Homeless Lose Shelter to Feel the Bern


Diamond Member
Sep 11, 2015
Surely, homeless people were allowed in to listen to Sanders...weren't they?

Shelter Closes Its Doors to Homeless in Freezing Cold For Sanders Rally #Caring - The Gateway Pundit

With temperatures in Birmingham expected to dropped to 20 overnight — the lowest temperature thus far in 2016 — the place where the city’s homeless usually go to seek shelter from the cold is unavailable.

Boutwell Auditorium, typically used as a warming station in such situations, is not available tonight because presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders is speaking to a large audience. Factoring in wind chill, it might feel more like 15 degrees on the streets of Birmingham tonight.

Last week, the auditorium housed about 300 people a night when it served as a warming station for three nights.

“We’ve never had a night like this where it will be in the teens and we weren’t able to open,” said Don Lupo, of the mayor’s office of citizen’s assistance.
I bet they wished trump was there. He would have confiscated all those assholes coats and gave them to the bums
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On bitterly cold night, Birmingham's homeless warming station used for Sanders rally

Lupo later that night posted on Facebook that people should not blame Sanders or the SCLC, which had an event there earlier in the day, for the warming station not being open on "on the coldest night we've had in a few years."

Instead, Lupo urged people to use the experience as a reason to start a discussion of ways to find emergency shelters in Birmingham.

"Maybe tomorrow we'll wake up with a fresh idea of what to do -- maybe tomorrow someone or some group will call and offer space when the space at Boutwell can't be used," Lupo wrote.

But, hey, clearly the guy who runs the temporary shelter knows less about it than some Keyboard Kommando.
And you think his people weren't aware of it? What a lousy excuse.
On bitterly cold night, Birmingham's homeless warming station used for Sanders rally

Lupo later that night posted on Facebook that people should not blame Sanders or the SCLC, which had an event there earlier in the day, for the warming station not being open on "on the coldest night we've had in a few years."

Instead, Lupo urged people to use the experience as a reason to start a discussion of ways to find emergency shelters in Birmingham.

"Maybe tomorrow we'll wake up with a fresh idea of what to do -- maybe tomorrow someone or some group will call and offer space when the space at Boutwell can't be used," Lupo wrote.

But, hey, clearly the guy who runs the temporary shelter knows less about it than some Keyboard Kommando.
And you think his people weren't aware of it? What a lousy excuse.
On bitterly cold night, Birmingham's homeless warming station used for Sanders rally

Lupo later that night posted on Facebook that people should not blame Sanders or the SCLC, which had an event there earlier in the day, for the warming station not being open on "on the coldest night we've had in a few years."

Instead, Lupo urged people to use the experience as a reason to start a discussion of ways to find emergency shelters in Birmingham.

"Maybe tomorrow we'll wake up with a fresh idea of what to do -- maybe tomorrow someone or some group will call and offer space when the space at Boutwell can't be used," Lupo wrote.

But, hey, clearly the guy who runs the temporary shelter knows less about it than some Keyboard Kommando.

Here are some facts. Be careful to read them slowly; wouldn't want you to hurt yourself:

(A) The temporary shelter is actually an auditorium. Apparently there are no actual homeless shelters in the city. Not that you'd care, but unless you can prove otherwise, that's the situation

(B) The individual in charge of the temporary shelter made the decision to close it for one night in order to bring the attention of local politicians to the fact that the city needs permanent shelters

(C) Do you know what happened to the 300 people who'd been using the auditorium as a temporary shelter for the previous three weeks? Do you care?
And you think his people weren't aware of it? What a lousy excuse.
On bitterly cold night, Birmingham's homeless warming station used for Sanders rally

Lupo later that night posted on Facebook that people should not blame Sanders or the SCLC, which had an event there earlier in the day, for the warming station not being open on "on the coldest night we've had in a few years."

Instead, Lupo urged people to use the experience as a reason to start a discussion of ways to find emergency shelters in Birmingham.

"Maybe tomorrow we'll wake up with a fresh idea of what to do -- maybe tomorrow someone or some group will call and offer space when the space at Boutwell can't be used," Lupo wrote.

But, hey, clearly the guy who runs the temporary shelter knows less about it than some Keyboard Kommando.

Here are some facts. Be careful to read them slowly; wouldn't want you to hurt yourself:

(A) The temporary shelter is actually an auditorium. Apparently there are no actual homeless shelters in the city. Not that you'd care, but unless you can prove otherwise, that's the situation

(B) The individual in charge of the temporary shelter made the decision to close it for one night in order to bring the attention of local politicians to the fact that the city needs permanent shelters

(C) Do you know what happened to the 300 people who'd been using the auditorium as a temporary shelter for the previous three weeks? Do you care?
Uh huh. And the folks that booked the auditorium for the candidate just didn't know or just didn't tell Sanders that there would be a bunch of homeless people getting frostbite that night. Yeah. And NOBODY mentioned when Sanders arrived for the gig that on the coldest night of the year that homeless people looking for shelter would have to use dumpsters or maybe die because Sanders had the place booked. Sure. Fine. Bernie's hands are clean. But hey! maybe the homeless people's children will enjoy a permanent shelter some day because like, awareness was raised or something.
A really caring RW would find out where those 300 people went that night, where they've been sleeping since, and whether or not this gesture got the needed attention from city officials to set up permanent shelters for the homeless.

Thank you in advance for posting that information here.
A really caring RW would find out where those 300 people went that night, where they've been sleeping since, and whether or not this gesture got the needed attention from city officials to set up permanent shelters for the homeless.

Thank you in advance for posting that information here.
This is about Bernie Sanders not "RW"ers. Nice try though.
A really caring RW would find out where those 300 people went that night, where they've been sleeping since, and whether or not this gesture got the needed attention from city officials to set up permanent shelters for the homeless.

Thank you in advance for posting that information here.
This is about Bernie Sanders not "RW"ers. Nice try though.

So the OP doesn't really care about homeless people.

He also doesn't understand what his own article says.

A really caring RW would find out where those 300 people went that night, where they've been sleeping since, and whether or not this gesture got the needed attention from city officials to set up permanent shelters for the homeless.

Thank you in advance for posting that information here.
This is about Bernie Sanders not "RW"ers. Nice try though.

So the OP doesn't really care about homeless people.

He also doesn't understand what his own article says.

Don't blame the OP for your reading/reasoning disorder.
A really caring RW would find out where those 300 people went that night, where they've been sleeping since, and whether or not this gesture got the needed attention from city officials to set up permanent shelters for the homeless.

Thank you in advance for posting that information here.
This is about Bernie Sanders not "RW"ers. Nice try though.

So the OP doesn't really care about homeless people.

He also doesn't understand what his own article says.

Don't blame the OP for your reading/reasoning disorder.

So now you're just lying. What happened to the 300 people from that night? Do you care?
A really caring RW would find out where those 300 people went that night, where they've been sleeping since, and whether or not this gesture got the needed attention from city officials to set up permanent shelters for the homeless.

Thank you in advance for posting that information here.
This is about Bernie Sanders not "RW"ers. Nice try though.

So the OP doesn't really care about homeless people.

He also doesn't understand what his own article says.

Don't blame the OP for your reading/reasoning disorder.

So now you're just lying. What happened to the 300 people from that night? Do you care?
I don't lie. And my caring is not the issue. Sanders is the one who used the auditorium that homeless would have used that very cold night.

You keep changing the subject.
A really caring RW would find out where those 300 people went that night, where they've been sleeping since, and whether or not this gesture got the needed attention from city officials to set up permanent shelters for the homeless.

Thank you in advance for posting that information here.
This is about Bernie Sanders not "RW"ers. Nice try though.

So the OP doesn't really care about homeless people.

He also doesn't understand what his own article says.

Don't blame the OP for your reading/reasoning disorder.

So now you're just lying. What happened to the 300 people from that night? Do you care?
I don't lie. And my caring is not the issue. Sanders is the one who used the auditorium that homeless would have used that very cold night.

You keep changing the subject.

The individual who runs the temporary shelter in the auditorium made the decision. Keep denying that, though. It shows how much you don't care about the homeless people. Typical.
And here's what actually happened:

Bernie Sanders campaign: 'We didn't close Birmingham's homeless warming station'

Kelvin Datcher, state director for the Sanders campaign, said Tuesday morning that the city of Birmingham never informed the campaign their Monday rally – which was planned in less than a week – would close the warming station.

"We had no clue. I don't think anybody can say the Sanders campaign impacted the warming station," Datcher said. "We had no contact with the city at all about the warming station beforehand. Not only did (Sanders) not know, I didn't even know."

There is a backup plan in place for the city's homeless when Boutwell is rented, Birmingham city spokeswoman April Odom said Tuesday morning – to open the city's existing, permanent shelters to more people. Firehouse Shelter, First Light and the Birmingham Salvation Army were used as emergency shelters Monday night.

"That is what we did," Odom said in an email. "We do not have access to any other facility downtown."
This is about Bernie Sanders not "RW"ers. Nice try though.

So the OP doesn't really care about homeless people.

He also doesn't understand what his own article says.

Don't blame the OP for your reading/reasoning disorder.

So now you're just lying. What happened to the 300 people from that night? Do you care?
I don't lie. And my caring is not the issue. Sanders is the one who used the auditorium that homeless would have used that very cold night.

You keep changing the subject.

The individual who runs the temporary shelter in the auditorium made the decision. Keep denying that, though. It shows how much you don't care about the homeless people. Typical.
The person who runs the shelter made the decision. That doesn't mean Sanders and his staff didn't know about it. I said that already.

Who is "typical" here, I wonder.
And here's what actually happened:

Bernie Sanders campaign: 'We didn't close Birmingham's homeless warming station'

Kelvin Datcher, state director for the Sanders campaign, said Tuesday morning that the city of Birmingham never informed the campaign their Monday rally – which was planned in less than a week – would close the warming station.

"We had no clue. I don't think anybody can say the Sanders campaign impacted the warming station," Datcher said. "We had no contact with the city at all about the warming station beforehand. Not only did (Sanders) not know, I didn't even know."

There is a backup plan in place for the city's homeless when Boutwell is rented, Birmingham city spokeswoman April Odom said Tuesday morning – to open the city's existing, permanent shelters to more people. Firehouse Shelter, First Light and the Birmingham Salvation Army were used as emergency shelters Monday night.

"That is what we did," Odom said in an email. "We do not have access to any other facility downtown."
That is new information. I am glad to hear it. I hope this is what actually happened.

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