Homophobes have melt down as Peppa Pig celebrates pride month

Secretly, Tammy knows that LGBTQ is politicized, religious bullshit. Any Peppy will do. However how hard they try, all their thoughts, prayers, hormones and scalpels will not change their irreversible biological fate dictated at birth, wherever they're located in the alphabet.
Which episode do you object to ?
Just like the wind blowing through your ears, the implications of this sick infiltration blows right over your head.
Which episode do you object to ? I know that you are a deep thinker on this issue so point me to the offending piece.
IIs it kids having a piggy gang bang ?
Or being taught blow jobs ?
Or being taught to play nice ?
Which episode do you object to ? I know that you are a deep thinker on this issue so point me to the offending piece.
IIs it kids having a piggy gang bang ?
Or being taught blow jobs ?
Or being taught to play nice ?
Why do you depend on tv shows to teach your kids what is good/bad, right/wrong?
That, Commie, is your whole problem. No brain, and no filter.
The new leftist icon:

I like all the colors. I could see how rugrats would like it.

To the issue. If parents don't like it, they are free to not watch that program. No bigs.
Which episode do you object to ? I know that you are a deep thinker on this issue so point me to the offending piece.
IIs it kids having a piggy gang bang ?
Or being taught blow jobs ?
Or being taught to play nice ?
So, Tammy struggles with the discontents of the bipolar dilemma, promiscuity-prudery. We recall the "Pioneers," Stalin's young communists who practiced copulation in front of the class to "teach" the others in schools. No hormones nor scalpeling occurred, however.
I like all the colors. I could see how rugrats would like it.

To the issue. If parents don't like it, they are free to not watch that program. No bigs.

You would have to turn your family into hermits to avoid this propaganda, as it's pretty much on every channel, every website, and every media outlet in the mainstream.

That is by design, of course.
It's shitty art used to push a political message on children.
If you have that opinion, you should not watch the program.
You would have to turn your family into hermits to avoid this propaganda, as it's pretty much on every channel, every website, and every media outlet in the mainstream.

That is by design, of course.
Other than the morning news talking about Pride month, and these opinion sites, I have not seen it. It may very well be where you frequent, but I have not.
If you have that opinion, you should not watch the program.

Other than the morning news talking about Pride month, and these opinion sites, I have not seen it. It may very well be where you frequent, but I have not.

It seems every other commercial break, any website you go to, any radio program you listen to.

It's market saturation, pure and simple.
Wasn’t planning on it. I reserve the right to call it out for what it is, though. Will you be watching?
No, although I have heard of Peppa Pig. We are circling in grandparent holding pattern. We probably have another two years before the first grandkids. The Boy and DIL have to graduate and land somewhere. He thinks Cornell. I am hopeful for UC San Diego.
So, Tammy struggles with the discontents of the bipolar dilemma, promiscuity-prudery. We recall the "Pioneers," Stalin's young communists who practiced copulation in front of the class to "teach" the others in schools. No hormones nor scalpeling occurred, however.
Which episode do you find offensive ?
I think more advanced 2 year olds enjoy it as well. Its great that these shows teach love and appeptance isnt it ?
You say that as if there were no distinctions as to when and what "love" and "acceptance" are correct responses. Surely, you don't mean loving an accepting Stalin or Hitler would be appropriate!
You say that as if there were no distinctions as to when and what "love" and "acceptance" are correct responses. Surely, you don't mean loving an accepting Stalin or Hitler would be appropriate!
Perhaps you should watch the shows. Nothing happens, ever.
It is "politics"? To what end and in what way?
I suppose it might be if you live in a violent society where kids cant go to achool safely.
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