Home Depot Co Founder:"Biden Does Not Understand How Business Works"

Well given the dullard and minimalist nature your responses I do feel like a nap all of the sudden.
Or maybe an energy drink spiked with meth might help me endure the tedium of your posts?
Still not witty. Keep flailing.

I have never been a fan of minimalism, in art or intellect.

But it is not personal Orange, I know you are working with what DNA, time and fate gave you.
I have never been a fan of minimalism, in art or intellect.
But it is not personal Orange, I know you are working with what DNA, time and fate gave you.
Still not witty. Do you want to do this all night, chump?

You have that one post down pat, I will give you that.

Keep chanting it enough and though you will not find enlightenment you may actually start to learn how to flesh out a real thought?

Who knows, with that amazing education of yours more than one thought?
Who knows, with that amazing education of yours more than one thought?
My education is only amazing when compared to yours, advise-boy.

Still minimalist and lacking in any sign of basic human imagination or creativity but not a cut and paste post.

I think we are making progress here Anal Orange.

I will not even bill you for this session, I am a humanitarian like that.
Still minimalist and lacking in any sign of basic human imagination or creativity but not a cut and paste post.
I think we are making progress here Anal Orange.
I will not even bill you for this session, I am a humanitarian like that.
Man, you sure do get triggered when someone points out a mistake. I'm sure that serves you well in real life.
You might want to seek help with that anal obsession, btw.
Still minimalist and lacking in any sign of basic human imagination or creativity but not a cut and paste post.
I think we are making progress here Anal Orange.
I will not even bill you for this session, I am a humanitarian like that.
Man, you sure do get triggered when someone points out a mistake. I'm sure that serves you well in real life.
You might want to seek help with that anal obsession, btw.

I have been warned about this, when a patient becomes obsessed with the therapist.

Still we are making progress, you are now expressing simple but more than one idea.
Still minimalist and lacking in any sign of basic human imagination or creativity but not a cut and paste post.
I think we are making progress here Anal Orange.
I will not even bill you for this session, I am a humanitarian like that.
Man, you sure do get triggered when someone points out a mistake. I'm sure that serves you well in real life.
You might want to seek help with that anal obsession, btw.

I have been warned about this, when a patient becomes obsessed with the therapist.

Still we are making progress, you are now expressing simple but more than one idea.

Well Clarice......eerrr umm sorry.....Orange, has the dictionary stopped screaming?
And now we return to the cut and paste.
Patient regression. It is sad but often inevitable with the cases that are too far lost in the closing darkness of what little flickering light their intellects ever possessed.
You're still failing, kid.
And now we return to the cut and paste.
Patient regression. It is sad but often inevitable with the cases that are too far lost in the closing darkness of what little flickering light their intellects ever possessed.
You're still failing, kid.

General Anal Orange I accept your surrender.

You may keep your mule Dictionary and side arms.

And may the better angels of your nature, such as it is, find some light in your humiliating defeat.
General Anal Orange I accept your surrender.
You may keep your mule Dictionary and side arms.
And may the better angels of your nature, such as it is, find some light in your humiliating defeat.
Nice moron-babble. Do you practice or does it come naturally to you?
General Anal Orange I accept your surrender.
You may keep your mule Dictionary and side arms.
And may the better angels of your nature, such as it is, find some light in your humiliating defeat.
Nice moron-babble. Do you practice or does it come naturally to you?

General Anal Orange when you do go home to that burning land of cotton between your ears please show some humility, some tender mercy and do not burn too many crosses in the sorrowful sadness of you defeated ego.
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General Anal Orange when you do go home to that burning land of cotton between your ears please show some humility, some tender mercy and do not burn too many crosses in the sorrowful sadness of you defeated ego.
You sound more like a moron with each post. If that's your goal, well done.
General Anal Orange when you do go home to that burning land of cotton between your ears please show some humility, some tender mercy and do not burn too many crosses in the sorrowful sadness of you defeated ego.
You sound more like a moron with each post. If that's your goal, well done.

I can see the flames burning, the fire of your defeated ego in the long dark distance.

Pity is not the word for what I feel for you, perhaps there is no word for it?

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