Homer gets cancelled.

Ironically enough, those works of literature used to form the foundation of the typical liberal arts education.

Cancel culture versus literature

On December 27, the Wall Street Journal published the article “Even Homer Gets Mobbed.” (It’s always a pleasant surprise whenever the MSM writes anything decent.) It begins:

A sustained effort is under way to deny children access to literature. Under the slogan #DisruptTexts, critical-theory ideologues, schoolteachers and Twitter agitators are purging and propagandizing against classic texts — everything from Homer to F. Scott Fitzgerald to Dr. Seuss.

The insanity grows.

The vast majority of public school teachers don't even know who Homer was, much less their students. Most of them would think you're talking about the Simpsons character.

Cancel culture versus literature

On December 27, the Wall Street Journal published the article “Even Homer Gets Mobbed.” (It’s always a pleasant surprise whenever the MSM writes anything decent.) It begins:

A sustained effort is under way to deny children access to literature. Under the slogan #DisruptTexts, critical-theory ideologues, schoolteachers and Twitter agitators are purging and propagandizing against classic texts — everything from Homer to F. Scott Fitzgerald to Dr. Seuss.

The insanity grows.

The vast majority of public school teachers don't even know who Homer was, much less their students. Most of them would think you're talking about the Simpsons character.

And you know this how? I minored in Music but majored in English before I switched to Business. And all the great works of writers were covered. You can't be an English Teacher without this knowledge.

Cancel culture versus literature

On December 27, the Wall Street Journal published the article “Even Homer Gets Mobbed.” (It’s always a pleasant surprise whenever the MSM writes anything decent.) It begins:

A sustained effort is under way to deny children access to literature. Under the slogan #DisruptTexts, critical-theory ideologues, schoolteachers and Twitter agitators are purging and propagandizing against classic texts — everything from Homer to F. Scott Fitzgerald to Dr. Seuss.

The insanity grows.
The insanity exists solely on the right.

Cancel culture is a myth, this is a non-issue.
Oh man, not Homer! Everyone needs to read The Illiad
Name something more important.
...............AS important: Socrates, Shakespeare and Chesterton....in literature. There is of course another one: Torah/Bible which is in a league of its own.

I have no doubt they will be on the list to be cancelled too, if they haven't already.

I didn't not get through my years of primary and secondary education, and get into University without having to read at least four works of Shakespeare.

By the time my son had graduated? He hadn't been required to read even one. :(
Oh man, not Homer! Everyone needs to read The Illiad
Name something more important.
...............AS important: Socrates, Shakespeare and Chesterton....in literature. There is of course another one: Torah/Bible which is in a league of its own.

I'm not into science fiction so I stay away from the Bible.
I imagine you don't care much for Aesop's fables either? :heehee:

The Thieves and the Cock

SOME THIEVES broke into a house and found nothing but a Cock, whom they stole, and got off as fast as they could. Upon arriving at home they prepared to kill the Cock, who thus pleaded for his life: "Pray spare me; I am very serviceable to men. I wake them up in the night to their work." "That is the very reason why we must the more kill you," they replied; "for when you wake your neighbors, you entirely put an end to our business."
The next person to say "cancel-culture" I will need to slap into next week. :rolleyes:


Cancel culture versus literature

On December 27, the Wall Street Journal published the article “Even Homer Gets Mobbed.” (It’s always a pleasant surprise whenever the MSM writes anything decent.) It begins:

A sustained effort is under way to deny children access to literature. Under the slogan #DisruptTexts, critical-theory ideologues, schoolteachers and Twitter agitators are purging and propagandizing against classic texts — everything from Homer to F. Scott Fitzgerald to Dr. Seuss.

The insanity grows.
The insanity exists solely on the right.

Cancel culture is a myth, this is a non-issue.

Like "Q-Anon". A myth created by the left.

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