Home Depot Co Founder:"Biden Does Not Understand How Business Works"

Also, given you using comments like 'gash' to describe a woman president.... I think your racism and misogyny would backfire on you pretty badly.

What the fuck is racist about "gash"?

Let me tell you: NOTHING.

Fuckin' dipshit...

Did you not understand what the word "Misogyny" means? I know it's a big word that they didn't teach you in home school.
"The new Reconstruction Finance Corporation, established in January 1932, lent tax dollars to bail out American banks and businesses. The Emergency Relief and Construction Act, enacted in July 1932, broadened the agency’s lending power to include financing state and local public works projects.

Hoover also approved substantial farm subsidy increases, eased requirements for the issuing of Federal Reserve notes and established the Federal Home Loan Bank Board to support mortgages. In an attempt to pay for the new programs, Hoover signed the Revenue Act of 1932, which doubled the estate tax, hiked corporate tax rates and increased the top personal tax rate from 25 to 63 percent."

FDR ran against Hoover accusing him of out of control government spending! Do you REALLY want to argue American history with a American who majored in history?

Hoover only signed these things AFTER Democrats gained 52 seats in the House and 8 seats in the 1930 Congressional Election.

Okay- So the GREAT DEPRESSION started in 1929.

Hoover sat on his ass for three years before doing anything about it. Only signed legislation after the Democrats in Congress screamed "DO SOMETHING"

In 1932, FDR won, picked up 11 more seats in the Senate and another 97 seats in the House. This was the good old days when voters actually held Republican accountable for fucking up the economy.

By 1936, the GOP would be down to 88 Seats in the House and 17 in the Senate. FDR was able to create a middle class and create the America we know today, the GOP has spent the last 40 years trying to dismantle.

Biden says "the era of shareholder capitalism is over." Now let's see anybody say he is not a socialist. HAHAHAHAHAHHA!

Anyone who supported biden is an idiot

and that goes double for the fools on Wall St
Oldestyle, it is a very good discussion though.

There is always, always, and all of us must remember this, an element of human subjectivity in history and yes economics too.

Neither are a hard science and though we must pursue them with evidence, an honest search for truth our personal opinions and lives will colour that evidence.

This is human nature.
When you're making that "search", Jake? Try a starting point where you don't accept what you've been taught about FDR and The Great Depression as a given. For most he is the liberal icon who brought us out of a really bad recession and saved the country! For others he was a President whose policies extended a recession and turned it into The Great Depression. An Economics class with Thomas Sowell at Amherst College turned me into the latter.

As for Sowell I will read him, but word of warning, you will never understand the grand scope of history following just one economic guru or historian, you have to contrast and compare as many as you can and take none as the ultimate authority.

That is the enlightenment rule.
Sowell was one of three Economics professors I had in college. His take on things made sense and the others quite frankly had beliefs that even at that tender age didn't. Sowell is a fascinating man because of his intellectual journey! When he graduated from Harvard he self describes as an avowed Marxist. Working for the US Government as an intern for one year changed that when he studied the results of a government imposed minimum wage on the sugarcane industry in Puerto Rico. He was taken aback by the rise in unemployment that followed that wage increase. He was also appalled by the lack of concern that people in the Puerto Rican government showed for what their policies produced. He came to the conclusion that those people in government cared more about THEIR jobs than they did about the jobs of the people they were supposed to be representing. That one experience caused him to reevaluate what HE had believed up to that point. You could call it Thomas Sowell's "enlightenment"!
Oldestyle, it is a very good discussion though.

There is always, always, and all of us must remember this, an element of human subjectivity in history and yes economics too.

Neither are a hard science and though we must pursue them with evidence, an honest search for truth our personal opinions and lives will colour that evidence.

This is human nature.
When you're making that "search", Jake? Try a starting point where you don't accept what you've been taught about FDR and The Great Depression as a given. For most he is the liberal icon who brought us out of a really bad recession and saved the country! For others he was a President whose policies extended a recession and turned it into The Great Depression. An Economics class with Thomas Sowell at Amherst College turned me into the latter.

As for Sowell I will read him, but word of warning, you will never understand the grand scope of history following just one economic guru or historian, you have to contrast and compare as many as you can and take none as the ultimate authority.

That is the enlightenment rule.
Sowell was one of three Economics professors I had in college. His take on things made sense and the others quite frankly had beliefs that even at that tender age didn't. Sowell is a fascinating man because of his intellectual journey! When he graduated from Harvard he self describes as an avowed Marxist. Working for the US Government as an intern for one year changed that when he studied the results of a government imposed minimum wage on the sugarcane industry in Puerto Rico. He was taken aback by the rise in unemployment that followed that wage increase. He was also appalled by the lack of concern that people in the Puerto Rican government showed for what their policies produced. He came to the conclusion that those people in government cared more about THEIR jobs than they did about the jobs of the people they were supposed to be representing. That one experience caused him to reevaluate what HE had believed up to that point. You could call it Thomas Sowell's "enlightenment"!

That is interesting, mind you in economics or history it is dangerous to extrapolate human universals from particulars. Culture has as much to do with government function or disfunction and economic success and or failure.

I have lived in Puerto Rico as well, indeed my first wife was Puerto Rican, many of the problems and failures with that island are cultural.

On the broader theme government only cares their jobs and not providing services, we have tons of evidence to the contrary.
For instance the US does not rely on mercenaries (though it foolishly expanded their role in Iraq) because government funded and controlled militaries work far more efficiently. Social Security, has dramatically decreased elderly poverty rates in the USA. By some 47% filling the gap left by the failures of the private sector.


Private insurance provision prior to the Affordable Care Act in the US left 44 million people uninsured, universal systems in the Western democracies leave none uninsured.

Many government health services in the Western world get better macro results than the US private sector system and are hence rated above such. Nations such as Germany, the Nordic states even Australia and New Zealand provide an entire host of government services that are efficient and served the social purpose intended often at less cost than comparable private sector services.. (Once again the Australian Medicare insurance system gets better results than the fragmented US private insurance system for far less cost).

And we can look to nations which have few government services, such as India or the Philippians wallowing in poverty and unable to deal with the pandemic. Once again culture plays an important factor.

This is why it is important to contrast and compare the various theories of thinkers, economists and historians and then test their claims before the evidence widely available.
His [President Trump's] entire business life, even now, is borrowing from others, they take the risk, when and if it fails he diverts funds to himself and they take the fall.

He is even doing it now with his lost Presidency, begging for donations to help fight his delusionary quest to stay in power, and as with his business ventures most of the money will go into his personal accounts and not to that fight.

Please show us your reliable source and working link supporting your allegation that President Trump is borrowing money during his time in office and defaulting on those loans. You can't so you are lying. Why? Are you that desperate?

Yes, he is asking for donations to help fight the fake ballots and election fraud NOT for anything he did wrong. So what? As you know, President Clinton appealed to the public to support his LEGAL DEFENSE FUND for his criminal activities.

Clintons Owe $4M In Legal Fees
MARCH 14, 2001 / 11:17 PM / AP

Former President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton owe lawyers nearly $4 million, and an official of the former first family's legal defense fund said Wednesday he is uncertain who will pay the bill: the Clintons, financial donors or the taxpayers.

The fund announced that it and a previous legal defense fund had paid $7.4 million of the Clintons' $11.3 million in legal expenses, leaving a balance of about $3.9 million.

"We will meet with the former president and his staff" soon on the matter, said Anthony Essaye, the defense fund's executive director.

On the last full day of his presidency, Clinton agreed not to seek taxpayer reimbursement of legal fees for the scandal involving former White House intern Monica Lewinsky.

The promise did not extend to the Whitewater criminal investigation, which lasted until September.

Clinton has said that he might be entitled to government reimbursement for legal expenses stemming from Whitewater but that his "instinct" was not to seek it.

Read the quote, again Trump is begging for donations in the Presidency. Though he as President owes more to creditors than any President in history and that is coming due.

If he is such a great billionaire business man why is he begging like an ever angry street mime?
Though when he gets out he will be flogging his contacts for loans as he has done is entire business career.

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And now Trump is learning the hardest lesson of his self absorbed life.

When he failed in business, time and time again he stripped assets and passed liabilities to others.

When he failed in an election he can't do that, though he is trying, he has to make way for the man who defeated him and live with the legacy of being a one term President who the majority of Americans fired.
Anyone who supported biden is an idiot

and that goes double for the fools on Wall St

I disagree with one point.

Big tech, big corporations, and multi-billionaires, by a vast majority financially and with in-kind contributions support Joe Biden. The reason is simple. They know they can double-speak Joe on the economy and big business and he will roll-over. So long as he allows them free reign, it is worth trillions of dollars to them to keep Trump and other like-minded people out of control. President Trump makes it crystal clear that he places America FIRST!

Do you think that is where big tech, big corporations, and multi-billionaires, rank America first? Of course not.

Our population is about 330 million. China, on the other hand, has a population of about 1.4 billion. They have opened their economy to more capitalism which has raised more than 800 million people from abject poverty since 1990.

Like it or not, we are a world economy. Where does the economic potential lie for the entities I mentioned before?
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And now Trump is learning the hardest lesson of his self absorbed life.

When he failed in business, time and time again he stripped assets and passed liabilities to others.

When he failed in an election he can't do that, though he is trying, he has to make way for the man who defeated him and live with the legacy of being a one-term President who the majority of Americans fired.

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Anyone who supported biden is an idiot

and that goes double for the fools on Wall St

I disagree with one point.

Big tech, big corporations, and multi-billionaires, by a vast majority financially and with in-kind contributions support Joe Biden. The reason is simple. They know they can double-speak Joe on the economy and big business and he will roll-over. So long as he allows them free reign, it is worth trillions of dollars to them to keep Trump and other like-minded people out of control. President Trump makes it crystal clear that he places America FIRST!

Do you think that is where big tech, big corporations, and multi-billionaires, rank America first? Of course not.

Our population is about 330 million. China, on the other hand, has a population of about 1.4 billion. They have opened their economy to more capitalism which has raised more than 800 million people from abject poverty since 1990.

Like it or not, we are a world economy. Where does the economic potential lie for the entities I mentioned before?
I think the number of chinese who are living well is only about 400 million

and half of those are merely not starving to death anymore as it was under Mao

the chinese economic miracle is much more modest in terms of raising living standards than the communist dictatorship wants us to believe

as for Wall St and American corporations in general how many of the current captains of capitalisms were educated by the America hating libs in our universities?

Indeed how many are even American?

the answer to those question does not bode well for our future
True Biden has never bankrupted a casino and is not over one billion dollars in debt like Trump.

Biden has never invested anything, so he could not suffer any losses. Are you aware that all businesses borrow, dumbo? I worked as an accountant for 30 years and each one of my employers had debt. Good Lord. Where did Forbes get that number? Trump owned a whole lot of different businesses all over the world. He did not manage all of them, so he could not possibly know at any one time how much they all owed. The ignorance I find here is appalling,
"Biden has never invested anything." How do you know that? There are all kinds of publicly available documents for you to post to prove your comment.
True Biden has never bankrupted a casino and is not over one billion dollars in debt like Trump.

Biden has never invested anything, so he could not suffer any losses. Are you aware that all businesses borrow, dumbo? I worked as an accountant for 30 years and each one of my employers had debt. Good Lord. Where did Forbes get that number? Trump owned a whole lot of different businesses all over the world. He did not manage all of them, so he could not possibly know at any one time how much they all owed. The ignorance I find here is appalling,
Your comment is so full of shit. Where to begin. I'll start here.

"Trump owned a whole lot of different businesses all over the world. He did not manage all of them, so he could not possibly know at any one time how much they all owed"
In his case, yes. There are plenty of business people all over the world that manage to do the very thing you posted that DJT could not.

Keep making excuses, Sparky.
True Biden has never bankrupted a casino and is not over one billion dollars in debt like Trump.

Biden has never invested anything, so he could not suffer any losses. Are you aware that all businesses borrow, dumbo? I worked as an accountant for 30 years and each one of my employers had debt. Good Lord. Where did Forbes get that number? Trump owned a whole lot of different businesses all over the world. He did not manage all of them, so he could not possibly know at any one time how much they all owed. The ignorance I find here is appalling,
Your comment is so full of shit. Where to begin. I'll start here.

"Trump owned a whole lot of different businesses all over the world. He did not manage all of them, so he could not possibly know at any one time how much they all owed"
In his case, yes. There are plenty of business people all over the world that manage to do the very thing you posted that DJT could not.

Keep making excuses, Sparky.

Indeed, the disgraceful Trump business record is clear, when his father was not bailing him out he conned others into doing so, when that failed he stripped assets into his own wealth and left those who he contracted, worked for him or loaned him money with all the liabilities.

He is the Wizard of Oz of business.

"Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain."

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