Hollywood Is Taking Beating At Box Office

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Bonnie said:
Well I have taken many psych classes and not one of my textbooks ever stated that principal, but for the purposes of this discussion lets just take that out to it's logical ending then..............

I despise people that hurt animals so therefore I really want to hurt animals?

I hate people that are cruel to children, therfore I secretly want to hurt children?

I disagree with abortion and those who perform abortions therfore secretly I want to have or perform many abortions??

I hate corruption in Govt, therefore I REALLY would be very corrupt in public office?

This makes no sense whatsoever. To say that people who try to have a moral or religious or even secular set of principals they choose to live by does not mean they are secretly harboring deep down desires to actually go against those ideals........

The scenarios you listed are vastly different. The above scenarios involve a victim, consenting adult same-sex partnerships do not.

I wasn't claiming it was an all-encompassing rule anyway, but it is pretty common occurence. People who are insecure typically pick on others. That's usually the motivation behind bullying.
Said1 said:
I would be just as sick and hurt no matter who my husband cheated with. I will admit that my red-neck, truck driving what-the-f**k-are-you-looking-at tough guy husband being gay would shocked me more, but either way I would forgive neither infidelity.
You f#%*ing liberal.
menewa said:
Why do you continue to equate one group, NAMBLA, with all gay men? That is the point I was making.

Go back and try to read carefully. My post said, NAMBLA would disagree with you. Your attempt to twist simply isn't going to work. If you knew us better, you would have perhaps realized that.
Abbey Normal said:
Go back and try to read carefully. My post said, NAMBLA would disagree with you. Your attempt to twist simply isn't going to work. If you knew us better, you would have perhaps realized that.

I'm not trying to twist anything. Your NAMBLA comment was simply out of place unless you were equating all gays with the group. Otherwise, I don't really see the point in it. It's just a useless barb.
Bonnie said:
Well I have taken many psych classes and not one of my textbooks ever stated that principal, but for the purposes of this discussion lets just take that out to it's logical ending then..............

I despise people that hurt animals so therefore I really want to hurt animals?

I hate people that are cruel to children, therfore I secretly want to hurt children?

I disagree with abortion and those who perform abortions therfore secretly I want to have or perform many abortions??

I hate corruption in Govt, therefore I REALLY would be very corrupt in public office?

This makes no sense whatsoever. To say that people who try to have a moral or religious or even secular set of principals they choose to live by does not mean they are secretly harboring deep down desires to actually go against those ideals........

But Bonnie, they have to believe that there are no moral prinicples behind it, in order to feel better about themselves. Now that is your classic Psych 101.
menewa said:
I'm not trying to twist anything. Your NAMBLA comment was simply out of place unless you were equating all gays with the group. Otherwise, I don't really see the point in it. It's just a useless barb.

On the contrary, the analogy perfectly fit your comment.
menewa said:
Why do you continue to equate one group, NAMBLA, with all gay men? That is the point I was making.

being labeled as a know it all...I can attest as to being a former Fed Investigator of child porn...that of the cases I worked 65% of all child porn was related to "Gay" males...go figure! :shocked:
archangel said:
being labeled as a know it all...I can attest as to being a former Fed Investigator of child porn...that of the cases I worked 65% of all child porn was related to "Gay" males...go figure! :shocked:

Let me guess what the answer to this post will be. I would think that it would either be the. . . "on the internet you can pretend to be anything you want" or "do you have a link to those numbers?" He may also pull out the "How do you know they were gay, they were pedophiles!!!!! There's a huge difference!!!!" defense.

Let's wait and see. :D
sitarro said:
Let me guess what the answer to this post will be. I would think that it would either be the. . . "on the internet you can pretend to be anything you want" or "do you have a link to those numbers?" He may also pull out the "How do you know they were gay, they were pedophiles!!!!! There's a huge difference!!!!" defense.

Let's wait and see. :D

You consider certain people "things." Why don't you go marry Saddam, you two have "somethings" in common.
sitarro said:
Let me guess what the answer to this post will be. I would think that it would either be the. . . "on the internet you can pretend to be anything you want" or "do you have a link to those numbers?" He may also pull out the "How do you know they were gay, they were pedophiles!!!!! There's a huge difference!!!!" defense.

Let's wait and see. :D

and quite profound and accurate..."Those that do and those that teach"! :tng:
menewa said:
The scenarios you listed are vastly different. The above scenarios involve a victim, consenting adult same-sex partnerships do not.

I wasn't claiming it was an all-encompassing rule anyway, but it is pretty common occurence. People who are insecure typically pick on others. That's usually the motivation behind bullying.

Bullying is one thing that is not part of this discussion, and equating people who find homosexuality to be wrong and refuse to see a movie about that subject have a vast solar system of differences to bullying. So your point is not valid!

And this notion that just because some consenting homosexual realtionships are victimless does not make them above the boundaries of criticism or judgement.
The ClayTaurus said:
So the degree is what matters then. Funny, I thought damage was damage. Apparently there's a line of of what amount of damage resulting from infidelity is acceptable. Homo's fall on the too-much-damage-must-be-condemed side, while heteros fall on the not-enough-damage-to-be-condemned side.

if your girlfriend left you for pat robertson it would not hurt you more than if she left you for ellen degenress then ......no?

I understand your frustration with how vehemently anti-homosexual many people are here. As someone who does not have any problem with the gay lifestyle, it would definetly be frustrating, maybe even shocking to see how firmly some people feal regarding this issue. Some here are not at all shy to tell you what they think of gay people...and sometimes, what they have to say is very blunt and can be somewhat crude.

While I understand why you, who feel the way you do, would be stunned, annoyed, disgusted, by some of the responses you have gotten here...I would caution you to fall back on the utterly ridiculous "If you are against homosexuality then you are secretly gay," argument. It is childish and overused...and is nothing more than a school-yard taunt used by weak-minded people who do not have actual facts to support their opinions.

You do not have to secretly want to participate in an activity to disapprove of it. There is no psychological evidence to support this, none. The adage, "You dislike in others the traits you refuse to see in yourself," is where the old "people who dislike gays are secretly in the closet," nonsense came from. As some here have already pointed out...it is full of holes and simply has no place in a rational conversation between intelligent people about a topic where they have differring opinions.

Now I understand, you do not feel you are dealing with intelligent people with worthwhile opinions on this topic. But when you come out swinging with the "you must be gay," argument...anyone here who might be willing to deal with you in a respectful manner...or anyone here who might be able to calmly explain the issues they have with homosexuality instantaneously sees that you are someone not to be taken seriously...because you are more interested in name-calling and playing silly little games. (Do you also tell people who dislike Clinton that they are only anti-Clinton because they aren't getting laid? I saw you head in the "aren't you getting laid?" direction in another post...and it really got me wondering as to whether or not you were worth talking to.)

There are numerous arguments you could be citing in a thread like this in order to deal with the people on the board who could converse rationally. No, you are never going to be able to have a conversation with people who hate homosexuals about why they shouldn't...thats just a sad fact of life...but there are MANY people here who would welcome and open dialogue...but they shy away from it when you snidely insinuate that they are either a)gay or b)not getting enough ass ...why should anyone waste the time on someone who is only going to fall back on those lame liberal talking points?

Why haven't you mentioned that one movie about two men in a relationship does not equal a conspiracy? Why not bring up the topics of some movies with straight people involved? For instance, Gone With the Wind's heroine marries a man she doesn't love and spends the majority of the rest of her life trying to screw over her best friend to get into bed with her friends husband....now thats a role model for you. Why not bring up the studies that have shown that children raised by gay families do not turn out "gayer" than anyone else??? I can go on and on because I have read into both sides of the issue...have you read into your side at all? Or do you just have an opinion and figure you can get away with calling people closet homos if they disagree?

The bottom line is...you aren't being treated with respect and you aren't being taken seriously because you havent shown people here any reason to treat you that way. The majority of Americans are against gay marriage, Menewa....it doesn't mean that the majority of Americans really wish that they were a gay cowboy.

Speak rationally and calmly, ignore the people who can't stop throwing insults, and deal with the people who will discuss the issue rationally. You might not change minds...but you might teach someone something they didn't know before...and you might learn something that you didn't know before.
Gem said:

I understand your frustration with how vehemently anti-homosexual many people are here. As someone who does not have any problem with the gay lifestyle, it would definetly be frustrating, maybe even shocking to see how firmly some people feal regarding this issue. Some here are not at all shy to tell you what they think of gay people...and sometimes, what they have to say is very blunt and can be somewhat crude.

While I understand why you, who feel the way you do, would be stunned, annoyed, disgusted, by some of the responses you have gotten here...I would caution you to fall back on the utterly ridiculous "If you are against homosexuality then you are secretly gay," argument. It is childish and overused...and is nothing more than a school-yard taunt used by weak-minded people who do not have actual facts to support their opinions.

You do not have to secretly want to participate in an activity to disapprove of it. There is no psychological evidence to support this, none. The adage, "You dislike in others the traits you refuse to see in yourself," is where the old "people who dislike gays are secretly in the closet," nonsense came from. As some here have already pointed out...it is full of holes and simply has no place in a rational conversation between intelligent people about a topic where they have differring opinions.

Now I understand, you do not feel you are dealing with intelligent people with worthwhile opinions on this topic. But when you come out swinging with the "you must be gay," argument...anyone here who might be willing to deal with you in a respectful manner...or anyone here who might be able to calmly explain the issues they have with homosexuality instantaneously sees that you are someone not to be taken seriously...because you are more interested in name-calling and playing silly little games. (Do you also tell people who dislike Clinton that they are only anti-Clinton because they aren't getting laid? I saw you head in the "aren't you getting laid?" direction in another post...and it really got me wondering as to whether or not you were worth talking to.)

There are numerous arguments you could be citing in a thread like this in order to deal with the people on the board who could converse rationally. No, you are never going to be able to have a conversation with people who hate homosexuals about why they shouldn't...thats just a sad fact of life...but there are MANY people here who would welcome and open dialogue...but they shy away from it when you snidely insinuate that they are either a)gay or b)not getting enough ass ...why should anyone waste the time on someone who is only going to fall back on those lame liberal talking points?

Why haven't you mentioned that one movie about two men in a relationship does not equal a conspiracy? Why not bring up the topics of some movies with straight people involved? For instance, Gone With the Wind's heroine marries a man she doesn't love and spends the majority of the rest of her life trying to screw over her best friend to get into bed with her friends husband....now thats a role model for you. Why not bring up the studies that have shown that children raised by gay families do not turn out "gayer" than anyone else??? I can go on and on because I have read into both sides of the issue...have you read into your side at all? Or do you just have an opinion and figure you can get away with calling people closet homos if they disagree?

The bottom line is...you aren't being treated with respect and you aren't being taken seriously because you havent shown people here any reason to treat you that way. The majority of Americans are against gay marriage, Menewa....it doesn't mean that the majority of Americans really wish that they were a gay cowboy.

Speak rationally and calmly, ignore the people who can't stop throwing insults, and deal with the people who will discuss the issue rationally. You might not change minds...but you might teach someone something they didn't know before...and you might learn something that you didn't know before.

warm and fuzzy...let me get this right..'You do not have a problem with a perverted life style' just that it should be explained better? :eek2:
manu1959 said:
if your girlfriend left you for pat robertson it would not hurt you more than if she left you for ellen degenress then ......no?

I'd be pretty dejected either way. You're using examples of people who have known value systems to try and poke a hole in my general statement. If both male and female were two people I knew nothing about, it wouldn't matter to me who she was with, but rather that the love is no longer (or was a farce in the first place).
The ClayTaurus said:
I'd be pretty dejected either way. You're using examples of people who have known value systems to try and poke a hole in my general statement. If both male and female were two people I knew nothing about, it wouldn't matter to me who she was with, but rather that the love is no longer (or was a farce in the first place).

were trying to say here...must be the hat on backward thingee!
archangel said:
warm and fuzzy...let me get this right..'You do not have a problem with a perverted life style' just that it should be explained better? :eek2:
No, Arch. She wants people to be more respectful when they discuss things.
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