Holy Cow... distracted Florida driver does a Dukes of Hazard over a tow truck... wow.

That isn't distrscted, that's not even looking. How far back would he have seen the trailer? Then to physically feel your vehicle hit a hard bump, and sta staight. Weird. He is quite lucky too.
That isn't distrscted, that's not even looking. How far back would he have seen the trailer? Then to physically feel your vehicle hit a hard bump, and sta staight. Weird. He is quite lucky too.

Just to note, it's a she. (not that it matters)
Did he or she miss the black Honda?.... holy shit....
I was on my way home late one night and looked over at some emergency vehicles and then I noticed a car sitting on the roof of a house.... it had hit a bolder in the persons yard and it launched him and his car up onto the roof of the house....
True story... and only a couple months ago.
it was raining freaking hard, I am waiting on traffic to turn right into a parking lot.
A large red truck goes by, I don't see anyone else coming and start turning.
Out of nowhere this silver car goes flying by, swerves to miss me and hits a boulder and launches it into the air.
I would estimate about 10 feet as it was over my head.
Somehow the dude was not hurt.
He did not have his headlights on, and was estimated to be driving over the speed limit in super rainy conditions. So the police made it his fault, even though I pulled into his path.
I saw nothing. The car was silver, the sky was silver, the streets are silver when totally wet... and rain is a silverish color as well.
And this is exactly why I never have, or ever will drive a silver car.
That isn't distrscted, that's not even looking. How far back would he have seen the trailer? Then to physically feel your vehicle hit a hard bump, and sta staight. Weird. He is quite lucky too.
Did the people inside that car actually live to tell about the experience?

God bless you always!!!


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