HOLY CRAP: Germany takes control of three Russian refineries

The germans stupidly bought into not just globalism, but GREEN globalism at that

Turning their backs on domestic energy security for the Green New Deal was not smart

Which is a policy that your president joe biden is following also
And Germans in their forests cutting down trees for the winter. Germans are some of the smartest people on Earth and have been held back a bit by the globalists and even used by them for their goals. And the people are going to do a Haiti answer to their problems.
Predictably, some aren't thrilled with this development.

Maybe Putin will come through for them.
Predictably, some aren't thrilled with this development.

Maybe Putin will come through for them.
Ukraine was nothing to us officially. It is obvious though that there is a massive corruption factor and payoffs, and every other financial crime goes through it to enrich the real privileged. East meets West and the corrupted in the West launders their ill-gotten gains. Putin in control would leave those in the West hanging on his dictums. This is not a Western World issue. It is a Western World corrupted privileged, politics related and elitists issue.
Mouse in your pocket?

I could give two shits about Little and Great Russia. Much less sending billions upon billions into that black hole of corruption.
I'm sure you would have said the same thing about the Sudetenland in 1938, and look how well that turned out.
Wow, this is a pretty bold move for the desperately-trying-to-stay-the-hell-out-it Germans.

I wonder what "taking control of" actually looks like. That little blonde Russian despot probably won't like it.

These were the guys who laughed at Trump when he warned them about being dependent on Russian energy. You laughed, too, as I recall.
They buy it from the Middle East. That was easy.

Refining capacity is actually a bigger issue right now than oil production itself. A lot of older refineries that were shut down during Covid weren't started up again because they were too inefficient.

Meanwhile, the Russians are pretty much in full retreat in the Ukraine and people in Russia are grumbling about shortages and how they got into this debacle. .

The question is how to get it to the refineries from the middle east.

Only route I can think of is ports on the North Sea and the Baltic, and I wonder how good their offload capacities are, as well as their ability to get the crude from the ports to the refineries themselves.

This probably also has the Poles concerned, as any attempt by Russia to get back at Germany has to go through them.

Maybe "some damn fool thing in the Balkans" will be replaced by "some damn fool thing in Eastern Europe"
Turning their backs on domestic energy security for the Green New Deal was not smart
That makes no sense since Germany doesn't really have domestic energy reserves. They're always going to rely on importation of energy sources.
That makes no sense since Germany doesn't really have domestic energy reserves. They're always going to rely on importation of energy sources.
Leaving aside coal and nuclear, which germany could have if they wanted it, at least import energy from allies and friends instead of a hostile dictatorship like russia

That is incredibly stupid
The germans stupidly bought into not just globalism, but GREEN globalism at that

Turning their backs on domestic energy security for the Green New Deal was not smart

Which is a policy that your president joe biden is following also

The Moon Bats in the US are just as stupid as the Moon Bats in Europe.
Leaving aside coal and nuclear, which germany could have if they wanted it, at least import energy from allies and friends instead of a hostile dictatorship like russia

That is incredibly stupid
That Germany would trust Russia is astonishing to me.

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