HOLY CRAP, my best friend might be RIGHT about Trump

So after 4 years of undergrad, 1.5 years of grad school, and 20 years with the company, they can just dump my ass into Medicare?

Well that's just fucking great, so once again I get to pay for other people's coverage by having my own fucked up.

People who have Medicare love it. And they love the choices they have when they shop for Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement plans from a nice, wide range of insurers who are competing and innovating for their business.

because they are old and it's the only game in town. and I'm sure the looove Medicare when it tries to take a house away from a family to cover the costs of an older relative's long term care....

Now try that with people in their prime, people who get injuries from active sports and such, people with terminal diseases that are in the prime of their lives and may not be as willing as an older person to "let nature take its course", and see how it works out....

and you didn't actually answer my problem with it. I played the game by the rules, and now I am going to be squished into the masses, made up of some people who made terrible life choices, and will now be getting a pass for them. Same as Obamacare, same as the $15 minimum wage, same as welfare.

And people wonder why we got Trump.....who I hope isn't really considering this.
You're paying for the freeloaders when you make your premium payments. You're paying for freeloaders when you go to the ER. You're paying for the freeloaders when you buy meds. You're even paying for the freeloaders if you pay cash.

It's all built in to the cost of health care.

But with this idea the freeloaders get taken care of right out of the box, and that basically creates an incentive for their bad behavior.

And in this case, I lose what I worked for, employer subsidized medical coverage, and get thrown in with everyone, so all my hard work and education basically means nothing.
You didn't put in all that hard work and education so that someone else would pay for your health care coverage, did you?

it was part of the package. I went into Engineering, and part of the deal was high pay and good benefits for the 17.5 years of education, the license I had to acquire, and the continuing education I have to keep doing to keep said license. I worked hard, studied hard, played by the rules, and now you want government to take some of the things I worked for just to let some idiots get the same thing for zero work towards it? Yes, some blameless people will be helped, but a lot of those idiots who never went to class, never cared about the future, and now whine about it will be helped as well, and how is that fucking fair?
People who have Medicare love it. And they love the choices they have when they shop for Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement plans from a nice, wide range of insurers who are competing and innovating for their business.

because they are old and it's the only game in town. and I'm sure the looove Medicare when it tries to take a house away from a family to cover the costs of an older relative's long term care....

Now try that with people in their prime, people who get injuries from active sports and such, people with terminal diseases that are in the prime of their lives and may not be as willing as an older person to "let nature take its course", and see how it works out....

and you didn't actually answer my problem with it. I played the game by the rules, and now I am going to be squished into the masses, made up of some people who made terrible life choices, and will now be getting a pass for them. Same as Obamacare, same as the $15 minimum wage, same as welfare.

And people wonder why we got Trump.....who I hope isn't really considering this.
You're paying for the freeloaders when you make your premium payments. You're paying for freeloaders when you go to the ER. You're paying for the freeloaders when you buy meds. You're even paying for the freeloaders if you pay cash.

It's all built in to the cost of health care.

But with this idea the freeloaders get taken care of right out of the box, and that basically creates an incentive for their bad behavior.

And in this case, I lose what I worked for, employer subsidized medical coverage, and get thrown in with everyone, so all my hard work and education basically means nothing.
You didn't put in all that hard work and education so that someone else would pay for your health care coverage, did you?

it was part of the package. I went into Engineering, and part of the deal was high pay and good benefits for the 17.5 years of education, the license I had to acquire, and the continuing education I have to keep doing to keep said license. I worked hard, studied hard, played by the rules, and now you want government to take some of the things I worked for just to let some idiots get the same thing for zero work towards it? Yes, some blameless people will be helped, but a lot of those idiots who never went to class, never cared about the future, and now whine about it will be helped as well, and how is that fucking fair?
Engineer here too.....we will rule the world!!!!!
People who have Medicare love it. And they love the choices they have when they shop for Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement plans from a nice, wide range of insurers who are competing and innovating for their business.

because they are old and it's the only game in town. and I'm sure the looove Medicare when it tries to take a house away from a family to cover the costs of an older relative's long term care....

Now try that with people in their prime, people who get injuries from active sports and such, people with terminal diseases that are in the prime of their lives and may not be as willing as an older person to "let nature take its course", and see how it works out....

and you didn't actually answer my problem with it. I played the game by the rules, and now I am going to be squished into the masses, made up of some people who made terrible life choices, and will now be getting a pass for them. Same as Obamacare, same as the $15 minimum wage, same as welfare.

And people wonder why we got Trump.....who I hope isn't really considering this.
You're paying for the freeloaders when you make your premium payments. You're paying for freeloaders when you go to the ER. You're paying for the freeloaders when you buy meds. You're even paying for the freeloaders if you pay cash.

It's all built in to the cost of health care.

But with this idea the freeloaders get taken care of right out of the box, and that basically creates an incentive for their bad behavior.

And in this case, I lose what I worked for, employer subsidized medical coverage, and get thrown in with everyone, so all my hard work and education basically means nothing.
You didn't put in all that hard work and education so that someone else would pay for your health care coverage, did you?

it was part of the package. I went into Engineering, and part of the deal was high pay and good benefits for the 17.5 years of education, the license I had to acquire, and the continuing education I have to keep doing to keep said license. I worked hard, studied hard, played by the rules, and now you want government to take some of the things I worked for just to let some idiots get the same thing for zero work towards it? Yes, some blameless people will be helped, but a lot of those idiots who never went to class, never cared about the future, and now whine about it will be helped as well, and how is that fucking fair?
I'm really not worried about what is perceived as "fair". A healthier populace is good economics. Getting rid of our insane 7-headed health care delivery/payment "system" is good economics. An efficient health care system is good economics. Not putting health care cost burdens on providers and employers is good economics. That's where my interest is.
I'd be interested to know what Republicans would think of this from a political perspective.

So my buddy and I met for beers yesterday, and this morning my foggy little brain could have SWORN he said that Trump may be pushing to expand the current Medicare / Medicare Advantage / Medicare Supplement system to all, which is PRECISELY what I have been SCREAMING for, for fucking YEARS.

Get this, according to Forbes, it's possible: Trump's Stealth Health Plan Could Be 'Medicare For All'

Good gawd, that would be nice. From the piece:

First, a little background. The premise of MFA is that everyone outside of corporate and government health plans would be automatically covered. There would be no state marketplaces, no provider networks and no draconian deductibles. You wouldn't have to apply and choose a plan based on premiums. Access would be a non-issue.

The Medicare system at present has four parts covering hospitals, medical services, an optional managed care and prescription drugs. You pay modest premiums for each component and can supplement out-of-pocket costs through private "supplement" or "Medigap" policies.

An expanded Medicare, in short, wouldn't just be for those over 65 and the permanently disabled. If you needed it, you'd get it at any age and wouldn't have to wait for enrollment periods or deal with an online marketplace. You could keep your doctors and local health care providers. Medicare would simply pay most the lion's share of your medical bills.

What makes me believe that Trump might back MFA? He's consistently said he wants "everybody" to be covered. That would happen with a single-payer program like Medicare.

"As far as single payer, it works in Canada," Trump said during a GOP debate in 2015. "It works incredibly well in Scotland. It could have worked in a different age, which is the age you’re talking about here,” he said, noting several times in the past he would not cut Medicare or Social Security, both of which are on the GOP's hit list.

“We’re going to have a health care that is far less expensive and far better,” said Trump at his news conference on Jan. 11. “We don’t want anyone who currently has insurance to not have insurance,” said Kellyanne Conway, a Trump adviser, on Jan. 3. “Also we are very aware that the public likes coverage for pre-existing conditions.”

Some Added Benefits

Does Trump truly back a single-payer plan or has he been casually spouting populist rhetoric while still in campaign mode? It's certainly been easy to be against Obamacare, but there's an upside to Medicare expansion because you could offer access to a popular, low-cost program that could actually reduce the overall costs of health care.

Better yet, MFA could replace the Affordable Care Act, which the GOP is in the process of dismantling, although it hasn't announced a viable replacement plan. Trump has also said he wants to scrap the law.

Here's another political bonus: The animus against Obamacare may not come into play with an expanded Medicare. The program is popular; polls consistently show that the public wants to keep it intact. And universal Medicare would eliminate most of the gripes people now have with Obamacare such as high deductibles, out-of-network fees, rising premiums and coverage gaps, which is a problem with any system anchored by private insurers.


When Trump says he has a "Secret Plan" it means he doesn't have shit
People who have Medicare love it. And they love the choices they have when they shop for Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement plans from a nice, wide range of insurers who are competing and innovating for their business.
Yeah, it's $27 Trillion in unfunded liabilities in the hole and growing every day, so they'll love it right up to the point that the public debt burden becomes so great that it collapses the currency, after that not so much. Those that want to expand it from the current 55 million enrolled to 330 million enrolled are obviously living in an alternate plane of existence where money grows on trees.
Then we tweak the system. For example, Medicare pays 80%. Perhaps we'd have to drop that a bit, maybe for the younger people with a sliding scale. When we see problems, we don't just give up. We can work together to find solutions, if our minds are open.
"tweak" a system that is already under water so it can handle 6 times the costs? Why the hell would ANYBODY want to hand over the entire system to an entity which has proven time and again to be the most inefficient, focused only on the short term and corrupt handler of other peoples money in the history of Humanity? That's like trying to cure a drug addict by giving him 6 times the drugs, yeah sure it'll cure him but unfortunately it cures him by killing him.

We cannot afford the federal government run health care system that we have right now and thus the only sane alternative it to get the federal government OUT of the health care business altogether put it completely in the hands of the private sector and let the federal government provide fixed annual subsidies to those below the poverty line.
because they are old and it's the only game in town. and I'm sure the looove Medicare when it tries to take a house away from a family to cover the costs of an older relative's long term care....

Now try that with people in their prime, people who get injuries from active sports and such, people with terminal diseases that are in the prime of their lives and may not be as willing as an older person to "let nature take its course", and see how it works out....

and you didn't actually answer my problem with it. I played the game by the rules, and now I am going to be squished into the masses, made up of some people who made terrible life choices, and will now be getting a pass for them. Same as Obamacare, same as the $15 minimum wage, same as welfare.

And people wonder why we got Trump.....who I hope isn't really considering this.
You're paying for the freeloaders when you make your premium payments. You're paying for freeloaders when you go to the ER. You're paying for the freeloaders when you buy meds. You're even paying for the freeloaders if you pay cash.

It's all built in to the cost of health care.

But with this idea the freeloaders get taken care of right out of the box, and that basically creates an incentive for their bad behavior.

And in this case, I lose what I worked for, employer subsidized medical coverage, and get thrown in with everyone, so all my hard work and education basically means nothing.
You didn't put in all that hard work and education so that someone else would pay for your health care coverage, did you?

it was part of the package. I went into Engineering, and part of the deal was high pay and good benefits for the 17.5 years of education, the license I had to acquire, and the continuing education I have to keep doing to keep said license. I worked hard, studied hard, played by the rules, and now you want government to take some of the things I worked for just to let some idiots get the same thing for zero work towards it? Yes, some blameless people will be helped, but a lot of those idiots who never went to class, never cared about the future, and now whine about it will be helped as well, and how is that fucking fair?
I'm really not worried about what is perceived as "fair". A healthier populace is good economics. Getting rid of our insane 7-headed health care delivery/payment "system" is good economics. An efficient health care system is good economics. Not putting health care cost burdens on providers and employers is good economics. That's where my interest is.

And replace it with a single headed system headed by an uncaring bureaucracy with no substitutes? And don't kid yourself with the supplement plans, those will be out of reach of the average person, so the 7 headed system will become the two headed system, crap care for everyone under a certain income, and same old same old for those who can afford it.

Obamacare already broke it's promise to me, i.e. "if you like your plan, you keep your plan, period". Why should I trust government the 2nd time around?
All of us know, though some deny it knowingly, that Trump favors an universal health care program for all Americans. I support him on that.
Obamacare already broke it's promise to me, i.e. "if you like your plan, you keep your plan, period". Why should I trust government the 2nd time around?

Because; if you keep beating your head against that "we're from the government, trust us" brick wall eventually you'll do enough brain damage so that you won't know or care that the politicians and bureaucrats keep fucking you over and robbing you blind.
I'd be interested to know what Republicans would think of this from a political perspective.

So my buddy and I met for beers yesterday, and this morning my foggy little brain could have SWORN he said that Trump may be pushing to expand the current Medicare / Medicare Advantage / Medicare Supplement system to all, which is PRECISELY what I have been SCREAMING for, for fucking YEARS.

Get this, according to Forbes, it's possible: Trump's Stealth Health Plan Could Be 'Medicare For All'

Good gawd, that would be nice. From the piece:

First, a little background. The premise of MFA is that everyone outside of corporate and government health plans would be automatically covered. There would be no state marketplaces, no provider networks and no draconian deductibles. You wouldn't have to apply and choose a plan based on premiums. Access would be a non-issue.

The Medicare system at present has four parts covering hospitals, medical services, an optional managed care and prescription drugs. You pay modest premiums for each component and can supplement out-of-pocket costs through private "supplement" or "Medigap" policies.

An expanded Medicare, in short, wouldn't just be for those over 65 and the permanently disabled. If you needed it, you'd get it at any age and wouldn't have to wait for enrollment periods or deal with an online marketplace. You could keep your doctors and local health care providers. Medicare would simply pay most the lion's share of your medical bills.

What makes me believe that Trump might back MFA? He's consistently said he wants "everybody" to be covered. That would happen with a single-payer program like Medicare.

"As far as single payer, it works in Canada," Trump said during a GOP debate in 2015. "It works incredibly well in Scotland. It could have worked in a different age, which is the age you’re talking about here,” he said, noting several times in the past he would not cut Medicare or Social Security, both of which are on the GOP's hit list.

“We’re going to have a health care that is far less expensive and far better,” said Trump at his news conference on Jan. 11. “We don’t want anyone who currently has insurance to not have insurance,” said Kellyanne Conway, a Trump adviser, on Jan. 3. “Also we are very aware that the public likes coverage for pre-existing conditions.”

Some Added Benefits

Does Trump truly back a single-payer plan or has he been casually spouting populist rhetoric while still in campaign mode? It's certainly been easy to be against Obamacare, but there's an upside to Medicare expansion because you could offer access to a popular, low-cost program that could actually reduce the overall costs of health care.

Better yet, MFA could replace the Affordable Care Act, which the GOP is in the process of dismantling, although it hasn't announced a viable replacement plan. Trump has also said he wants to scrap the law.

Here's another political bonus: The animus against Obamacare may not come into play with an expanded Medicare. The program is popular; polls consistently show that the public wants to keep it intact. And universal Medicare would eliminate most of the gripes people now have with Obamacare such as high deductibles, out-of-network fees, rising premiums and coverage gaps, which is a problem with any system anchored by private insurers.


So what would be the incentive for companies to continue having medical insurance as part of their benefits package?

What you are actually talking about id "medicaid for all" not medicare for all.
Companies would no longer HAVE to offer health insurance. They shouldn't have to in the first place. What a MASSIVE cost savings for our employers.

They could then, if they decide, compete for talent by offering better qualified and non-qualified retirement plans.

So after 4 years of undergrad, 1.5 years of grad school, and 20 years with the company, they can just dump my ass into Medicare?

Well that's just fucking great, so once again I get to pay for other people's coverage by having my own fucked up.


Well I am tired of subsidizing your fucking coverage. Since you ain't got the balls to go out and work for yourself, since you have to have a "job" and depend upon a sugar daddy employer, well I have to subsidize your coverage. .
So what would be the incentive for companies to continue having medical insurance as part of their benefits package?

What you are actually talking about id "medicaid for all" not medicare for all.
Companies would no longer HAVE to offer health insurance. They shouldn't have to in the first place. What a MASSIVE cost savings for our employers.

They could then, if they decide, compete for talent by offering better qualified and non-qualified retirement plans.

So after 4 years of undergrad, 1.5 years of grad school, and 20 years with the company, they can just dump my ass into Medicare?

Well that's just fucking great, so once again I get to pay for other people's coverage by having my own fucked up.

People who have Medicare love it. And they love the choices they have when they shop for Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement plans from a nice, wide range of insurers who are competing and innovating for their business.

because they are old and it's the only game in town. and I'm sure the looove Medicare when it tries to take a house away from a family to cover the costs of an older relative's long term care....

Now try that with people in their prime, people who get injuries from active sports and such, people with terminal diseases that are in the prime of their lives and may not be as willing as an older person to "let nature take its course", and see how it works out....

and you didn't actually answer my problem with it. I played the game by the rules, and now I am going to be squished into the masses, made up of some people who made terrible life choices, and will now be getting a pass for them. Same as Obamacare, same as the $15 minimum wage, same as welfare.

And people wonder why we got Trump.....who I hope isn't really considering this.
You're paying for the freeloaders when you make your premium payments. You're paying for freeloaders when you go to the ER. You're paying for the freeloaders when you buy meds. You're even paying for the freeloaders if you pay cash.

It's all built in to the cost of health care.

Eliminating freeloaders is the only answer.
I'd be interested to know what Republicans would think of this from a political perspective.

So my buddy and I met for beers yesterday, and this morning my foggy little brain could have SWORN he said that Trump may be pushing to expand the current Medicare / Medicare Advantage / Medicare Supplement system to all, which is PRECISELY what I have been SCREAMING for, for fucking YEARS.

Get this, according to Forbes, it's possible: Trump's Stealth Health Plan Could Be 'Medicare For All'

Good gawd, that would be nice. From the piece:

First, a little background. The premise of MFA is that everyone outside of corporate and government health plans would be automatically covered. There would be no state marketplaces, no provider networks and no draconian deductibles. You wouldn't have to apply and choose a plan based on premiums. Access would be a non-issue.

The Medicare system at present has four parts covering hospitals, medical services, an optional managed care and prescription drugs. You pay modest premiums for each component and can supplement out-of-pocket costs through private "supplement" or "Medigap" policies.

An expanded Medicare, in short, wouldn't just be for those over 65 and the permanently disabled. If you needed it, you'd get it at any age and wouldn't have to wait for enrollment periods or deal with an online marketplace. You could keep your doctors and local health care providers. Medicare would simply pay most the lion's share of your medical bills.

What makes me believe that Trump might back MFA? He's consistently said he wants "everybody" to be covered. That would happen with a single-payer program like Medicare.

"As far as single payer, it works in Canada," Trump said during a GOP debate in 2015. "It works incredibly well in Scotland. It could have worked in a different age, which is the age you’re talking about here,” he said, noting several times in the past he would not cut Medicare or Social Security, both of which are on the GOP's hit list.

“We’re going to have a health care that is far less expensive and far better,” said Trump at his news conference on Jan. 11. “We don’t want anyone who currently has insurance to not have insurance,” said Kellyanne Conway, a Trump adviser, on Jan. 3. “Also we are very aware that the public likes coverage for pre-existing conditions.”

Some Added Benefits

Does Trump truly back a single-payer plan or has he been casually spouting populist rhetoric while still in campaign mode? It's certainly been easy to be against Obamacare, but there's an upside to Medicare expansion because you could offer access to a popular, low-cost program that could actually reduce the overall costs of health care.

Better yet, MFA could replace the Affordable Care Act, which the GOP is in the process of dismantling, although it hasn't announced a viable replacement plan. Trump has also said he wants to scrap the law.

Here's another political bonus: The animus against Obamacare may not come into play with an expanded Medicare. The program is popular; polls consistently show that the public wants to keep it intact. And universal Medicare would eliminate most of the gripes people now have with Obamacare such as high deductibles, out-of-network fees, rising premiums and coverage gaps, which is a problem with any system anchored by private insurers.


So what would be the incentive for companies to continue having medical insurance as part of their benefits package?

What you are actually talking about id "medicaid for all" not medicare for all.
Companies would no longer HAVE to offer health insurance. They shouldn't have to in the first place. What a MASSIVE cost savings for our employers.

They could then, if they decide, compete for talent by offering better qualified and non-qualified retirement plans.

So after 4 years of undergrad, 1.5 years of grad school, and 20 years with the company, they can just dump my ass into Medicare?

Well that's just fucking great, so once again I get to pay for other people's coverage by having my own fucked up.

People who have Medicare love it. And they love the choices they have when they shop for Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement plans from a nice, wide range of insurers who are competing and innovating for their business.

because they are old and it's the only game in town. and I'm sure the looove Medicare when it tries to take a house away from a family to cover the costs of an older relative's long term care....

Now try that with people in their prime, people who get injuries from active sports and such, people with terminal diseases that are in the prime of their lives and may not be as willing as an older person to "let nature take its course", and see how it works out....

and you didn't actually answer my problem with it. I played the game by the rules, and now I am going to be squished into the masses, made up of some people who made terrible life choices, and will now be getting a pass for them. Same as Obamacare, same as the $15 minimum wage, same as welfare.

And people wonder why we got Trump.....who I hope isn't really considering this.

Medicare neither takes peoples houses or pays for long term care.
So what would be the incentive for companies to continue having medical insurance as part of their benefits package?

What you are actually talking about id "medicaid for all" not medicare for all.
Companies would no longer HAVE to offer health insurance. They shouldn't have to in the first place. What a MASSIVE cost savings for our employers.

They could then, if they decide, compete for talent by offering better qualified and non-qualified retirement plans.

So after 4 years of undergrad, 1.5 years of grad school, and 20 years with the company, they can just dump my ass into Medicare?

Well that's just fucking great, so once again I get to pay for other people's coverage by having my own fucked up.

People who have Medicare love it. And they love the choices they have when they shop for Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement plans from a nice, wide range of insurers who are competing and innovating for their business.

because they are old and it's the only game in town. and I'm sure the looove Medicare when it tries to take a house away from a family to cover the costs of an older relative's long term care....

Now try that with people in their prime, people who get injuries from active sports and such, people with terminal diseases that are in the prime of their lives and may not be as willing as an older person to "let nature take its course", and see how it works out....

and you didn't actually answer my problem with it. I played the game by the rules, and now I am going to be squished into the masses, made up of some people who made terrible life choices, and will now be getting a pass for them. Same as Obamacare, same as the $15 minimum wage, same as welfare.

And people wonder why we got Trump.....who I hope isn't really considering this.

Medicare neither takes peoples houses or pays for long term care.

Oh rly?

Paying for nursing home care | Medicare.gov

No, it just waits until they are dead and takes it from their heirs.
People who have Medicare love it. And they love the choices they have when they shop for Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement plans from a nice, wide range of insurers who are competing and innovating for their business.
Yeah, it's $27 Trillion in unfunded liabilities in the hole and growing every day, so they'll love it right up to the point that the public debt burden becomes so great that it collapses the currency, after that not so much. Those that want to expand it from the current 55 million enrolled to 330 million enrolled are obviously living in an alternate plane of existence where money grows on trees.

Funny thing, Medicare and Medicaid take care of the poor, the elderly, and the disabled at about the same per person cost as private health insurance takes care of the healthy and working.

And think about it. Medicare and Medicaid is not there to provide health insurance to those populations. It is there so that PRIVATE INSURANCE don't have to service that population. I mean it is helluva stupid. The public takes all the bad risk out of the pool. Your tax dollars are not going to provide care to the poor and elderly, they are there to protect the private insurance from exposure to additional risk. Combining everyone into a single risk pool is the best possible solution. Medicare for all.
I'd be interested to know what Republicans would think of this from a political perspective.

So my buddy and I met for beers yesterday, and this morning my foggy little brain could have SWORN he said that Trump may be pushing to expand the current Medicare / Medicare Advantage / Medicare Supplement system to all, which is PRECISELY what I have been SCREAMING for, for fucking YEARS.

Get this, according to Forbes, it's possible: Trump's Stealth Health Plan Could Be 'Medicare For All'

Good gawd, that would be nice. From the piece:

First, a little background. The premise of MFA is that everyone outside of corporate and government health plans would be automatically covered. There would be no state marketplaces, no provider networks and no draconian deductibles. You wouldn't have to apply and choose a plan based on premiums. Access would be a non-issue.

The Medicare system at present has four parts covering hospitals, medical services, an optional managed care and prescription drugs. You pay modest premiums for each component and can supplement out-of-pocket costs through private "supplement" or "Medigap" policies.

An expanded Medicare, in short, wouldn't just be for those over 65 and the permanently disabled. If you needed it, you'd get it at any age and wouldn't have to wait for enrollment periods or deal with an online marketplace. You could keep your doctors and local health care providers. Medicare would simply pay most the lion's share of your medical bills.

What makes me believe that Trump might back MFA? He's consistently said he wants "everybody" to be covered. That would happen with a single-payer program like Medicare.

"As far as single payer, it works in Canada," Trump said during a GOP debate in 2015. "It works incredibly well in Scotland. It could have worked in a different age, which is the age you’re talking about here,” he said, noting several times in the past he would not cut Medicare or Social Security, both of which are on the GOP's hit list.

“We’re going to have a health care that is far less expensive and far better,” said Trump at his news conference on Jan. 11. “We don’t want anyone who currently has insurance to not have insurance,” said Kellyanne Conway, a Trump adviser, on Jan. 3. “Also we are very aware that the public likes coverage for pre-existing conditions.”

Some Added Benefits

Does Trump truly back a single-payer plan or has he been casually spouting populist rhetoric while still in campaign mode? It's certainly been easy to be against Obamacare, but there's an upside to Medicare expansion because you could offer access to a popular, low-cost program that could actually reduce the overall costs of health care.

Better yet, MFA could replace the Affordable Care Act, which the GOP is in the process of dismantling, although it hasn't announced a viable replacement plan. Trump has also said he wants to scrap the law.

Here's another political bonus: The animus against Obamacare may not come into play with an expanded Medicare. The program is popular; polls consistently show that the public wants to keep it intact. And universal Medicare would eliminate most of the gripes people now have with Obamacare such as high deductibles, out-of-network fees, rising premiums and coverage gaps, which is a problem with any system anchored by private insurers.


So what would be the incentive for companies to continue having medical insurance as part of their benefits package?

What you are actually talking about id "medicaid for all" not medicare for all.
Companies would no longer HAVE to offer health insurance. They shouldn't have to in the first place. What a MASSIVE cost savings for America's employers. depends

They could then, if they decide, compete for talent by offering more robust qualified and non-qualified retirement plans.

It works like this... He is taking the European model, Basic Healthcare is free but it has plastic seats, waiting lists and high preventive care... Doesn't cover a lot of things...

You can buy health insurance and you get to choose your doctor, hospital... , no waiting lists and nice comfy seats.. Private rooms...

Health Insurance would cost about $1000 a year... Alot depends on amount of coverage:
This is the irish one...
Health Insurance Comparison | HIA: Health Insurance Authority
Companies would no longer HAVE to offer health insurance. They shouldn't have to in the first place. What a MASSIVE cost savings for our employers.

They could then, if they decide, compete for talent by offering better qualified and non-qualified retirement plans.

So after 4 years of undergrad, 1.5 years of grad school, and 20 years with the company, they can just dump my ass into Medicare?

Well that's just fucking great, so once again I get to pay for other people's coverage by having my own fucked up.

People who have Medicare love it. And they love the choices they have when they shop for Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement plans from a nice, wide range of insurers who are competing and innovating for their business.

because they are old and it's the only game in town. and I'm sure the looove Medicare when it tries to take a house away from a family to cover the costs of an older relative's long term care....

Now try that with people in their prime, people who get injuries from active sports and such, people with terminal diseases that are in the prime of their lives and may not be as willing as an older person to "let nature take its course", and see how it works out....

and you didn't actually answer my problem with it. I played the game by the rules, and now I am going to be squished into the masses, made up of some people who made terrible life choices, and will now be getting a pass for them. Same as Obamacare, same as the $15 minimum wage, same as welfare.

And people wonder why we got Trump.....who I hope isn't really considering this.

Medicare neither takes peoples houses or pays for long term care.

Oh rly?

Paying for nursing home care | Medicare.gov

No, it just waits until they are dead and takes it from their heirs.

Read your link. Medicaid is not Medicare. And Medicaid never "takes a house". They occasionally put a lien on property to recover funds paid, although even that practice is banned in some states.
I'd be interested to know what Republicans would think of this from a political perspective.

So my buddy and I met for beers yesterday, and this morning my foggy little brain could have SWORN he said that Trump may be pushing to expand the current Medicare / Medicare Advantage / Medicare Supplement system to all, which is PRECISELY what I have been SCREAMING for, for fucking YEARS.

Get this, according to Forbes, it's possible: Trump's Stealth Health Plan Could Be 'Medicare For All'

Good gawd, that would be nice. From the piece:

First, a little background. The premise of MFA is that everyone outside of corporate and government health plans would be automatically covered. There would be no state marketplaces, no provider networks and no draconian deductibles. You wouldn't have to apply and choose a plan based on premiums. Access would be a non-issue.

The Medicare system at present has four parts covering hospitals, medical services, an optional managed care and prescription drugs. You pay modest premiums for each component and can supplement out-of-pocket costs through private "supplement" or "Medigap" policies.

An expanded Medicare, in short, wouldn't just be for those over 65 and the permanently disabled. If you needed it, you'd get it at any age and wouldn't have to wait for enrollment periods or deal with an online marketplace. You could keep your doctors and local health care providers. Medicare would simply pay most the lion's share of your medical bills.

What makes me believe that Trump might back MFA? He's consistently said he wants "everybody" to be covered. That would happen with a single-payer program like Medicare.

"As far as single payer, it works in Canada," Trump said during a GOP debate in 2015. "It works incredibly well in Scotland. It could have worked in a different age, which is the age you’re talking about here,” he said, noting several times in the past he would not cut Medicare or Social Security, both of which are on the GOP's hit list.

“We’re going to have a health care that is far less expensive and far better,” said Trump at his news conference on Jan. 11. “We don’t want anyone who currently has insurance to not have insurance,” said Kellyanne Conway, a Trump adviser, on Jan. 3. “Also we are very aware that the public likes coverage for pre-existing conditions.”

Some Added Benefits

Does Trump truly back a single-payer plan or has he been casually spouting populist rhetoric while still in campaign mode? It's certainly been easy to be against Obamacare, but there's an upside to Medicare expansion because you could offer access to a popular, low-cost program that could actually reduce the overall costs of health care.

Better yet, MFA could replace the Affordable Care Act, which the GOP is in the process of dismantling, although it hasn't announced a viable replacement plan. Trump has also said he wants to scrap the law.

Here's another political bonus: The animus against Obamacare may not come into play with an expanded Medicare. The program is popular; polls consistently show that the public wants to keep it intact. And universal Medicare would eliminate most of the gripes people now have with Obamacare such as high deductibles, out-of-network fees, rising premiums and coverage gaps, which is a problem with any system anchored by private insurers.


So what would be the incentive for companies to continue having medical insurance as part of their benefits package?

What you are actually talking about id "medicaid for all" not medicare for all.
Companies would no longer HAVE to offer health insurance. They shouldn't have to in the first place. What a MASSIVE cost savings for our employers.

They could then, if they decide, compete for talent by offering better qualified and non-qualified retirement plans.

So after 4 years of undergrad, 1.5 years of grad school, and 20 years with the company, they can just dump my ass into Medicare?

Well that's just fucking great, so once again I get to pay for other people's coverage by having my own fucked up.


You didn't pay for the ACA.
All of us know, though some deny it knowingly, that Trump favors an universal health care program for all Americans. I support him on that.

I think Ryan and the pubs are changing his mind. Look who he put in for health secretary. Crap they want to give vouchers for Medicare.

Medicare is not free, I pay close to 400 month, and then I have 400 deduct on meds and then copays.
I'd be interested to know what Republicans would think of this from a political perspective.

So my buddy and I met for beers yesterday, and this morning my foggy little brain could have SWORN he said that Trump may be pushing to expand the current Medicare / Medicare Advantage / Medicare Supplement system to all, which is PRECISELY what I have been SCREAMING for, for fucking YEARS.

Get this, according to Forbes, it's possible: Trump's Stealth Health Plan Could Be 'Medicare For All'

Good gawd, that would be nice. From the piece:

First, a little background. The premise of MFA is that everyone outside of corporate and government health plans would be automatically covered. There would be no state marketplaces, no provider networks and no draconian deductibles. You wouldn't have to apply and choose a plan based on premiums. Access would be a non-issue.

The Medicare system at present has four parts covering hospitals, medical services, an optional managed care and prescription drugs. You pay modest premiums for each component and can supplement out-of-pocket costs through private "supplement" or "Medigap" policies.

An expanded Medicare, in short, wouldn't just be for those over 65 and the permanently disabled. If you needed it, you'd get it at any age and wouldn't have to wait for enrollment periods or deal with an online marketplace. You could keep your doctors and local health care providers. Medicare would simply pay most the lion's share of your medical bills.

What makes me believe that Trump might back MFA? He's consistently said he wants "everybody" to be covered. That would happen with a single-payer program like Medicare.

"As far as single payer, it works in Canada," Trump said during a GOP debate in 2015. "It works incredibly well in Scotland. It could have worked in a different age, which is the age you’re talking about here,” he said, noting several times in the past he would not cut Medicare or Social Security, both of which are on the GOP's hit list.

“We’re going to have a health care that is far less expensive and far better,” said Trump at his news conference on Jan. 11. “We don’t want anyone who currently has insurance to not have insurance,” said Kellyanne Conway, a Trump adviser, on Jan. 3. “Also we are very aware that the public likes coverage for pre-existing conditions.”

Some Added Benefits

Does Trump truly back a single-payer plan or has he been casually spouting populist rhetoric while still in campaign mode? It's certainly been easy to be against Obamacare, but there's an upside to Medicare expansion because you could offer access to a popular, low-cost program that could actually reduce the overall costs of health care.

Better yet, MFA could replace the Affordable Care Act, which the GOP is in the process of dismantling, although it hasn't announced a viable replacement plan. Trump has also said he wants to scrap the law.

Here's another political bonus: The animus against Obamacare may not come into play with an expanded Medicare. The program is popular; polls consistently show that the public wants to keep it intact. And universal Medicare would eliminate most of the gripes people now have with Obamacare such as high deductibles, out-of-network fees, rising premiums and coverage gaps, which is a problem with any system anchored by private insurers.


So what would be the incentive for companies to continue having medical insurance as part of their benefits package?

What you are actually talking about id "medicaid for all" not medicare for all.
Companies would no longer HAVE to offer health insurance. They shouldn't have to in the first place. What a MASSIVE cost savings for our employers.

They could then, if they decide, compete for talent by offering better qualified and non-qualified retirement plans.

So after 4 years of undergrad, 1.5 years of grad school, and 20 years with the company, they can just dump my ass into Medicare?

Well that's just fucking great, so once again I get to pay for other people's coverage by having my own fucked up.


You didn't pay for the ACA.

Where did the $$ to subsidize some people's premiums come from?

Why did my old plan become un-affordable, forcing me onto a high deductible plan?
All of us know, though some deny it knowingly, that Trump favors an universal health care program for all Americans. I support him on that.

I think Ryan and the pubs are changing his mind. Look who he put in for health secretary. Crap they want to give vouchers for Medicare.

Medicare is not free, I pay close to 400 month, and then I have 400 deduct on meds and then copays.
Nobody said it would be free. But the Senate is going to have to get a 60 vote to replace the program, so we will see.

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