Home Depot Co Founder:"Biden Does Not Understand How Business Works"

Between 1991 and 2009, its holding company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy four times. .

An unmitigated failure - cost thousands of people their jobs and left dozens of small businesses without payment .

( source : NYTIMES JUNE 11, 2016)

Trump still extracted millions of dollars by awarding himself millions in salary and bonus payments.

"I made a lot of money in Atlantic City," he said "And I'm very proud of it."

Newsweek August 27, 2016


1971 - Trumps say's Dad lent him a $1 million - to build out the Grand Hyatt hotel

but turns out his dad also signed & guaranteed $70 million in bank loans !

It gets worse - it looks more like his Dad had a problem & used & steered Donald thru the whole deal- this all btw not in Trumps book ...

Washington Post -

Trump’s father — whose name had been besmirched in New York real estate circles after investigations of abuses in his real estate projects — was an essential silent partner in Trump’s initiative. In effect, the son was the front man, relying on his father’s connections and wealth, while his father stood silently in the background to avoid drawing attention to himself.

1980 Donald Trump then bought casinos .

Me : great , what America needs more of ... casinos .. yech .

Trump Plaza & Castle were initially successful .

He then he bought the Taj Mahal casino that

A - siphoned off customers from his Plaza and the Castle casinos.

Me : He didn't see that coming ?

B- lost vast amounts of money

The Taj & all the casinos all eventually went bankrupt.

By December 1990, when Trump needed to make an $18.4 million interest payment, his father, , sent a lawyer to the Castle to buy $3.3 million in chips, to provide him with an infusion of cash.

1985 he borrowed from dad again .. . .

The Wall Street Journal has tracked down a 1985 casino-license disclosure that showed Trump’s father lent him $14 million - a value of $31 million in today's dollars.

Between 1991 and 2009, its holding company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy four times. .

An unmitigated failure - cost thousands of people their jobs and left dozens of small businesses without payment .

( source : NYTIMES JUNE 11, 2016)

Trump still extracted millions of dollars by awarding himself millions in salary and bonus payments.

"I made a lot of money in Atlantic City," he said "And I'm very proud of it."

Newsweek August 27, 2016

So one thing I love about articles like this, is that their clear partisan bias shows through pretty clearly.

"Trump still extracted millions of dollars by awarding himself millions in salary and bonus payments."

Um.... he owned it? If you owned the business, would not take a salary yourself?
Honestly, if it's your business, you can take all the money if you want. That's how property rights work.

If we found an oil well in your backyard, under your property, and you drilled the well yourself... would you not "extract" the money from selling that oil?

The only complaint you could possibly make, is if he was collecting millions, during the time of the bankruptcy, when he owned contractors money. Well.... I happen to know a little about how bankruptcy courts works, and they wouldn't allow that.

In short, this is a clearly biased hit job, which shows why NYT and other news outlets are biased fake news.

1971 - Trumps say's Dad lent him a $1 million - to build out the Grand Hyatt hotel
but turns out his dad also signed & guaranteed $70 million in bank loans !
It gets worse - it looks more like his Dad had a problem & used & steered Donald thru the whole deal- this all btw not in Trumps book ...

So what? I confused about what is "worse" about this. Every father should steer their children as they learn and grow. Every father has the perfectly acceptable option of helping their children with loans and money.

Are you complaining that Trump's father was a good father? I don't see any issue with any of that.

An unmitigated failure - cost thousands of people their jobs and left dozens of small businesses without payment .
1980 Donald Trump then bought casinos .
Me : great , what America needs more of ... casinos .. yech .
Trump Plaza & Castle were initially successful .\
He then he bought the Taj Mahal casino that\
A - siphoned off customers from his Plaza and the Castle casinos.
Me : He didn't see that coming ?
B- lost vast amounts of money
The Taj & all the casinos all eventually went bankrupt.

Here's the problem with all of that. In order to claim that this is problem of Trump.... you need to show that other companies and businesses did not lose jobs, fail to pay contractors, and declare bankruptcy.

But we already know that *ALL* casinos along Atlantic City were failing. Not just Trump Casinos, all of them were.

The market itself shifted.

Screenshot_2020-11-08 trump Atlantic City revenue - Google Search.png

The decline in revenue happened across the entire market. It wasn't a problem of Trump. It was a problem of the market.

Screenshot_2020-11-08 trump Atlantic City revenue - Google Search(1).png

Gambling revenue declined everywhere in New Jersey, not just Trump.

Trump bought into a market in the 1980s that was booming. The market continued to do well for almost 20 years, and then the market shifted, and all Casinos declined. Not just Trumps.

If you could show me that gambling revenue was going up, and / or that other casinos in the same area were doing fantastic, and only Trump's Casinos were failing....

*THEN* you would have a valid argument to make against Trump. Well... that hasn't happened. Trumps Casino decline was with the rest of the market.
Yes going bankrupt time and time again and ripping off your workers, partners and contractors, having one billion dollars of debt, ripping off everyone who comes in contact with you, no I guess I do not understand that kind of business.

You seem to be ignorant of the facts surrounding Donald Trump. Is that intentional or are yu simply that lazy that you swallow whatever is handed out by the mass media?

Here is the Trump cult again, everyone is lying, the entire media including conservative outlets, the IRS, the hundreds of contractors who have been screwed by Trump, the thousands of workers screwed by Trump, his many former business partners saying he is a tax cheat and rips off investors, everyone but Trump is lying.

This is how cults work.

View attachment 413390

Are you insane? Democrats have been treating Republicans absolutely horrifically for over a decade.

Nothing is going to change there. You guys have been evil to us, for years and years.

When have you people ever been decent about anything?
Home Depot Co Founder:"Biden Does Not Understand How Business Works
Oh, screw the goddamned businesses...

At least we can now look forward to someone who understands Leadership, honesty and service that prioritizes Country over Self...

Your Orange Baboon-God is entirely unfit for office, and the American People have no judged him to be thus...

"Somebody get that piece of $hit outta the People's House."

LOL Screw businesses? Name one thing in your life right now, that would still exist if not for business creating it, and building it, and selling it?

Name one. Your poop? Good luck finding food to eat, without business, for you to even poop out.

Biden says "the era of shareholder capitalism is over." Now let's see anybody say he is not a socialist. HAHAHAHAHAHHA!

Conservatives spent centuries killing and dying for the Divine Right of Kings; they have a similar (suicidal) bias today:

The Divine Right of Capital by Marjorie Kelly: A Summary

"Today, our worldview has a bias – that stockholders are to be paid as much as possible, while employees are to be paid as little as possible.

"'Income for one group is declared good, and income for another group is declared bad.'

"Nowhere is this more clear than in our financial statements. Here’s the basic formula you’ll find on financial statements:

"Capital Income + Retained earnings = Revenue – (Employee income + Cost of materials)

"Kelly uses some simple algebra to show that this formula could just as easily be re-written as:

"Employee income + Retained earnings = Revenue – (Capital income + Cost of materials)"
Oh yes, all the media is lying, conservative, liberal, long established business journals, they are all lying.

Cult talk.

Trump's Atlantic City casino never got going really before he wrecked the place and ran with millions he awarded himself, by his own admission.

And it is over and over again, (he even ripped off the contractor who renovated the famous Central Park ice skating ring) the same story, the trail of evidence is clear, bankruptcies, leaving contractors, workers business partners high dry while he protects his loot and then tells the IRS he made no profit at all.

Fraud, legal suits to not pay up, shady dealings, bankruptcies.

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Oh yes, all the media is lying, conservative, liberal, long established business journals, they are all lying.

Cult talk.

Trump's Atlantic City casino never got going really before he wrecked the place and ran with millions he awarded himself, by his own admission.

And it is over and over again, (he even ripped off the contractor who renovated the famous Central Park ice skating ring) the same story, the trail of evidence is clear, bankruptcies, leaving contractors, workers business partners high dry while he protects his loot and then tells the IRS he made no profit at all.

Fraud, legal suits to not pay up, shady dealings, bankruptcies.

There are many pieces to a pie. Taking the Trump piece only is the easy way when you can't stand a person. Go back the same years with Biden. He came to D.C. in 1973. The United States had virtually no debt. From the tine he arrived until now...And Wallah....Here we are. I am sure many stories could be found over the years. Voting for budgets. Getting his pork in. Not voting for proper cuts here and there. Voting for increases in items without funding them. Things like that. All I know is Joe has been here for all the DEBTS.
Oh yes, all the media is lying, conservative, liberal, long established business journals, they are all lying.

Cult talk.

Trump's Atlantic City casino never got going really before he wrecked the place and ran with millions he awarded himself, by his own admission.

And it is over and over again, (he even ripped off the contractor who renovated the famous Central Park ice skating ring) the same story, the trail of evidence is clear, bankruptcies, leaving contractors, workers business partners high dry while he protects his loot and then tells the IRS he made no profit at all.

Fraud, legal suits to not pay up, shady dealings, bankruptcies.

There are many pieces to a pie. Taking the Trump piece only is the easy way when you can't stand a person. Go back the same years with Biden. He came to D.C. in 1973. The United States had virtually no debt. From the tine he arrived until now...And Wallah....Here we are. I am sure many stories could be found over the years. Voting for budgets. Getting his pork in. Not voting for proper cuts here and there. Voting for increases in items without funding them. Things like that. All I know is Joe has been here for all the DEBTS.

Trump has not done well in the national debt department if you look at the numbers.

It was skyrocketing with his tax cuts and then his failed pandemic leadership saw it rise to the worse in US history.
And he did not just steal from contractors, but workers too.

The man has screwed almost everyone who has done a deal with thim.

Including now the Republican Party.

Jakey, supposedly your man won. Shouldnt you be busy telling us how great he's going to be?

Typical leftist. Has to be angry about something at all times. What a sad existence.

This thread is about what a dishonest and horrible businessman Trump is, probably a tax cheat too.

The Trump suffers humiliating defeat Biden gloating threads are elsewhere.

No jakey. It's about Fingering Joe's lack of business experience,but you know that.
And he did not just steal from contractors, but workers too.

The man has screwed almost everyone who has done a deal with thim.

Including now the Republican Party.

Jakey, supposedly your man won. Shouldnt you be busy telling us how great he's going to be?

Typical leftist. Has to be angry about something at all times. What a sad existence.

This thread is about what a dishonest and horrible businessman Trump is, probably a tax cheat too.

The Trump suffers humiliating defeat Biden gloating threads are elsewhere.

No jakey. It's about Fingering Joe's lack of business experience,but you know that.

Trump has a lot of business experience (ripping people off) and left the country with the largest debt it has ever had and biggest economic contraction since The Great Depression.
And he did not just steal from contractors, but workers too.

The man has screwed almost everyone who has done a deal with thim.

Including now the Republican Party.

Jakey, supposedly your man won. Shouldnt you be busy telling us how great he's going to be?

Typical leftist. Has to be angry about something at all times. What a sad existence.

This thread is about what a dishonest and horrible businessman Trump is, probably a tax cheat too.

The Trump suffers humiliating defeat Biden gloating threads are elsewhere.

No jakey. It's about Fingering Joe's lack of business experience,but you know that.

Trump has a lot of business experience (ripping people off) and left the country with the largest debt it has ever had and biggest economic contraction since The Great Depression.
Shouldn't you be celebrating with a PBJ with the crusts cut off and a chocolate milk.
And he did not just steal from contractors, but workers too.

The man has screwed almost everyone who has done a deal with thim.

Including now the Republican Party.

Jakey, supposedly your man won. Shouldnt you be busy telling us how great he's going to be?

Typical leftist. Has to be angry about something at all times. What a sad existence.

This thread is about what a dishonest and horrible businessman Trump is, probably a tax cheat too.

The Trump suffers humiliating defeat Biden gloating threads are elsewhere.

No jakey. It's about Fingering Joe's lack of business experience,but you know that.

Trump has a lot of business experience (ripping people off) and left the country with the largest debt it has ever had and biggest economic contraction since The Great Depression.
Shouldn't you be celebrating with a PBJ with the crusts cut off and a chocolate milk.

Funny you bring that up, with 12.6 million people unemployed and a stalled stimulus package (the only Western country that cannot pass one) in Trump's America I reckon PBJ is all they can afford.
Yes going bankrupt time and time again and ripping off your workers, partners and contractors, having one billion dollars of debt, ripping off everyone who comes in contact with you, no I guess I do not understand that kind of business.

You seem to be ignorant of the facts surrounding Donald Trump. Is that intentional or are yu simply that lazy that you swallow whatever is handed out by the mass media?

Here is the Trump cult again, everyone is lying, the entire media including conservative outlets, the IRS, the hundreds of contractors who have been screwed by Trump, the thousands of workers screwed by Trump, his many former business partners saying he is a tax cheat and rips off investors, everyone but Trump is lying.

This is how cults work.

Yes going bankrupt time and time again and ripping off your workers, partners and contractors, having one billion dollars of debt, ripping off everyone who comes in contact with you, no I guess I do not understand that kind of business.

You seem to be ignorant of the facts surrounding Donald Trump. Is that intentional or are yu simply that lazy that you swallow whatever is handed out by the mass media?

Here is the Trump cult again, everyone is lying, the entire media including conservative outlets, the IRS, the hundreds of contractors who have been screwed by Trump, the thousands of workers screwed by Trump, his many former business partners saying he is a tax cheat and rips off investors, everyone but Trump is lying.

This is how cults work.


I have over and over and over in this thread.

But the thing about the Cult of Trump is you do not know how to open links without his face on them or cannot believe any source that is not Trump.
Yes going bankrupt time and time again and ripping off your workers, partners and contractors, having one billion dollars of debt, ripping off everyone who comes in contact with you, no I guess I do not understand that kind of business.

You seem to be ignorant of the facts surrounding Donald Trump. Is that intentional or are yu simply that lazy that you swallow whatever is handed out by the mass media?

Here is the Trump cult again, everyone is lying, the entire media including conservative outlets, the IRS, the hundreds of contractors who have been screwed by Trump, the thousands of workers screwed by Trump, his many former business partners saying he is a tax cheat and rips off investors, everyone but Trump is lying.

This is how cults work.


I have over and over and over in this thread.

But the thing about the Cult of Trump is you do not know how to open links without his face on them or cannot believe any source that is not Trump.

Then it is simple for you to provide them. You have nothing. Just your critical TDS.
Yes going bankrupt time and time again and ripping off your workers, partners and contractors, having one billion dollars of debt, ripping off everyone who comes in contact with you, no I guess I do not understand that kind of business.

You seem to be ignorant of the facts surrounding Donald Trump. Is that intentional or are yu simply that lazy that you swallow whatever is handed out by the mass media?

Here is the Trump cult again, everyone is lying, the entire media including conservative outlets, the IRS, the hundreds of contractors who have been screwed by Trump, the thousands of workers screwed by Trump, his many former business partners saying he is a tax cheat and rips off investors, everyone but Trump is lying.

This is how cults work.


I have over and over and over in this thread.

But the thing about the Cult of Trump is you do not know how to open links without his face on them or cannot believe any source that is not Trump.

Then it is simple for you to provide them. You have nothing. Just your critical TDS.

Read the thread they are there.

Jesus the Trump cult really are getting dumber in the humiliation of their election defeat.

Biden says "the era of shareholder capitalism is over." Now let's see anybody say he is not a socialist. HAHAHAHAHAHHA!

The Home Depot founder days have past. The old fart does not understand 2020 economy. Have you seen what the stock market has done since it became apparent Biden will would win.
True Biden has never bankrupted a casino and is not over one billion dollars in debt like Trump.

And no one in Trumps family took billions from China

"Hunter Biden was involved with the cross-border equity consortium in question, but the $1.5 billion was what the fund hoped to raise in 2014 for investments. It is not the value of the management company in which Hunter Biden now holds a minority share."

As for Trump he has NOT done what no other President has done, put his finances in a blind trust and keeps earning foreign money as President. Including Turkey, who moved in to take territory from the Kurds when Trump betrayed them.

Trump's family did not take money from China, Trump did himself.

Before the Presidency Trump did borrow money from China.

But then he borrows from everyone.

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