Hollywood Is Taking Beating At Box Office

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Bonnie said:
Your missing many things here. First the fact that Hollywood is taking a beating financially on movies that offend a majority of people is exactly what should happen in a free market society.

Secondly people are getting fed up with Hollywood purposefully making movies to "teach or preach a message" of their morally corrupt lives in a very transparent effort to shame the majority into accepting what we dont' wish to or believe in. If you were to really look at that for what it is you would discover that it is in fact their insecurity about their morality or lack of and their neurotic need that the rest of us accept it as "okay" by trying to make homosexuality, infidelity, and Catholic bashing etc.. something chic and trendy and open minded. Here's the good news, the majority is smarter than that, and we're not falling for that bullshit...okay????

People aren't attending this movie for several reasons. Some are closed minded. Others are afraid of what others would think about them for seeing such a film. Some people just don't like long dramas. Also, lot's of the best movies made in the past 20 years got poor box office turnouts because many Americans like their movies simple and dumbed down. They don't want to think about complicated situations after a hard week at work.

The majority has been wrong time and time again. The majority also wasn't falling for integration or any of that "bullshit" either.
menewa said:
People aren't attending this movie for several reasons. Some are closed minded. Others are afraid of what others would think about them for seeing such a film. Some people just don't like long dramas. Also, lot's of the best movies made in the past 20 years got poor box office turnouts because many Americans like their movies simple and dumbed down. They don't want to think about complicated situations after a hard week at work.

The majority has been wrong time and time again. The majority also wasn't falling for integration or any of that "bullshit" either.

Wow, what a well thought out and convincing argument, now I've got to go see it. Oh crap it's Friday night, I'm sure all of the seats are sold out already, maybe if I go down to the theater now, I might be able get a reserved seat for tomorrow night's late show if I slip the counter person a hefty bribe.

Hey I see you brought back that majority wasn't for integration line, whuuuu are you sharp or what? I give up, you're just too good. Uncle!Uncle!
The majority has been wrong time and time again. The majority also wasn't falling for integration or any of that "bullshit" either

Can you try another argument other than the same old slavery/discrimination argument.

Why do you have such a hard time understanding that many people simply don't want to pay money to look at two men sleeping with eachother and keeping it from their wives?? That does not make people closed minded, it makes them smart enough to decide for themselves what they deem relevant, moral etc. Are you really so closed minded that you are intolerant of other's opinions, decisions, and morality and simply apply closed minded to anyone who doesn't see things your way????
And don't for a second try and tell me that Hollywood made this movie for entertainment purposes only knowing full well that very few people could relate to it's content????
menewa said:
It's not crap, it's basic psychology. The things we criticize others for are usually the things we dislike about ourselves.

And Sitarro, you made the equation between this and being against pedophiles. That I could call an anti-pedeophile a closet pedophile, but there is a big difference. Pedophiles are hurting an unwilling or manipulated victim. There is no victim in a consensual same-sex relationship.

Really, no victim? Seems that the movie you are pushing has at least two in the gay cowboys immediate family...their wives! When married men have their gay affairs and pass on whatever disgusting STD that is so prevalent in the gay community to their unsuspecting wives(you know the ones that entered into the Holy bond of Marriage with the promise to be faithful), you wouldn't classify them as victims? How about the children when they find out that there father sucks dick? Once again, great point menewa.

As for your Psych 101, check that theory out with Dr. Phil, I would love to hear his reply.
sitarro said:
Really, no victim? Seems that the movie you are pushing has at least two in the gay cowboys immediate family...their wives! When married men have their gay affairs and pass on whatever disgusting STD that is so prevalent in the gay community to their unsuspecting wives(you know the ones that entered into the Holy bond of Marriage with the promise to be faithful), you wouldn't classify them as victims? How about the children when they find out that there father sucks dick? Once again, great point menewa.

As for your Psych 101, check that theory out with Dr. Phil, I would love to hear his reply.

On those specific points, the damage is done from cheating. Careless infidelity, be it with man woman dog or child, is damaging.
The ClayTaurus said:
On those specific points, the damage is done from cheating. Careless infidelity, be it with man woman dog or child, is damaging.

Careless infidelity is part of the gay lifestyle. If you think it's not, you're living in a dreamworld.
menewa said:
...And Sitarro, you made the equation between this and being against pedophiles. That I could call an anti-pedeophile a closet pedophile, but there is a big difference. Pedophiles are hurting an unwilling or manipulated victim. There is no victim in a consensual same-sex relationship.

I'm afraid NAMBLA would disagree with you.
if Bill or Joe want to play with their pee pees in the tee pee...and are concenting adults...so be it...this is between them and our creator...however if they do this in front of me and my kids at Disneyland or Disneyworld...or on the "Big Screen" well they will find me to be most annoyed and against this nonsense...The population of pervs is extremely less than those of "Normal" people in this country and world wide...to push this off as a acceptable,normal and a majority falls short of reality...so if they insist on making porn movies... well stay with the masks and socks and sell to the few weidos underground...where it should remain! :firing:
sitarro said:
Wow, what a well thought out and convincing argument, now I've got to go see it. Oh crap it's Friday night, I'm sure all of the seats are sold out already, maybe if I go down to the theater now, I might be able get a reserved seat for tomorrow night's late show if I slip the counter person a hefty bribe.

Hey I see you brought back that majority wasn't for integration line, whuuuu are you sharp or what? I give up, you're just too good. Uncle!Uncle!

Of course you're not going to change your mind to the idea that same-sex relationships equates to an evil or bad or depraved lifestyle. Nobody on this board ever changes their opinions. This board is just a forum for political homers. It's just a long series of agreements with a concerted bashing for anything considered "leftist."
The ClayTaurus said:
On those specific points, the damage is done from cheating. Careless infidelity, be it with man woman dog or child, is damaging.

I would suggest that you talk that over with a woman who thought she had fallen in love with a normal, heterosexual, woman loving male and that he loved her enough to recite the Marriage vows and mean it.
Then she has the pleasure of finding out that not only is the Marriage a farce, she was fooled into falling for something other than a man. I would think she would be throwing up for weeks.

How about it ladies, is it the same thing?
menewa said:
Why would you equate a group like NAMBLA with two consenting adults? Are you eating ice cream too fast?

It's so tiresome explaining people's own posts to them. You said pedophilia is different from gay adult sex because with pedophilia there is "an unwilling or manipulated victim". NAMBLA, a gay organization, believes that gay men and boys (i.e. children) should be allowed to have sex. They do not think pedophilia is wrong for gay men. They think it's ok. They are for it. They promote it. They want it. They need it. Oh, and the ACLU defends it.

Hence, they would, as I said, disagree with your statement. Get it?

Btw, your inability to debate without attempted insults like your ice cream comment just further exposes you as a typical argument-losing lib. Are you guys ever able to debate without resorting personal insults? Never mind, I already know the answer to that one.
sitarro said:
I would suggest that you talk that over with a woman who thought she had fallen in love with a normal, heterosexual, woman loving male and that he loved her enough to recite the Marriage vows and mean it.
Then she has the pleasure of finding out that not only is the Marriage a farce, she was fooled into falling for something other than a man. I would think she would be throwing up for weeks...

And getting tested for AIDS and other STD's no doubt.
sitarro said:
I would suggest that you talk that over with a woman who thought she had fallen in love with a normal, heterosexual, woman loving male and that he loved her enough to recite the Marriage vows and mean it.
Then she has the pleasure of finding out that not only is the Marriage a farce, she was fooled into falling for something other than a man. I would think she would be throwing up for weeks.

How about it ladies, is it the same thing?

So the degree is what matters then. Funny, I thought damage was damage. Apparently there's a line of of what amount of damage resulting from infidelity is acceptable. Homo's fall on the too-much-damage-must-be-condemed side, while heteros fall on the not-enough-damage-to-be-condemned side.
sitarro said:
I would suggest that you talk that over with a woman who thought she had fallen in love with a normal, heterosexual, woman loving male and that he loved her enough to recite the Marriage vows and mean it.
Then she has the pleasure of finding out that not only is the Marriage a farce, she was fooled into falling for something other than a man. I would think she would be throwing up for weeks.

How about it ladies, is it the same thing?

You would have been a great SS officer, for you are capable or calling another human a thing simply for being somewhat different from you. You are quite the angry woman. When was the last time you got laid? And no, machines and large dogs don't count.
Menewa..It's not crap, it's basic psychology. The things we criticize others for are usually the things we dislike about ourselves.

Well I have taken many psych classes and not one of my textbooks ever stated that principal, but for the purposes of this discussion lets just take that out to it's logical ending then..............

I despise people that hurt animals so therefore I really want to hurt animals?

I hate people that are cruel to children, therfore I secretly want to hurt children?

I disagree with abortion and those who perform abortions therfore secretly I want to have or perform many abortions??

I hate corruption in Govt, therefore I REALLY would be very corrupt in public office?

This makes no sense whatsoever. To say that people who try to have a moral or religious or even secular set of principals they choose to live by does not mean they are secretly harboring deep down desires to actually go against those ideals........
Abbey Normal said:
It's so tiresome explaining people's own posts to them. You said pedophilia is different from gay adult sex because with pedophilia there is "an unwilling or manipulated victim". NAMBLA, a gay organization, believes that gay men and boys (i.e. children) should be allowed to have sex. They do not think pedophilia is wrong for gay men. They think it's ok. They are for it. They promote it. They want it. They need it. Oh, and the ACLU defends it.

Hence, they would, as I said, disagree with your statement. Get it?

Btw, your inability to debate without attempted insults like your ice cream comment just further exposes you as a typical argument-losing lib. Are you guys ever able to debate without resorting personal insults? Never mind, I already know the answer to that one.

Why do you continue to equate one group, NAMBLA, with all gay men? That is the point I was making.
sitarro said:
How about it ladies, is it the same thing?

I would be just as sick and hurt no matter who my husband cheated with. I will admit that my red-neck, truck driving what-the-f**k-are-you-looking-at tough guy husband being gay would shocked me more, but either way I would forgive neither infidelity.
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