Homophobes have melt down as Peppa Pig celebrates pride month

I wasn't asking about that. I was talking about the left's demand for acceptance of their views while demanding other's keep their mouths shut.
Its teaching kids about values that will set them up for life. Getting on with your neighbour is something we should all adhere to.Particularly when they have guns.
That isnt a leftist thing. Its univrsal and supported by all the worlds religions and people who dont believe in any religion.
Its teaching kids about values that will set them up for life. Getting on with your neighbour is something we should all adhere to.Particularly when they have guns.
That isnt a leftist thing. Its univrsal and supported by all the worlds religions and people who dont believe in any religion.

There is getting on, and there is forced acceptance about something that is against the moral code of many religious people.

This is forced acceptance.
Denial isn't just a river in Egypt.
I don't really watch network TV except for local and national news. Not much at the gun range or diner this weekend, and with the back spasming up since last weekend I have not admittedly done much. Maybe its there but I don't notice it because I don't care?

What do you do that Pride month is all over the place in your world? This is not a criticism but a question.
Peppa Pig will send you to sleep while you chill out. Wait till they get into Pingu. Hes a real ****.
hah hah, I will pass for the moment. The World War II in Real Time site is ramping up for 12 (or 24) hours of nonstop Normandy. They did similar for Midway/Pearl and its going to be awesome.
OK then. Don't watch it. Unless you have kids its a little weird to care anyway.

Havent these sad fuckers got anything better to do with their time ? Kids love Peppa Pig and his cartoons are bland beyond belief.
Ron Defascist might find it too much to stomach but he can watch his hitler home movies while his kids watch it..
I don't really watch network TV except for local and national news. Not much at the gun range or diner this weekend, and with the back spasming up since last weekend I have not admittedly done much. Maybe its there but I don't notice it because I don't care?

What do you do that Pride month is all over the place in your world? This is not a criticism but a question.

I don't care. What I call out is the obvious propagandizing of forced acceptance under the guise of tolerance.

The one commercial I do see that irritates me is the ACLU one where they still pretend they care about all civil liberties, not just progressive causes.

Havent these sad fuckers got anything better to do with their time ? Kids love Peppa Pig and his cartoons are bland beyond belief.
Ron Defascist might find it too much to stomach but he can watch his hitler home movies while his kids watch it..

Go jump in some muddy puddles
Interesting. I don't get that one either. I get a lot, and I mean a lot, of gun belt and holster ads though.

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