Homeschooling surges as parents realize how worthless public schools are

Nothing many of us didn't already know.

"I think the future for homeschooling is really bright," he said. "All the grownups have learned during the pandemic that work is something that you do, not somewhere that you go." And that has led many of them to rethink traditional schooling models as well.

Parents in the U.S. are continuing to show elevated interest in homeschooling, signaling a potential surge as the future of institutional in-person schooling throughout the country remains unclear in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

Beginning just over a year ago, schools throughout the country began to close down for fears that schoolchildren might contribute to the spread of COVID-19. Most school districts switched to "virtual" learning models in which students studied lessons via Zoom-based instruction, with many of them required to sit in front of computer screens for long hours every day.

Interest in homeschooling shot up late last year, particularly as teachers nationwide were refusing to return to classrooms and in-person education in the winter and spring of 2021 appeared less likely.

Some schools across the country have since opened up for in-person instruction, yet homeschooling leaders across the country are reporting still-elevated homeschool activity from parents who in normal years would likely not have considered it.

Johannes Ziegler, the founder and CEO of the home instruction company Miacademy, said he "absolutely" expects interest in homeschooling to remain elevated above its earlier levels.
Homeschooling has always been an option. If more are using it, so be it. Why are you whining?

Traditional schooling methods are long out of date, heck MY daughter is doing much better when I moved her to a school that uses the running class blocks of 1 1/2 hour to 2 hours long and have just 2-3 classes at a time and stay in the same room all day.

This is a prime example of the stupid running rampant in those who bash education. This has been done in some schools for years!

No it hasn't been in my region. It is a recent addition that is so popular the High School is overflowing, forced to allow lab room visits only for students needing to catch up, otherwise stay at home using the Online way.

Try not to be too sure of yourself next time, you don't know everything....., you are WRONG on this one, be more humble and stop being in attack mode all the time.

Why do you think I am wrong? I am a retired teacher with a Master's degree. I don't make shit up like you apparently do.
Millions of other parents protested to get in-person instruction renewed because they realize that, for most students and parents,, homeschooling sucks!
[/QUOTE- Home schooling doesn’t suck for the right family, particularly if it’s right for the child. Kids who deal with social anxiety can be extremely intimidated in certain schools, so if it reaches a point that it is affecting the child’s school work and the family can afford to have them learn online while in high school I find no problem with that.
True enough, but those situations rarely occur in your average household.
Look at me!

I can Home Skool!

The union operatives who sit in public school classrooms (or used to, anyways) call themselves "educators", not teachers. They don't teach anything. You're a product of that system.

One can tell from his spelling and grammar

What are the qualifications for a Home Skool Teecher?

Most public school teachers are dumber than rocks.

So why aren't most of the USMB patrons public school teachers?
Nothing many of us didn't already know.

"I think the future for homeschooling is really bright," he said. "All the grownups have learned during the pandemic that work is something that you do, not somewhere that you go." And that has led many of them to rethink traditional schooling models as well.

Parents in the U.S. are continuing to show elevated interest in homeschooling, signaling a potential surge as the future of institutional in-person schooling throughout the country remains unclear in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

Beginning just over a year ago, schools throughout the country began to close down for fears that schoolchildren might contribute to the spread of COVID-19. Most school districts switched to "virtual" learning models in which students studied lessons via Zoom-based instruction, with many of them required to sit in front of computer screens for long hours every day.

Interest in homeschooling shot up late last year, particularly as teachers nationwide were refusing to return to classrooms and in-person education in the winter and spring of 2021 appeared less likely.

Some schools across the country have since opened up for in-person instruction, yet homeschooling leaders across the country are reporting still-elevated homeschool activity from parents who in normal years would likely not have considered it.

Johannes Ziegler, the founder and CEO of the home instruction company Miacademy, said he "absolutely" expects interest in homeschooling to remain elevated above its earlier levels.
Teacher's unions and their commie hordes make me want to put BULLETS IN FOREHEADS AND FUCK THE BRAIN HOLES!!!

Tiny dick?
That is a filthy, vile, offensive lie. What the fuck have YOU ever done for the education of other people's kids, you son of a bitch?
What have I done?....well I own three homes in two states and three different school systems and my property tax goes to pay salaries of know nothings like you that are teaching our kids that America is racist and sucks....and if you can prove that teacher unions care about the students than give it a try...don't just lambast me for telling the truth...
So when teacher unions fight the school district for smaller class sizes, who are they doing that for?

Teachers Only
Students Only
Both Teachers and Students.
Look at me!

I can Home Skool!

The union operatives who sit in public school classrooms (or used to, anyways) call themselves "educators", not teachers. They don't teach anything. You're a product of that system.

One can tell from his spelling and grammar

What are the qualifications for a Home Skool Teecher?

Most public school teachers are dumber than rocks.

So why aren't most of the USMB patrons public school teachers?

Because we are successful business people, or retired.

Remember the old adage, "those who can, do. Those who can't, teach"
Nothing many of us didn't already know.

"I think the future for homeschooling is really bright," he said. "All the grownups have learned during the pandemic that work is something that you do, not somewhere that you go." And that has led many of them to rethink traditional schooling models as well.

Parents in the U.S. are continuing to show elevated interest in homeschooling, signaling a potential surge as the future of institutional in-person schooling throughout the country remains unclear in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

Beginning just over a year ago, schools throughout the country began to close down for fears that schoolchildren might contribute to the spread of COVID-19. Most school districts switched to "virtual" learning models in which students studied lessons via Zoom-based instruction, with many of them required to sit in front of computer screens for long hours every day.

Interest in homeschooling shot up late last year, particularly as teachers nationwide were refusing to return to classrooms and in-person education in the winter and spring of 2021 appeared less likely.

Some schools across the country have since opened up for in-person instruction, yet homeschooling leaders across the country are reporting still-elevated homeschool activity from parents who in normal years would likely not have considered it.

Johannes Ziegler, the founder and CEO of the home instruction company Miacademy, said he "absolutely" expects interest in homeschooling to remain elevated above its earlier levels.
Homeschooling has always been an option. If more are using it, so be it. Why are you whining?

Traditional schooling methods are long out of date, heck MY daughter is doing much better when I moved her to a school that uses the running class blocks of 1 1/2 hour to 2 hours long and have just 2-3 classes at a time and stay in the same room all day.

This is a prime example of the stupid running rampant in those who bash education. This has been done in some schools for years!

No it hasn't been in my region. It is a recent addition that is so popular the High School is overflowing, forced to allow lab room visits only for students needing to catch up, otherwise stay at home using the Online way.

Try not to be too sure of yourself next time, you don't know everything....., you are WRONG on this one, be more humble and stop being in attack mode all the time.

Why do you think I am wrong? I am a retired teacher with a Master's degree. I don't make shit up like you apparently do.

Ha ha ha you think school districts are identical everywhere, if YOU believe that bullshit then you have serious problems.

Now YOU show me were I am wrong....... Prove it!

I buy my groceries at my local market and 9 times out of ten I will end up in Judy's line....Judy rides a bus to get to work...I'm guessing her age to be over 55....she comes from a town to the south of me....about an hour ride for her each way...sometimes I see her running to get to work on time when her bus is late...she always has a smile on her face and she has not missed one day that I know of since the China Virus was released by Xi.....

She wears a different mask each day and its funny because she talks and laughs so much that she can barely keep it on...but she is there....she is there doing her job.....she is what American bravery is all about....

So don't any of you teacher defenders talk to me about what caring means...thank God we had better teachers during the second world war or we would have people don't know struggle and the teachers unions should be abolished...they have harmed thousands of students because of their fear and greed.....

If public school teachers are not essential workers than why the fuck are we paying them so damn much?.....
Look at me!

I can Home Skool!

Most of the public school teachers I've encountered are fools.

That's called a mirror!

Nah. The vast majority of public school teachers are mediocrities.

So, if what you said is true, why aren't you one? You appear to have a room temperature range IQ.

Room temperature, eh?

The public education is a warmed-over wasteland of rank mediocrity and conformity, and the majority of its teachers are meddling parasites.
So when teacher unions fight the school district for smaller class sizes, who are they doing that for?

Teachers Only
Students Only
Both Teachers and Students.

The real problem are school districts running on the old 5-7 separate classes that forces the kids to get up and go to the next classroom every 50 minutes. Better schools have been backing away from that outdated model to one where kids just stay there in the class room and do 3 separate classes for a month or two, then complete it with the big test and get new subjects.

My Daughter just completed a month course in Music now completed, she just got History class that takes its place.

Currently she has the following,

History 1 1/2 hours/day
PE class 1 1/2/day
PE Exercise 1 1/2/day

Minimum of 7 hours/week per class
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Once again, the brain dead Left don't want ANY competition whatsoever to their public skrewel system of indoctrination centers. As to this new "idea" of kids staying in one class as opposed to changing rooms for each subject? Don't like it one bit because not every student needs a cookie cutter approach to education.
So when teacher unions fight the school district for smaller class sizes, who are they doing that for?

Teachers Only
Students Only
Both Teachers and Students.

The real problem are school districts running on the old 5-7 separate classes that forces the kids to get up and go to the next classroom every 50 minutes. Better schools have been backing away from that outdated model to one where kids just stay there in the class room and do 3 separate classes for a month or two, then complete it with the big test and get new subjects.

My Daughter just completed a month course in Music now completed, she just got History class that takes its place.

Currently she has the following,

History 1 1/2 hours/day
PE class 1 1/2/day
PE Exercise 1 1/2/day

Minimum of 7 hours/week per class
This "old" system has worked for decades. You overlook the fact that it is tailored to the INDIVIDUAL Student, not the group. Plus the so-called "new" system does not allow for electives.
That is a filthy, vile, offensive lie. What the fuck have YOU ever done for the education of other people's kids, you son of a bitch?
What have I done?....well I own three homes in two states and three different school systems and my property tax goes to pay salaries of know nothings like you that are teaching our kids that America is racist and sucks....and if you can prove that teacher unions care about the students than give it a try...don't just lambast me for telling the truth...
So, you pay taxes? What a hero.
So when teacher unions fight the school district for smaller class sizes, who are they doing that for?

Teachers Only
Students Only
Both Teachers and Students.

The real problem are school districts running on the old 5-7 separate classes that forces the kids to get up and go to the next classroom every 50 minutes. Better schools have been backing away from that outdated model to one where kids just stay there in the class room and do 3 separate classes for a month or two, then complete it with the big test and get new subjects.

My Daughter just completed a month course in Music now completed, she just got History class that takes its place.

Currently she has the following,

History 1 1/2 hours/day
PE class 1 1/2/day
PE Exercise 1 1/2/day

Minimum of 7 hours/week per class
This "old" system has worked for decades. You overlook the fact that it is tailored to the INDIVIDUAL Student, not the group. Plus the so-called "new" system does not allow for electives.

The "old" system is why America are falling behind many countries educational results..., America once the best now it well below the top....
So when teacher unions fight the school district for smaller class sizes, who are they doing that for?

Teachers Only
Students Only
Both Teachers and Students.

The real problem are school districts running on the old 5-7 separate classes that forces the kids to get up and go to the next classroom every 50 minutes. Better schools have been backing away from that outdated model to one where kids just stay there in the class room and do 3 separate classes for a month or two, then complete it with the big test and get new subjects.

My Daughter just completed a month course in Music now completed, she just got History class that takes its place.

Currently she has the following,

History 1 1/2 hours/day
PE class 1 1/2/day
PE Exercise 1 1/2/day

Minimum of 7 hours/week per class
This "old" system has worked for decades. You overlook the fact that it is tailored to the INDIVIDUAL Student, not the group. Plus the so-called "new" system does not allow for electives.

The "old" system is why America are falling behind many countries educational results..., America once the best now it well below the top....

So true. I still have my 1927 LA Unified School District high school chemistry textbook. It is better than any college textbook today.

That is sad.
So when teacher unions fight the school district for smaller class sizes, who are they doing that for?

Teachers Only
Students Only
Both Teachers and Students.

The real problem are school districts running on the old 5-7 separate classes that forces the kids to get up and go to the next classroom every 50 minutes. Better schools have been backing away from that outdated model to one where kids just stay there in the class room and do 3 separate classes for a month or two, then complete it with the big test and get new subjects.

My Daughter just completed a month course in Music now completed, she just got History class that takes its place.

Currently she has the following,

History 1 1/2 hours/day
PE class 1 1/2/day
PE Exercise 1 1/2/day

Minimum of 7 hours/week per class
This "old" system has worked for decades. You overlook the fact that it is tailored to the INDIVIDUAL Student, not the group. Plus the so-called "new" system does not allow for electives.

Says who?

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