Home Depot Co Founder:"Biden Does Not Understand How Business Works"

To be fair, no one can spend their adult life in government and understand business.

Which is why business shouldn't be regulated by politicians.

"When buying and selling are legislated, the first thing to be bought and sold are legislators. "

-- P.J. O'Rourke
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In all fairness to President-elect Biden, no one understands how business works except business people.

No one but them can understand the profit margin, the problems of getting competent help, the taxation complexities, the compliance with affirmative action mandates, the threat from competitors, the fickle nature of consumers, etc.

President Trump certainly understood business. But he did not understand politics.

Politicians have no idea about making money. All they know is taking money from taxpayers.
True Biden has never bankrupted a casino and is not over one billion dollars in debt like Trump.

Biden has never invested anything, so he could not suffer any losses. Are you aware that all businesses borrow, dumbo? I worked as an accountant for 30 years and each one of my employers had debt. Good Lord. Where did Forbes get that number? Trump owned a whole lot of different businesses all over the world. He did not manage all of them, so he could not possibly know at any one time how much they all owed. The ignorance I find here is appalling,

And Biden has never destroyed small contractors or casinos as Trump has, has never went bankrupt but diverted enough money into his own personal accounts as all who invested with him went down as Trump has.

Biden is not one billion dollars in hoch as Trump is.
Show us the evidence that Trump has destroyed small contractors. Trump's casino went bankrupt when all of Atlantic City was losing business because of Indian casinos all over the country. Show us the evidence of Trump's investors going under. All businesses go into debt. What a crock of BS.

True Biden has never bankrupted a casino and is not over one billion dollars in debt like Trump.

Biden has never invested anything, so he could not suffer any losses. Are you aware that all businesses borrow, dumbo? I worked as an accountant for 30 years and each one of my employers had debt. Good Lord. Where did Forbes get that number? Trump owned a whole lot of different businesses all over the world. He did not manage all of them, so he could not possibly know at any one time how much they all owed. The ignorance I find here is appalling,

And Biden has never destroyed small contractors or casinos as Trump has, has never went bankrupt but diverted enough money into his own personal accounts as all who invested with him went down as Trump has.

Biden is not one billion dollars in hoch as Trump is.
Show us the evidence that Trump has destroyed small contractors. Trump's casino went bankrupt when all of Atlantic City was losing business because of Indian casinos all over the country. Show us the evidence of Trump's investors going under. All businesses go into debt. What a crock of BS.

ROTFL! That's what happens in a bankruptcy. All the creditors get paid less than they are owed. Trump did not decide how much the guy was paid. The judge did that. Bankruptcy is designed to let businesses get a fresh start. One of the risks you take when you make a contract is that the other party may go under. The contractor made a stupid mistake by not getting paid a little at a time like ALL businesses do.
True Biden has never bankrupted a casino and is not over one billion dollars in debt like Trump.

Biden has never invested anything, so he could not suffer any losses. Are you aware that all businesses borrow, dumbo? I worked as an accountant for 30 years and each one of my employers had debt. Good Lord. Where did Forbes get that number? Trump owned a whole lot of different businesses all over the world. He did not manage all of them, so he could not possibly know at any one time how much they all owed. The ignorance I find here is appalling,

And Biden has never destroyed small contractors or casinos as Trump has, has never went bankrupt but diverted enough money into his own personal accounts as all who invested with him went down as Trump has.

Biden is not one billion dollars in hoch as Trump is.
Show us the evidence that Trump has destroyed small contractors. Trump's casino went bankrupt when all of Atlantic City was losing business because of Indian casinos all over the country. Show us the evidence of Trump's investors going under. All businesses go into debt. What a crock of BS.

True Biden has never bankrupted a casino and is not over one billion dollars in debt like Trump.

Biden has never invested anything, so he could not suffer any losses. Are you aware that all businesses borrow, dumbo? I worked as an accountant for 30 years and each one of my employers had debt. Good Lord. Where did Forbes get that number? Trump owned a whole lot of different businesses all over the world. He did not manage all of them, so he could not possibly know at any one time how much they all owed. The ignorance I find here is appalling,

And Biden has never destroyed small contractors or casinos as Trump has, has never went bankrupt but diverted enough money into his own personal accounts as all who invested with him went down as Trump has.

Biden is not one billion dollars in hoch as Trump is.
Show us the evidence that Trump has destroyed small contractors. Trump's casino went bankrupt when all of Atlantic City was losing business because of Indian casinos all over the country. Show us the evidence of Trump's investors going under. All businesses go into debt. What a crock of BS.

ROTFL! That's what happens in a bankruptcy. All the creditors get paid less than they are owed. Trump did not decide how much the guy was paid. The judge did that. Bankruptcy is designed to let businesses get a fresh start. One of the risks you take when you make a contract is that the other party may go under. The contractor made a stupid mistake by not getting paid a little at a time like ALL businesses do.

Trump did not even pay what the courts ordered.

Well that might be why American cannibal capitalism, you have no honour, why the US is showing declining living standards but Trump bankrupted a casino before it ever really got going because he did not know how to run a business, funnelled funds to himself and left everyone else high and dry.

Just has he probably will with the over one billion dollars in creditors he currently owes money to.

What a great business man.
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And he did not just steal from contractors, but workers too.

The man has screwed almost everyone who has done a deal with thim.

Including now the Republican Party.


Biden says "the era of shareholder capitalism is over." Now let's see anybody say he is not a socialist. HAHAHAHAHAHHA!

Viktor, thank you for linking

Biden says "the era of shareholder capitalism is over." Now let's see anybody say he is not a socialist. HAHAHAHAHAHHA!

He understands very well. He just says words to bamboozle the far left base which is ready to be violent in his favor. The calculus is that those people are more beneficial to hold power than liberals who are peaceful and harmless. He is correct.

Bamboozle the far left? The far left brings terror to "peaceful protests," overpopulation to hospitals that cause 12-hour or more seatings to elderly people in the emergency rooms where sick people hang out and expose others to every disease in the book including Covid and may leave lethal bacteria or viruses in bathrooms on a tissue that falls to the floor, the exudes of which can spread from all sorts of activities including stepping on tissue leaving moisture and germs, a hand that touches the spot to retie or remove the shoe the contaminated hand touches another part of clothing, a hat, or facial skin that contaminates a surface in the emergency room or adjoining toilet facility doorknob, toilet seat, handle, sink, floor, stall wall, etc.

Stuff happens to increase vector routs that are subject to accidental typhoid Mary objects that others brush up against and touch germs or allow them to enter a well person's nostril, causing a sensitivity sneeze that winds up in every corner of the emergency room, any time between hourly scrubdowns. Germs enter most commonly by hand transference and nasal invasion on people who never show symptoms of any kind who may only be carriers thereafter, possibly for life. :( Such a living vector may deliver hundreds a terrible or even lethal disease.

Disease transmissions can give a grievous death to anyone who knowingly or not harbors an unforseen immune disorder or a potential spreading of disease by anyone who is unknowingly a carrier.

Microbes have a future life because we cannot see them without an electron microscope, because their valence may change that renders them a new shell game to confuse even the best of good scientists, thoughgful politicians who do not know what a valence is nor how it functions, but invariably, it holds a leading role in the replication of a disease masked by the valence shape change, which is smaller than the microbe is and difficult to discern under a lens that makes a microbiologist earn his keep if he is hyper perceptive and thorough.

Criticizing a politician for a viral pandemic is clinically ridiculous when you consider the best of the best microbiologists may miss that damn valence anomally for as long as a generation.

Using ignorance, however, seems rampant these days in medical issues that puzzle the best of the best care providers.
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Another one who does not understand business is YOU.

Yes going bankrupt time and time again and ripping off your workers, partners and contractors, having one billion dollars of debt, ripping off everyone who comes in contact with you, no I guess I do not understand that kind of business.

As our nation becomes more embroiled in tyranny and control over the lives of individuals, a lot of people will be hired by the all powerful state to stomp on others by decree. Some of them will be deplorables. And they will have extra impetus to get the likes of you for what you have done....by law.
Government is basically a socialist construct ,ergo displaced from and not dependent on capitalism as business is in America. So i do understand why one would be concerned with a 1/2 century incumbent's take on it all.

One thing is for certain , we are faced with an unstable economy ,once the trump administrations stimulus crack wears off (who made FDR look like a socialist piker) , which this next administration will be faced with dealing with


Biden says "the era of shareholder capitalism is over." Now let's see anybody say he is not a socialist. HAHAHAHAHAHHA!

Biden knows exactly how business works. He doesn't care, because he knows how government works. You take from the people who produce, and live on the tax payers back, like a leech on someone's butt.

Biden couldn't care less if the entire country imploded, as long as he makes millions selling influence to other countries, while Americans suffer.

An experienced businessman who founded Home Depot says Biden does not understand. I prefer his opinion over yours.

You didn't read what I said.
In a country with $65,000 in GDP per capita ... you do take care of the people that for one reason or another ... have become roadkill

We the rich capitalists are prosperous. We should take care of people who’ve become roadkill because of something beyond their control ... I think that’s the obligation of a rich country
True Biden has never bankrupted a casino and is not over one billion dollars in debt like Trump.

Biden has never invested anything, so he could not suffer any losses. Are you aware that all businesses borrow, dumbo? I worked as an accountant for 30 years and each one of my employers had debt. Good Lord. Where did Forbes get that number? Trump owned a whole lot of different businesses all over the world. He did not manage all of them, so he could not possibly know at any one time how much they all owed. The ignorance I find here is appalling,

And Biden has never destroyed small contractors or casinos as Trump has, has never went bankrupt but diverted enough money into his own personal accounts as all who invested with him went down as Trump has.

Biden is not one billion dollars in hoch as Trump is.

Really? Someone who has never really worked in the private sector, let alone run a business.... has never gone bankrupt or diverted money, or wrecked a small contractor?

Really?? You think? Someone who spent 99.9% of his entire life living off the tax payers, has never gone bankrupt?

Screenshot_2020-11-08 so smart meme - Google Search.png

Someone who never worked a day in his life, didn't do anything terrible in business!!

Next time you find a tick on your butt, just sit there saying "wow, you are working soooooo hard sucking the life blood out of me, just hanging there" and admire that tick, like you do Joe Biden.

I have way more respect for someone who has done SOMETHING, even if they go bankrupt, to someone who has just lived the life of a bloated leech sucking the hard earned money out of others.
True Biden has never bankrupted a casino and is not over one billion dollars in debt like Trump.

Biden has never invested anything, so he could not suffer any losses. Are you aware that all businesses borrow, dumbo? I worked as an accountant for 30 years and each one of my employers had debt. Good Lord. Where did Forbes get that number? Trump owned a whole lot of different businesses all over the world. He did not manage all of them, so he could not possibly know at any one time how much they all owed. The ignorance I find here is appalling,

And Biden has never destroyed small contractors or casinos as Trump has, has never went bankrupt but diverted enough money into his own personal accounts as all who invested with him went down as Trump has.

Biden is not one billion dollars in hoch as Trump is.

Really? Someone who has never really worked in the private sector, let alone run a business.... has never gone bankrupt or diverted money, or wrecked a small contractor?

Really?? You think? Someone who spent 99.9% of his entire life living off the tax payers, has never gone bankrupt?

View attachment 413357

Someone who never worked a day in his life, didn't do anything terrible in business!!

Next time you find a tick on your butt, just sit there saying "wow, you are working soooooo hard sucking the life blood out of me, just hanging there" and admire that tick, like you do Joe Biden.

I have way more respect for someone who has done SOMETHING, even if they go bankrupt, to someone who has just lived the life of a bloated leech sucking the hard earned money out of others.

Well some one who has never committed a killing because they were never in a gang is probably preferable to some one who has.

Trump has left a trail of financial carnage everywhere he has went, not for himself but for those who thought he was actually a decent and competent businessman.
In a country with $65,000 in GDP per capita ... you do take care of the people that for one reason or another ... have become roadkill

We the rich capitalists are prosperous. We should take care of people who’ve become roadkill because of something beyond their control ... I think that’s the obligation of a rich country

Republican Conservatives do take care of those that need and want help.

Left-wingers never do. Left-wingers never help anyone ever. All they do, is demand that OTHER people help others.

Look at Nancy Pelosi in California. They passed laws saying the homeless couldn't be removed from the streets, and the homeless have over run the places where poor and middle class people live. Do you see any homeless living on Nancy Pelosi's street? See any on her yard? See any in her neighborhood?

Nancy Pelosi doesn't want to help the poor and homeless herself, only she wants to force others to do it.

And that's the mentality of all democrats. All of them are this way. Every single left-wing democrat on this forum, would never tolerate being forced to help the poor and homeless themselves. No, other people must.
True Biden has never bankrupted a casino and is not over one billion dollars in debt like Trump.

Biden has never invested anything, so he could not suffer any losses. Are you aware that all businesses borrow, dumbo? I worked as an accountant for 30 years and each one of my employers had debt. Good Lord. Where did Forbes get that number? Trump owned a whole lot of different businesses all over the world. He did not manage all of them, so he could not possibly know at any one time how much they all owed. The ignorance I find here is appalling,

And Biden has never destroyed small contractors or casinos as Trump has, has never went bankrupt but diverted enough money into his own personal accounts as all who invested with him went down as Trump has.

Biden is not one billion dollars in hoch as Trump is.

Really? Someone who has never really worked in the private sector, let alone run a business.... has never gone bankrupt or diverted money, or wrecked a small contractor?

Really?? You think? Someone who spent 99.9% of his entire life living off the tax payers, has never gone bankrupt?

View attachment 413357

Someone who never worked a day in his life, didn't do anything terrible in business!!

Next time you find a tick on your butt, just sit there saying "wow, you are working soooooo hard sucking the life blood out of me, just hanging there" and admire that tick, like you do Joe Biden.

I have way more respect for someone who has done SOMETHING, even if they go bankrupt, to someone who has just lived the life of a bloated leech sucking the hard earned money out of others.

Well some one who has never committed a killing because they were never in a gang is probably preferable to some one who has.

Trump has left a trail of financial carnage everywhere he has went, not for himself but for those who thought he was actually a decent and competent businessman.

Do you know how many businesses Trump runs?

Over 500 different business, are part of the Trump organization.

So this "trail of financial carnage everywhere", please show many many examples you have, compared to how many successes.

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