Homophobic pastors organising Make America Straight Again to coincide with Pride Month

you're an anti-American, anti-Christian bigot and we all know this Tommy.
Thank you, Tommie, for pointing out the fundies who want christian sharia law here in the US.

Christian Sharia is an oxymoron.
Nope...Example is blue laws.....holding everyone to a christian belief that things shouldn't be open on Sunday.

Sure. Bars closed one day a week, just like killing people for being gay, or getting raped.

It amazes me that more libs dont' die from accidentally eating broken glass, or drowning because they look up during rain.
Sharia is sharia....any law put in place for religious reasons. The severity is irrelevant. If you push a law because of your religion and you are trying to compell everyone to follow one of your religious rules, that is sharia. Period.

I think if you were to ask people if they saw a difference between not being able to buy beer one day a week, and being KILLED, that most people would see a relevant difference.

I understand that this distinction is too subtle for YOU.
Wrong based on........what?
Wrong to deny people the right to speak their mind.

Were you just born yesterday ?
But we are used to that here BECAUSE we have the 1st Amendment...one of the very few countries with such a thing. And you want to hold other countries to our Bill of Rights because......?

So, in your mind, human rights are GRANTED by government power?

How very unAmerican of you.
Not in our country...Our Declaration of Independence spells our belief out concerning that. Why is it you insist other countries follow our Bill of Rights?

I believe that human rights are god given, and universal across the world.

You are the one that brought up the US bill of rights, not me.
Not in our country...Our Declaration of Independence spells our belief out concerning that. Why is it you insist other countries follow our Bill of Rights?
Freedom speech was in England's Bill of Rights, 100 years before it was in ours (the USA)
Thank you, Tommie, for pointing out the fundies who want christian sharia law here in the US.

Christian Sharia is an oxymoron.
Nope...Example is blue laws.....holding everyone to a christian belief that things shouldn't be open on Sunday.

Sure. Bars closed one day a week, just like killing people for being gay, or getting raped.

It amazes me that more libs dont' die from accidentally eating broken glass, or drowning because they look up during rain.
Sharia is sharia....any law put in place for religious reasons. The severity is irrelevant. If you push a law because of your religion and you are trying to compell everyone to follow one of your religious rules, that is sharia. Period.

I think if you were to ask people if they saw a difference between not being able to buy beer one day a week, and being KILLED, that most people would see a relevant difference.

I understand that this distinction is too subtle for YOU.
There are severe laws and there are minor laws...but if any of them are created because of a religion's belief...it is a sharia law......Thank goodness our strong Constitution and secular traditions keep such sharia (of any religion) minor....for now. Not from want of trying for some religious groups.
If you push a law because of your religion and you are trying to compell [sic] everyone to follow one of your religious rules, that is sharia. Period.

And yet you Godless faggots think that it is OK to push laws on us forcing us to accept and treat your sick, disgusting sexual perversions as if they are in any way normal or acceptable. Even if we were pushing for the “Sharia” that you claim, it would certainly be far, far better than the sick filth that you're trying to push on us.
Homophobic pastors are organising Make America Straight Again to coincide with Pride Month

Ultra conservative pastors in Orlando are organising a “Make America Straight Again” in the middle of Pride Month and just two days after the third anniversary of the mass shooting which say 49 people killed at the Pulse nightclub.

The conference is taking place on the weekend of the 14th, 15th, and 16th of June.

In a video filled with homophobic statements made by a number of pastors, the conference was announced and Rev. Patrick Boyle, from Revival Baptist Church said the event will “expose the reprobates” and “against the sodomites and the filth that they’ve been spreading in.”

You know I understand that they are entitled to their sick and hate filled views. And their perverted lifestyle. But decent folk really shouldnt have to put up with this shit. Dont rub our noses in it you homophobic wankers.

you're an anti-American, anti-Christian bigot and we all know this Tommy.
Thank you, Tommie, for pointing out the fundies who want christian sharia law here in the US.

Christian Sharia is an oxymoron.
Nope...Example is blue laws.....holding everyone to a christian belief that things shouldn't be open on Sunday.

Which direction are we moving on blue laws, towards more or less? Then compare that to true Sharia law. Which laws do we have that mandate the death penalty for immoral behavior? Then compare that to true Sharia law.
I tend not to appreciate FEDERAL mandates. I would much rather see local municipal laws. Federal experimentation is very hard to reverse, if/once it becomes obvious that a law is subversive/adversive. All one needs to do is see how an enacted community law influences that town in question to see if indeed it is acceptable or destructive. Other communities can say yea or nay. However, governmental mandates can take years to correct, replace, and discard. Also a corrupt government could easily do whatever and live aloof of the peasantry and laws that it expects others to bear --- but not exclusive bureaucrats. Ask yourself where the Kennedy's attended school and you see my drift...

Sorry, but I like living in a Grover's Corners or Bedford Falls and not POTTERSVILLE. I can tell you that Camden, NJ was once a very nice safe family place to live, and then nude and XXX GIRLIE SHOW signs began appearing along the highways leading into the city, and drugs ran rapid.and robberies became the norm. What changed the town you might ask? The very same things that destroyed Frank Capra's town of Bedford Falls, and Back to the Future's --- HILL VALLEY. Call it a cliquish. BUT, the fact is that greed, selfish pursuits, the acceptance of deviant behavior as normal, will eventually destroy any town. any institution, and eventually any country.

ALL behavior will eventually have an influence on the society at large for the good or evil. There is no getting around the obvious whether you believe what the Bible says or not.
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Next thing you know those Irish Muslim Transsexuals will be crossing the border from Canada, sneaking bootleg maple syrup into the United States to bribe straight people to change their lifestyle! Man this is a national nightmare!
Actually, people like you who spew this kind of bizarre bovine excrement are the national nightmare

Actually it is people like you who cause good tv shows to be canceled... because you have zero sense of humor and take shit way too seriously.
Christian Sharia is an oxymoron.
Nope...Example is blue laws.....holding everyone to a christian belief that things shouldn't be open on Sunday.

Sure. Bars closed one day a week, just like killing people for being gay, or getting raped.

It amazes me that more libs dont' die from accidentally eating broken glass, or drowning because they look up during rain.
Sharia is sharia....any law put in place for religious reasons. The severity is irrelevant. If you push a law because of your religion and you are trying to compell everyone to follow one of your religious rules, that is sharia. Period.

I think if you were to ask people if they saw a difference between not being able to buy beer one day a week, and being KILLED, that most people would see a relevant difference.

I understand that this distinction is too subtle for YOU.
There are severe laws and there are minor laws...but if any of them are created because of a religion's belief...it is a sharia law......Thank goodness our strong Constitution and secular traditions keep such sharia (of any religion) minor....for now. Not from want of trying for some religious groups.

Your interpretation of "not establish religion" is more of a desire of not allowing religious people to have full political participation.

Wanting one day a week to not be a business day for alcohol selling places, is not an establishment of religion or a theocracy.

You are an anti-Christian bigot.
Homophobic pastors are organising Make America Straight Again to coincide with Pride Month

Ultra conservative pastors in Orlando are organising a “Make America Straight Again” in the middle of Pride Month and just two days after the third anniversary of the mass shooting which say 49 people killed at the Pulse nightclub.

The conference is taking place on the weekend of the 14th, 15th, and 16th of June.

In a video filled with homophobic statements made by a number of pastors, the conference was announced and Rev. Patrick Boyle, from Revival Baptist Church said the event will “expose the reprobates” and “against the sodomites and the filth that they’ve been spreading in.”

You know I understand that they are entitled to their sick and hate filled views. And their perverted lifestyle. But decent folk really shouldnt have to put up with this shit. Dont rub our noses in it you homophobic wankers.

you're an anti-American, anti-Christian bigot and we all know this Tommy.
Thank you, Tommie, for pointing out the fundies who want christian sharia law here in the US.

Christian Sharia is an oxymoron.
Nope...Example is blue laws.....holding everyone to a christian belief that things shouldn't be open on Sunday.

Which direction are we moving on blue laws, towards more or less? Then compare that to true Sharia law. Which laws do we have that mandate the death penalty for immoral behavior? Then compare that to true Sharia law.

If you push a law because of your religion and you are trying to compell [sic] everyone to follow one of your religious rules, that is sharia. Period.

And yet you Godless faggots think that it is OK to push laws on us forcing us to accept and treat your sick, disgusting sexual perversions as if they are in any way normal or acceptable. Even if we were pushing for the “Sharia” that you claim, it would certainly be far, far better than the sick filth that you're trying to push on us.
Is there a requirement that we believe in your god? And thank you for telling us you would support sharia that follows your religion.
Homophobic pastors are organising Make America Straight Again to coincide with Pride Month

Ultra conservative pastors in Orlando are organising a “Make America Straight Again” in the middle of Pride Month and just two days after the third anniversary of the mass shooting which say 49 people killed at the Pulse nightclub.

The conference is taking place on the weekend of the 14th, 15th, and 16th of June.

In a video filled with homophobic statements made by a number of pastors, the conference was announced and Rev. Patrick Boyle, from Revival Baptist Church said the event will “expose the reprobates” and “against the sodomites and the filth that they’ve been spreading in.”

You know I understand that they are entitled to their sick and hate filled views. And their perverted lifestyle. But decent folk really shouldnt have to put up with this shit. Dont rub our noses in it you homophobic wankers.

you're an anti-American, anti-Christian bigot and we all know this Tommy.
Thank you, Tommie, for pointing out the fundies who want christian sharia law here in the US.

Christian Sharia is an oxymoron.
Nope...Example is blue laws.....holding everyone to a christian belief that things shouldn't be open on Sunday.

Which direction are we moving on blue laws, towards more or less? Then compare that to true Sharia law. Which laws do we have that mandate the death penalty for immoral behavior? Then compare that to true Sharia law.
We are improving...we are slowly getting rid of them...but we have to be vigilant of the backlash like we've been seeing in red states the last few years. So far, the good guys are winning.
Homophobic pastors are organising Make America Straight Again to coincide with Pride Month

Ultra conservative pastors in Orlando are organising a “Make America Straight Again” in the middle of Pride Month and just two days after the third anniversary of the mass shooting which say 49 people killed at the Pulse nightclub.

The conference is taking place on the weekend of the 14th, 15th, and 16th of June.

In a video filled with homophobic statements made by a number of pastors, the conference was announced and Rev. Patrick Boyle, from Revival Baptist Church said the event will “expose the reprobates” and “against the sodomites and the filth that they’ve been spreading in.”

You know I understand that they are entitled to their sick and hate filled views. And their perverted lifestyle. But decent folk really shouldnt have to put up with this shit. Dont rub our noses in it you homophobic wankers.

Tommy Tainant
If Straight people and those who believe in traditional man/woman marriage
can support and be proud of gay friends and community as their own identity,
why can't gay people and LGBT advocates who believe in same sex marriage
support and be proud of friends and community who have their own beliefs?
Wrong based on........what?
Wrong to deny people the right to speak their mind.

Were you just born yesterday ?
But we are used to that here BECAUSE we have the 1st Amendment...one of the very few countries with such a thing. And you want to hold other countries to our Bill of Rights because......?

So, in your mind, human rights are GRANTED by government power?

How very unAmerican of you.
Not in our country...Our Declaration of Independence spells our belief out concerning that. Why is it you insist other countries follow our Bill of Rights?

I believe that human rights are god given, and universal across the world.

You are the one that brought up the US bill of rights, not me.
We are born with human rights....and governments are created to protect those rights BUT each government may or may not protect or take away rights....for example Saudi Arabia takes away quite a few of those rights. Our Bill of Rights (which you seemed concerned I brought up) protects many more of our rights in a more extensive manner. We are lucky that our country has the Bill of Rights that codify the Rights our government cannot take away. But that doesn't mean other countries are obligated to follow OUR Bill of Rights. Or do you think they have to?
Homophobic pastors are organising Make America Straight Again to coincide with Pride Month

Ultra conservative pastors in Orlando are organising a “Make America Straight Again” in the middle of Pride Month and just two days after the third anniversary of the mass shooting which say 49 people killed at the Pulse nightclub.

The conference is taking place on the weekend of the 14th, 15th, and 16th of June.

In a video filled with homophobic statements made by a number of pastors, the conference was announced and Rev. Patrick Boyle, from Revival Baptist Church said the event will “expose the reprobates” and “against the sodomites and the filth that they’ve been spreading in.”

You know I understand that they are entitled to their sick and hate filled views. And their perverted lifestyle. But decent folk really shouldnt have to put up with this shit. Dont rub our noses in it you homophobic wankers.

Tommy Tainant
If Straight people and those who believe in traditional man/woman marriage
can support and be proud of gay friends and community as their own identity,
why can't gay people and LGBT advocates who believe in same sex marriage
support and be proud of friends and community who have their own beliefs?
Who says we don't support and are proud of friends and community who are straight?
you also use bullshit like the MSM = NOT Homophobic .....should be:
pro-common sense
I have Gay friends who are all of those things. They arent calling for people to die either.
To many lies with to many of the agendas which were supported by the ones you hate also. You are not believed anymore.
Nope...Example is blue laws.....holding everyone to a christian belief that things shouldn't be open on Sunday.

Sure. Bars closed one day a week, just like killing people for being gay, or getting raped.

It amazes me that more libs dont' die from accidentally eating broken glass, or drowning because they look up during rain.
Sharia is sharia....any law put in place for religious reasons. The severity is irrelevant. If you push a law because of your religion and you are trying to compell everyone to follow one of your religious rules, that is sharia. Period.

I think if you were to ask people if they saw a difference between not being able to buy beer one day a week, and being KILLED, that most people would see a relevant difference.

I understand that this distinction is too subtle for YOU.
There are severe laws and there are minor laws...but if any of them are created because of a religion's belief...it is a sharia law......Thank goodness our strong Constitution and secular traditions keep such sharia (of any religion) minor....for now. Not from want of trying for some religious groups.

Your interpretation of "not establish religion" is more of a desire of not allowing religious people to have full political participation.

Wanting one day a week to not be a business day for alcohol selling places, is not an establishment of religion or a theocracy.

You are an anti-Christian bigot.

Dear bodecea and Correll
If people AGREE to terms and conditions of law
such as "laws against murder" (while others believe in the Biblical
principle thou shalt not kill) then as long as people consent to
SECULAR laws on this, that isn't necessarily IMPOSING a religion.

Examples: the use of AD or CE calendar years can be argued
as founded in "religion" but CE/BCE is considered "secular."

Also if you consider the Govt slogan and principle of
"Equal JUSTICE under law" -- JUSTICE is still FAITH BASED.
But it is not considered "religious imposition" because people
AGREE to that principle (even though it's not proven to exist
but relies on personal faith which varies in degree and denomination)

The KEY bodecea and Correll is whether or not
people CONSENT to laws that respect their beliefs,
or whether the Govt is being abused to IMPOSE a
religious or faith based bias.

And by that standard, that's why we have people on both sides protesting:
* prochoice and prolife beliefs (including right to life and
right to health care as Political Beliefs not all people believe)
* beliefs for or against same sex marriage and recognizing
LGBT identity or orientation as a class, as a choice of behavior,
or as a faith-based creed or affiliation (still protected under law
from discrimination while govt can neither establish nor prohibit such beliefs either way)

bodecea we would have more consistent enforcement
if we RECOGNIZED these biases and political beliefs
equally under religious freedom and Civil Rights against
discrimination by creed. Both sides LOSE CREDIBILITY
and any leverage or authority to enforce laws and legal arguments
by arguing one side's beliefs OVER the other, which is
violating this very principle! We'd do better to defend rights
of citizens to protect and represent their own creeds by
recognizing BOTH sides as such, and agreeing to keep those
biases out of govt, and reserving public law, institutions and
policy to where we agree on terms. And keep the rest separate.

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