Homeland Security: Highest Threat since 9/11


Diamond Member
Sep 11, 2015
While POTUS tells us guns and our failure to hug and kiss every muslim that walks by is the real problem the Homeland Security Chairman sees it differently.

State of Homeland Security: ‘Highest Threat Environment Since 9/11’

House Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul (R.-Texas) delivered an address at the National War College today on the “state of homeland security” in which he said the United States is in the “highest threat environment since 9/11.”

McCaul specifically described ISIS as growing threat that now has a presence in 19 countries; and, if the San Bernardino attack is included, has now been connected to 19 terrorist plots or attacks inside the United States.

“In November,” McCaul said, “the group managed to conduct three major terrorist attacks on three separate continents in just three weeks.”

“Make no mistake: we are a nation at war,” he said. “Fourteen years after 9/11, the fight against Islamist terror rages on, and our adversaries have opened up new battlegrounds across the world. Our own city streets are now the front lines. Indeed, San Bernardino was not an isolated event.”

“I believe the state of our
our homeland is increasingly not secure, and I believe 2015 will be seen as a watershed year in this long war—the year when our enemies gained an upper hand and when the spread of terror once again awoke the West,” he said.

McCaul criticized President Obama for what McCaul views as an unrealistic approach to the threat posed ISIS.

“Last month the president claimed ISIS was ‘contained,’ only days before its operatives launched the deadliest attack on French soil since World War II,” said McCaul. “Last week, the president said America was safe from an ISIS attack the same morning that the San Bernardino terrorists conducted their massacre.

“I have had enough,” said McCaul. “We cannot be blind to the threat before us. ISIS is not contained—it is expanding at great cost to the free world.”

“In fact, I believe this leadership void has put the United States homeland in the highest threat environment since 9/11,” said McCaul.

McCaul described ISIS as a security threat with expanding global reach.

“ISIS has been linked to more than 60 terrorist plots or attacks against Western targets,” said McCaul. “It has established a presence in 19 countries. And it has recruited operatives from more than 100 nations—creating the largest global convergence of jihadists in history.”

McCaul enumerated the ISIS threat within the United States.

“The FBI is investigating nearly 1,000 homegrown terror cases—most of which are ISIS-related—across all 50 states,” he said. “Already, federal authorities have arrested over 70

“Last month the president claimed ISIS was ‘contained,’ only days before its operatives launched the deadliest attack on French soil since World War II,” said McCaul. “Last week, the president said America was safe from an ISIS attack the same morning that the San Bernardino terrorists conducted their massacre.

“I have had enough,” said McCaul. “We cannot be blind to the threat before us. ISIS is not contained—it is expanding at great cost to the free world.”

“In fact, I believe this leadership void has put the United States homeland in the highest threat environment since 9/11,” said McCaul.

McCaul described ISIS as a security threat with expanding global reach.

“ISIS has been linked to more than 60 terrorist plots or attacks against Western targets,” said McCaul. “It has established a presence in 19 countries. And it has recruited operatives from more than 100 nations—creating the largest global convergence of jihadists in history.”

McCaul enumerated the ISIS threat within the United States.

“The FBI is investigating nearly 1,000 homegrown terror cases—most of which are ISIS-related—across all 50 states,” he said. “Already, federal authorities have arrested over 70 ISIS supporters in our country.

“If you add San Bernardino to the list, there have now been 19 ISIS-connected terrorist plots or attacks here at home,” he said. “These include plans to murder tourists on Florida beaches, to set off pipe bombs on Capitol Hill, to detonate explosives at New York City landmarks, and to live-stream an attack at an American college campus.

“The overall uptick in extremist activity has made 2015 the single most active year for homegrown terror we have ever tracked,” he said. “In fact, there were more homegrown terror cases in the first six months of 2015 than any full year since 9/11”

One of the threats McCaul cited was from foreign fighters going to Syria from Western nations, including the United States, and then returning home.

“More than 30,000 individuals from around the world have become foreign fighters in Syria, and over 5,000 of them have Western passports, which make it easier to get into America,” he said. “As we saw in Paris, some are being sent back to conduct attacks. More than 250 Americans have also sought to join the fight, and close to 50 have already come home. Some have been arrested on terrorism charges, while others could be ticking time bombs.”
He is delusional. Doesn't he know right wing Christians and legal gun owners are the highest security threat.

Just ask any Obamabot...it will tell you the truth.
OMG. I can't believe how stupid and gullible folks are.


Oh no, this isn't coincidence at all. The Ruskies invade Syria, and the SHTF. BIG SURPRISE, no?!:lame2:

When are you guys going to learn to think for yourselves? Have the last four years of my life trying to educate you been for naught?
All I can say, is it's time to repeal the NDAA and the Patriot Act.

It is clear now that they have no intention to use this pieces of legislation for what they were intended to be used for.

So it is time to get our freedom back since they aren't going to use these laws to provide us with security, quite the reverse in fact. It appears they have been using these powers to make sure terrorism happens at just the right moment in history for the elites to achieve their geopolitical goals.
At least someone has a grasp of whats happening in this country and around the world.
Because it sure as hell isnt obama..or does he?

I agree.

At least someone in that pack of idiots he calls his administration has a brain cell that works.
There appears to be no reason we spend 650 billion dollar a year on defense. If we don't use the military, why isn't the budget like 100 billion. That would still be about what China and Russia spend a year.

Americans are so utterly gullible.
He is delusional. Doesn't he know right wing Christians and legal gun owners are the highest security threat.

Just ask any Obamabot...it will tell you the truth.

Or you can ask the DHS and the FBI too

DHS intelligence report warns of domestic right-wing terror threat

A new Department of Homeland Security intelligence assessment circulated this month focuses on the threat of right-wing sovereign citizen extremist groups in the U.S. Some law enforcement groups say the threat is equal to, and occasionally greater than, the threat from Islamic extremist groups.

Those crazy Obamabots
OMG. I can't believe how stupid and gullible folks are.


Oh no, this isn't coincidence at all. The Ruskies invade Syria, and the SHTF. BIG SURPRISE, no?!:lame2:

When are you guys going to learn to think for yourselves? Have the last four years of my life trying to educate you been for naught?
good post MR.Beale !!
Can you guys at least be consistent about how omnipotent Obama is? Is he all powerful or not?


He can't do shit. They don't tell him anything. A puppet is just that, something for show, with strings attached or a hand up it's ass.

The folks that control him, are the same ones that have controlled Bush, and they will be the ones controlling the next stooge. Be it an establishment Democrat or Republican. Hillary? Jeb? Rubio? Sanders? It matters not. The establishment doesn't give a shit.

Everything is planned. Everything is controlled. Choice is an illusion.

If you think this building is going away, you would be deluded. We are all caught in the web, and the folks in this building knew what was going on. . .




Apparently if you have something to hide. . . . you still have nothing to fear either.
Can you guys at least be consistent about how omnipotent Obama is? Is he all powerful or not?
What in the world are you talking about? Who ever suggested that obama was omnipotent?! He took an oath to serve this country. He has failed to do so. You don't seem to grasp that reality. You talk like a fool.
Remember how the far left mocked these things in the Bush years...

And they were right to do so. . .

It is never right to trade freedom for security.

Here is a progressive New York progressive Jew who was against guns actually talking to libertarians about the need to own guns because of this false paradigm. I shit you not.

This is where progressive and Libertarians agree and see through the totalitarian false narrative.

Can you guys at least be consistent about how omnipotent Obama is? Is he all powerful or not?
What in the world are you talking about? Who ever suggested that obama was omnipotent?! He took an oath to serve this country. He has failed to do so. You don't seem to grasp that reality. You talk like a fool.
Lots of right wing fools that say everything is his fault due to some evil master minded scheme he has. There are right wingers on here that say he is going to declare martial law and appoint himself president for life.
Can you guys at least be consistent about how omnipotent Obama is? Is he all powerful or not?
What in the world are you talking about? Who ever suggested that obama was omnipotent?! He took an oath to serve this country. He has failed to do so. You don't seem to grasp that reality. You talk like a fool.
Lots of right wing fools that say everything is his fault due to some evil master minded scheme he has. There are right wingers on here that say he is going to declare martial law and appoint himself president for life.
You didn't answer the question. Who said he was omnipotent?
Can you guys at least be consistent about how omnipotent Obama is? Is he all powerful or not?
What in the world are you talking about? Who ever suggested that obama was omnipotent?! He took an oath to serve this country. He has failed to do so. You don't seem to grasp that reality. You talk like a fool.
Lots of right wing fools that say everything is his fault due to some evil master minded scheme he has. There are right wingers on here that say he is going to declare martial law and appoint himself president for life.
You didn't answer the question. Who said he was omnipotent?
I did. It was the in the first five words of my reply and I didnt say anyone specifically used the word omnipotent.

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