Homophobe Mike Pence says Trump is not a homophobe. How does he know?

Of course Pence is right, Trump is not a homophobe. Because he is gay.

What if he was / is gay? I thought Libs were the champions of gays....when they're not bashing them, making fun of them in their e-mails, and / or taking millions from Islamic nations that murder gays... IF Trump was / is gay, mocking him for it is just another form of Liberal gay bashing.

It's how anyone with a delusion justifies their own delusion. You see it time after time. If you criticize them for their delusional behavior, they generally reply that you must be one also.

It's what they do.
Of course Pence is right, Trump is not a homophobe. Because he is gay.

What if he was / is gay? I thought Libs were the champions of gays....when they're not bashing them, making fun of them in their e-mails, and / or taking millions from Islamic nations that murder gays... IF Trump was / is gay, mocking him for it is just another form of Liberal gay bashing.

It's how anyone with a delusion justifies their own delusion. You see it time after time. If you criticize them for their delusional behavior, they generally reply that you must be one also.

It's what they do.

Nothing funnier than a homo trying to insult you by calling you a homo.....derp
Well, Trump did say he was in many ways more Democrat than Republican in his viewpoints...
and by the way, I wasn't asking Soggy, I was asking easy if he/she is gay...
Well, Trump did say he was in many ways more Democrat than Republican in his viewpoints...
That's the funniest part about this entire election. Democrats helped pick Trump through Open Primaries, and he's a lifelong Democrat, and the Democrats are complaining about and insulting him for being a Democrat.
and by the way, I wasn't asking Soggy, I was asking easy if he/she is gay...
If you don't quote who you're replying to, nobody will know. Try hitting the "Reply" button when replying to a specific post, it quotes them automatically, and they get a notification that you did so.
Well, Trump did say he was in many ways more Democrat than Republican in his viewpoints...
That's the funniest part about this entire election. Democrats helped pick Trump through Open Primaries, and he's a lifelong Democrat, and the Democrats are complaining about and insulting him for being a Democrat.

Which proves beyond a doubt that Trump fans are libtards...
Trump’s VP pick Mike Pence published articles urging people not to employ gays

Mike Pence’s top seven most homophobic moments (out of many) / LGBTQ Nation

Wanted to divert funding from HIV prevention to conversion therapy

This one’s a two-fer: as a Congressional candidate in 2000, Pence wrapped two awful ideas into a single dreadful proposal. He wanted to ensure that “federal dollars were no longer being given to organizations that celebrate and encourage the types of behaviors that facilitate the spreading of the HIV virus.” So where should the money go? “Resources should be directed toward those institutions which provide assistance to those seeking to change their sexual behavior.” In other words, conversion therapy.

Opposed repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

Mike Pence declines to say whether David Duke is ‘deplorable’ because he ‘is not in the name-calling business’


Mike is not in the name calling business. He leaves that to Donald.

FYI, after decades of you lefties "Crying Wolf" and using false accusations to smear good people, we now know that someone is NOT what a lib says they are.

It is definitive proof.

NONE OF YOU, have any credibility on such issues, or really, on anything subjective regarding your enemies.

You should try making your arguments based on their MERITS, instead of attacking people personally.
Trump’s VP pick Mike Pence published articles urging people not to employ gays

Mike Pence’s top seven most homophobic moments (out of many) / LGBTQ Nation

Wanted to divert funding from HIV prevention to conversion therapy

This one’s a two-fer: as a Congressional candidate in 2000, Pence wrapped two awful ideas into a single dreadful proposal. He wanted to ensure that “federal dollars were no longer being given to organizations that celebrate and encourage the types of behaviors that facilitate the spreading of the HIV virus.” So where should the money go? “Resources should be directed toward those institutions which provide assistance to those seeking to change their sexual behavior.” In other words, conversion therapy.

Opposed repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

Mike Pence declines to say whether David Duke is ‘deplorable’ because he ‘is not in the name-calling business’


Mike is not in the name calling business. He leaves that to Donald.

What's wrong with wanting to protect people from the spread of HIV?

How does that make one a "homophobe"?

This calls for the dog shit analogy:

When you see dog shit on the ground, do you have the urge to go up to it, and sniff it? Do you have the urge to pick it up? Do you have the urge to put it in your mouth? If not, does that mean you have a "phobia" of dog shit?
Trump’s VP pick Mike Pence published articles urging people not to employ gays

Mike Pence’s top seven most homophobic moments (out of many) / LGBTQ Nation

Wanted to divert funding from HIV prevention to conversion therapy

This one’s a two-fer: as a Congressional candidate in 2000, Pence wrapped two awful ideas into a single dreadful proposal. He wanted to ensure that “federal dollars were no longer being given to organizations that celebrate and encourage the types of behaviors that facilitate the spreading of the HIV virus.” So where should the money go? “Resources should be directed toward those institutions which provide assistance to those seeking to change their sexual behavior.” In other words, conversion therapy.

Opposed repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

Mike Pence declines to say whether David Duke is ‘deplorable’ because he ‘is not in the name-calling business’


Mike is not in the name calling business. He leaves that to Donald.
Well, since Mike handed Kaine his lunch....you need to make up some silly shit to regain face.
Trump’s VP pick Mike Pence published articles urging people not to employ gays

Mike Pence’s top seven most homophobic moments (out of many) / LGBTQ Nation

Wanted to divert funding from HIV prevention to conversion therapy

This one’s a two-fer: as a Congressional candidate in 2000, Pence wrapped two awful ideas into a single dreadful proposal. He wanted to ensure that “federal dollars were no longer being given to organizations that celebrate and encourage the types of behaviors that facilitate the spreading of the HIV virus.” So where should the money go? “Resources should be directed toward those institutions which provide assistance to those seeking to change their sexual behavior.” In other words, conversion therapy.

Opposed repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

Mike Pence declines to say whether David Duke is ‘deplorable’ because he ‘is not in the name-calling business’


Mike is not in the name calling business. He leaves that to Donald.
pense thee bible thumping mutant got his clock cleaned as governor

remember this, then the thumper had to back off

Pence signs bill allowing businesses to reject gay customers - CNNPolitics.com

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