Holocaust deniers


Gold Member
Jan 10, 2009
How does a human address them? Is ignoring them immoral? Shouldn't they be confronted?
How does a human address them? Is ignoring them immoral? Shouldn't they be confronted?

With the simple phrase "Fuck you."

Added: I think the biggest problem with discussing people like Holocaust Deniers or Sovereign Citizens or Truthers isn't in trying to show them they are wrong, but rather it gives them some sense of legitimacy in the eyes of many people. Instead of simply dismissing them publically by saying "here are the facts, now go be crazy somewhere else" is that by having any dialog with them, it gives the impression that their ideas are worth discussing and publically debating in the first place.
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How does a human address them? Is ignoring them immoral? Shouldn't they be confronted?

With the simple phrase "Fuck you."

Added: I think the biggest problem with discussing people like Holocaust Deniers or Sovereign Citizens or Truthers isn't in trying to show them they are wrong, but rather it gives them some sense of legitimacy in the eyes of many people. Instead of simply dismissing them publically by saying "here are the facts, now go be crazy somewhere else" is that by having any dialog with them, it gives the impression that their ideas are worth discussing and publically debating in the first place.

Certainly the least stressful for rational humans. Thank you.
In the greatest Country in the world everyone has the right to be stupid. Some take advantage of it more than others and the union based education system does it's best to dumb down students. What can you do with a kid who comes home and tells you that the Holocaust didn't exist? Explain that the education system sometimes teaches falsehoods and he needs to think for himself?
How does a human address them? Is ignoring them immoral? Shouldn't they be confronted?

The Holocaust is one of the best documented atrocities in human history. When people deny it...it's usually fairly easy to attack them with facts.

As far as the morality of it? It's an individual choice - where do you draw the line? There are all kinds of atrocities that are covered over - Holocaust, Armenian genocide, Bosnian genocide - etc.
What can you do with a kid who comes home and tells you that the Holocaust didn't exist? Explain that the education system sometimes teaches falsehoods and he needs to think for himself?

Take him to the library.

If he continues to believe the Holocaust didn't happen, kick him to the curb because there's no curing stupid.

Witty but enigmatic...brilliant use of empty space...umh...can you fill in the gaps?:D
How does a human address them? Is ignoring them immoral? Shouldn't they be confronted?

People who deny that Israel is massacring more Palestinians than they need to including civilians. How do you address them? Is ignoring them immoral? Shouldn't they be confronted?
How does a human address them? Is ignoring them immoral? Shouldn't they be confronted?

The Holocaust is one of the best documented atrocities in human history. When people deny it...it's usually fairly easy to attack them with facts.

As far as the morality of it? It's an individual choice - where do you draw the line? There are all kinds of atrocities that are covered over - Holocaust, Armenian genocide, Bosnian genocide - etc.
After WWII, Gen. Eisenhower, Churchiil, and Charles de Gaulle, all wrote multi-volumed books about their experiences in the war.

And yet there was not a single mention of the so called Holocaust or gas chambers in their exhaustive memoirs. .. :cool:
How does a human address them? Is ignoring them immoral? Shouldn't they be confronted?

The Holocaust is one of the best documented atrocities in human history. When people deny it...it's usually fairly easy to attack them with facts.

As far as the morality of it? It's an individual choice - where do you draw the line? There are all kinds of atrocities that are covered over - Holocaust, Armenian genocide, Bosnian genocide - etc.
After WWII, Gen. Eisenhower, Churchiil, and Charles de Gaulle, all wrote multi-volumed books about their experiences in the war.

And yet there was not a single mention of the so called Holocaust or gas chambers in their exhaustive memoirs. .. :cool:

I haven't read them, so I can't comment on them...yet, the Germans themselves kept meticulous records...for example the horrific human medical experiments done on children...and, there were the military members who liberated the concentration camps, discovered the mass graves (also documented photographically) and the gas chambers.

....just saying :cool:
What can you do with a kid who comes home and tells you that the Holocaust didn't exist? Explain that the education system sometimes teaches falsehoods and he needs to think for himself?

Take him to the library.

If he continues to believe the Holocaust didn't happen, kick him to the curb because there's no curing stupid.

How does a human address them? Is ignoring them immoral? Shouldn't they be confronted?

The Holocaust is one of the best documented atrocities in human history. When people deny it...it's usually fairly easy to attack them with facts.

As far as the morality of it? It's an individual choice - where do you draw the line? There are all kinds of atrocities that are covered over - Holocaust, Armenian genocide, Bosnian genocide - etc.
After WWII, Gen. Eisenhower, Churchiil, and Charles de Gaulle, all wrote multi-volumed books about their experiences in the war.

And yet there was not a single mention of the so called Holocaust or gas chambers in their exhaustive memoirs. .. :cool:

Shirer covered it in detail. The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. Touchy suhject becaise of Lt. Bushyhead, and some others.
What can you do with a kid who comes home and tells you that the Holocaust didn't exist? Explain that the education system sometimes teaches falsehoods and he needs to think for himself?

Take him to the library.

If he continues to believe the Holocaust didn't happen, kick him to the curb because there's no curing stupid.

The Holocaust is one of the best documented atrocities in human history. When people deny it...it's usually fairly easy to attack them with facts.

As far as the morality of it? It's an individual choice - where do you draw the line? There are all kinds of atrocities that are covered over - Holocaust, Armenian genocide, Bosnian genocide - etc.
After WWII, Gen. Eisenhower, Churchiil, and Charles de Gaulle, all wrote multi-volumed books about their experiences in the war.

And yet there was not a single mention of the so called Holocaust or gas chambers in their exhaustive memoirs. .. :cool:

I haven't read them, so I can't comment on them...yet, the Germans themselves kept meticulous records...for example the horrific human medical experiments done on children...and, there were the military members who liberated the concentration camps, discovered the mass graves (also documented photographically) and the gas chambers.

....just saying :cool:

3,000 TONS of evidence introduced in the Nuremburg trials. Another ton of photos, human remains, and evidence collected by Allied toops. Some partially burned, the Nazis could not burn it all however; and thousands of eyewitnesses. The evil in human form at Nurenburg gave detailed confessions along with the finger pointing at each other.
I don't have access to my copy of Crusade in Europe right this second, but Ike had no problem writing about the Holocaust.

Here's a whole page of primary source documents from or to Ike Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum

I really like the cable to George Marshall

Thus, the reason Bushyhead received a light sentence, he had walked miles OUTSIDE the vehicles to the death camp.....saw the "officers" lined up.........did what he did.
How does a human address them? Is ignoring them immoral? Shouldn't they be confronted?

People who deny that Israel is massacring more Palestinians than they need to including civilians. How do you address them? Is ignoring them immoral? Shouldn't they be confronted?

The IDF has bombed over 3,000 buildings, yet has killed less than half that number of people.
If Hamas allowed people to respond to Israel's warnings even fewer Gazans would have been killed.

Either that or Israel really sucks when it comes to killing people.
Added: I think the biggest problem with discussing people like Holocaust Deniers or Sovereign Citizens or Truthers...
What's a Sovereign Citizen?

Let me google that for you

Those folks that think they don't need license plates, US currency is invalid because it includes the words "In God We Trust", the Constitution doesn't apply to them because of Common Law, taxes don't exist. Think a real life version of Dale Gribble.

It's be funny if they weren't shooting cops who pull them over for speeding because tyranny.
Added: I think the biggest problem with discussing people like Holocaust Deniers or Sovereign Citizens or Truthers...
What's a Sovereign Citizen?

Let me google that for you
I could have done that myself.

I wanted YOUR definition.

A guy at work said I was a "sovereign citizen" so I asked him what he thought that meant and he couldn't explain either.

I'm not a sovereign citizen but when I walk into a courtroom, I AM The Sovereign.

Anyone who calls himself a sovereign citizen is a f*ckin' idiot.
I could have done that myself.

I wanted YOUR definition.

A guy at work said I was a "sovereign citizen" so I asked him what he thought that meant and he couldn't explain either.

I'm not a sovereign citizen but when I walk into a courtroom, I AM The Sovereign.

Anyone who calls himself a sovereign citizen is a f*ckin' idiot.

Yeah, I believe that was Steven R's point ... but you knew that when you asked and were just being an obnoxious asshat.

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