Homophobe Mike Pence says Trump is not a homophobe. How does he know?

Pence is among the worst of the gay haters. Never forget.

I don't know if he really is, or isn't. But generally anyone that gets the left-wing all pissed off, and spiting insults, and screaming about the doom of country with Christian crusades and other tin-foil hat nonsense.... is a man I want to vote for. Just to see you people freak out.

Just watching Trump go from "he doesn't have a chance" to....

Clinton's lead over Trump narrows to less than three points: Reuters/Ipsos poll

Dude... even if he doesn't win, this has been WONDERFUL watching you people go crazy, with prediction after prediction of him failing, being washed away by win after win.... and you people just keep freaking out.

No matter how this turns out, this has been the best election ever.

No, you want to vote for a rightwing 'Christian' extremist who wants to do everything he can to make gays second class citizens.
Or kill them. I suspect many in Trump's base want to kill all the gays so they can't recruit children and the country will be rid of gays forever. Or so they imagine.

LOL! Yes of course! It all makes sense now! :booze:
No, you want to vote for a rightwing 'Christian' extremist who wants to do everything he can to make gays second class citizens.

Go ahead, let your bigotry show. You guys keep throwing that word "bigot" around, but show just how bigoted you can be in return. In reality, I'd wager you think any Christian you come across would be a "rightwing extremist."

Don't deny it.

President Obama is a Christian.

... I don't think so.

First off, you don't get just be a Christian, anymore than I can eat Steak and be a vegetarian. You are.... what you act like.

Obama does not act Christian. If Obama had stood by his genuine support of religious institutions having the freedom to practice their religion, even that would have at least given your claim some plausible creditibilty.

But the moment Obama pushed to force religions groups, to cover contraception, when we all know and are well aware that some groups believe it is against their beliefs to do so... any chance that Obama could be considered even remotely Christian... is gone.

Actions speak louder than words. Call Obama Christian, is like calling me a vegetarian, while I'm at the Japanese Steak house, shoveling down bites of A-1 covered steak. He's not. Period. He's not.

Don't tell me you are Jewish, while ignoring the Passover, and skipping bar mitzvah.
Don't tell me you are Muslim, while chewing on sausage, and drinking beer every Friday.
And don't tell me you are Christian, while forcing christian groups to cover things they consider against their religion.

He is not Christian. I don't know what he is. But he is most certainly not Christian.
No, you want to vote for a rightwing 'Christian' extremist who wants to do everything he can to make gays second class citizens.

Go ahead, let your bigotry show. You guys keep throwing that word "bigot" around, but show just how bigoted you can be in return. In reality, I'd wager you think any Christian you come across would be a "rightwing extremist."

Don't deny it.

President Obama is a Christian.

... I don't think so.

First off, you don't get just be a Christian, anymore than I can eat Steak and be a vegetarian. You are.... what you act like.

And who on earth is the authority to declare whether or not you're acting like a Christian? YOU?
No, you want to vote for a rightwing 'Christian' extremist who wants to do everything he can to make gays second class citizens.

Go ahead, let your bigotry show. You guys keep throwing that word "bigot" around, but show just how bigoted you can be in return. In reality, I'd wager you think any Christian you come across would be a "rightwing extremist."

Don't deny it.

President Obama is a Christian.

... I don't think so.

First off, you don't get just be a Christian, anymore than I can eat Steak and be a vegetarian. You are.... what you act like.

And who on earth is the authority to declare whether or not you're acting like a Christian? YOU?

No it would be the actions of the person whether they are a Christian or not.
No, you want to vote for a rightwing 'Christian' extremist who wants to do everything he can to make gays second class citizens.

Go ahead, let your bigotry show. You guys keep throwing that word "bigot" around, but show just how bigoted you can be in return. In reality, I'd wager you think any Christian you come across would be a "rightwing extremist."

Don't deny it.

President Obama is a Christian.

... I don't think so.

First off, you don't get just be a Christian, anymore than I can eat Steak and be a vegetarian. You are.... what you act like.

And who on earth is the authority to declare whether or not you're acting like a Christian? YOU?

No it would be the actions of the person whether they are a Christian or not.

That didn't answer my question.


Donald Trump claims to be a Presbyterian. A Christian denomination, right?

The Presbyterian church is pro-gay marriage and welcomes gays in positions of leadership in the Church.

Are they really a Christian denomination?
Go ahead, let your bigotry show. You guys keep throwing that word "bigot" around, but show just how bigoted you can be in return. In reality, I'd wager you think any Christian you come across would be a "rightwing extremist."

Don't deny it.

President Obama is a Christian.

... I don't think so.

First off, you don't get just be a Christian, anymore than I can eat Steak and be a vegetarian. You are.... what you act like.

And who on earth is the authority to declare whether or not you're acting like a Christian? YOU?

No it would be the actions of the person whether they are a Christian or not.

That didn't answer my question.


Donald Trump claims to be a Presbyterian. A Christian denomination, right?

The Presbyterian church is pro-gay marriage and welcomes gays in positions of leadership in the Church.

Are they really a Christian denomination?
No one with a brain agrees with everything the church heads say. Many Catholics are pro-choice when the official position is against abortion, for example. As far as who is or isn't Christian is a fruitless endevour.
No, you want to vote for a rightwing 'Christian' extremist who wants to do everything he can to make gays second class citizens.

Go ahead, let your bigotry show. You guys keep throwing that word "bigot" around, but show just how bigoted you can be in return. In reality, I'd wager you think any Christian you come across would be a "rightwing extremist."

Don't deny it.

President Obama is a Christian.

... I don't think so.

First off, you don't get just be a Christian, anymore than I can eat Steak and be a vegetarian. You are.... what you act like.

And who on earth is the authority to declare whether or not you're acting like a Christian? YOU?

No it would be the actions of the person whether they are a Christian or not.

So by "actions", there are apparently few to no Christians left.
Go ahead, let your bigotry show. You guys keep throwing that word "bigot" around, but show just how bigoted you can be in return. In reality, I'd wager you think any Christian you come across would be a "rightwing extremist."

Don't deny it.

President Obama is a Christian.

... I don't think so.

First off, you don't get just be a Christian, anymore than I can eat Steak and be a vegetarian. You are.... what you act like.

And who on earth is the authority to declare whether or not you're acting like a Christian? YOU?

No it would be the actions of the person whether they are a Christian or not.

So by "actions", there are apparently few to no Christians left.
Fortunately, you are not God.
Go ahead, let your bigotry show. You guys keep throwing that word "bigot" around, but show just how bigoted you can be in return. In reality, I'd wager you think any Christian you come across would be a "rightwing extremist."

Don't deny it.

President Obama is a Christian.

... I don't think so.

First off, you don't get just be a Christian, anymore than I can eat Steak and be a vegetarian. You are.... what you act like.

And who on earth is the authority to declare whether or not you're acting like a Christian? YOU?

No it would be the actions of the person whether they are a Christian or not.

That didn't answer my question.


Donald Trump claims to be a Presbyterian. A Christian denomination, right?

The Presbyterian church is pro-gay marriage and welcomes gays in positions of leadership in the Church.

Are they really a Christian denomination?

What you say does not define you. It is your actions. It is pretty simple.
Go ahead, let your bigotry show. You guys keep throwing that word "bigot" around, but show just how bigoted you can be in return. In reality, I'd wager you think any Christian you come across would be a "rightwing extremist."

Don't deny it.

President Obama is a Christian.

... I don't think so.

First off, you don't get just be a Christian, anymore than I can eat Steak and be a vegetarian. You are.... what you act like.

And who on earth is the authority to declare whether or not you're acting like a Christian? YOU?

No it would be the actions of the person whether they are a Christian or not.

So by "actions", there are apparently few to no Christians left.

That is very true. A Christian is a footstep follower of Christ. Not many left.
President Obama is a Christian.

... I don't think so.

First off, you don't get just be a Christian, anymore than I can eat Steak and be a vegetarian. You are.... what you act like.

And who on earth is the authority to declare whether or not you're acting like a Christian? YOU?

No it would be the actions of the person whether they are a Christian or not.

So by "actions", there are apparently few to no Christians left.

That is very true. A Christian is a footstep follower of Christ. Not many left.
No shirt,Sherlock. Do ursine mammals also evacuate in sylvan evironmens?
No, you want to vote for a rightwing 'Christian' extremist who wants to do everything he can to make gays second class citizens.

Go ahead, let your bigotry show. You guys keep throwing that word "bigot" around, but show just how bigoted you can be in return. In reality, I'd wager you think any Christian you come across would be a "rightwing extremist."

Don't deny it.

President Obama is a Christian.

... I don't think so.

First off, you don't get just be a Christian, anymore than I can eat Steak and be a vegetarian. You are.... what you act like.

And who on earth is the authority to declare whether or not you're acting like a Christian? YOU?

Me? So If I eat steak, and say I'm a vegetarian, you would be so mindless as to suggest no one has the authority to call that out as being wrong?

Everyone who can read..... and actual reads the Bible, and compares what the Bible says, to what Obama does.... ALL OF THEM have the authority to say "dur.... he's not doing, what the Bible says".

So yes, I have the authority, and every single Bible believing and following Christian has the authority. We have the Authority from G-d in Heaven, who gave us the book, which tells us what a Christian is supposed to be.

Matthew 7:15
"Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit."

Obama's fruit is poison. His actions are thorn bushes, not grape vines. So I have the authority of the Bible, which is what defines what a Christian is.

Obama is not a Christian. You don't like it, fine, but you are wrong.
Go ahead, let your bigotry show. You guys keep throwing that word "bigot" around, but show just how bigoted you can be in return. In reality, I'd wager you think any Christian you come across would be a "rightwing extremist."

Don't deny it.

President Obama is a Christian.

... I don't think so.

First off, you don't get just be a Christian, anymore than I can eat Steak and be a vegetarian. You are.... what you act like.

And who on earth is the authority to declare whether or not you're acting like a Christian? YOU?

No it would be the actions of the person whether they are a Christian or not.

That didn't answer my question.


Donald Trump claims to be a Presbyterian. A Christian denomination, right?

The Presbyterian church is pro-gay marriage and welcomes gays in positions of leadership in the Church.

Are they really a Christian denomination?

Is there position supported by the Bible? That's the only question that matters.

Answer: No. So there you go. The Bible determines who is, and who is not a Christian. Not the head of any church. The head of some denomination is a man.

By the way, the Bible is against hierarchy. There isn't supposed to even be a "head of the church".

The Bible, the word of G-d, is the head of the church.

So... again.... are they following what the Bible says? If yes, then they are Christian. If no, then they are not. Read the Bible.
Of course Pence is right, Trump is not a homophobe. Because he is gay.

Ever wonder about the strange way Trump talks, or his hand movements?

In fact, just do an image search of Donald Trump with Michael Jackson. They're practically holding hands in some of the images.
It's pathetic how Liberals always accuse others of what THEY already are / are doing!

The DNC's own hacked emails were released months ago, exposing them as the racist, sexist, anti-Semitic homophobes they are; yet, libs like rdean are still desperately trying to convince anyone who will listen to their desperate BS that it's not them - it's the 'other guy'!

Of course Pence is right, Trump is not a homophobe. Because he is gay.

What if he was / is gay? I thought Libs were the champions of gays....when they're not bashing them, making fun of them in their e-mails, and / or taking millions from Islamic nations that murder gays... IF Trump was / is gay, mocking him for it is just another form of Liberal gay bashing.
No, you want to vote for a rightwing 'Christian' extremist who wants to do everything he can to make gays second class citizens.

Go ahead, let your bigotry show. You guys keep throwing that word "bigot" around, but show just how bigoted you can be in return. In reality, I'd wager you think any Christian you come across would be a "rightwing extremist."

Don't deny it.

President Obama is a Christian.

I am an elf. Albeit a 6'3" elf.

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