Holy Shit! That got the adrenalin going


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Sitting down in the next room, window open was a bit surprised to see a very large, very low military cargo plane executing a very steep turn. C-17 maybe. Presumedly there's an airshow somewhere nearby. And there's an airport NW of me on the outskirts of town.

Military aircraft are fewand far between here. Probably because of the civilian airport. Other places I've lived they were common. But here even a military helo is a rare sight so seeing a great big honking version is a bit alarming, especially executing that sharp-ass turn.
When we were at Clearwater Beach a few years back I saw two (I think F-16's) flying about 200 feet above the water just screaming down the coast. Gave me chills.

I was holding our daughter and she kept pointing to them saying "see, mommy, see?". I told her they were protecting her :)
Last time Obama was in town I went to my car to grab lunch and a helo convoy flew directly over my head, doors open machine guns manned. That's not something you see everyday. Marine 1 was not part of that group so I'm still not sure what they were doing. Recon of some sort is my guess. At the time I didn't realize he was in town and was like WTF is that all about?

A couple of weeks ago I was picking the kid up from school and 2 F-18's went over low and banking. No reason that I knew of for them to be there. Still don't know what that was about either....
When I was a girl, we lived in the John Day gorge...fighter jets would practice in the gorge. We'd get sonic booms AFTER they flew overhead. They were so close they rattled the power lines.
Used to live near Altus AFB where there was a squadron of C-17's

When they flew overhead at high altitude.

They are soo slow that you'd think the plane was just hanging motionless in the air. ...... :cool:
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In the build-up to British participation in NATO's peacekeeping efforts in the former Yugoslavia, families around RAF Marham in Lincolnshire would flock to as close as they were allowed to RAF Holbeach and RAF Donna Nook, which are remote bombing ranges to watch Harriers and Tornadoes dropping live ordnance and testing their onboard canons.

Amazingly, you're still allowed to film them.

In the build-up to British participation in NATO's peacekeeping efforts in the former Yugoslavia, families around RAF Marham in Lincolnshire would flock to as close as they were allowed to RAF Holbeach and RAF Donna Nook, which are remote bombing ranges to watch Harriers and Tornadoes dropping live ordnance and testing their onboard canons.
I was on a business trip to southern England a few years ago.

The was an RAF base nearby with a squadron of Tornadoes.

I've been around many military jets in my life.

But a low flying Tornado has got to be the loudest jet that ever took to the skies. ..... :cool:

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