Homeschooling surges as parents realize how worthless public schools are

Yet people like Shelzin know deep stuff about the government that he won't impart to a teacher who straight up asked him. He still criticizes me for not knowing, even though he won't give me a clue what he's talking about.

We can't teach what we don't know.
Yet people like Shelzin know deep stuff about the government that he won't impart to a teacher who straight up asked him. He still criticizes me for not knowing, even though he won't give me a clue what he's talking about.

We can't teach what we don't know.
You shouldn't teach what you don't know. If you are a Math teacher... Don't teach Science if you don't have the schooling to do so.
Good homeschooling requires a lot of time and effort on the part of parents, even if it's an online school. I've seen some who did an awesome job, but they are a small number of parents for a reason.
Yet people like Shelzin know deep stuff about the government that he won't impart to a teacher who straight up asked him. He still criticizes me for not knowing, even though he won't give me a clue what he's talking about.

We can't teach what we don't know.
You shouldn't teach what you don't know. If you are a Math teacher... Don't teach Science if you don't have the schooling to do so.
No, you are continuing to criticize me for not knowing something that you are refusing to tell me. You and HereWeGoAgain ought to get together. You'd make a great tag team pointing out how stupid I am.
Look at me!

I can Home Skool!

The union operatives who sit in public school classrooms (or used to, anyways) call themselves "educators", not teachers. They don't teach anything. You're a product of that system.

One can tell from his spelling and grammar

What are the qualifications for a Home Skool Teecher?

It depends on the state, just like public schools. In your backwards, redneck of the woods, I wouldn't know. In the world where we eat with utensils and don't fuck our sisters, homeschooling parents are held to high standards. Clearly, you need some more education on it, Cletus. In the meantime, go fuck your redneck self.
What degrees are they expected to hold to Homeskool?

A GED in redneckery :D
No, you are continuing to criticize me for not knowing something that you are refusing to tell me. You and HereWeGoAgain ought to get together. You'd make a great tag team pointing out how stupid I am.
If I thought you were stupid I'd say that, I'm sure you've seen me to it. I don't think that. I do question how seriously you take your vocation.

Edit: I'm going to sleep now. I'm not ignoring you.

Bullshit. Even in private school there is indoctrination. ......

You know what goes on in every public and private school in the country? How long have you been a professional teacher?

I taught at the undergrad, and graduate level. How about you?

Same, as well as k-12. Is this thread about graduate school?

It doesn't matter. I see college students who don't know the basics. Things I learned in middle school they don't know.

It is quite obvious that the majority of teachers are below average. There are some truly great teachers, but the Unions are great at getting rid of them because they expose the rest for what they are.
The left hates homeschooling, they can't get their filthy paws on the children and can't indoctrinate them

Why are conservatives always talking in terms of HATE, and denigrating others? Every time you post you spew your filth and anger at others.

If your life is so wonderful, why are YOU so filled with hatred and anger?

That's your people, numbskull.
Look at me!

I can Home Skool!

The union operatives who sit in public school classrooms (or used to, anyways) call themselves "educators", not teachers. They don't teach anything. You're a product of that system.

One can tell from his spelling and grammar

What are the qualifications for a Home Skool Teecher?

It depends on the state, just like public schools. In your backwards, redneck of the woods, I wouldn't know. In the world where we eat with utensils and don't fuck our sisters, homeschooling parents are held to high standards. Clearly, you need some more education on it, Cletus. In the meantime, go fuck your redneck self.
What degrees are they expected to hold to Homeskool?

A GED in redneckery :D
A GED requires passing tests in Math, Science, Social Students and Language Arts.

What are the 4 categories in a Redneck GED?

I know one of them is “Southern Incest”
What are the other 3?
Good homeschooling requires a lot of time and effort on the part of parents, even if it's an online school. I've seen some who did an awesome job, but they are a small number of parents for a reason.
It does often require effective parental involvement, unless the student is above average in motivation. There are some middle school students who are driven enough on their own to learn under their own "watch" if given the tools/resources. That's still not suggesting to cut them lose. We can all remember those particular classmates who would have qualified to be independent learners. Many students benefit from structure and fare better in a classroom setting. Both options can be condusive to learning, it mostly depends on the student.

OL, your post prompted me to look for current figures about homeschooling and here's what I found. "An estimated 3.3 percent of children were homeschooled in 2016, up from 1.7 percent in 1999, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. That share roughly tripled this year to nine percent, in an Education Week survey. Gallup agrees, finding that 10 percent of children are now being homeschooled." At the same time, private schools have had a boost."

"In a survey of 160 independent schools over 15 states and the District of Columbia, almost half of schools (78) surveyed report they have experienced higher enrollment in the current school year, relative to the prior year," according to Damian Kavanagh, president of the Mid-South Independent School Business Officers association and Ben Scafidi, the director of the Education Economics Center at Kennesaw State University."

It will be interesting to see what things look like a year or two from now.
Look at me!

I can Home Skool!
Yeah, yeah, you say that in virtually every thread that mentions home schooling, yet the data shows home schooled kids perform as well as or better than their government schooled peers. For most people, that would be enough to prevent such outbursts, but here we are.

Yeah, the HSLD does a good job of snowing people on this idea so they can make money!
Nothing many of us didn't already know.

"I think the future for homeschooling is really bright," he said. "All the grownups have learned during the pandemic that work is something that you do, not somewhere that you go." And that has led many of them to rethink traditional schooling models as well.

Parents in the U.S. are continuing to show elevated interest in homeschooling, signaling a potential surge as the future of institutional in-person schooling throughout the country remains unclear in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

Beginning just over a year ago, schools throughout the country began to close down for fears that schoolchildren might contribute to the spread of COVID-19. Most school districts switched to "virtual" learning models in which students studied lessons via Zoom-based instruction, with many of them required to sit in front of computer screens for long hours every day.

Interest in homeschooling shot up late last year, particularly as teachers nationwide were refusing to return to classrooms and in-person education in the winter and spring of 2021 appeared less likely.

Some schools across the country have since opened up for in-person instruction, yet homeschooling leaders across the country are reporting still-elevated homeschool activity from parents who in normal years would likely not have considered it.

Johannes Ziegler, the founder and CEO of the home instruction company Miacademy, said he "absolutely" expects interest in homeschooling to remain elevated above its earlier levels.

That's why my Grand Daughters attend private school - paid for by the Wife and Me. We (Wife and I attended Public School when it was the envy of the civilized world). Those days are long gone. Today? Our school structure is the laughing stock of the civilized world. Damned shame.

Where do you live? LIBVILLE, USA?

That is a great source because it readily points out that home-schoolers self-select for the standardized tests. It also lies and say public school students self-select also. I had students who never intended to go to college randomly fill in the ovals and sleep during the test time. That alone would bias the data because a homeschool kid not going to college would not bother paying to take the test.

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