Holy toledo! M -Marist poll a joke. They over sampled Democrats by 12%

Meh. Just a footnote in Hillary's eventual victory.

Hillary is a win for me, I'll still be wealthy and living the good life while millions of Democrat drones will continue to suffer as they have under Obama. Democrats will continue to send black males to prison, blue collar union workers will continue to lose their jobs and homes, students will continue to be screwed with student loan debt.
I can tell that you've been in the fetal position repeating that to yourself since Trump became the presumptive nominee
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Meh. Just a footnote in Hillary's eventual victory.

Hillary is a win for me, I'll still be wealthy and living the good life while millions of Democrat drones will continue to suffer as they have under Obama. Democrats will continue to send black males to prison, blue collar union workers will continue to lose their jobs and homes, students will continue to be screwed with student loan debt.
I can tell that you've been in the fetal position repeating that to yourself since Trump bacame the presumptive nominee

^^^ that's all you got? (yawn)
Meh. Just a footnote in Hillary's eventual victory.

Hillary is a win for me, I'll still be wealthy and living the good life while millions of Democrat drones will continue to suffer as they have under Obama. Democrats will continue to send black males to prison, blue collar union workers will continue to lose their jobs and homes, students will continue to be screwed with student loan debt.
I can tell that you've been in the fetal position repeating that to yourself since Trump bacame the presumptive nominee

^^^ that's all you got? (yawn)
I think it was an appropriate response to the words of an idiot
The polls are fixed, the election is rigged and the Republican Party is unified. Trump said so.
Who cares what the Marist poll says. The sophisticated models have Trump with a 25% chance of winning, and betting odds have him down to 20%. He's dead, and all we have to do is keep making him commit unforced errors and he'll be humiliated in November.
A gift that keeps on giving in Hillary's case! :lol:
Polling Data
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Trump (R) Spread
RCP Average 7/29 - 8/4 -- -- 47.4 40.7 Clinton +6.7
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 7/31 - 8/3 800 RV 3.5 47 38 Clinton +9
FOX News 7/31 - 8/2 1022 RV 3.0 49 39 Clinton +10
McClatchy/Marist 8/1 - 8/3 983 RV 3.1 48 33 Clinton +15
Reuters/Ipsos 7/30 - 8/3 1072 LV 3.5 43 39 Clinton +4
Economist/YouGov 7/30 - 8/1 933 RV 4.1 46 43 Clinton +3
LA Times/USC 7/29 - 8/4 2205 LV -- 45 45 Tie
CBS News 7/29 - 7/31 1131 RV 3.0 47 41 Clinton +6
CNN/ORC 7/29 - 7/31 894 RV 3.5 52 43 Clinton +9
PPP (D) 7/29 - 7/30 1276 LV 2.7 50 45 Clinton +5

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Looks like a bunch of polls are favoring Clinton.
Trump leads only in Missouri and Georgia in the tossup states. There is no way that Trump has a chance is things continue as the are.
The MSM has gone full Palin attack mode on Trump, his only chance is to take his fight straight to the people during the debates.

You mean the debates Combover Caligula is saying he won't participate in because they're "rigged"?
The MSM has gone full Palin attack mode on Trump, his only chance is to take his fight straight to the people during the debates.

You mean the debates Combover Caligula is saying he won't participate in because they're "rigged"?

Your irrational Trump hatred is noted.

Your even less rational adulation of him is also noted. And he is indeed on record threatening not to attend the debates.

IOW, giving excuses to not get his ass personally kicked by Clinton on national TV.

The MSM has gone full Palin attack mode on Trump, his only chance is to take his fight straight to the people during the debates.

You mean the debates Combover Caligula is saying he won't participate in because they're "rigged"?

Your irrational Trump hatred is noted.

Your even less rational adulation of him is also noted. And he is indeed on record threatening not to attend the debates.

IOW, giving excuses to not get his ass personally kicked by Clinton on national TV.


Yeah clearly you are not obsessed with Trump :laugh: that lying old hag you people are running is going to get spanked.
Meh. Just a footnote in Hillary's eventual victory.

Yeppers, just another example of how the progressive media is in the tank for the corporate hack that is the shrilary.
LOL Mr. Westwall, you will need a crying towel come 9Nov16.

Why? If hilary gets in the middle class will get screwed but I am long past working so her reign won't affect me or mine. It's the middle class who will be crying.
Finally took the time to look at the actual poll. OMG! This is the one the press has been reporting that Hillary is up by 15%. Check it out for yourselves then start bitch slapping Clinton supporters around.


Well yeah. On the party breakdown they polled Democrats or Democrat leaning voters at 50%.

And they polled Republicans and R leaning voters at 38%. Right there is a 12 point spread. I hate pollsters who do this shit.

http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/election/article93789227.ece/BINARY/Complete data for the McClatchy-Marist Poll

Then tell us what the correct ratio is, and prove it's the correct ratio.
Finally took the time to look at the actual poll. OMG! This is the one the press has been reporting that Hillary is up by 15%. Check it out for yourselves then start bitch slapping Clinton supporters around.


Well yeah. On the party breakdown they polled Democrats or Democrat leaning voters at 50%.

And they polled Republicans and R leaning voters at 38%. Right there is a 12 point spread. I hate pollsters who do this shit.

http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/election/article93789227.ece/BINARY/Complete data for the McClatchy-Marist Poll

Then tell us what the correct ratio is, and prove it's the correct ratio.

Ummm, a rigorous poll would have a 50/50 sampling. That's how legit polls are done.
Finally took the time to look at the actual poll. OMG! This is the one the press has been reporting that Hillary is up by 15%. Check it out for yourselves then start bitch slapping Clinton supporters around.


Well yeah. On the party breakdown they polled Democrats or Democrat leaning voters at 50%.

And they polled Republicans and R leaning voters at 38%. Right there is a 12 point spread. I hate pollsters who do this shit.

http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/election/article93789227.ece/BINARY/Complete data for the McClatchy-Marist Poll

Then tell us what the correct ratio is, and prove it's the correct ratio.

Ummm, a rigorous poll would have a 50/50 sampling. That's how legit polls are done.

Why? Shouldn't it be 25 - 25 - 25 - 25, Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Greens?
It said 36% of the population that is registered are registered Democratic, and
27% of the population are registered Republican,
and 37% are Independents.

Also those polled identified themselves as:

Conservative = 28%
Conservative = 12%

Moderate = 32%

Liberal = 19%
Very Liberal = 9%
Here's the sampling that matters in that poll:

Very liberal 9%
Liberal 19%
Moderate 32%
Conservative 28%
Very conservative 12%
It said 36% of the population that is registered are registered Democratic, and
27% of the population are registered Republican,
and 37% are Independents.

Also those polled identified themselves as:

Conservative = 28%
Conservative = 12%

Moderate = 32%

Liberal = 19%
Very Liberal = 9%

lol, I didn't see your post.

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