Homophobic pastors organising Make America Straight Again to coincide with Pride Month

Who are these people ? What have they said ?

Funny, if you said something like that to me, my reply would be "I fully support the right of fight speech, and your claim that I support people being jailed for expressing the wrong opinion is a lie".

YOU feel a need to ask "what exactly did they say"?

Because you know that you do support jailing people for saying shit you disagree with.

And instead of making a blanket statement in support of human rights, you want to quibble over details, to hide your shame.

Filthy commie.
You must be able to offer up something ?

Says the man that does not deny that he supports jailing people for disagreeing with him, politically.

You've demonstrated my point about you and your nation, right there. Twice, now.
Why dont you ask bob bollox to help you seeing as you are struggling.

No struggle here. You now have thrice demonstrated my point, ie that you support imprisoning people for disagreeing with you politically and that you and your nation should be ashamed.
Pretty much everyone disagrees with me politically. I havent called for any of them to be locked up. Perhaps you could find some examples and state which offence they were charged with ?
Homophobic pastors are organising Make America Straight Again to coincide with Pride Month

Ultra conservative pastors in Orlando are organising a “Make America Straight Again” in the middle of Pride Month and just two days after the third anniversary of the mass shooting which say 49 people killed at the Pulse nightclub.

The conference is taking place on the weekend of the 14th, 15th, and 16th of June.

In a video filled with homophobic statements made by a number of pastors, the conference was announced and Rev. Patrick Boyle, from Revival Baptist Church said the event will “expose the reprobates” and “against the sodomites and the filth that they’ve been spreading in.”

You know I understand that they are entitled to their sick and hate filled views. And their perverted lifestyle. But decent folk really shouldnt have to put up with this shit. Dont rub our noses in it you homophobic wankers.
I like free speech
We are used to it here in the US, but even here it's restricted by the government in certain cases.
Ha that’s funny what words are banned in the constitution?
I am referring to free speech...it isn't unlimited, or do you disagree?
Homophobic pastors are organising Make America Straight Again to coincide with Pride Month

Ultra conservative pastors in Orlando are organising a “Make America Straight Again” in the middle of Pride Month and just two days after the third anniversary of the mass shooting which say 49 people killed at the Pulse nightclub.

The conference is taking place on the weekend of the 14th, 15th, and 16th of June.

In a video filled with homophobic statements made by a number of pastors, the conference was announced and Rev. Patrick Boyle, from Revival Baptist Church said the event will “expose the reprobates” and “against the sodomites and the filth that they’ve been spreading in.”

You know I understand that they are entitled to their sick and hate filled views. And their perverted lifestyle. But decent folk really shouldnt have to put up with this shit. Dont rub our noses in it you homophobic wankers.
I like free speech
We are used to it here in the US, but even here it's restricted by the government in certain cases.
Ha that’s funny what words are banned in the constitution?
I am referring to free speech...it isn't unlimited, or do you disagree?
Yes I am free to say what ever I want
1. Yes.

2. Why do you ask?

3. Do you believe that imprisoning someone for the "crime" of having and/or expressing an opinion is right or wrong?
Not our laws. Are we a global hegemony telling other countries what they can or cannot do with their laws?

Human rights are inherent, as expressed in the UN Universal declaration of human rights. If UK laws are violating them, it is morally wrong. Do you not agree, and if not, why not?
Is complete freedom of speech expressed in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights? And I am amused by you making a case that the UN can step in and tell the UK what their internal laws can be. Will you say the same about the US? That the UN can come in and tell us what our internal laws can be?

1. I was clearly using the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as a concession to your hate of using the American perspective.

2. THe question to you, is Human rights are inherent, as expressed in the UN Universal declaration of human rights. If UK laws are violating them, it is morally wrong. Do you not agree, and if not, why not?
So...you want a country to follow the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights over their own laws, right?

I want the nations of the world to respect the God Given Rights of Man.

THe Human Right we are discussing, right now, is the Right to Free Speech.

The UK is jailing people for expressing opinions that the government doesn't like.

I consider that a violation of human rights and morally wrong, and I have been very clear about that.

I've asked you how you feel about it, and you get all evasive.

Kind of obvious where you are on this, and that you are too dishonest to admit it.
Homophobic pastors are organising Make America Straight Again to coincide with Pride Month

Ultra conservative pastors in Orlando are organising a “Make America Straight Again” in the middle of Pride Month and just two days after the third anniversary of the mass shooting which say 49 people killed at the Pulse nightclub.

The conference is taking place on the weekend of the 14th, 15th, and 16th of June.

In a video filled with homophobic statements made by a number of pastors, the conference was announced and Rev. Patrick Boyle, from Revival Baptist Church said the event will “expose the reprobates” and “against the sodomites and the filth that they’ve been spreading in.”

You know I understand that they are entitled to their sick and hate filled views. And their perverted lifestyle. But decent folk really shouldnt have to put up with this shit. Dont rub our noses in it you homophobic wankers.
I like free speech
We are used to it here in the US, but even here it's restricted by the government in certain cases.
Ha that’s funny what words are banned in the constitution?
I am referring to free speech...it isn't unlimited, or do you disagree?
Yes I am free to say what ever I want
Oh? You can cry "fire" in a crowded theater? You can make verbal threats to someone?United States free speech exceptions - Wikipedia
I like free speech
We are used to it here in the US, but even here it's restricted by the government in certain cases.
Ha that’s funny what words are banned in the constitution?
I am referring to free speech...it isn't unlimited, or do you disagree?
Yes I am free to say what ever I want
Oh? You can cry "fire" in a crowded theater? You can make verbal threats to someone?
Absolutely.. if there is a fire should I be quiet lol wtf
And yes I can
We are used to it here in the US, but even here it's restricted by the government in certain cases.
Ha that’s funny what words are banned in the constitution?
I am referring to free speech...it isn't unlimited, or do you disagree?
Yes I am free to say what ever I want
Oh? You can cry "fire" in a crowded theater? You can make verbal threats to someone?
Absolutely.. if there is a fire should I be quiet lol wtf
And yes I can
And if there isn't a fire? (you do realize the "crying fire in a crowded theater" example is a direct reference to a SCOTUS case about free speech, right? Schenck v. United States - Wikipedia
you guys should ban him from youtube then call for the death of white people on twitter

fucking limy serf
He can believe whatever sick perversion that he wants to. Just dont rub my nose in that shit.
Let's see if we have this straight. You live across the ocean from him, and you're afraid he's going to rub your nose in something? You're a strange little blighter, aren't you?
Funny, if you said something like that to me, my reply would be "I fully support the right of fight speech, and your claim that I support people being jailed for expressing the wrong opinion is a lie".

YOU feel a need to ask "what exactly did they say"?

Because you know that you do support jailing people for saying shit you disagree with.

And instead of making a blanket statement in support of human rights, you want to quibble over details, to hide your shame.

Filthy commie.
You must be able to offer up something ?

Says the man that does not deny that he supports jailing people for disagreeing with him, politically.

You've demonstrated my point about you and your nation, right there. Twice, now.
Why dont you ask bob bollox to help you seeing as you are struggling.

No struggle here. You now have thrice demonstrated my point, ie that you support imprisoning people for disagreeing with you politically and that you and your nation should be ashamed.
Pretty much everyone disagrees with me politically. I havent called for any of them to be locked up. Perhaps you could find some examples and state which offence they were charged with ?

I challenged you to make a general statement of support for the concept of Free Speech, and opposing putting people in prison for speech.

You have failed to so such a simple task, FOUR times now, and that is my point about you and your nation.

Discussing the details would only reveal which specific speech you feel in worth jail time, something not really of concern for me or anyone who actually believes in Human Rights.
Funny, if you said something like that to me, my reply would be "I fully support the right of fight speech, and your claim that I support people being jailed for expressing the wrong opinion is a lie".

YOU feel a need to ask "what exactly did they say"?

Because you know that you do support jailing people for saying shit you disagree with.

And instead of making a blanket statement in support of human rights, you want to quibble over details, to hide your shame.

Filthy commie.
You must be able to offer up something ?

Says the man that does not deny that he supports jailing people for disagreeing with him, politically.

You've demonstrated my point about you and your nation, right there. Twice, now.
Why dont you ask bob bollox to help you seeing as you are struggling.

No struggle here. You now have thrice demonstrated my point, ie that you support imprisoning people for disagreeing with you politically and that you and your nation should be ashamed.
Pretty much everyone disagrees with me politically. I havent called for any of them to be locked up. Perhaps you could find some examples and state which offence they were charged with ?
When you are ready Klanboy.
Ha that’s funny what words are banned in the constitution?
I am referring to free speech...it isn't unlimited, or do you disagree?
Yes I am free to say what ever I want
Oh? You can cry "fire" in a crowded theater? You can make verbal threats to someone?
Absolutely.. if there is a fire should I be quiet lol wtf
And yes I can
And if there isn't a fire? (you do realize the "crying fire in a crowded theater" example is a direct reference to a SCOTUS case about free speech, right? Schenck v. United States - Wikipedia
But those who quote Holmes might want to actually read the case where the phrase originated before using it as their main defense. If they did, they'd realize it was never binding law, and the underlying case, U.S. v. Schenck, is not only one of the most odious free speech decisions in the Court's history, but was overturned over 40 years ago.
I am referring to free speech...it isn't unlimited, or do you disagree?
Yes I am free to say what ever I want
Oh? You can cry "fire" in a crowded theater? You can make verbal threats to someone?
Absolutely.. if there is a fire should I be quiet lol wtf
And yes I can
And if there isn't a fire? (you do realize the "crying fire in a crowded theater" example is a direct reference to a SCOTUS case about free speech, right? Schenck v. United States - Wikipedia
But those who quote Holmes might want to actually read the case where the phrase originated before using it as their main defense. If they did, they'd realize it was never binding law, and the underlying case, U.S. v. Schenck, is not only one of the most odious free speech decisions in the Court's history, but was overturned over 40 years ago.
What I am showing you is that freedom of speech is NOT absolute. Try threatening someone verbally sometime.
Yes I am free to say what ever I want
Oh? You can cry "fire" in a crowded theater? You can make verbal threats to someone?
Absolutely.. if there is a fire should I be quiet lol wtf
And yes I can
And if there isn't a fire? (you do realize the "crying fire in a crowded theater" example is a direct reference to a SCOTUS case about free speech, right? Schenck v. United States - Wikipedia
But those who quote Holmes might want to actually read the case where the phrase originated before using it as their main defense. If they did, they'd realize it was never binding law, and the underlying case, U.S. v. Schenck, is not only one of the most odious free speech decisions in the Court's history, but was overturned over 40 years ago.
What I am showing you is that freedom of speech is NOT absolute. Try threatening someone verbally sometime.
I did the other nite I told a Haitian cab driver I would kick his ass right in front of cops.. the cops said get out of here.. I walked home lol
Keep in mind, this is the same subhuman piece of sh•• who openly sides with the Islamist child-rape gangs in his country.
Show me where I have done that ?

For the record, I did post a reply, containing a couple of specific examples to prove the claim that I previously made. Some deceitful, cowardly, Gillettized piece of shit of a moderator censored my reply.

So the lack of a proper reply is not due to my not having made such a reply, but because of some piece of shit censoring it. I bet that piece of shit won't even have the guts to come forward and identify himself or give an excuse for this act of extreme cowardice and intellectual dishonesty.

No matter. Such censorship only goes to further prove my points about such filth.
Oh? You can cry "fire" in a crowded theater? You can make verbal threats to someone?
Absolutely.. if there is a fire should I be quiet lol wtf
And yes I can
And if there isn't a fire? (you do realize the "crying fire in a crowded theater" example is a direct reference to a SCOTUS case about free speech, right? Schenck v. United States - Wikipedia
But those who quote Holmes might want to actually read the case where the phrase originated before using it as their main defense. If they did, they'd realize it was never binding law, and the underlying case, U.S. v. Schenck, is not only one of the most odious free speech decisions in the Court's history, but was overturned over 40 years ago.
What I am showing you is that freedom of speech is NOT absolute. Try threatening someone verbally sometime.
I did the other nite I told a Haitian cab driver I would kick his ass right in front of cops.. the cops said get out of here.. I walked home lol
Cool story bro...another one of those "look at me, I'm not really a beta" ones, right?
Keep in mind, this is the same subhuman piece of sh•• who openly sides with the Islamist child-rape gangs in his country.
Show me where I have done that ?

For the record, I did post a reply, containing a couple of specific examples to prove the claim that I previously made. Some deceitful, cowardly, Gillettized piece of shit of a moderator censored my reply.

So the lack of a proper reply is not due to my not having made such a reply, but because of some piece of shit censoring it. I bet that piece of shit won't even have the guts to come forward and identify himself or give an excuse for this act of extreme cowardice and intellectual dishonesty.

No matter. Such censorship only goes to further prove my points about such filth.
So you say. I am looking at a lot of nothing at the moment.
Homophobic pastors are organising Make America Straight Again to coincide with Pride Month

Ultra conservative pastors in Orlando are organising a “Make America Straight Again” in the middle of Pride Month and just two days after the third anniversary of the mass shooting which say 49 people killed at the Pulse nightclub.

The conference is taking place on the weekend of the 14th, 15th, and 16th of June.

In a video filled with homophobic statements made by a number of pastors, the conference was announced and Rev. Patrick Boyle, from Revival Baptist Church said the event will “expose the reprobates” and “against the sodomites and the filth that they’ve been spreading in.”

You know I understand that they are entitled to their sick and hate filled views. And their perverted lifestyle. But decent folk really shouldnt have to put up with this shit. Dont rub our noses in it you homophobic wankers.

Kind of dishonest to link a bunch of Christians with Muslim terrorism.

And kind of revealing that you thought you had to make that connection in order to make your point.
I cant really see the difference between Christian and Muslim homophobia. Please explain it to me ?

Muslim homophobia usually ends in a violent death, for one.
Homophobic pastors are organising Make America Straight Again to coincide with Pride Month

Ultra conservative pastors in Orlando are organising a “Make America Straight Again” in the middle of Pride Month and just two days after the third anniversary of the mass shooting which say 49 people killed at the Pulse nightclub.

The conference is taking place on the weekend of the 14th, 15th, and 16th of June.

In a video filled with homophobic statements made by a number of pastors, the conference was announced and Rev. Patrick Boyle, from Revival Baptist Church said the event will “expose the reprobates” and “against the sodomites and the filth that they’ve been spreading in.”

You know I understand that they are entitled to their sick and hate filled views. And their perverted lifestyle. But decent folk really shouldnt have to put up with this shit. Dont rub our noses in it you homophobic wankers.

Kind of dishonest to link a bunch of Christians with Muslim terrorism.

And kind of revealing that you thought you had to make that connection in order to make your point.
I cant really see the difference between Christian and Muslim homophobia. Please explain it to me ?

Muslim homophobia usually ends in a violent death, for one.
In muslim countries which are theocracies.....with no secular protections of people's rights. You are correct. An abject lesson as to the dangers of theocracies.
Homophobic pastors are organising Make America Straight Again to coincide with Pride Month

Ultra conservative pastors in Orlando are organising a “Make America Straight Again” in the middle of Pride Month and just two days after the third anniversary of the mass shooting which say 49 people killed at the Pulse nightclub.

The conference is taking place on the weekend of the 14th, 15th, and 16th of June.

In a video filled with homophobic statements made by a number of pastors, the conference was announced and Rev. Patrick Boyle, from Revival Baptist Church said the event will “expose the reprobates” and “against the sodomites and the filth that they’ve been spreading in.”

You know I understand that they are entitled to their sick and hate filled views. And their perverted lifestyle. But decent folk really shouldnt have to put up with this shit. Dont rub our noses in it you homophobic wankers.

you're an anti-American, anti-Christian bigot and we all know this Tommy.
Thank you, Tommie, for pointing out the fundies who want christian sharia law here in the US.

Christian Sharia is an oxymoron.

Republicans didn’t want the gay flag flown because there’s not enough space. They already had put another flag there. They were signaling to the world that American elections are open for business. How else are the Republicans going to get elected?

By making sure that only American citizens vote, for one.

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