Homophobe Mike Pence says Trump is not a homophobe. How does he know?

That's a link, not an explanation. Too stupid to figure out content?

It's a list of homophobic acts. The other poster asked what he has DONE.


I asked you to define homophobe and it didn't fit Pence because he isn't afraid of homosexuals. So continuing down a failed path only looks reasonable to a dumbfuck.

Apparently you need a new dictionary. Try the internet. (From Merriam Webster)

  1. irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals
play\-Ėˆfō-bik\ adjective
I don't like radishes. I am a radishaphobe!
I don't like Nissan trucks. I am a nissanaphobe.
That is so fucking stupid. As if calling someone a "phobe" for anything they don't like actually accomplishes something besides MORE division. Enjoy your fools party.

Do you want to discriminate against homosexuals?
That's a link, not an explanation. Too stupid to figure out content?

It's a list of homophobic acts. The other poster asked what he has DONE.


I asked you to define homophobe and it didn't fit Pence because he isn't afraid of homosexuals. So continuing down a failed path only looks reasonable to a dumbfuck.

Apparently you need a new dictionary. Try the internet. (From Merriam Webster)

  1. irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals
play\-Ėˆfō-bik\ adjective
I don't like radishes. I am a radishaphobe!
I don't like Nissan trucks. I am a nissanaphobe.
That is so fucking stupid. As if calling someone a "phobe" for anything they don't like actually accomplishes something besides MORE division. Enjoy your fools party.

Do you want to discriminate against homosexuals?
Maybe just you...
Trumpā€™s VP pick Mike Pence published articles urging people not to employ gays

Mike Penceā€™s top seven most homophobic moments (out of many) / LGBTQ Nation

Wanted to divert funding from HIV prevention to conversion therapy

This oneā€™s a two-fer: as a Congressional candidate in 2000, Pence wrapped two awful ideas into a single dreadful proposal. He wanted to ensure that ā€œfederal dollars were no longer being given to organizations that celebrate and encourage the types of behaviors that facilitate the spreading of the HIV virus.ā€ So where should the money go? ā€œResources should be directed toward those institutions which provide assistance to those seeking to change their sexual behavior.ā€ In other words, conversion therapy.

Opposed repeal of Donā€™t Ask, Donā€™t Tell

Mike Pence declines to say whether David Duke is ā€˜deplorableā€™ because he ā€˜is not in the name-calling businessā€™


Mike is not in the name calling business. He leaves that to Donald.

Trump is going to intern and execute all gays the day he takes office.
The GOP dream.
Out of all the GOP candidates who went to "kill the gays" rallies, Cruz, believe it or not, was the ONLY one who apologized.
I'm sorry, what claim would you like supported? The survey of troops? Here are the findings:

http://archive.defense.gov/home/features/2010/0610_dadt/Vol 1 Findings From the Surveys.pdf

Or a poll of "citizens"? Yup, got that too.

Gallup: In U.S., 67% Support Repealing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

Anything else you need?
A 165 page pdf? You dishonest lying cvnt. You can't back it up, I knew you couldn't. If you were right it would be all over the net and easy to find.

And repealing dadt can mean going back to throwing them out, doesn't make your case either. Why do libs think they can win anything with a link? Too stupid to find the content?

I'm sorry, but what are you missing? What would you like "backed up"? What exactly do you want supported? I gave you a link to the survey that was conducted and a poll of "citizens". What more are you seeking?
I just proved you lied. You tried a smokescreen with a 165 page pdf, like you read it in 5 minutes time. LOL.

However, as posted above, most did NOT was DADT repealed. But you have yet to prove Pence is a homophobe. Disagreeing with you isn't a phobia, not matter how hard you try to twist it.

Seeking to pass laws or passing laws that are harmful to the LGBTQ community is the dictionary definition of homophobia.

I didn't have to read the report just a minute ago, I read it in its entirety when it came out over five years ago. Were you living under a rock during that discussion?
Liar. You made up that definition while pretending you are uniquely qualified to decide for everybody what laws are "harmful" to the homosexual community, whatever that's supposed to mean. a maggot has more integrity than you do.

I just posted an article that says you are wrong, most troops did not want dadt lifted. And I know exactly where you head was.

I'm not Merriam Webster, but thanks for the unintended compliment.

I never said most wanted it, I said troops were split. Guess how much the troops didn't want to serve with Jews and blacks during WWII? (Hint: it was A LOT more than didn't want to serve with gays)
That's a link, not an explanation. Too stupid to figure out content?

It's a list of homophobic acts. The other poster asked what he has DONE.


I asked you to define homophobe and it didn't fit Pence because he isn't afraid of homosexuals. So continuing down a failed path only looks reasonable to a dumbfuck.

Apparently you need a new dictionary. Try the internet. (From Merriam Webster)

  1. irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals
play\-Ėˆfō-bik\ adjective
I don't like radishes. I am a radishaphobe!
I don't like Nissan trucks. I am a nissanaphobe.
That is so fucking stupid. As if calling someone a "phobe" for anything they don't like actually accomplishes something besides MORE division. Enjoy your fools party.

It's when you seek to legislate against radishes that the phobia manifests.
That's a link, not an explanation. Too stupid to figure out content?

It's a list of homophobic acts. The other poster asked what he has DONE.


I asked you to define homophobe and it didn't fit Pence because he isn't afraid of homosexuals. So continuing down a failed path only looks reasonable to a dumbfuck.

Apparently you need a new dictionary. Try the internet. (From Merriam Webster)

  1. irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals
play\-Ėˆfō-bik\ adjective
I don't like radishes. I am a radishaphobe!
I don't like Nissan trucks. I am a nissanaphobe.
That is so fucking stupid. As if calling someone a "phobe" for anything they don't like actually accomplishes something besides MORE division. Enjoy your fools party.

It's when you seek to legislate against radishes that the phobia manifests.
Lol, moving the goal post are we?
It's a list of homophobic acts. The other poster asked what he has DONE.


I asked you to define homophobe and it didn't fit Pence because he isn't afraid of homosexuals. So continuing down a failed path only looks reasonable to a dumbfuck.

Apparently you need a new dictionary. Try the internet. (From Merriam Webster)

  1. irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals
play\-Ėˆfō-bik\ adjective
I don't like radishes. I am a radishaphobe!
I don't like Nissan trucks. I am a nissanaphobe.
That is so fucking stupid. As if calling someone a "phobe" for anything they don't like actually accomplishes something besides MORE division. Enjoy your fools party.

It's when you seek to legislate against radishes that the phobia manifests.
Lol, moving the goal post are we?

No. That's the dictionary definition of homophobia.

  1. irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals
I asked you to define homophobe and it didn't fit Pence because he isn't afraid of homosexuals. So continuing down a failed path only looks reasonable to a dumbfuck.

Apparently you need a new dictionary. Try the internet. (From Merriam Webster)

  1. irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals
play\-Ėˆfō-bik\ adjective
I don't like radishes. I am a radishaphobe!
I don't like Nissan trucks. I am a nissanaphobe.
That is so fucking stupid. As if calling someone a "phobe" for anything they don't like actually accomplishes something besides MORE division. Enjoy your fools party.

It's when you seek to legislate against radishes that the phobia manifests.
Lol, moving the goal post are we?

No. That's the dictionary definition of homophobia.

  1. irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals
As has been pointed out to you many times, since you are apparently incapable of critical thinking, any legislation against anything you don't like would be a phobia using your twisted definition. You are not god and do not get to define what is reasonable for everybody else.
Apparently you need a new dictionary. Try the internet. (From Merriam Webster)

  1. irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals
play\-Ėˆfō-bik\ adjective
I don't like radishes. I am a radishaphobe!
I don't like Nissan trucks. I am a nissanaphobe.
That is so fucking stupid. As if calling someone a "phobe" for anything they don't like actually accomplishes something besides MORE division. Enjoy your fools party.

It's when you seek to legislate against radishes that the phobia manifests.
Lol, moving the goal post are we?

No. That's the dictionary definition of homophobia.

  1. irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals
As has been pointed out to you many times, since you are apparently incapable of critical thinking, any legislation against anything you don't like would be a phobia using your twisted definition. You are not god and do not get to define what is reasonable for everybody else.

And as is being pointed out to you now, people aren't things. When you try to legislate against an entire group of people because you think the consenting adult sex acts they do in the privacy of their own homes is "icky", you're a fucking homophobe. I'm sorry that being one makes you unhappy. Unlike being gay, being a hateful homophobe is a choice.
I don't like radishes. I am a radishaphobe!
I don't like Nissan trucks. I am a nissanaphobe.
That is so fucking stupid. As if calling someone a "phobe" for anything they don't like actually accomplishes something besides MORE division. Enjoy your fools party.

It's when you seek to legislate against radishes that the phobia manifests.
Lol, moving the goal post are we?

No. That's the dictionary definition of homophobia.

  1. irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals
As has been pointed out to you many times, since you are apparently incapable of critical thinking, any legislation against anything you don't like would be a phobia using your twisted definition. You are not god and do not get to define what is reasonable for everybody else.

And as is being pointed out to you now, people aren't things. When you try to legislate against an entire group of people because you think the consenting adult sex acts they do in the privacy of their own homes is "icky", you're a fucking homophobe. I'm sorry that being one makes you unhappy. Unlike being gay, being a hateful homophobe is a choice.
When did I say people were things? When did I say anything about anyone's sex lives? You're a lying hag. Every time you communicate you lie.
It's a list of homophobic acts. The other poster asked what he has DONE.


I asked you to define homophobe and it didn't fit Pence because he isn't afraid of homosexuals. So continuing down a failed path only looks reasonable to a dumbfuck.

Apparently you need a new dictionary. Try the internet. (From Merriam Webster)

  1. irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals
play\-Ėˆfō-bik\ adjective
I don't like radishes. I am a radishaphobe!
I don't like Nissan trucks. I am a nissanaphobe.
That is so fucking stupid. As if calling someone a "phobe" for anything they don't like actually accomplishes something besides MORE division. Enjoy your fools party.

Do you want to discriminate against homosexuals?
Maybe just you...

See how easy it is to win these arguments? Watch and learn.
why would you think he was? What has he ever done to imply that?

You can start with these:

Mike Penceā€™s top seven most homophobic moments (out of many) / LGBTQ Nation
That's a link, not an explanation. Too stupid to figure out content?

It's a list of homophobic acts. The other poster asked what he has DONE.


I asked you to define homophobe and it didn't fit Pence because he isn't afraid of homosexuals. So continuing down a failed path only looks reasonable to a dumbfuck.

Pence has expressed plenty of fear of homosexuals.
Obviously if mike pence is a homophobe and he says that Trump is not one, it must be because he never sees Trump at the Homophobe meetings.

Glad I could clear that up for you.

Could someone get a mod to lock this thread? There is nothing more to be said on it.

For me.

why would you think he was? What has he ever done to imply that?

You can start with these:

Mike Penceā€™s top seven most homophobic moments (out of many) / LGBTQ Nation
That's a link, not an explanation. Too stupid to figure out content?

It's a list of homophobic acts. The other poster asked what he has DONE.


I asked you to define homophobe and it didn't fit Pence because he isn't afraid of homosexuals. So continuing down a failed path only looks reasonable to a dumbfuck.

Pence has expressed plenty of fear of homosexuals.
You keep saying that but can't find it.
That's a link, not an explanation. Too stupid to figure out content?

It's a list of homophobic acts. The other poster asked what he has DONE.


I asked you to define homophobe and it didn't fit Pence because he isn't afraid of homosexuals. So continuing down a failed path only looks reasonable to a dumbfuck.

Pence has expressed plenty of fear of homosexuals.
You keep saying that but can't find it.

You keep pretending they haven't been posted.
That's a link, not an explanation. Too stupid to figure out content?

It's a list of homophobic acts. The other poster asked what he has DONE.


I asked you to define homophobe and it didn't fit Pence because he isn't afraid of homosexuals. So continuing down a failed path only looks reasonable to a dumbfuck.

Pence has expressed plenty of fear of homosexuals.
You keep saying that but can't find it.

You keep pretending they haven't been posted.
You are too stupid and dishonest to understand that disagreement is not fear.
It's a list of homophobic acts. The other poster asked what he has DONE.


I asked you to define homophobe and it didn't fit Pence because he isn't afraid of homosexuals. So continuing down a failed path only looks reasonable to a dumbfuck.

Pence has expressed plenty of fear of homosexuals.
You keep saying that but can't find it.

You keep pretending they haven't been posted.
You are too stupid and dishonest to understand that disagreement is not fear.

So it's hatred. That was what I pointed out. Fear or hatred.
I asked you to define homophobe and it didn't fit Pence because he isn't afraid of homosexuals. So continuing down a failed path only looks reasonable to a dumbfuck.

Pence has expressed plenty of fear of homosexuals.
You keep saying that but can't find it.

You keep pretending they haven't been posted.
You are too stupid and dishonest to understand that disagreement is not fear.

So it's hatred. That was what I pointed out. Fear or hatred.
You've only demonstrated your own.
That's a link, not an explanation. Too stupid to figure out content?

It's a list of homophobic acts. The other poster asked what he has DONE.


I asked you to define homophobe and it didn't fit Pence because he isn't afraid of homosexuals. So continuing down a failed path only looks reasonable to a dumbfuck.

Pence has expressed plenty of fear of homosexuals.
You keep saying that but can't find it.

ā€œSocietal collapse was always brought about following an advent of the deterioration of marriage and family,ā€ Pence complained.

Pence fears the collapse of our society if same sex marriage is legalized.
Pence has expressed plenty of fear of homosexuals.
You keep saying that but can't find it.

You keep pretending they haven't been posted.
You are too stupid and dishonest to understand that disagreement is not fear.

So it's hatred. That was what I pointed out. Fear or hatred.
You've only demonstrated your own.

I'll ask again. What's a rational argument for denying gays marriage equality under the law?

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