Homophobic pastors organising Make America Straight Again to coincide with Pride Month

Affirmative Action...used most by white females. Racism, eh?
FALSE! White females are a small fraction of the beneficiaries of AA, which benefits Blacks, Hispanic, and other non-white races (of both sexes)

Secondly, white females beneficiaries of AA, are a small fraction of the total white females, victimized by AA by being daughters or wives (dependents) of white male victims.

Third, there are also white females, victimized by AA when the AA programs only caters to blacks (as was the case in my graduate school years go)
Because Straight pride is so wrong, and Gay pride is so right. (Rolls eyes)
Straight pride is fine....unless one's definition of "straight pride" is 100% running down gays.
Straight Pride reflects the heroic efforts of an oppressed majority to hate on a despised minority. Look at all the characters on this thread and tell me if they are reflective of normal ?

Are you normal?
For the past 10,000 years, just about everyone was anti-Gay, and anti-Minorities, that all changed in the past 50 years, when really dumb White people, (Mostly Western f*cking Europeans) decided to do a 180, and started supporting everybody's impediments.
In what way is immoral, insane sexual perversion anything to be proud of?
In the way of deranged minds, who pretend to be proud, as a way of hiding their shame. They feel a need to compensate.

We don't hear about a plumbers' pride day. Or a scuba divers' pride day. Or a musicians' pride day.

Of course not. Because these people don't have anything shameful to cover up.
Homophobic pastors are organising Make America Straight Again to coincide with Pride Month

Ultra conservative pastors in Orlando are organising a “Make America Straight Again” in the middle of Pride Month and just two days after the third anniversary of the mass shooting which say 49 people killed at the Pulse nightclub.

The conference is taking place on the weekend of the 14th, 15th, and 16th of June.

In a video filled with homophobic statements made by a number of pastors, the conference was announced and Rev. Patrick Boyle, from Revival Baptist Church said the event will “expose the reprobates” and “against the sodomites and the filth that they’ve been spreading in.”

You know I understand that they are entitled to their sick and hate filled views. And their perverted lifestyle. But decent folk really shouldnt have to put up with this shit. Dont rub our noses in it you homophobic wankers.
Being straight is perverted?? lmao

You're one sick (whatever your gender is today)!!

Because Straight pride is so wrong, and Gay pride is so right. (Rolls eyes)
Straight pride is fine....unless one's definition of "straight pride" is 100% running down gays.
Straight Pride reflects the heroic efforts of an oppressed majority to hate on a despised minority. Look at all the characters on this thread and tell me if they are reflective of normal ?

Are you normal?
For the past 10,000 years, just about everyone was anti-Gay, and anti-Minorities, that all changed in the past 50 years, when really dumb White people, (Mostly Western f*cking Europeans) decided to do a 180, and started supporting everybody's impediments.

Anti-Minorities? I still loathe Ottomans so there's that.

Homophobic pastors are organising Make America Straight Again to coincide with Pride Month

Ultra conservative pastors in Orlando are organising a “Make America Straight Again” in the middle of Pride Month and just two days after the third anniversary of the mass shooting which say 49 people killed at the Pulse nightclub.

The conference is taking place on the weekend of the 14th, 15th, and 16th of June.

In a video filled with homophobic statements made by a number of pastors, the conference was announced and Rev. Patrick Boyle, from Revival Baptist Church said the event will “expose the reprobates” and “against the sodomites and the filth that they’ve been spreading in.”

You know I understand that they are entitled to their sick and hate filled views. And their perverted lifestyle. But decent folk really shouldnt have to put up with this shit. Dont rub our noses in it you homophobic wankers.

Because this is "Pride Month" and people are seeing men dressed as women or wearing a costume to appear as a penis in public, people's minds and thoughts turn toward different sexual practices. If a preacher was going to give a message about alternative sexuality, I can't think of a better time of the year.

Although IMHO, I think the homosexual community has hijacked the meaning of the Islamonazi terror attack at the Pulse Nightclub. It really had nothing to do with "homophobia", it was an attack on American Freedoms. In this case, the Islamic State was upset at Americans exercising our freedom to take it in the caboose. But it could have been at a pork market or wherever, just as easily
Tommy me boyo seems to adore and condone men that lick the feces off each others anus's. Or swallow each other's semen. Back in the good ol days, we used to get disgusted seeing a child wipe his snot on his sleeve. Now? Hygiene and modern science stuff can take a hike. Because the Gaystappo has manipulated popular opinion enough to make us swallow ANYTHING. It took 30 years, but here we are. We have amoral moralists pervert deviants dictating to us what WE are suppose to think, feel or believe. What a win for liberalism!
Affirmative Action...used most by white females. Racism, eh?
FALSE! White females are a small fraction of the beneficiaries of AA, which benefits Blacks, Hispanic, and other non-white races (of both sexes)

Secondly, white females beneficiaries of AA, are a small fraction of the total white females, victimized by AA by being daughters or wives (dependents) of white male victims.

Third, there are also white females, victimized by AA when the AA programs only caters to blacks (as was the case in my graduate school years go)
White women benefit most from affirmative action — and are among its fiercest opponents
Do you think jailing people for political differences is a good thing or a bad thing?
A bad thing....here. We have secular laws that protect us from that.

That's an odd way to look at it. It is only wrong here because of the Law?
Yes...as in all such things. Is it wrong to try to measure UK laws by our standards? Or is that the American way of global hegemony?

If discussing Rights from an American perspective is hateful for you, I'm happy to discuss it in the context of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

From that perspective,( much like from the American one ), Human Rights are inherent and inalienable.

Thus a law that empowers the UK government to imprison someone for simply having the wrong political opinion, or expressing said opinion,

is a violation of Human Rights and thus unjust and morally wrong.


Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Does the UN Universal Declaration of Rights match our 1st Amendment?

1. Yes.

2. Why do you ask?

3. Do you believe that imprisoning someone for the "crime" of having and/or expressing an opinion is right or wrong?
Do you think jailing people for political differences is a good thing or a bad thing?
A bad thing....here. We have secular laws that protect us from that.

That's an odd way to look at it. It is only wrong here because of the Law?
Yes...as in all such things. Is it wrong to try to measure UK laws by our standards? Or is that the American way of global hegemony?

If discussing Rights from an American perspective is hateful for you, I'm happy to discuss it in the context of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

From that perspective,( much like from the American one ), Human Rights are inherent and inalienable.

Thus a law that empowers the UK government to imprison someone for simply having the wrong political opinion, or expressing said opinion,

is a violation of Human Rights and thus unjust and morally wrong.


Universal Declaration of Human Rights
I am keen to learn about this alleged law in the UK. I have never heard of it before.

I've seen many reports, at least once with police discussing their intent to arrest and then actually arresting someone for having or expressing various opinions.

I have not researched the actually laws that empower your police to do this. I don't care about the legal specifics of your nation's fall.

My concern is more a matter of human decency mixed with personal fear as I see the same type of want a be despots operating here.

Your entire nation, should be ashamed.
A bad thing....here. We have secular laws that protect us from that.

That's an odd way to look at it. It is only wrong here because of the Law?
Yes...as in all such things. Is it wrong to try to measure UK laws by our standards? Or is that the American way of global hegemony?

If discussing Rights from an American perspective is hateful for you, I'm happy to discuss it in the context of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

From that perspective,( much like from the American one ), Human Rights are inherent and inalienable.

Thus a law that empowers the UK government to imprison someone for simply having the wrong political opinion, or expressing said opinion,

is a violation of Human Rights and thus unjust and morally wrong.


Universal Declaration of Human Rights
I am keen to learn about this alleged law in the UK. I have never heard of it before.

I've seen many reports, at least once with police discussing their intent to arrest and then actually arresting someone for having or expressing various opinions.

I have not researched the actually laws that empower your police to do this. I don't care about the legal specifics of your nation's fall.

My concern is more a matter of human decency mixed with personal fear as I see the same type of want a be despots operating here.

Your entire nation, should be ashamed.
So, as usual, you are just spouting shit.
A bad thing....here. We have secular laws that protect us from that.

That's an odd way to look at it. It is only wrong here because of the Law?
Yes...as in all such things. Is it wrong to try to measure UK laws by our standards? Or is that the American way of global hegemony?

If discussing Rights from an American perspective is hateful for you, I'm happy to discuss it in the context of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

From that perspective,( much like from the American one ), Human Rights are inherent and inalienable.

Thus a law that empowers the UK government to imprison someone for simply having the wrong political opinion, or expressing said opinion,

is a violation of Human Rights and thus unjust and morally wrong.


Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Does the UN Universal Declaration of Rights match our 1st Amendment?

1. Yes.

2. Why do you ask?

3. Do you believe that imprisoning someone for the "crime" of having and/or expressing an opinion is right or wrong?
Not our laws. Are we a global hegemony telling other countries what they can or cannot do with their laws?
Not our laws. Are we a global hegemony telling other countries what they can or cannot do with their laws?
Dodge! That wasn't the question. He (CORRELL) was asking you about right or wrong.
By what we are used to having been raised used to the 1st Amendment, it's wrong........but the UK doesn't have Freedom of the Press, nor have they EVER had freedom of the press....it isn't wrong for them. It's the law.
By what we are used to having been raised used to the 1st Amendment, it's wrong........but the UK doesn't have Freedom of the Press, nor have they EVER had freedom of the press....it isn't wrong for them. It's the law.
Wow. You need a head fix. No such thing as "it isn't wrong for them"

Wrong is wrong. Period.

Doesn't matter if it's the law. Some laws are wrong. You're just finding this out now ? :rolleyes:
That's an odd way to look at it. It is only wrong here because of the Law?
Yes...as in all such things. Is it wrong to try to measure UK laws by our standards? Or is that the American way of global hegemony?

If discussing Rights from an American perspective is hateful for you, I'm happy to discuss it in the context of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

From that perspective,( much like from the American one ), Human Rights are inherent and inalienable.

Thus a law that empowers the UK government to imprison someone for simply having the wrong political opinion, or expressing said opinion,

is a violation of Human Rights and thus unjust and morally wrong.


Universal Declaration of Human Rights
I am keen to learn about this alleged law in the UK. I have never heard of it before.

I've seen many reports, at least once with police discussing their intent to arrest and then actually arresting someone for having or expressing various opinions.

I have not researched the actually laws that empower your police to do this. I don't care about the legal specifics of your nation's fall.

My concern is more a matter of human decency mixed with personal fear as I see the same type of want a be despots operating here.

Your entire nation, should be ashamed.
So, as usual, you are just spouting shit.

Are you denying that people are being arrested for expressing the wrong opinion?
That's an odd way to look at it. It is only wrong here because of the Law?
Yes...as in all such things. Is it wrong to try to measure UK laws by our standards? Or is that the American way of global hegemony?

If discussing Rights from an American perspective is hateful for you, I'm happy to discuss it in the context of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

From that perspective,( much like from the American one ), Human Rights are inherent and inalienable.

Thus a law that empowers the UK government to imprison someone for simply having the wrong political opinion, or expressing said opinion,

is a violation of Human Rights and thus unjust and morally wrong.


Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Does the UN Universal Declaration of Rights match our 1st Amendment?

1. Yes.

2. Why do you ask?

3. Do you believe that imprisoning someone for the "crime" of having and/or expressing an opinion is right or wrong?
Not our laws. Are we a global hegemony telling other countries what they can or cannot do with their laws?

Human rights are inherent, as expressed in the UN Universal declaration of human rights. If UK laws are violating them, it is morally wrong. Do you not agree, and if not, why not?
Yes...as in all such things. Is it wrong to try to measure UK laws by our standards? Or is that the American way of global hegemony?

If discussing Rights from an American perspective is hateful for you, I'm happy to discuss it in the context of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

From that perspective,( much like from the American one ), Human Rights are inherent and inalienable.

Thus a law that empowers the UK government to imprison someone for simply having the wrong political opinion, or expressing said opinion,

is a violation of Human Rights and thus unjust and morally wrong.


Universal Declaration of Human Rights
I am keen to learn about this alleged law in the UK. I have never heard of it before.

I've seen many reports, at least once with police discussing their intent to arrest and then actually arresting someone for having or expressing various opinions.

I have not researched the actually laws that empower your police to do this. I don't care about the legal specifics of your nation's fall.

My concern is more a matter of human decency mixed with personal fear as I see the same type of want a be despots operating here.

Your entire nation, should be ashamed.
So, as usual, you are just spouting shit.

Are you denying that people are being arrested for expressing the wrong opinion?
Ive only seen one case that I thought was unjustified.

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