Homophobic pastors organising Make America Straight Again to coincide with Pride Month

I don't think people have any phobia about Homosexuality, its just the act, and lifestyle is viewed as a bit repulsive.
People are not afraid of homosexuals. We want what nature intended.
Some people do in fact have an existential fear of gay people because being in the presence of a gay person evokes questions and fears about their own sexuality. In other cases, the homophobe fears not the individual, but what represent- the changes in society where they as heterosexual no longer are the exclusive or dominant culture -much like they fear the browning of America.

Homophobia is indeed real while the homophobes arrogantly claim to know what nature intended and use that as an excuse to marginalize and discriminate against gays. Being gay is far more than an "act" or a lifestyle" and much more than sex. Your problem is that you can't see or acknowledge the whole person who is like you and I in many more ways than they are different. If the sex repulses you stop watch the gay porn. And there is a pretty good chance that you are doing something in the bedroom that someone else finds yucky -so try relating to gay people s human beings and not just sex machines.

As I said I don't think it is a real fear, and or phobia. I see and understand the whole person. I see these homosexuals as mentally Ill. People who are living a life against what mother nature intended. A dead end life style. Having sex not for procreation, but just for sexual satisfaction. The homosexual act is still considered illegal in many countries. I don't watch gay porn or accept homosexuality. All this gay pride crap is considered as a form of Satanism.
Do you only have sex for procreation? If so I sincerely feel sorry for you.
I don't think people have any phobia about Homosexuality, its just the act, and lifestyle is viewed as a bit repulsive.
People are not afraid of homosexuals. We want what nature intended.
Some people do in fact have an existential fear of gay people because being in the presence of a gay person evokes questions and fears about their own sexuality. In other cases, the homophobe fears not the individual, but what represent- the changes in society where they as heterosexual no longer are the exclusive or dominant culture -much like they fear the browning of America.

Homophobia is indeed real while the homophobes arrogantly claim to know what nature intended and use that as an excuse to marginalize and discriminate against gays. Being gay is far more than an "act" or a lifestyle" and much more than sex. Your problem is that you can't see or acknowledge the whole person who is like you and I in many more ways than they are different. If the sex repulses you stop watch the gay porn. And there is a pretty good chance that you are doing something in the bedroom that someone else finds yucky -so try relating to gay people s human beings and not just sex machines.

As I said I don't think it is a real fear, and or phobia. I see and understand the whole person. I see these homosexuals as mentally Ill. People who are living a life against what mother nature intended. A dead end life style. Having sex not for procreation, but just for sexual satisfaction. The homosexual act is still considered illegal in many countries. I don't watch gay porn or accept homosexuality. All this gay pride crap is considered as a form of Satanism.
You see the whole person? Then you say that it's a dead end lifestyle??!!You don't see the person at all. All that you see is the sex. If you saw the whole person that aside from the small part of their lives that involve sex, they are people who have families, are parents, own homes, work and pay their bills and taxes -and so much more-just like everyone else.
Ha that’s funny what words are banned in the constitution?
I am referring to free speech...it isn't unlimited, or do you disagree?
Yes I am free to say what ever I want
Oh? You can cry "fire" in a crowded theater? You can make verbal threats to someone?
Absolutely.. if there is a fire should I be quiet lol wtf
And yes I can
And if there isn't a fire? (you do realize the "crying fire in a crowded theater" example is a direct reference to a SCOTUS case about free speech, right? Schenck v. United States - Wikipedia
Fire is not faggot. I think you should be able to shout faggot in a crowed theatre without sanction.
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I don't think people have any phobia about Homosexuality, its just the act, and lifestyle is viewed as a bit repulsive.
People are not afraid of homosexuals. We want what nature intended.
Some people do in fact have an existential fear of gay people because being in the presence of a gay person evokes questions and fears about their own sexuality. In other cases, the homophobe fears not the individual, but what represent- the changes in society where they as heterosexual no longer are the exclusive or dominant culture -much like they fear the browning of America.

Homophobia is indeed real while the homophobes arrogantly claim to know what nature intended and use that as an excuse to marginalize and discriminate against gays. Being gay is far more than an "act" or a lifestyle" and much more than sex. Your problem is that you can't see or acknowledge the whole person who is like you and I in many more ways than they are different. If the sex repulses you stop watch the gay porn. And there is a pretty good chance that you are doing something in the bedroom that someone else finds yucky -so try relating to gay people s human beings and not just sex machines.

As I said I don't think it is a real fear, and or phobia. I see and understand the whole person. I see these homosexuals as mentally Ill. People who are living a life against what mother nature intended. A dead end life style. Having sex not for procreation, but just for sexual satisfaction. The homosexual act is still considered illegal in many countries. I don't watch gay porn or accept homosexuality. All this gay pride crap is considered as a form of Satanism.
Do you only have sex for procreation? If so I sincerely feel sorry for you.

My point is that when two straight people have sex, if not using a condom or birth control, there is the possibility of a life being created. When homosexuals have sex, the creative liquids are discharged with out any reproductive contact. Do you now see whatt I mean by a "Dead End" relationship ?.
So, in your mind, human rights are GRANTED by government power?

How very unAmerican of you.
Not in our country...Our Declaration of Independence spells our belief out concerning that. Why is it you insist other countries follow our Bill of Rights?

I believe that human rights are god given, and universal across the world.

You are the one that brought up the US bill of rights, not me.
We are born with human rights....and governments are created to protect those rights BUT each government may or may not protect or take away rights....for example Saudi Arabia takes away quite a few of those rights. Our Bill of Rights (which you seemed concerned I brought up) protects many more of our rights in a more extensive manner. We are lucky that our country has the Bill of Rights that codify the Rights our government cannot take away. But that doesn't mean other countries are obligated to follow OUR Bill of Rights. Or do you think they have to?

If a government takes away a right, it is a violation of that right.

Why do you keep wanting to talk about the US Bill of Rights?
Why wouldn't you want to talk about the U.S. Bill of Rights? You have something against them here?

Because it is not relevant to my point about human rights.

Now, I answered your question, can you answer mine?

Why do you keep wanting to talk about the US Bill of Rights?
I don't think people have any phobia about Homosexuality, its just the act, and lifestyle is viewed as a bit repulsive.
People are not afraid of homosexuals. We want what nature intended.
Some people do in fact have an existential fear of gay people because being in the presence of a gay person evokes questions and fears about their own sexuality. In other cases, the homophobe fears not the individual, but what represent- the changes in society where they as heterosexual no longer are the exclusive or dominant culture -much like they fear the browning of America.

Homophobia is indeed real while the homophobes arrogantly claim to know what nature intended and use that as an excuse to marginalize and discriminate against gays. Being gay is far more than an "act" or a lifestyle" and much more than sex. Your problem is that you can't see or acknowledge the whole person who is like you and I in many more ways than they are different. If the sex repulses you stop watch the gay porn. And there is a pretty good chance that you are doing something in the bedroom that someone else finds yucky -so try relating to gay people s human beings and not just sex machines.

As I said I don't think it is a real fear, and or phobia. I see and understand the whole person. I see these homosexuals as mentally Ill. People who are living a life against what mother nature intended. A dead end life style. Having sex not for procreation, but just for sexual satisfaction. The homosexual act is still considered illegal in many countries. I don't watch gay porn or accept homosexuality. All this gay pride crap is considered as a form of Satanism.
You see the whole person? Then you say that it's a dead end lifestyle??!!You don't see the person at all. All that you see is the sex. If you saw the whole person that aside from the small part of their lives that involve sex, they are people who have families, are parents, own homes, work and pay their bills and taxes -and so much more-just like everyone else.
And yes I know that there is a person inside all homosexuals. I do see a person. A person that needs help.
I don't think people have any phobia about Homosexuality, its just the act, and lifestyle is viewed as a bit repulsive.
People are not afraid of homosexuals. We want what nature intended.
Some people do in fact have an existential fear of gay people because being in the presence of a gay person evokes questions and fears about their own sexuality. In other cases, the homophobe fears not the individual, but what represent- the changes in society where they as heterosexual no longer are the exclusive or dominant culture -much like they fear the browning of America.

Homophobia is indeed real while the homophobes arrogantly claim to know what nature intended and use that as an excuse to marginalize and discriminate against gays. Being gay is far more than an "act" or a lifestyle" and much more than sex. Your problem is that you can't see or acknowledge the whole person who is like you and I in many more ways than they are different. If the sex repulses you stop watch the gay porn. And there is a pretty good chance that you are doing something in the bedroom that someone else finds yucky -so try relating to gay people s human beings and not just sex machines.

As I said I don't think it is a real fear, and or phobia. I see and understand the whole person. I see these homosexuals as mentally Ill. People who are living a life against what mother nature intended. A dead end life style. Having sex not for procreation, but just for sexual satisfaction. The homosexual act is still considered illegal in many countries. I don't watch gay porn or accept homosexuality. All this gay pride crap is considered as a form of Satanism.
Do you only have sex for procreation? If so I sincerely feel sorry for you.

My point is that when two straight people have sex, if not using a condom or birth control, there is the possibility of a life being created. When homosexuals have sex, the creative liquids are discharged with out any reproductive contact. Do you now see whatt I mean by a "Dead End" relationship ?.
Your point makes no sense. Should hetero people not have sex using birth control? And you failed to answer the question of whether or not you only have sex to procreate. The whole procreation issue is utterly and pathetically stupid. Relationships are not just about having kids and many not at all about having kids. And let be remind you that gay people have kids by a variety of means. They are parents for Christ fucking sake!! The have families and have lives and loves like everyone else! So no. I don't not see what you mean about this "dead end" shit! What the fuck is wrong with you?
I don't think people have any phobia about Homosexuality, its just the act, and lifestyle is viewed as a bit repulsive.
People are not afraid of homosexuals. We want what nature intended.
Some people do in fact have an existential fear of gay people because being in the presence of a gay person evokes questions and fears about their own sexuality. In other cases, the homophobe fears not the individual, but what represent- the changes in society where they as heterosexual no longer are the exclusive or dominant culture -much like they fear the browning of America.

Homophobia is indeed real while the homophobes arrogantly claim to know what nature intended and use that as an excuse to marginalize and discriminate against gays. Being gay is far more than an "act" or a lifestyle" and much more than sex. Your problem is that you can't see or acknowledge the whole person who is like you and I in many more ways than they are different. If the sex repulses you stop watch the gay porn. And there is a pretty good chance that you are doing something in the bedroom that someone else finds yucky -so try relating to gay people s human beings and not just sex machines.

As I said I don't think it is a real fear, and or phobia. I see and understand the whole person. I see these homosexuals as mentally Ill. People who are living a life against what mother nature intended. A dead end life style. Having sex not for procreation, but just for sexual satisfaction. The homosexual act is still considered illegal in many countries. I don't watch gay porn or accept homosexuality. All this gay pride crap is considered as a form of Satanism.
You see the whole person? Then you say that it's a dead end lifestyle??!!You don't see the person at all. All that you see is the sex. If you saw the whole person that aside from the small part of their lives that involve sex, they are people who have families, are parents, own homes, work and pay their bills and taxes -and so much more-just like everyone else.
And yes I know that there is a person inside all homosexuals. I do see a person. A person that needs help.
I'm looking at a person who needs help right at this moment/.
The pursuit of happiness is a two way street

People go down whatever side they wish

if they deny other's freedom they are the angry mob mentality or they will go to jail if they cross that line in the sand

that is was freedom is about whether its religious or personal

Yet there are those who want to deny freedom and for what to save souls

Yet supposedly said Jesus said “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.”

I would worry about your own soul as that is the only one you can truly save

Nothing wrong with leaving the door open but it is the individual's freedom to enter or keep on going as they may be secure in their knowledge in what is right for them.
I'm looking at a person who needs help right at this moment/.

You're looking in the mirror, then?

At your age, I think the help that you need would be futile. Even if you wanted it, to even make a dent in straightening out the mess that you've made of your mind and your soul would take more time than you have left to live.
Homophobic pastors are organising Make America Straight Again to coincide with Pride Month

Ultra conservative pastors in Orlando are organising a “Make America Straight Again” in the middle of Pride Month and just two days after the third anniversary of the mass shooting which say 49 people killed at the Pulse nightclub.

The conference is taking place on the weekend of the 14th, 15th, and 16th of June.

In a video filled with homophobic statements made by a number of pastors, the conference was announced and Rev. Patrick Boyle, from Revival Baptist Church said the event will “expose the reprobates” and “against the sodomites and the filth that they’ve been spreading in.”

You know I understand that they are entitled to their sick and hate filled views. And their perverted lifestyle. But decent folk really shouldnt have to put up with this shit. Dont rub our noses in it you homophobic wankers.
all you ever do is spew your hate for those who refuse to think like you...sounds like you and the pastor have similar hobbies tommy, enjoy the look in the mirror
I don't think people have any phobia about Homosexuality, its just the act, and lifestyle is viewed as a bit repulsive.
People are not afraid of homosexuals. We want what nature intended.
Some people do in fact have an existential fear of gay people because being in the presence of a gay person evokes questions and fears about their own sexuality. In other cases, the homophobe fears not the individual, but what represent- the changes in society where they as heterosexual no longer are the exclusive or dominant culture -much like they fear the browning of America.

Homophobia is indeed real while the homophobes arrogantly claim to know what nature intended and use that as an excuse to marginalize and discriminate against gays. Being gay is far more than an "act" or a lifestyle" and much more than sex. Your problem is that you can't see or acknowledge the whole person who is like you and I in many more ways than they are different. If the sex repulses you stop watch the gay porn. And there is a pretty good chance that you are doing something in the bedroom that someone else finds yucky -so try relating to gay people s human beings and not just sex machines.

As I said I don't think it is a real fear, and or phobia. I see and understand the whole person. I see these homosexuals as mentally Ill. People who are living a life against what mother nature intended. A dead end life style. Having sex not for procreation, but just for sexual satisfaction. The homosexual act is still considered illegal in many countries. I don't watch gay porn or accept homosexuality. All this gay pride crap is considered as a form of Satanism.
And this is why we have a Constitution: to protect gay Americans from this sort of fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate from being codified in secular law.
You must be able to offer up something ?

Says the man that does not deny that he supports jailing people for disagreeing with him, politically.

You've demonstrated my point about you and your nation, right there. Twice, now.
Why dont you ask bob bollox to help you seeing as you are struggling.

No struggle here. You now have thrice demonstrated my point, ie that you support imprisoning people for disagreeing with you politically and that you and your nation should be ashamed.
Pretty much everyone disagrees with me politically. I havent called for any of them to be locked up. Perhaps you could find some examples and state which offence they were charged with ?

I challenged you to make a general statement of support for the concept of Free Speech, and opposing putting people in prison for speech.

You have failed to so such a simple task, FOUR times now, and that is my point about you and your nation.

Discussing the details would only reveal which specific speech you feel in worth jail time, something not really of concern for me or anyone who actually believes in Human Rights.
Still waiting for one example of someone being locked up for their political views.
Says the man that does not deny that he supports jailing people for disagreeing with him, politically.

You've demonstrated my point about you and your nation, right there. Twice, now.
Why dont you ask bob bollox to help you seeing as you are struggling.

No struggle here. You now have thrice demonstrated my point, ie that you support imprisoning people for disagreeing with you politically and that you and your nation should be ashamed.
Pretty much everyone disagrees with me politically. I havent called for any of them to be locked up. Perhaps you could find some examples and state which offence they were charged with ?

I challenged you to make a general statement of support for the concept of Free Speech, and opposing putting people in prison for speech.

You have failed to so such a simple task, FOUR times now, and that is my point about you and your nation.

Discussing the details would only reveal which specific speech you feel in worth jail time, something not really of concern for me or anyone who actually believes in Human Rights.
Still waiting for one example of someone being locked up for their political views.

I challenged you to make a general statement of support for the concept of Free Speech, and opposing putting people in prison for speech.

You have failed to so such a simple task, FIVE times now, and that is my point about you and your nation.

Discussing the details would only reveal which specific speech you feel in worth jail time, something not really of concern for me or anyone who actually believes in Human Rights.
Why dont you ask bob bollox to help you seeing as you are struggling.

No struggle here. You now have thrice demonstrated my point, ie that you support imprisoning people for disagreeing with you politically and that you and your nation should be ashamed.
Pretty much everyone disagrees with me politically. I havent called for any of them to be locked up. Perhaps you could find some examples and state which offence they were charged with ?

I challenged you to make a general statement of support for the concept of Free Speech, and opposing putting people in prison for speech.

You have failed to so such a simple task, FOUR times now, and that is my point about you and your nation.

Discussing the details would only reveal which specific speech you feel in worth jail time, something not really of concern for me or anyone who actually believes in Human Rights.
Still waiting for one example of someone being locked up for their political views.

I challenged you to make a general statement of support for the concept of Free Speech, and opposing putting people in prison for speech.

You have failed to so such a simple task, FIVE times now, and that is my point about you and your nation.

Discussing the details would only reveal which specific speech you feel in worth jail time, something not really of concern for me or anyone who actually believes in Human Rights.
I dont really understand why you would think I was against free speech. But there isnt a society in the world,now or ever, that has free speech without any limitations. Free speech has responsibilities.
So rather than talk in the abstract why dont you give me some examples from your vast knowledge and I will comment on them ?
No struggle here. You now have thrice demonstrated my point, ie that you support imprisoning people for disagreeing with you politically and that you and your nation should be ashamed.
Pretty much everyone disagrees with me politically. I havent called for any of them to be locked up. Perhaps you could find some examples and state which offence they were charged with ?

I challenged you to make a general statement of support for the concept of Free Speech, and opposing putting people in prison for speech.

You have failed to so such a simple task, FOUR times now, and that is my point about you and your nation.

Discussing the details would only reveal which specific speech you feel in worth jail time, something not really of concern for me or anyone who actually believes in Human Rights.
Still waiting for one example of someone being locked up for their political views.

I challenged you to make a general statement of support for the concept of Free Speech, and opposing putting people in prison for speech.

You have failed to so such a simple task, FIVE times now, and that is my point about you and your nation.

Discussing the details would only reveal which specific speech you feel in worth jail time, something not really of concern for me or anyone who actually believes in Human Rights.
I dont really understand why you would think I was against free speech. But there isnt a society in the world,now or ever, that has free speech without any limitations. Free speech has responsibilities.
So rather than talk in the abstract why dont you give me some examples from your vast knowledge and I will comment on them ?

In FREE societies, those limitations are themselves, very limited.

Anyone that was FOR free speech would have said so when challenged, 6 times now, and at the very most, mentioned the existence of minor qualifiers.

Your response to was generally support the idea of arresting people for expressing ideas.

YOu made my point for me. I have no interest in quibbling over which ideas you think are not covered by Free Speech.

If you would like to express your ideas on which ideas should result in jail time, it might be educational of American liberals who don't realize what path they are on.
Pretty much everyone disagrees with me politically. I havent called for any of them to be locked up. Perhaps you could find some examples and state which offence they were charged with ?

I challenged you to make a general statement of support for the concept of Free Speech, and opposing putting people in prison for speech.

You have failed to so such a simple task, FOUR times now, and that is my point about you and your nation.

Discussing the details would only reveal which specific speech you feel in worth jail time, something not really of concern for me or anyone who actually believes in Human Rights.
Still waiting for one example of someone being locked up for their political views.

I challenged you to make a general statement of support for the concept of Free Speech, and opposing putting people in prison for speech.

You have failed to so such a simple task, FIVE times now, and that is my point about you and your nation.

Discussing the details would only reveal which specific speech you feel in worth jail time, something not really of concern for me or anyone who actually believes in Human Rights.
I dont really understand why you would think I was against free speech. But there isnt a society in the world,now or ever, that has free speech without any limitations. Free speech has responsibilities.
So rather than talk in the abstract why dont you give me some examples from your vast knowledge and I will comment on them ?

In FREE societies, those limitations are themselves, very limited.

Anyone that was FOR free speech would have said so when challenged, 6 times now, and at the very most, mentioned the existence of minor qualifiers.

Your response to was generally support the idea of arresting people for expressing ideas.

YOu made my point for me. I have no interest in quibbling over which ideas you think are not covered by Free Speech.

If you would like to express your ideas on which ideas should result in jail time, it might be educational of American liberals who don't realize what path they are on.
You talk in abstract and seem incapable of showing anything specific. Show me an example of somebody expressing a political view and being locked up for it.
I challenged you to make a general statement of support for the concept of Free Speech, and opposing putting people in prison for speech.

You have failed to so such a simple task, FOUR times now, and that is my point about you and your nation.

Discussing the details would only reveal which specific speech you feel in worth jail time, something not really of concern for me or anyone who actually believes in Human Rights.
Still waiting for one example of someone being locked up for their political views.

I challenged you to make a general statement of support for the concept of Free Speech, and opposing putting people in prison for speech.

You have failed to so such a simple task, FIVE times now, and that is my point about you and your nation.

Discussing the details would only reveal which specific speech you feel in worth jail time, something not really of concern for me or anyone who actually believes in Human Rights.
I dont really understand why you would think I was against free speech. But there isnt a society in the world,now or ever, that has free speech without any limitations. Free speech has responsibilities.
So rather than talk in the abstract why dont you give me some examples from your vast knowledge and I will comment on them ?

In FREE societies, those limitations are themselves, very limited.

Anyone that was FOR free speech would have said so when challenged, 6 times now, and at the very most, mentioned the existence of minor qualifiers.

Your response to was generally support the idea of arresting people for expressing ideas.

YOu made my point for me. I have no interest in quibbling over which ideas you think are not covered by Free Speech.

If you would like to express your ideas on which ideas should result in jail time, it might be educational of American liberals who don't realize what path they are on.
You talk in abstract and seem incapable of showing anything specific. Show me an example of somebody expressing a political view and being locked up for it.

My point was about your general stance against Free Speech.

You have agreed.

From what I have read, your position seems typical of the UK.

What is the point of discussing specifics?
Still waiting for one example of someone being locked up for their political views.

I challenged you to make a general statement of support for the concept of Free Speech, and opposing putting people in prison for speech.

You have failed to so such a simple task, FIVE times now, and that is my point about you and your nation.

Discussing the details would only reveal which specific speech you feel in worth jail time, something not really of concern for me or anyone who actually believes in Human Rights.
I dont really understand why you would think I was against free speech. But there isnt a society in the world,now or ever, that has free speech without any limitations. Free speech has responsibilities.
So rather than talk in the abstract why dont you give me some examples from your vast knowledge and I will comment on them ?

In FREE societies, those limitations are themselves, very limited.

Anyone that was FOR free speech would have said so when challenged, 6 times now, and at the very most, mentioned the existence of minor qualifiers.

Your response to was generally support the idea of arresting people for expressing ideas.

YOu made my point for me. I have no interest in quibbling over which ideas you think are not covered by Free Speech.

If you would like to express your ideas on which ideas should result in jail time, it might be educational of American liberals who don't realize what path they are on.
You talk in abstract and seem incapable of showing anything specific. Show me an example of somebody expressing a political view and being locked up for it.

My point was about your general stance against Free Speech.

You have agreed.

From what I have read, your position seems typical of the UK.

What is the point of discussing specifics?
You cant prove that free speech doesnt exist in the UK. That is the point.
I challenged you to make a general statement of support for the concept of Free Speech, and opposing putting people in prison for speech.

You have failed to so such a simple task, FIVE times now, and that is my point about you and your nation.

Discussing the details would only reveal which specific speech you feel in worth jail time, something not really of concern for me or anyone who actually believes in Human Rights.
I dont really understand why you would think I was against free speech. But there isnt a society in the world,now or ever, that has free speech without any limitations. Free speech has responsibilities.
So rather than talk in the abstract why dont you give me some examples from your vast knowledge and I will comment on them ?

In FREE societies, those limitations are themselves, very limited.

Anyone that was FOR free speech would have said so when challenged, 6 times now, and at the very most, mentioned the existence of minor qualifiers.

Your response to was generally support the idea of arresting people for expressing ideas.

YOu made my point for me. I have no interest in quibbling over which ideas you think are not covered by Free Speech.

If you would like to express your ideas on which ideas should result in jail time, it might be educational of American liberals who don't realize what path they are on.
You talk in abstract and seem incapable of showing anything specific. Show me an example of somebody expressing a political view and being locked up for it.

My point was about your general stance against Free Speech.

You have agreed.

From what I have read, your position seems typical of the UK.

What is the point of discussing specifics?
You cant prove that free speech doesnt exist in the UK. That is the point.

You agreed.

You said that you supported all but one example of people being arrested for expressing ideas.

It is not a matter of contention between us.

We don't need to have a debate on the idea, when we are in agreement.

If you want to discuss some example of ideas that you think are worthy of being put in jail, feel free.

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