Holy Mother of the Universe - you need to watch this vid.

The cops CAN ask for whatever they want. What quaint little village do you live in, Care4all? I'd like to live in that shangri-la.

The passenger was a dick. The cops were dicks. The bitch on the phone was an idiot for escalating it, especially since her mother was dying and wanted to get to the hospital. The poor kid in the backseat is the real victim. All ANY of them had to do was go thru the motions, do as asked, tell the officers about the mom and none of this MAY not have happened.

Gracie I agree with you on many topics but not this one. Those are civilians in the car. Under duress. Rushing to see her dying mother.

It was a simple traffic stop for a seat belt violation.

The policemen are supposed to be professionals. Trained in handling difficult situations.

These men were beyond unprofessional. Way over the top super whacked out roid rage comes to mind.
Basically here's the deal for me. It's not up to the civilian to help the police keep a lid on their emotions and actions.

Let's get freaking here.
Whoopsies that was supposed to be "let's get freaking real here". Time to edit expired.
I didn't say they were adults. I said they were teenagers. You've got to be one of the dumbest people on this board.

I know you won't go to this link below. Your mouse is racially biased and about the size of your brain, too.

The Race Gap in America’s Police Departments

Hey retard, you have to log in to read that and I'm not going to join. No one grows up to be a teenager, it isn't grown up no matter how you spin it. And the fact that the media plays on people's fears like you do don't prove your case.
The video opens with Hamer laying on the ground and pleading with the officer that it was 'just a cigarette,' as the cop screams at the teen, 'Do you wanna get f***ed up?'
That's the problem with many of these. It doesn't show what happened before hand. We're supposed to believe a bully cop just knocked out a child for smoking a cigarette. yawn.
Can the Police stop you just for not wearing your seat belt in that State?

If so, what is the Fine for it? $25?

Yes, but they do not have the right to pull anyone else out of the car without probable cause.

The guy who was tazed was sitting in the passenger seat, he wasn't even required by law to have any ID with him, since he was not driving. In the moment that the police demanded that the man, who was seatbelted and had done absolutely nothing wrong, get out of the car without probable cause, is the moment that they fucked up. And it's on camera.

Me thinks is that their probable cause is that fact he wouldn't get out of the car. Kinda a catch 22. What if, the police were on the look out for a man fitting this person's description and the man could not prove who he was, other then a ticket that tells nothing? Personally I don't think people should be stopped and asked to see their papers, too USSR for me. But then again what are the police to do when people act in a suspicious way?

I am not defending the police just giving a different perspective.
I doubt he was just asked for ID. Likely he was running his blowhole to impress the gal and got their attention. That part never makes it onto these drive by videos.
And one day, you may not be an insufferable fucking troll, who knows....

Now, back to the OP, which is about a couple where the wife, who was the driver, was pulled over by the cops because her seatbelt was not on. Her husband, in the passenger seat, was seatbelted, but the police targeted him unjustly and without probable cause and then they busted the window and tazed him, dragged him out of the car and pulled him away.

The cops are gonna get sued for everything they own. I am quite sure of this.
And one day, you may not be an insufferable fucking troll, who knows....

Now, back to the OP, which is about a couple where the wife, who was the driver, was pulled over by the cops because her seatbelt was not on. Her husband, in the passenger seat, was seatbelted, but the police targeted him unjustly and without probable cause and then they busted the window and tazed him, dragged him out of the car and pulled him away.

The cops are gonna get sued for everything they own. I am quite sure of this.

I always thought growing up that if the general public saw the crap Black men had to go through with the cops they would stop claiming we were lying. I see pretty much nothing will convince some elements of the public that we are constantly under attack.
And one day, you may not be an insufferable fucking troll, who knows....

Now, back to the OP, which is about a couple where the wife, who was the driver, was pulled over by the cops because her seatbelt was not on. Her husband, in the passenger seat, was seatbelted, but the police targeted him unjustly and without probable cause and then they busted the window and tazed him, dragged him out of the car and pulled him away.

The cops are gonna get sued for everything they own. I am quite sure of this.
If you are too thin skinned to take your own medicine then grow a backbone or watch what you type.

Now back to the OP, what's your source for your info? How do you know they had no PC or RS? Your opinion won't do for an answer.
The cops CAN ask for whatever they want. What quaint little village do you live in, Care4all? I'd like to live in that shangri-la.

The passenger was a dick. The cops were dicks. The bitch on the phone was an idiot for escalating it, especially since her mother was dying and wanted to get to the hospital. The poor kid in the backseat is the real victim. All ANY of them had to do was go thru the motions, do as asked, tell the officers about the mom and none of this MAY not have happened.
sure they can ASK whatever they want to ASK, but the Passenger in this seat belt stop, IS NOT REQUIRED to have any ID at all on himself, NONE, and he is not required by law to give any ID to the officer that ASKS....

If the officer asks for his NAME, he is required by law, to give his name Gracie....to ONLY verbally give his name in this situation....and any situation out on the street, in your own yard, in a neighbor's yard, in the public square, if a cop detains you, and he asks for your name, you are required to give your name....you are NOT REQUIRED to give him any ID.....

drum roll.................

because we are NOT REQUIRED to carry ''gestapo papers ala ID'' with us, whenever outside....or where ever we may go, PERIOD.
okey dokey. But that doesn't mean they won't detain and sort out the legalities later. Cop asks for ID and you are a passenger..GIVE IT. Simple.
Unfortunately, thanks to the SCOTUS, you have to provide ID if you have it to the pigs even if you're a passenger.

Despite the pigs reckless behavior, he could have avoided this by simply ID'ing himself. That does not mean he has to have an ID, but a name and birth date so the lousy donut eaters can run him for warrants.
Unfortunately, thanks to the SCOTUS, you have to provide ID if you have it to the pigs even if you're a passenger.

Despite the pigs reckless behavior, he could have avoided this by simply ID'ing himself. That does not mean he has to have an ID, but a name and birth date so the lousy donut eaters can run him for warrants.

Very mature of you. I hope you get kidnapped and raped in a home invasion, and those pigs ignore your cry for help haha!
The cops CAN ask for whatever they want. What quaint little village do you live in, Care4all? I'd like to live in that shangri-la.

The passenger was a dick. The cops were dicks. The bitch on the phone was an idiot for escalating it, especially since her mother was dying and wanted to get to the hospital. The poor kid in the backseat is the real victim. All ANY of them had to do was go thru the motions, do as asked, tell the officers about the mom and none of this MAY not have happened.
sure they can ASK whatever they want to ASK, but the Passenger in this seat belt stop, IS NOT REQUIRED to have any ID at all on himself, NONE, and he is not required by law to give any ID to the officer that ASKS....

If the officer asks for his NAME, he is required by law, to give his name Gracie....to ONLY verbally give his name in this situation....and any situation out on the street, in your own yard, in a neighbor's yard, in the public square, if a cop detains you, and he asks for your name, you are required to give your name....you are NOT REQUIRED to give him any ID.....

drum roll.................

because we are NOT REQUIRED to carry ''gestapo papers ala ID'' with us, whenever outside....or where ever we may go, PERIOD.
okey dokey. But that doesn't mean they won't detain and sort out the legalities later. Cop asks for ID and you are a passenger..GIVE IT. Simple.
I agree that if a passenger has ID on them, even though it is not required of them, they should give it, but this man did NOT have an ID on him to give to the policeman Gracie.
I agree that if a passenger has ID on them, even though it is not required of them, they should give it, but this man did NOT have an ID on him to give to the policeman Gracie.
I don't know why they asked, the video doesn't show that part. I suspect he called attention to himself. But even without ID you can give your name and address and they can look it up. I think they have better things to do than checking everyone for ID. The meme is because he was black and for many the accusation is good enough.

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