Holy Virgin Mary Site Defaced With Graffiti Used By Jewish Extremists

Watch out, here come the "Graffiti Terrorists"! Forget about Al Qaeda, Islamic Jihad, Hamas, Hezbollah, let's go after those guys!
So, besides the $2,761,388 from AIPAC which creates a goverment stronghold that has more influence than dozens of contributors giving 5-70 times that amount, what statistical data can you produce regarding pro Israeli lobbyists' actual contributions within the last 5 years.

It is rather silly to talk about "Jewish contributions" when most American Jews still support Democratic candidates, as your own quote makes clear.
The bottom line is that Jews still make up less than 2% of the population and many of those do not practice the Jewish religion, most do not belong to any congregation or Temple, and half are married to non-Jews. These Jews cannot vote in higher percentages than they represent in the general population. They are obligated to follow the laws regarding political contributions, and they cannot prevent the other groups from giving their 50 to 150 million dollars in campaign contributions. Surely, if they wished, the 98% of the population that is not Jewish could easily eclipse the $2,761,388 from AIPAC.
Phil, please look at the real data I presented. How do those REAL numbers lead you to focus on the "power" and "muscle" of (unnamed) Jewish groups (besides AIPAC)?
I'm not going to play your game, Annika...Walt/Mearsheimer said that 2-3% of the population in America through AIPAC friendly PACs produced 60% of the contributions to Democratic candidates...Disprove their accuracies.

By the way, what do you think about tha Casino guy Adellson pouring a hundred Million to unseat Democrats for his Israeli Wife, is it right in a Democracy, "for the people, by the people?" Who Governs?

Without hard evidence, I have a hard time believing "that 2-3% of the population in America through AIPAC friendly PACs produced 60% of the contributions to Democratic candidates." I actually thought it was REPUBLICAN candidates that were the major Pro Israel candidates, so this "fact" seems wrong on a common sense basis. Since you posted the "facts," you are obligated to provide supporting evidence.
3 BILLION dollars were spent on lobbying in 2012.
I dont know what Adelson or his wife wanted for their money.
I dont choose to speculate on contributors' religions or their reasons for supporting a particular candidate or party.*
I dont choose to speculate or post unsupported generalizations about this data. The actual numbers are easy to find.
I strongly support campaign finance reform. I am against ANY group or individual having titanic power to influence elections, like these guys: (and most of these top spenders are Conservatives.) See*2012 Top Donors to Outside Spending Groups | OpenSecrets
Top Individuals Funding Outside Spending Groups*(Who contributed MORE than AIPAC)
1 Adelson, Sheldon G. & Miriam O.
2 Simmons, Harold C. & Annette * **$26,865,000
3 Perry, Robert J. * * * * **$23,450,000
4 Eychaner, Fred * * * * * *$14,050,000
5 Bloomberg, Michael R.*$13,672,973
6 Ricketts, John Joe * * **$13,050,000
7 Simons, James H. & Marilyn *$9,575,00
8 Mercer, Robert L.*$5,409,354
9 Thiel, Peter A. * * **$4,735,000
10 Mostyn, J. Steve & Anderson, Amber
11 Childs, John W. * * * *$4,225,000
12 Perenchio, A. Jerrold.*$4,100,000
13 Rowling, Robert B. $3,635,000
14 Goldman, Amy * * * **$3,400,000
15 McNair, Robert * * * *$3,175,000
16 Ramsey, John * * * * **$3,155,933
17 Katzenberg, Jeffrey *$3,150,000
18 Ellison, Lawrence * * **$3,000,000
Annika, I respect you, however not to accept the numbers provided by Eminent Scholars, is reaching for straws...No-0ne has yet disputed their numbers...Individuals on the list you provided clearly show the Power of Money by notable Israeli supporters that are probably members of AIPAC..
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Does Annika support Israels killing of 1519 children in Palestine since 2000?
But of course that's all bulsshit propaganda and numbers you IslamoNazi worshippers parrot. Most of the garbage you spew is actually true about the Palestinians.
Does Sherri approve of Palestinians celebrating death of Israelis ?
Sherri thinks Palestinians are a bunch of angels walking around with Halos in their heads. And the Israelis all have horns. She also thinks Hamas are "honorable" and respectable. And that's just the beginning.

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