to shut the hell up about your actual beliefs? Don't you feel slimy being so two faced?

RWA... you the man brother. But, I hope you wiped the crap off your boot after you squashed this little turd.

Rep for you.
Perhaps it would help if I quoted his own words; maybe then he'd understand how the ignore feature works...

Pale Rider said:
You're a bigger idiot than I first thought.

I think you're sneaking peeks at what I post out of sheer curiousity. So, when you sneek a peek at this, you'll see that I'm telling you I'm happy I'm on your ignore list. Now complete the job and DO NOT respond to ANYTHING I post, otherwise we'll all know you're nothing more than a liar and a troll.
The ClayTaurus said:
Perhaps it would help if I quoted his own words; maybe then he'd understand how the ignore feature works...

Hmm.. He (PR) says nothing more than a <b>liar</b> and a <b>troll</b>..

What does that make someone who PMs people, spits 20 mins of profanity at them, and tells them not to respond because they're <i>leaving forever, and just got the last word in, and won't reply to anything they say <u>any more</u>?</i>

Does that not make <i>them</i> a liar and a troll as well, given they set the original definition?
Bang... bang... one right after ther other. A real pair. Even though I can't, and don't want to, see what they're saying, I can just imagine. The liberal board monkey followed directly by his new protector, the evil witch of the west. What a pair. The board is soooo much richer in content with the presence of these two intellectual giants, not to mention their outstanding composure.

Pale Rider said:
Bang... bang... one right after ther other. A real pair. Even though I can't, and don't want to, see what they're saying, I can just imagine. The liberal board monkey followed directly by his new protector, the evil witch of the west. What a pair. The board is soooo much richer in content with the presence of these two intellectual giants, not to mention their outstanding composure.


:rotflmao: He is sneaking looks. He's addicted! My favorite line is the one about composure. The hypocriticism just keeps comin' and comin'. I guess we learned one thing, Pale just proved he's nothing but a liar and a troll.
rtwngAvngr said:
Come on clay. Say what you were gonna say! And you can delete your own posts, ya know!
I duplicated my post. How do you delete your own post?

EDIT: Oh, there it is...
insein said:
Theres your answer right there. Guys arent flocking to see dudes get f'ed in the A. All these gay themed flicks or movies with random gay guys that dont add to the plot turn a heterosexual males stomach. Even as the propaganda spews forth this "gay bashing" mentality, hetero guys do not like gay sex thrown in there face and they damn sure arent going to pay to watch it. Hollywood's problem is that they arent reaching their core audience.

Thed only people that can't handle films involving gay characters are those people who are very insecure about their own sexuality. Come on pale rider and insein, we won't throw stones if you step out of that large walk-in closet.
I think the board is just having it's regular seasonal melt down. No matter, it's all good......for a larf.
menewa said:
Thed only people that can't handle films involving gay characters are those people who are very insecure about their own sexuality. Come on pale rider and insein, we won't throw stones if you step out of that large walk-in closet.
Pale Rider said:
(it's coming, just you wait)
menewa said:
Thed only people that can't handle films involving gay characters are those people who are very insecure about their own sexuality. Come on pale rider and insein, we won't throw stones if you step out of that large walk-in closet.

This is the standard line used by gays and gay apologists, "if you have a problem with the wholesome lifestyle of spending weekends in a bathhouse having perverted unprotected anal sex with 20 partners, you must have latent homosexual tendencies".
That's cute menewa and about as creative as Hollywood is lately.

Are you really going to pretend that there isn't a huge agenda being put forth in movies and television? If the same group was shoving Christian ideals and teachings down your throat you would have a call into the ACLU in record time.

The facts are that brokedick mountain is only being attended by gays and gay apologist(weenies that need to prove how open minded they are) and is a boxoffice flop. When does the new movie depicting sexual abuse of sheep by gay cowboys coming out?

We all already know that there are idiots that prey on the very young, they rape them and kill them or continue to rape them until they pass on their sick tendencies to the child, do we want to see a movie based on this crap?Probably not. Does that make you a closet pedophile? I don't think so.
This movie along with so many other things Hollywood does is nothing more than a poorly vailed attempt to say OK to the gay lifestyle since so many obviously suffer from the knowledge that what they enjoy doing is not a normal human lifestyle and need validation from normal people. Why do you think thelifestyle has been called queer for so long?

queer(kweer)adj. 1. strange, odd, eccentric. 2.causing one to feel suspicious, of questionable character. 3.slightly ill or faint.

No matter what bullshit movies Hollywood puts out, screwing around with the same sex is queer, not that there is anything wrong with that except maybe the high suicide rate, heavy drug use, promiscuity, the enormous amount of STDs and the spread of AIDS that is so prevalent in this exceptional lifestyle. Have fun playing around with that lifestyle menewa.

It is a basic defect in the human brain just as autism is a defect. Making movies about it will never make it normal. And the use of the word gay is just another example of attempting to hide how truely miserable the lifestyle is. I have known many homosexual people(I worked at an art store in Colorado for 7 years, many gay coworkers, some I became friends with),many are dead now. Most weren't truely happy at all, they just put on a facade when in public, the more flamboyant the worse they were when they got home and had to deal with themselves. A lot of suicidal tendencies. Where is that depiction of the gay lifestyle in the movies?
menewa said:
Thed only people that can't handle films involving gay characters are those people who are very insecure about their own sexuality. Come on pale rider and insein, we won't throw stones if you step out of that large walk-in closet.

That is the biggest load of bullcrap I've seen since a fertilizer barge passed near me where I was on the Mississippi River. It's one of those Catch-22 lines. "If you don't agree with us, then it must mean that you're actually one of us and just won't admit it." That's as childish as the "I'm rubber and you're glue" argument. The reason I'm disgusted with the idea of seeing two gay guys go at it has nothing to do with repressed tendancies and everything to do with the fact that, as a normal man, I'm interested only in girls...who are over the age of 18. And since I'm normal like that, the idea of having intimate relations with a guy is as disgusting to me as having intimate relations with an animal or a child (though the idea of preying on a child infuriates me more). Then there's the whole fact that it's considered a SIN by every world religion that defines morality except for secularism and environmentalism.
Originally Posted by menewa
Thed only people that can't handle films involving gay characters are those people who are very insecure about their own sexuality. Come on pale rider and insein, we won't throw stones if you step out of that large walk-in closet.

Your missing many things here. First the fact that Hollywood is taking a beating financially on movies that offend a majority of people is exactly what should happen in a free market society.

Secondly people are getting fed up with Hollywood purposefully making movies to "teach or preach a message" of their morally corrupt lives in a very transparent effort to shame the majority into accepting what we dont' wish to or believe in. If you were to really look at that for what it is you would discover that it is in fact their insecurity about their morality or lack of and their neurotic need that the rest of us accept it as "okay" by trying to make homosexuality, infidelity, and Catholic bashing etc.. something chic and trendy and open minded. Here's the good news, the majority is smarter than that, and we're not falling for that bullshit...okay????
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Hobbit said:
That is the biggest load of bullcrap I've seen since a fertilizer barge passed near me where I was on the Mississippi River. It's one of those Catch-22 lines. "If you don't agree with us, then it must mean that you're actually one of us and just won't admit it." That's as childish as the "I'm rubber and you're glue" argument. The reason I'm disgusted with the idea of seeing two gay guys go at it has nothing to do with repressed tendancies and everything to do with the fact that, as a normal man, I'm interested only in girls...who are over the age of 18. And since I'm normal like that, the idea of having intimate relations with a guy is as disgusting to me as having intimate relations with an animal or a child (though the idea of preying on a child infuriates me more). Then there's the whole fact that it's considered a SIN by every world religion that defines morality except for secularism and environmentalism.

It's not crap, it's basic psychology. The things we criticize others for are usually the things we dislike about ourselves.

And Sitarro, you made the equation between this and being against pedophiles. That I could call an anti-pedeophile a closet pedophile, but there is a big difference. Pedophiles are hurting an unwilling or manipulated victim. There is no victim in a consensual same-sex relationship.
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