Holy Rosemary Woods, Batman. Have these people learning NOTHING?

There is no point in correcting English errors committed by Democrats on this board. They don't know any better.

Trump might as well have said he discussed whether it was snowing. LOL

From your link:

"The two exclusions regarded Trump’s contention of the presence of a tape with former Vice President Joe Biden discussing Ukraine corruption — and a mention by Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky of the company whose board Hunter Biden sat on, Burisma Holdings."

Nothing would have changed had those edits been included. Also, how many people were allowed to make edits and who made the final decision? It obviously was not the Ukrainian spy Vindman.
I meant it for sarcasm. LOL

btw, Rosemary Woods actually got a post-Watergage gig with the gop House in DC. I thought that was too strange. Nice lady, I'm sure.
Trump had a private server containing classified information.

LOCK HIS FAT ASS UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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