Holy Shit..now SEVEN WOMEN~Biden says he’ll adjust his physical behavior as three more women show up

Can you imagine what would be happening if Biden were a Republican?

Yes Leftists would be SCREAMING and BEDWETTING to Impeach and then throw him in Gitmo. What hypocrites.
So their reactions are different? Go figure leftists being leftists

Yes but they are DEVOID of the ability to recognise the hypocrisy. They on some subconscious level are AWARE about Joe Biden like they are about Bill Clinton but they are Kool Aided into NOT criticising for fear of being cannibalised by The Herd of fellow Leftists, you see what happens on Social Media to ANY on the Left who go off The Plantation and illustrate an Independent Thought Process that is NOT encouraged OR approved by the Cultural Marxists they look to for guidance and the daily Talking Points Memo.

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View attachment 254213
So you're saying the photos were photo shopped? Keep grasping...
You’re sharp. I’ve got a bridge for sale cheap.
You could see him raping a 10 year old and if he told you you really didn't see it, you would believe it. Shameful. He brags about grabbing women and yet you still think he's a saint. Disgusting!
You have strange and grotesque sexual fantasies. I think your on the wrong website.
This disgusting piece of filth kissing his daughter is not a fantasy of mine, trust me.
So you're saying the photos were photo shopped? Keep grasping...
You’re sharp. I’ve got a bridge for sale cheap.
You could see him raping a 10 year old and if he told you you really didn't see it, you would believe it. Shameful. He brags about grabbing women and yet you still think he's a saint. Disgusting!
You have strange and grotesque sexual fantasies. I think your on the wrong website.
This disgusting piece of filth kissing his daughter is not a fantasy of mine, trust me.

It's a fantasy of someone
So you're saying the photos were photo shopped? Keep grasping...
You’re sharp. I’ve got a bridge for sale cheap.
You could see him raping a 10 year old and if he told you you really didn't see it, you would believe it. Shameful. He brags about grabbing women and yet you still think he's a saint. Disgusting!
You have strange and grotesque sexual fantasies. I think your on the wrong website.
This disgusting piece of filth kissing his daughter is not a fantasy of mine, trust me.

You are a Moonbat you have 1,646 posts to illustrate that, reality is NOT your forté. That you have a twisted fantasy that The Donald has sex with Ivanka is your problem not the problem of the normal and healthy minded.
The least of Plugs problems is women.
He has the same problem the Burn has in the modern Democrat Party:
#1) old and white
#2) white
This seems to be more about politics than anything else. Biden has always been a personable politician and the stories can be explained away. There seems to be a sameness to them.

This will not help Trump if Biden is the Democrat nominee. Trump openly brags about grabbing women and kissing them so a woman saying that Trump grabbed her is very believable. Also Trump's polices are opposed by women especially. Also Trump does not take the issue of sexual harassment seriously. His nominee to the Supreme Court committed a sexual assault and Republicans did not take it seriously. Betsey DeVos is trying to make it more difficult for women who are sexually assaulted on colleges to get justice. One of his nominees to the fed was forced out of the race due to sexual accusations and the other appears to have a tax issue.
It’s the economy, stupid.

There are a number of issues that will be discussed other than the economy. Trump will be on the wrong side. Suburban women will bury Trump in Pennsylvania and Michigan.
Elaborate on those "unnamed" issues...
The least of Plugs problems is women.
He has the same problem the Burn has in the modern Democrat Party:
#1) old and white
#2) white

Not that much old because they have old Non-Whites, the MEGA fundamental problem is they are White now in a political party that has been hijacked by the fanatical Hate Whitey, Blame Whitey crowd of racist Far Left Moonbats.
This seems to be more about politics than anything else. Biden has always been a personable politician and the stories can be explained away. There seems to be a sameness to them.

This will not help Trump if Biden is the Democrat nominee. Trump openly brags about grabbing women and kissing them so a woman saying that Trump grabbed her is very believable. Also Trump's polices are opposed by women especially. Also Trump does not take the issue of sexual harassment seriously. His nominee to the Supreme Court committed a sexual assault and Republicans did not take it seriously. Betsey DeVos is trying to make it more difficult for women who are sexually assaulted on colleges to get justice. One of his nominees to the fed was forced out of the race due to sexual accusations and the other appears to have a tax issue.
It’s the economy, stupid.

There are a number of issues that will be discussed other than the economy. Trump will be on the wrong side. Suburban women will bury Trump in Pennsylvania and Michigan.
Elaborate on those "unnamed" issues...

The elaboration you ask for is somewhere in the below:

The least of Plugs problems is women.
He has the same problem the Burn has in the modern Democrat Party:
#1) old and white
#2) white

The below illustrates the TOTAL INSANITY of Leftist thinking with their RACIST Social Engineering CRAP:

This seems to be more about politics than anything else. Biden has always been a personable politician and the stories can be explained away. There seems to be a sameness to them.

This will not help Trump if Biden is the Democrat nominee. Trump openly brags about grabbing women and kissing them so a woman saying that Trump grabbed her is very believable. Also Trump's polices are opposed by women especially. Also Trump does not take the issue of sexual harassment seriously. His nominee to the Supreme Court committed a sexual assault and Republicans did not take it seriously. Betsey DeVos is trying to make it more difficult for women who are sexually assaulted on colleges to get justice. One of his nominees to the fed was forced out of the race due to sexual accusations and the other appears to have a tax issue.
It’s the economy, stupid.

There are a number of issues that will be discussed other than the economy. Trump will be on the wrong side. Suburban women will bury Trump in Pennsylvania and Michigan.
Elaborate on those "unnamed" issues...

The elaboration you ask for is somewhere in the below:

Trust me...I wasn't anywhere near expecting an intelligent, sensical response from bzb.
So you're saying the photos were photo shopped? Keep grasping...
You’re sharp. I’ve got a bridge for sale cheap.
You could see him raping a 10 year old and if he told you you really didn't see it, you would believe it. Shameful. He brags about grabbing women and yet you still think he's a saint. Disgusting!
You have strange and grotesque sexual fantasies. I think your on the wrong website.
This disgusting piece of filth kissing his daughter is not a fantasy of mine, trust me.

You are a Moonbat you have 1,646 posts to illustrate that, reality is NOT your forté. That you have a twisted fantasy that The Donald has sex with Ivanka is your problem not the problem of the normal and healthy minded.
He has stated that he would date her if she wasn't his daughter. There are photos of him and her that are more suggestive than what a normal father and daughter should be. He told Howard Stern it was okay to refer to her as a piece of ass.
JFC! The fact that all of you are okay with that is beyond disgusting. There are other pictures of him kissing her on the mouth and putting his hands on her ass too. No normal father would ever think of doing that or saying anything like that about their daughter.
You’re sharp. I’ve got a bridge for sale cheap.
You could see him raping a 10 year old and if he told you you really didn't see it, you would believe it. Shameful. He brags about grabbing women and yet you still think he's a saint. Disgusting!
You have strange and grotesque sexual fantasies. I think your on the wrong website.
This disgusting piece of filth kissing his daughter is not a fantasy of mine, trust me.

You are a Moonbat you have 1,646 posts to illustrate that, reality is NOT your forté. That you have a twisted fantasy that The Donald has sex with Ivanka is your problem not the problem of the normal and healthy minded.
He has stated that he would date her if she wasn't his daughter. There are photos of him and her that are more suggestive than what a normal father and daughter should be. He told Howard Stern it was okay to refer to her as a piece of ass.
JFC! The fact that all of you are okay with that is beyond disgusting. There are other pictures of him kissing her on the mouth and putting his hands on her ass too. No normal father would ever think of doing that or saying anything like that about their daughter.
And Democrats promote crime, drug abuse, sexual immorality and inter-generational welfare.
Got anything else to compare?
You’re sharp. I’ve got a bridge for sale cheap.
You could see him raping a 10 year old and if he told you you really didn't see it, you would believe it. Shameful. He brags about grabbing women and yet you still think he's a saint. Disgusting!
You have strange and grotesque sexual fantasies. I think your on the wrong website.
This disgusting piece of filth kissing his daughter is not a fantasy of mine, trust me.

You are a Moonbat you have 1,646 posts to illustrate that, reality is NOT your forté. That you have a twisted fantasy that The Donald has sex with Ivanka is your problem not the problem of the normal and healthy minded.
He has stated that he would date her if she wasn't his daughter. There are photos of him and her that are more suggestive than what a normal father and daughter should be. He told Howard Stern it was okay to refer to her as a piece of ass.
JFC! The fact that all of you are okay with that is beyond disgusting. There are other pictures of him kissing her on the mouth and putting his hands on her ass too. No normal father would ever think of doing that or saying anything like that about their daughter.

The above does NOT prove that The Donald is in a sexual relationship with Ivanka.

"There are other pictures of him kissing her on the mouth and putting his hands on her ass too. No normal father would ever think of doing that or saying anything like that about their daughter."

My Papa has kissed me on my mouth and also slapped my buttocks in a fun loving way, he has also done this with my younger sister but as we are a normal healthy minded family and NOT Leftist SJW Moonbats NOBODY has SCREAMED and BEDWETTED to have Papa arrested OR suggested that he has been FUCKING me and my younger sister.

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