Homophobic pastors organising Make America Straight Again to coincide with Pride Month

you're an anti-American, anti-Christian bigot and we all know this Tommy.
Thank you, Tommie, for pointing out the fundies who want christian sharia law here in the US.

Find one post of mine that would indicate I would Sharia Law, you vicious liar.

Why would you? It's obvious you're not Islamic

The poster in question unbelievably thinks Christians want to impose Sharia Law on America too.

Remember: 63rd female Navy pilot oh yeah

It is a fact that among most on the Christian right there is a desire to codify religious dogma into secular law, that conservative Christians have contempt for Establishment Clause jurisprudence, where Christian fundamentalists seek to make Christianity the dominant religion in the United States, to the detriment of Muslim Americans in particular.

No one is saying all Christians believe this – but the number of Christians on the right who do support this is significant, representing an actual threat to the religious liberty of all Americans.

What is your source for that assertion?
For the record, I did post a reply, containing a couple of specific examples to prove the claim that I previously made. Some deceitful, cowardly, Gillettized piece of shit of a moderator censored my reply. …
So you say. I am looking at a lot of nothing at the moment.

It is what it is.

The cowardly, lying piece of shit who censored my post could come in here and explain himself and why he did so, but if he had the honesty and integrity to do that, then he wouldn't have censored my post in the first place.
Thank you, Tommie, for pointing out the fundies who want christian sharia law here in the US.

Find one post of mine that would indicate I would Sharia Law, you vicious liar.

Why would you? It's obvious you're not Islamic

The poster in question unbelievably thinks Christians want to impose Sharia Law on America too.

Remember: 63rd female Navy pilot oh yeah

It is a fact that among most on the Christian right there is a desire to codify religious dogma into secular law, that conservative Christians have contempt for Establishment Clause jurisprudence, where Christian fundamentalists seek to make Christianity the dominant religion in the United States, to the detriment of Muslim Americans in particular.

No one is saying all Christians believe this – but the number of Christians on the right who do support this is significant, representing an actual threat to the religious liberty of all Americans.

What is your source for that assertion?

His befuddled mind...the coward never responds to challenges....he's a dope
For the record, I did post a reply, containing a couple of specific examples to prove the claim that I previously made. Some deceitful, cowardly, Gillettized piece of shit of a moderator censored my reply. …
So you say. I am looking at a lot of nothing at the moment.

It is what it is.

The cowardly, lying piece of shit who censored my post could come in here and explain himself and why he did so, but if he had the honesty and integrity to do that, then he wouldn't have censored my post in the first place.
For the record, I did post a reply, containing a couple of specific examples to prove the claim that I previously made. Some deceitful, cowardly, Gillettized piece of shit of a moderator censored my reply. …
So you say. I am looking at a lot of nothing at the moment.

It is what it is.

The cowardly, lying piece of shit who censored my post could come in here and explain himself and why he did so, but if he had the honesty and integrity to do that, then he wouldn't have censored my post in the first place.
Why not post it again ?
Next thing you know those Irish Muslim Transsexuals will be crossing the border from Canada, sneaking bootleg maple syrup into the United States to bribe straight people to change their lifestyle! Man this is a national nightmare!
Next thing you know those Irish Muslim Transsexuals will be crossing the border from Canada, sneaking bootleg maple syrup into the United States to bribe straight people to change their lifestyle! Man this is a national nightmare!
Actually, people like you who spew this kind of bizarre bovine excrement are the national nightmare
Thank you, Tommie, for pointing out the fundies who want christian sharia law here in the US.

Find one post of mine that would indicate I would Sharia Law, you vicious liar.

Why would you? It's obvious you're not Islamic

The poster in question unbelievably thinks Christians want to impose Sharia Law on America too.

Remember: 63rd female Navy pilot oh yeah

It is a fact that among most on the Christian right there is a desire to codify religious dogma into secular law, that conservative Christians have contempt for Establishment Clause jurisprudence, where Christian fundamentalists seek to make Christianity the dominant religion in the United States, to the detriment of Muslim Americans in particular.

No one is saying all Christians believe this – but the number of Christians on the right who do support this is significant, representing an actual threat to the religious liberty of all Americans.

What is your source for that assertion?

My God, that bit where you pretended that C_Clayton_Jones was capable of actually engaging in a substantive discussion or answering a challenge?


Is complete freedom of speech expressed in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights? And I am amused by you making a case that the UN can step in and tell the UK what their internal laws can be. Will you say the same about the US? That the UN can come in and tell us what our internal laws can be?
That's not what the UN has done. You have a tendency to change things away from what is happening.
Homophobic pastors are organising Make America Straight Again to coincide with Pride Month

Ultra conservative pastors in Orlando are organising a “Make America Straight Again” in the middle of Pride Month and just two days after the third anniversary of the mass shooting which say 49 people killed at the Pulse nightclub.

The conference is taking place on the weekend of the 14th, 15th, and 16th of June.

In a video filled with homophobic statements made by a number of pastors, the conference was announced and Rev. Patrick Boyle, from Revival Baptist Church said the event will “expose the reprobates” and “against the sodomites and the filth that they’ve been spreading in.”

You know I understand that they are entitled to their sick and hate filled views. And their perverted lifestyle. But decent folk really shouldnt have to put up with this shit. Dont rub our noses in it you homophobic wankers.

you're an anti-American, anti-Christian bigot and we all know this Tommy.
Thank you, Tommie, for pointing out the fundies who want christian sharia law here in the US.

Christian Sharia is an oxymoron.
Nope...Example is blue laws.....holding everyone to a christian belief that things shouldn't be open on Sunday.
Is complete freedom of speech expressed in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights? And I am amused by you making a case that the UN can step in and tell the UK what their internal laws can be. Will you say the same about the US? That the UN can come in and tell us what our internal laws can be?
That's not what the UN has done. You have a tendency to change things away from what is happening.
I'm asking a question....should the UN come in and tell countries to follow their Universal Declaration of Human Rights over their own laws?
Homophobic pastors are organising Make America Straight Again to coincide with Pride Month

Ultra conservative pastors in Orlando are organising a “Make America Straight Again” in the middle of Pride Month and just two days after the third anniversary of the mass shooting which say 49 people killed at the Pulse nightclub.

The conference is taking place on the weekend of the 14th, 15th, and 16th of June.

In a video filled with homophobic statements made by a number of pastors, the conference was announced and Rev. Patrick Boyle, from Revival Baptist Church said the event will “expose the reprobates” and “against the sodomites and the filth that they’ve been spreading in.”

You know I understand that they are entitled to their sick and hate filled views. And their perverted lifestyle. But decent folk really shouldnt have to put up with this shit. Dont rub our noses in it you homophobic wankers.

you're an anti-American, anti-Christian bigot and we all know this Tommy.
Thank you, Tommie, for pointing out the fundies who want christian sharia law here in the US.

Christian Sharia is an oxymoron.
Nope...Example is blue laws.....holding everyone to a christian belief that things shouldn't be open on Sunday.

Sure. Bars closed one day a week, just like killing people for being gay, or getting raped.

It amazes me that more libs dont' die from accidentally eating broken glass, or drowning because they look up during rain.
Homophobic pastors are organising Make America Straight Again to coincide with Pride Month

Ultra conservative pastors in Orlando are organising a “Make America Straight Again” in the middle of Pride Month and just two days after the third anniversary of the mass shooting which say 49 people killed at the Pulse nightclub.

The conference is taking place on the weekend of the 14th, 15th, and 16th of June.

In a video filled with homophobic statements made by a number of pastors, the conference was announced and Rev. Patrick Boyle, from Revival Baptist Church said the event will “expose the reprobates” and “against the sodomites and the filth that they’ve been spreading in.”

You know I understand that they are entitled to their sick and hate filled views. And their perverted lifestyle. But decent folk really shouldnt have to put up with this shit. Dont rub our noses in it you homophobic wankers.

you're an anti-American, anti-Christian bigot and we all know this Tommy.
Thank you, Tommie, for pointing out the fundies who want christian sharia law here in the US.

Christian Sharia is an oxymoron.
Nope...Example is blue laws.....holding everyone to a christian belief that things shouldn't be open on Sunday.

Sure. Bars closed one day a week, just like killing people for being gay, or getting raped.

It amazes me that more libs dont' die from accidentally eating broken glass, or drowning because they look up during rain.
Sharia is sharia....any law put in place for religious reasons. The severity is irrelevant. If you push a law because of your religion and you are trying to compell everyone to follow one of your religious rules, that is sharia. Period.
Wrong based on........what?
Wrong to deny people the right to speak their mind.

Were you just born yesterday ?
But we are used to that here BECAUSE we have the 1st Amendment...one of the very few countries with such a thing. And you want to hold other countries to our Bill of Rights because......?

So, in your mind, human rights are GRANTED by government power?

How very unAmerican of you.
But we are used to that here BECAUSE we have the 1st Amendment...one of the very few countries with such a thing. And you want to hold other countries to our Bill of Rights because......?
I didn't say I wanted to do that.

PS - our bill of rights comes from the British Bill of Rights adopted in 1688, and ratified at the coronation of King William III and Queen Mary II (aka the "Rights of Man"), in 1689.

Bill of Rights 1689 - Wikipedia

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Wrong based on........what?
Wrong to deny people the right to speak their mind.

Were you just born yesterday ?
But we are used to that here BECAUSE we have the 1st Amendment...one of the very few countries with such a thing. And you want to hold other countries to our Bill of Rights because......?

So, in your mind, human rights are GRANTED by government power?

How very unAmerican of you.
Not in our country...Our Declaration of Independence spells our belief out concerning that. Why is it you insist other countries follow our Bill of Rights?
But we are used to that here BECAUSE we have the 1st Amendment...one of the very few countries with such a thing. And you want to hold other countries to our Bill of Rights because......?
I didn't say I wanted to do that.
Well then good...because they are not required to. In fact every country has their own laws and interpretations of said laws.

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