Hollywood Is Taking Beating At Box Office

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archangel said:
however I cut my beard off when I was through working undercover...and retired...LOL ya really do not now who I am or what I was...but shattered seems to know everything about me...lol :laugh:
Oh, I get it. You're undercover right now! There's a terrorist plot about to unfold on the short bus! Makes perfect sense.

I just got the report you sent me detailing your mission; catchy title, excellent use of black and yellow:


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The ClayTaurus said:
Oh, ok. That makes perfect sense. :wtf: Where did someone else call me a hypocrite then?

maybe tomorrow will bring you the answer...I'm going to go for some more "Irish"stew..the sandbox is closed for tonight! :huh: :bye1:
archangel said:
however I cut my beard off when I was through working undercover...and retired...LOL ya really do not know who I am or what I was...but shattered seems to know everything about me...lol :laugh:

Arch - why don't you stick to the discussion at hand? You were clearly asked to show the hypocrisy you accused him (and plenty of others, while we're at it) of displaying..

Where is it? Can you point it out, specifically, please?

A simple YES (followed with a link) or NO (with a 'oops - my mistake') will suffice nicely.
Shattered said:
Arch - why don't you stick to the discussion at hand? You were clearly asked to show the hypocrisy you accused him (and plenty of others, while we're at it) of displaying..

Where is it? Can you point it out, specifically, please?

A simple YES (followed with a link) or NO (with a 'oops - my mistake') will suffice nicely.
You're forgetting, he's the marshal of Dodge City. It's right in his avatar. Here's his next one:
archangel said:
maybe tomorrow will bring you the answer...I'm going to go for some more "Irish"stew..the sandbox is closed for tonight! :huh: :bye1:
"I hath been smoted" works much better, and requires far less typing. Hey, you made it like 5 days on your New Year's resolution of being a nice guy and not getting into squabbles. Good job!
Arch wrote:
let me get this right..'You do not have a problem with a perverted life style' just that it should be explained better?

I think this illustrates perfectly why you and I have butted heads in other threads, Arch. You read what you want to read in my posts, either because of a simple misunderstanding or your own preconceived notions of what I am going to say...rather than actually trying to comprehend what I'm writing.

I did not say anything about my own person views of homosexuality. I just stated that if Menewa finds nothing wrong with homosexuals than the vehemence of people on this thread might be hard for him to handle. I can understand that feeling, having posted on Liberal boards and having my own posts met with hatred and insults.

I also stated clearly (in fact this was the point of my post) that if Menewa wanted to discuss the issue rationally he should do so, rather than resorting to "YOU'RE GAY!" comments which make him look like a liberal stooge, rather than someone worth talking to.

Most people who have read my posts know that I do not approve of gay marriage, I think it would set a terrible precedent that would have very negative consequences. I have argued vehemently (but rationally) with many of the liberal posters here about this issue.

Most people know that I do not hate homosexuals, but more importantly, I do not think that anyone should be forced or coerced in our society to approve of that lifestyle if they choose not to for any reason. I think that our society IS trying to force acceptance and tolerance and I do think that Hollywood is one of the main forces behind this movement. I have never claimed anything different, hence why your response is so out-of-place.

I'm sorry, once again, Arch, that you have misinterpreted my post. Hopefully one day you will give my posts a chance, reading them clearly before you jump in to accuse me of saying things I simply did not say. Obviously, you do not have to like me or my posts, I know you often don't...but to attribute thoughts or opinions to me that I have not expressed is silly.
archangel said:
maybe tomorrow will bring you the answer...I'm going to go for some more "Irish"stew..the sandbox is closed for tonight! :huh: :bye1:

Who you kidding. You'll be back before the viddles start repeatin on ya.
Said1 said:
Who you kidding. You'll be back before the viddles start repeatin on ya.

Who you kidding. He was back before his meat hit the frying pan, and hasn't left long enough to dice a potato yet. Cheezit's and beer.
Gem said:
Arch wrote:

I think this illustrates perfectly why you and I have butted heads in other threads, Arch. You read what you want to read in my posts, either because of a simple misunderstanding or your own preconceived notions of what I am going to say...rather than actually trying to comprehend what I'm writing.

I did not say anything about my own person views of homosexuality. I just stated that if Menewa finds nothing wrong with homosexuals than the vehemence of people on this thread might be hard for him to handle. I can understand that feeling, having posted on Liberal boards and having my own posts met with hatred and insults.

I also stated clearly (in fact this was the point of my post) that if Menewa wanted to discuss the issue rationally he should do so, rather than resorting to "YOU'RE GAY!" comments which make him look like a liberal stooge, rather than someone worth talking to.

Most people who have read my posts know that I do not approve of gay marriage, I think it would set a terrible precedent that would have very negative consequences. I have argued vehemently (but rationally) with many of the liberal posters here about this issue.

Most people know that I do not hate homosexuals, but more importantly, I do not think that anyone should be forced or coerced in our society to approve of that lifestyle if they choose not to for any reason. I think that our society IS trying to force acceptance and tolerance and I do think that Hollywood is one of the main forces behind this movement. I have never claimed anything different, hence why your response is so out-of-place.

I'm sorry, once again, Arch, that you have misinterpreted my post. Hopefully one day you will give my posts a chance, reading them clearly before you jump in to accuse me of saying things I simply did not say. Obviously, you do not have to like me or my posts, I know you often don't...but to attribute thoughts or opinions to me that I have not expressed is silly.

I was not attacking you...rather asking for a clarification...which you did...so thank you! and I do not know you personally...so to say i dislike you is also silly!
Said1 said:
Who you kidding. You'll be back before the viddles start repeatin on ya.

if ya knew how to cook ya would not have made this silly comment..."Stew" simmers on the stove...made earlier and went for a second...dah!
archangel said:
if ya knew how to cook ya would not have made this silly comment..."Stew" simmers on the stove...made earlier and went for a second...dah!
Simmering has nothing to do with eating and farting. But I see your back, so it's a moot point, no matter how you interpret it. :laugh:
Arch Wrote:
I was not attacking you...rather asking for a clarification...which you did...so thank you! and I do not know you personally...so to say i dislike you is also silly!

Never claimed that you were attacking me, Arch...only that you were attributing statements and opinions to me that I had never said nor expressed in my post.

Glad my clarification helped.

I am also glad that you think its silly to dislike someone you've never met...I agree with you wholeheartedly.

However, if that is truly the case you might want to rethink the names you choose to call people when you give them negative rep. While you may have forgotten (it was a long time ago), which is fine, they were certainly words that illustrated a certain dislike not just for my opinions, but for me personally.

Again, because I agree that disliking people you've never met is silly, youre insults never really bothered me...I just assumed from the words you used that you didn't hold the same belief I have regarding strangers on message boards. Glad to see that you aren't that strange...thanks for clearing that up!

Hope you enjoyed your "stew."
archangel said:
if ya knew how to cook ya would not have made this silly comment..."Stew" simmers on the stove...made earlier and went for a second...dah!


maybe tomorrow will bring you the answer...I'm going to go for some more "Irish"stew..the sandbox is closed for tonight!:dunno: :bye1:
The ClayTaurus said:
tonight = 34 minutes. Didn't you get the report from Arch? The black and yellow one?
I think I'm on 'ignor' list. Can you ignor a mod? :laugh:
Gem said:
Arch Wrote:

Never claimed that you were attacking me, Arch...only that you were attributing statements and opinions to me that I had never said nor expressed in my post.

Glad my clarification helped.

I am also glad that you think its silly to dislike someone you've never met...I agree with you wholeheartedly.

However, if that is truly the case you might want to rethink the names you choose to call people when you give them negative rep. While you may have forgotten (it was a long time ago), which is fine, they were certainly words that illustrated a certain dislike not just for my opinions, but for me personally.

Again, because I agree that disliking people you've never met is silly, youre insults never really bothered me...I just assumed from the words you used that you didn't hold the same belief I have regarding strangers on message boards. Glad to see that you aren't that strange...thanks for clearing that up!

Hope you enjoyed your "stew."

I apologize for what I may had said to you in a pm many months ago...however pms are supposed to be private... between the parties involved..is this not a violation of the rules? No problem I am not complaining... just airing my concern as to where you are going with this! I made a New Years resolution to be a kinder and gentler person...although it is hard from time to time! :coffee3:
archangel said:
I apologize for what I may had said to you in a pm many months ago...however pms are supposed to be private... between the parties involved..is this not a violation of the rules? No problem I am not complaining... just airing my concern as to where you are going with this! I made a New Years resolution to be a kinder and gentler person...although it is hard from time to time! :coffee3:
More hypocrisy. You've discussed PM's before, windbag. Quit being such an ass.
archangel said:
I apologize for what I may had said to you in a pm many months ago...however pms are supposed to be private... between the parties involved..is this not a violation of the rules? No problem I am not complaining... just airing my concern as to where you are going with this! I made a New Years resolution to be a kinder and gentler person...although it is hard from time to time! :coffee3:

She said "rep" - not "pm's". She also did not mention what said "words" were - just made a general reference. There's that whole reading comprehension thing..

As for the "kindler/gentler" person - when does that start, exactly? Jan 1 has passed by almost a week ago.
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