Holy Virgin Mary Site Defaced With Graffiti Used By Jewish Extremists

The disgusting behavior of a fringe minority of .... extremists is not near enough to precipitate a 'civil war'.

What 'smells' is the anticipatory gleeful drool being dribbled in a puddle on the forum floor. Phil, please fetch the mop and clean up after yourself.

i think there is a pretty large and equal division between those in favour of settlements and those opposed to them, not to mention the divisions in the militaty about evicting jews from illegal settlements with many refusing to obey orders.

i don't know how we want to define "civil war" exactly but i think we can allow Pbel some license in his choice of words just as we can allow you your use of "gleeful drool".

Yah, right ! I'm sure you've spent a lot of time discussing contemporary policies and views with Israelis of many different backgrounds, etc. You probably follow half a dozen different blogs from around the country - Israel, that is.

Of course there's no reason why anyone 'outside' Israeli society couldn't know 'more & better' than some of us posters here - but unless seal's got a whole network of contacts he's never mentioned, I very much doubt that he is such a well-informed 'outsider' (has nothing to do with religion whatsoever - just in case anyone wondered.).

And yes, of course one may 'think' whatever about a situation while having zero first- or even second-hand knowledge of it! However, other people are less likely to consider such pure conjecture reliable......

well, maggie, the way i figure it, i must be doing something right because y'all are either running away from me or only responding with personal attacks instead of addressing the topic it hand.
PBEL posted:
I have told you a thousand times...I am an American Firster who wants peace in the ME so that we can end the War on Terror but not on Terrorism. Large Incursions into other countries bleeding American Boys is over.

America no longer needs to protect her oil routes because we only import less than 17% from the ME...

America is ruled by money and corporations donations to our Federal Politicians’...The Israel lobbies dole out more money than all others seesawing with the NRA who just won the debate on guns even though 90% of our public supported a differing version.

I support American Independence from foreign wars and retake our government back through the ballot box and restore Democracy.
As far as your insipid accusations of anti-Semitism as motivation for posting, that’s all you have is your-own accusations of hate over printed words[/QUOTE]

I found different data regarding those who spend the most money in order to influence politicians:

Parent American Israel Public Affairs Cmte: $2,761,388
Total Lobbying Expenditures: $2,761,388

* **
*Lobbying Spending Database - American Israel Public Affairs Cmte, 2012 | OpenSecrets

Year: 2012
Subtotal for Parent National Rifle Assn: $2,500,000
* *Subtotal for Subsidiary NRA Institute for Legislative Action: $480,000
Total Lobbying Expenditures: $2,980,000
* *

Top Spenders

Lobbying Client * * * * * *Total
US Chamber of Commerce $136,300,000
National Assn of Realtors $41,464,580
Blue Cross/Blue Shield $22,489,532
General Electric * * * * * * * **$21,120,000
American Hospital Assn $19,230,200
National Cable & Telecommunications Assn $18,890,000
Pharmaceutical Rsrch & Mfrs of America $18,530,000
Google Inc $18,220,000
Northrop Grumman $17,540,000
AT&T Inc $17,430,000
American Medical Assn $16,505,000
Boeing Co $15,640,000
Southern Co $15,580,000
Lockheed Martin $15,347,350
Verizon Communications $15,220,000
Comcast Corp $14,750,000
National Assn of Broadcasters $14,510,000
Royal Dutch Shell $14,480,000
Business Roundtable $13,890,000
Edison Electric Institute $13,540,790

Feel free to distribute or cite this material, but please credit the Center for Responsive Politics.*

Lobbying Spending Database | OpenSecrets
i think there is a pretty large and equal division between those in favour of settlements and those opposed to them, not to mention the divisions in the militaty about evicting jews from illegal settlements with many refusing to obey orders.

i don't know how we want to define "civil war" exactly but i think we can allow Pbel some license in his choice of words just as we can allow you your use of "gleeful drool".

Yah, right ! I'm sure you've spent a lot of time discussing contemporary policies and views with Israelis of many different backgrounds, etc. You probably follow half a dozen different blogs from around the country - Israel, that is.

Of course there's no reason why anyone 'outside' Israeli society couldn't know 'more & better' than some of us posters here - but unless seal's got a whole network of contacts he's never mentioned, I very much doubt that he is such a well-informed 'outsider' (has nothing to do with religion whatsoever - just in case anyone wondered.).

And yes, of course one may 'think' whatever about a situation while having zero first- or even second-hand knowledge of it! However, other people are less likely to consider such pure conjecture reliable......

well, maggie, the way i figure it, i must be doing something right because y'all are either running away from me or only responding with personal attacks instead of addressing the topic it hand.

Once again, sealie - the way any given person 'figures it' isn't necessarily at all accurate. The 'topic' at hand becomes 'seal' when 'seal' insists upon posting his unverifiable personal observations as though they are facts. The statistical probability of any single individual's personal knowledge being so extensive and accurate as the aggregate of those claims is rapidly approaching zero.
PBEL posted:
I have told you a thousand times...I am an American Firster who wants peace in the ME so that we can end the War on Terror but not on Terrorism. Large Incursions into other countries bleeding American Boys is over.

America no longer needs to protect her oil routes because we only import less than 17% from the ME...

America is ruled by money and corporations donations to our Federal Politicians’...The Israel lobbies dole out more money than all others seesawing with the NRA who just won the debate on guns even though 90% of our public supported a differing version.

I support American Independence from foreign wars and retake our government back through the ballot box and restore Democracy.
As far as your insipid accusations of anti-Semitism as motivation for posting, that’s all you have is your-own accusations of hate over printed words

I found different data regarding those who spend the most money in order to influence politicians:

Parent American Israel Public Affairs Cmte: $2,761,388
Total Lobbying Expenditures: $2,761,388

* **
*Lobbying Spending Database - American Israel Public Affairs Cmte, 2012 | OpenSecrets

Year: 2012
Subtotal for Parent National Rifle Assn: $2,500,000
* *Subtotal for Subsidiary NRA Institute for Legislative Action: $480,000
Total Lobbying Expenditures: $2,980,000
* *

Top Spenders

Lobbying Client * * * * * *Total
US Chamber of Commerce $136,300,000
National Assn of Realtors $41,464,580
Blue Cross/Blue Shield $22,489,532
General Electric * * * * * * * **$21,120,000
American Hospital Assn $19,230,200
National Cable & Telecommunications Assn $18,890,000
Pharmaceutical Rsrch & Mfrs of America $18,530,000
Google Inc $18,220,000
Northrop Grumman $17,540,000
AT&T Inc $17,430,000
American Medical Assn $16,505,000
Boeing Co $15,640,000
Southern Co $15,580,000
Lockheed Martin $15,347,350
Verizon Communications $15,220,000
Comcast Corp $14,750,000
National Assn of Broadcasters $14,510,000
Royal Dutch Shell $14,480,000
Business Roundtable $13,890,000
Edison Electric Institute $13,540,790

Feel free to distribute or cite this material, but please credit the Center for Responsive Politics.*


Lobbying Spending Database | OpenSecrets[/QUOTE]
Jewish Americans have set up an impressive array of organisations to influence American foreign policy, of which AIPAC is the most powerful and best known. In 1997, Fortune magazine asked members of Congress and their staffs to list the most powerful lobbies in Washington. AIPAC was ranked second behind the American Association of Retired People, but ahead of the AFL-CIO and the National Rifle Association. A National Journal study in March 2005 reached a similar conclusion, placing AIPAC in second place (tied with AARP) in the Washington ‘muscle rankings’.
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PBEL posted:
I have told you a thousand times...I am an American Firster who wants peace in the ME so that we can end the War on Terror but not on Terrorism. Large Incursions into other countries bleeding American Boys is over.

America no longer needs to protect her oil routes because we only import less than 17% from the ME...

America is ruled by money and corporations donations to our Federal Politicians’...The Israel lobbies dole out more money than all others seesawing with the NRA who just won the debate on guns even though 90% of our public supported a differing version.

I support American Independence from foreign wars and retake our government back through the ballot box and restore Democracy.
As far as your insipid accusations of anti-Semitism as motivation for posting, that’s all you have is your-own accusations of hate over printed words

I found different data regarding those who spend the most money in order to influence politicians:

Parent American Israel Public Affairs Cmte: $2,761,388
Total Lobbying Expenditures: $2,761,388

* **
*Lobbying Spending Database - American Israel Public Affairs Cmte, 2012 | OpenSecrets

Year: 2012
Subtotal for Parent National Rifle Assn: $2,500,000
* *Subtotal for Subsidiary NRA Institute for Legislative Action: $480,000
Total Lobbying Expenditures: $2,980,000
* *

Top Spenders

Lobbying Client * * * * * *Total
US Chamber of Commerce $136,300,000
National Assn of Realtors $41,464,580
Blue Cross/Blue Shield $22,489,532
General Electric * * * * * * * **$21,120,000
American Hospital Assn $19,230,200
National Cable & Telecommunications Assn $18,890,000
Pharmaceutical Rsrch & Mfrs of America $18,530,000
Google Inc $18,220,000
Northrop Grumman $17,540,000
AT&T Inc $17,430,000
American Medical Assn $16,505,000
Boeing Co $15,640,000
Southern Co $15,580,000
Lockheed Martin $15,347,350
Verizon Communications $15,220,000
Comcast Corp $14,750,000
National Assn of Broadcasters $14,510,000
Royal Dutch Shell $14,480,000
Business Roundtable $13,890,000
Edison Electric Institute $13,540,790

Feel free to distribute or cite this material, but please credit the Center for Responsive Politics.*

John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt · The Israel Lobby: the Israel Lobby · LRB 23 March 2006

Lobbying Spending Database | OpenSecrets
Jewish Americans have set up an impressive array of organisations to influence American foreign policy, of which AIPAC is the most powerful and best known. In 1997, Fortune magazine asked members of Congress and their staffs to list the most powerful lobbies in Washington. AIPAC was ranked second behind the American Association of Retired People, but ahead of the AFL-CIO and the National Rifle Association. A National Journal study in March 2005 reached a similar conclusion, placing AIPAC in second place (tied with AARP) in the Washington ‘muscle rankings’.[/QUOTE]
John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt · The Israel Lobby: the Israel Lobby · LRB 23 March 2006

The bottom line is that AIPAC, a de facto agent for a foreign government, has a stranglehold on Congress, with the result that US policy towards Israel is not debated there, even though that policy has important consequences for the entire world. In other words, one of the three main branches of the government is firmly committed to supporting Israel. As one former Democratic senator, Ernest Hollings, noted on leaving office, ‘you can’t have an Israeli policy other than what AIPAC gives you around here.’ Or as Ariel Sharon once told an American audience, ‘when people ask me how they can help Israel, I tell them: “Help AIPAC.”’
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The bottom line is that AIPAC, a de facto agent for a foreign government, has a stranglehold on Congress, with the result that US policy towards Israel is not debated there, even though that policy has important consequences for the entire world. In other words, one of the three main branches of the government is firmly committed to supporting Israel. As one former Democratic senator, Ernest Hollings, noted on leaving office, ‘you can’t have an Israeli policy other than what AIPAC gives you around here.’ Or as Ariel Sharon once told an American audience, ‘when people ask me how they can help Israel, I tell them: “Help AIPAC.”’

Is that above blob o' feces also a quote from the W&M hatchet job? If not, I hope you'll identify the 'sources' of those quotes and show them in the original context
So far, all I've read is AIPAC - how about a list of all those other alleged 'Israel lobbies' ?
Sadly extremism lives mightily in the form of Settlers Terrorsm now haunting non-Palestinians with fear.

I smell an Israeli Civil War looming over Settlements or peace.

Church of the Dormition In Jerusalem Vandalized; Holy Virgin Mary Site Defaced With Graffiti Used By Jewish Extremists -- Israel police say an investigation is underway to find vandals who defaced one of Jerusalem's best known churches.

Spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said the vandalism was discovered on the Church of the Dormition in Jerusalem's Old City early Friday. The church is built on the site where many Christians believe the Virgin Mary died.

Rosenfeld said that along with anti-Christian slurs, the words "price tag" were found scrawled on the church's exterior. He said police are searching for the perpetrators.

That phrase is usually used by a fringe minority of Jewish extremists to protest what they perceive as the Israeli government's pro-Palestinian policies and retaliation for Palestinian attacks.

Mosques, churches, dovish Israeli groups and even Israeli military bases have been vandalized with "price tag" damage in recent years.
One or two radical morons spray painting is not considered "terrorism". And the behavior of of whoever who did this is not reflective of the rest of the settlers who are simply devout religious peaceful Jews who have chosen to live in ancient Israel, the land that their ancestors lived.

Generally speaking, settlers don't resort to violence unless it is in response to Palestinian savagery.
Sadly extremism lives mightily in the form of Settlers Terrorsm now haunting non-Palestinians with fear.

I smell an Israeli Civil War looming over Settlements or peace.

Church of the Dormition In Jerusalem Vandalized; Holy Virgin Mary Site Defaced With Graffiti Used By Jewish Extremists -- Israel police say an investigation is underway to find vandals who defaced one of Jerusalem's best known churches.

Spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said the vandalism was discovered on the Church of the Dormition in Jerusalem's Old City early Friday. The church is built on the site where many Christians believe the Virgin Mary died.

Rosenfeld said that along with anti-Christian slurs, the words "price tag" were found scrawled on the church's exterior. He said police are searching for the perpetrators.

That phrase is usually used by a fringe minority of Jewish extremists to protest what they perceive as the Israeli government's pro-Palestinian policies and retaliation for Palestinian attacks.

Mosques, churches, dovish Israeli groups and even Israeli military bases have been vandalized with "price tag" damage in recent years.

"I smell an Israeli Civil War looming over Settlements or peace."

Haha. dream on.

Most of our people are against harming the settlements:cool:
The disgusting behavior of a fringe minority of .... extremists is not near enough to precipitate a 'civil war'.

What 'smells' is the anticipatory gleeful drool being dribbled in a puddle on the forum floor. Phil, please fetch the mop and clean up after yourself.

i think there is a pretty large and equal division between those in favour of settlements and those opposed to them, not to mention the divisions in the militaty about evicting jews from illegal settlements with many refusing to obey orders.

i don't know how we want to define "civil war" exactly but i think we can allow Pbel some license in his choice of words just as we can allow you your use of "gleeful drool".

The partition is quote clear.

The leftists are in the minority, as I said before, most of the people are against harming the settlements. Many out of ideology of not giving up parts of the homeland for the enemy, others simply reached the wise conclusion that expelling Jews from their homes does nothing good. In that same movie we have been in 2005. and instead of 10,000 under fire, we know stand on 1.5 *millions* under rocket threat.

Yeah, THAT was a wise move.

True is that, that there is a question in the military about those who will destroy settlements and those who won't.

In other words, some don't want to expel Jews from their homes, but still fear prison in case they disobey orders. Some are ready to sit in jail for years, but not expel Jews out of their homes.

Few are those who want to see settlements gone.
Thinking about that comment, few want settlements gone. The moral decline of a society on full display. When most support war crimes and atrocities against humanity, Nations like Israel emerge.
Thinking about that comment, few want settlements gone. The moral decline of a society on full display. When most support war crimes and atrocities against humanity, Nations like Israel emerge.

Those words above speak more to the filthy-minded obsession with attacking Israel and Zionism than they do to any reality. The level of 'generalizing' - in this situation a logical fallacy - is so extreme it's hard to describe as merely 'conclusion-jumping'....

What can possibly be 'discussed' with someone who eagerly desires that a nation suffer a civil war to suit their fantasy that said nation 'should never have existed' ?

There seems to be no end to the ill-wishing of such self-righteous "critics of Israel". Of course, if they were honest enough to acknowledge that they are 'critical' of the fact that Israel exists (never mind where or what size!) - everyone else who's not such an extremist would recognize that there IS no 'discussion' to be had with that POV.
PBEL posted:
I have told you a thousand times...I am an American Firster who wants peace in the ME so that we can end the War on Terror but not on Terrorism. Large Incursions into other countries bleeding American Boys is over.

America no longer needs to protect her oil routes because we only import less than 17% from the ME...

America is ruled by money and corporations donations to our Federal Politicians’...The Israel lobbies dole out more money than all others seesawing with the NRA who just won the debate on guns even though 90% of our public supported a differing version.

I support American Independence from foreign wars and retake our government back through the ballot box and restore Democracy.

As far as your insipid accusations of anti-Semitism as motivation for posting, that’s all you have is your-own accusations of hate over printed words
Annika posted:
I found different data regarding those who spend the most money in order to influence politicians:

Parent American Israel Public Affairs Cmte: $2,761,388
Total Lobbying Expenditures: $2,761,388

* **
*Lobbying Spending Database - American Israel Public Affairs Cmte, 2012 | OpenSecrets

Year: 2012
Subtotal for Parent National Rifle Assn: $2,500,000
* *Subtotal for Subsidiary NRA Institute for Legislative Action: $480,000
Total Lobbying Expenditures: $2,980,000
* *

Top Spenders

Lobbying Client * * * * * *Total
US Chamber of Commerce $136,300,000
National Assn of Realtors $41,464,580
Blue Cross/Blue Shield $22,489,532
General Electric * * * * * * * **$21,120,000
American Hospital Assn $19,230,200
National Cable & Telecommunications Assn $18,890,000
Pharmaceutical Rsrch & Mfrs of America $18,530,000
Google Inc $18,220,000
Northrop Grumman $17,540,000
AT&T Inc $17,430,000
American Medical Assn $16,505,000
Boeing Co $15,640,000
Southern Co $15,580,000
Lockheed Martin $15,347,350
Verizon Communications $15,220,000
Comcast Corp $14,750,000
National Assn of Broadcasters $14,510,000
Royal Dutch Shell $14,480,000
Business Roundtable $13,890,000
Edison Electric Institute $13,540,790

Feel free to distribute or cite this material, but please credit the Center for Responsive Politics.*

John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt · The Israel Lobby: the Israel Lobby · LRB 23 March 2006

Lobbying Spending Database | OpenSecrets
Jewish Americans have set up an impressive array of organisations to influence American foreign policy, of which AIPAC is the most powerful and best known. In 1997, Fortune magazine asked members of Congress and their staffs to list the most powerful lobbies in Washington. AIPAC was ranked second behind the American Association of Retired People, but ahead of the AFL-CIO and the National Rifle Association. A National Journal study in March 2005 reached a similar conclusion, placing AIPAC in second place (tied with AARP) in the Washington ‘muscle rankings’.[/QUOTE]

Annika55 responded:
I am not sure how "most powerful" is defined, but the numbers for 2012 present a clear and full picture of CURRENT political lobbying.

Parent American Israel Public Affairs Cmte: $2,761,388
Total Lobbying Expenditures: $2,761,388

Lobbying Spending Database - American Israel Public Affairs Cmte, 2012 OpenSecrets

Perhaps members of congress are less willing to discuss as "most powerful," the groups above that give over $20,000,000?

For additional perspective:
Total lobby spending:
2011 $3.33 Billion
2012 $3.30 Billion
Lobbying Database | OpenSecrets

Some additional context:

Rankings by Sectors
Sector Total
Misc Business $547,925,591
Health $485,908,657
Finance/Insur/RealEst $484,188,108
Communic/Electronics $390,326,888
Energy/Nat Resource $379,194,553
Transportation $242,040,598
Other $223,091,466
Agribusiness $137,853,745
Defense $130,545,396
Ideology/Single-Issue $125,559,650
Construction $46,833,478
Labor $45,795,734
Lawyers & Lobbyists $24,269,806
Lobbying Spending Database | OpenSecrets

Top Spending Industries in 2012

Industry Total
Pharmaceuticals/Health Products $234,104,389
Business Associations $172,937,690
Insurance $152,138,803
Electric Utilities $145,463,813
Oil & Gas $139,928,996
Computers/Internet $132,553,254
TV/Movies/Music $117,570,007
Misc Manufacturing & Distributing $109,673,326
Securities & Investment $96,828,033
Hospitals/Nursing Homes $92,250,082
Education $90,503,733
Real Estate $80,805,566
Health Professionals $78,921,157
Air Transport $78,700,312
Civil Servants/Public Officials $74,130,356
Health Services/HMOs $70,699,253
Commercial Banks $61,469,445
Defense Aerospace $58,136,226
Automotive $57,263,732
Chemical & Related Manufacturing $55,590,809
Lobbying Spending Database | OpenSecrets

Top Pacs 2011-2012
PAC Name Total Amount
National Assn of Realtors $3,960,282
National Beer Wholesalers Assn $3,388,500
Honeywell International $3,193,024
Operating Engineers Union $3,186,387
National Auto Dealers Assn $3,074,000
Intl Brotherhood of Electrical Workers $2,853,000
American Bankers Assn $2,736,150
AT&T Inc $2,543,000
American Assn for Justice $2,512,500
Credit Union National Assn $2,487,600
Plumbers/Pipefitters Union $2,395,150
(See Top 20 List)
Political Action Committees | OpenSecrets

Some of these Super Pacs were created to support or to defeat a single candidate. See
Super PACs | OpenSecrets
Select a cycle: *2012
Group Expenditures **Total Raised
Restore Our Future $142,097,336 $153,741,731
American Crossroads $104,746,670 $117,472,407
Priorities USA Action $65,166,859 $79,050,419
Majority PAC $37,498,257 $42,121,541
House Majority PAC $30,470,122 $35,844,951
Freedomworks for America $19,636,548 $23,453,198
Winning Our Future $17,007,762 $23,921,705
Club for Growth Action $16,584,207 $18,253,913
Ending Spending Action Fund $13,250,766 $14,169,830
Congressional Leadership Fund $9,450,223 $11,286,590
Independence USA PAC $8,230,454 $10,004,235
Now or Never PAC $7,760,174 $8,250,500
Women Vote! $7,749,991 $9,834,165
AFL-CIO Workers' Voices PAC $6,331,541 $21,855,151
Texas Conservatives Fund $5,872,431 $6,364,054
Service Employees International Union $5,310,732 $16,264,036
Planned Parenthood Votes $5,039,082 $6,446,014
Independence Virginia PAC $4,921,410 $5,173,500
YG Action Fund $4,722,335 $5,948,567
Make Us Great Again $3,959,824 $5,607,881
Endorse Liberty $3,580,138 $3,937,582
Freedom PAC $3,445,126 $3,845,649
Florida Freedom PAC $3,269,519 $5,995,043

These are the numbers showing the full picture of how our government is influenced.
Maybe this will simplify this numbers game, Anika...clearly you can see oligarchy at work!

John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt · The Israel Lobby: the Israel Lobby · LRB 23 March 2006

AIPAC itself, however, forms the core of the Lobby’s influence in Congress. Its success is due to its ability to reward legislators and congressional candidates who support its agenda, and to punish those who challenge it. Money is critical to US elections (as the scandal over the lobbyist Jack Abramoff’s shady dealings reminds us), and AIPAC makes sure that its friends get strong financial support from the many pro-Israel political action committees. Anyone who is seen as hostile to Israel can be sure that AIPAC will direct campaign contributions to his or her political opponents. AIPAC also organises letter-writing campaigns and encourages newspaper editors to endorse pro-Israel candidates.

Thanks in part to the influence Jewish voters have on presidential elections, the Lobby also has significant leverage over the executive branch. Although they make up fewer than 3 per cent of the population, they make large campaign donations to candidates from both parties. The Washington Post once estimated that Democratic presidential candidates ‘depend on Jewish supporters to supply as much as 60 per cent of the money’. And because Jewish voters have high turn-out rates and are concentrated in key states like California, Florida, Illinois, New York and Pennsylvania, presidential candidates go to great lengths not to antagonise them.
Phil, what ELSE do you take as being 'truth' which is promoted by only a single 'source' aside from the Alex Jones/David Duke filth-flinging fringe fanatics? I'm curious.....
It's interesting to note that Phil is pushing a one-source 'theory' with no apparent figures, over the assessment of a highly-regarded independent 'watchdog' organization which goes into considerable detail and gives a overall (i.e. 'in context') view of political contributions by assorted lobbies.

Even though I've asked for it, Phil cant provide any more info than 'AIPAC'......
I always look at Statistics to tell me the Truth, because Numbers do not lie...
I always look at Statistics to tell me the Truth, because Numbers do not lie...

So, besides the $2,761,388 from AIPAC which creates a goverment stronghold that has more influence than dozens of contributors giving 5-70 times that amount, what statistical data can you produce regarding pro Israeli lobbyists' actual contributions within the last 5 years.

It is rather silly to talk about "Jewish contributions" when most American Jews still support Democratic candidates, as your own quote makes clear.
The bottom line is that Jews still make up less than 2% of the population and many of those do not practice the Jewish religion, most do not belong to any congregation or Temple, and half are married to non-Jews. These Jews cannot vote in higher percentages than they represent in the general population. They are obligated to follow the laws regarding political contributions, and they cannot prevent the other groups from giving their 50 to 150 million dollars in campaign contributions. Surely, if they wished, the 98% of the population that is not Jewish could easily eclipse the $2,761,388 from AIPAC.
Phil, please look at the real data I presented. How do those REAL numbers lead you to focus on the "power" and "muscle" of (unnamed) Jewish groups (besides AIPAC)?
I always look at Statistics to tell me the Truth, because Numbers do not lie...

So, besides the $2,761,388 from AIPAC which creates a goverment stronghold that has more influence than dozens of contributors giving 5-70 times that amount, what statistical data can you produce regarding pro Israeli lobbyists' actual contributions within the last 5 years.

It is rather silly to talk about "Jewish contributions" when most American Jews still support Democratic candidates, as your own quote makes clear.
The bottom line is that Jews still make up less than 2% of the population and many of those do not practice the Jewish religion, most do not belong to any congregation or Temple, and half are married to non-Jews. These Jews cannot vote in higher percentages than they represent in the general population. They are obligated to follow the laws regarding political contributions, and they cannot prevent the other groups from giving their 50 to 150 million dollars in campaign contributions. Surely, if they wished, the 98% of the population that is not Jewish could easily eclipse the $2,761,388 from AIPAC.
Phil, please look at the real data I presented. How do those REAL numbers lead you to focus on the "power" and "muscle" of (unnamed) Jewish groups (besides AIPAC)?
I'm not going to play your game, Annika...Walt/Mearsheimer said that 2-3% of the population in America through AIPAC friendly PACs produced 60% of the contributions to Democratic candidates...Disprove their accuracies.

By the way, what do you think about tha Casino guy Adellson pouring a hundred Million to unseat Democrats for his Israeli Wife, is it right in a Democracy, "for the people, by the people?" Who Governs?
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I always look at Statistics to tell me the Truth, because Numbers do not lie...

So, besides the $2,761,388 from AIPAC which creates a goverment stronghold that has more influence than dozens of contributors giving 5-70 times that amount, what statistical data can you produce regarding pro Israeli lobbyists' actual contributions within the last 5 years.

It is rather silly to talk about "Jewish contributions" when most American Jews still support Democratic candidates, as your own quote makes clear.
The bottom line is that Jews still make up less than 2% of the population and many of those do not practice the Jewish religion, most do not belong to any congregation or Temple, and half are married to non-Jews. These Jews cannot vote in higher percentages than they represent in the general population. They are obligated to follow the laws regarding political contributions, and they cannot prevent the other groups from giving their 50 to 150 million dollars in campaign contributions. Surely, if they wished, the 98% of the population that is not Jewish could easily eclipse the $2,761,388 from AIPAC.
Phil, please look at the real data I presented. How do those REAL numbers lead you to focus on the "power" and "muscle" of (unnamed) Jewish groups (besides AIPAC)?
I'm not going to play your game, Annika...Walt/Mearsheimer said that 2-3% of the population in America through AIPAC friendly PACs produced 60% of the contributions to Democratic candidates...Disprove their accuracies.

By the way, what do you think about tha Casino guy Adellson pouring a hundred Million to unseat Democrats for his Israeli Wife, is it right in a Democracy, "for the people, by the people?" Who Governs?

Without hard evidence, I have a hard time believing "that 2-3% of the population in America through AIPAC friendly PACs produced 60% of the contributions to Democratic candidates." I actually thought it was REPUBLICAN candidates that were the major Pro Israel candidates, so this "fact" seems wrong on a common sense basis. Since you posted the "facts," you are obligated to provide supporting evidence.
3 BILLION dollars were spent on lobbying in 2012.
I dont know what Adelson or his wife wanted for their money.
I dont choose to speculate on contributors' religions or their reasons for supporting a particular candidate or party.*
I dont choose to speculate or post unsupported generalizations about this data. The actual numbers are easy to find.
I strongly support campaign finance reform. I am against ANY group or individual having titanic power to influence elections, like these guys: (and most of these top spenders are Conservatives.) See*2012 Top Donors to Outside Spending Groups | OpenSecrets
Top Individuals Funding Outside Spending Groups*(Who contributed MORE than AIPAC)
1 Adelson, Sheldon G. & Miriam O.
2 Simmons, Harold C. & Annette * **$26,865,000
3 Perry, Robert J. * * * * **$23,450,000
4 Eychaner, Fred * * * * * *$14,050,000
5 Bloomberg, Michael R.*$13,672,973
6 Ricketts, John Joe * * **$13,050,000
7 Simons, James H. & Marilyn *$9,575,00
8 Mercer, Robert L.*$5,409,354
9 Thiel, Peter A. * * **$4,735,000
10 Mostyn, J. Steve & Anderson, Amber
11 Childs, John W. * * * *$4,225,000
12 Perenchio, A. Jerrold.*$4,100,000
13 Rowling, Robert B. $3,635,000
14 Goldman, Amy * * * **$3,400,000
15 McNair, Robert * * * *$3,175,000
16 Ramsey, John * * * * **$3,155,933
17 Katzenberg, Jeffrey *$3,150,000
18 Ellison, Lawrence * * **$3,000,000

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