Homophobic pastors organising Make America Straight Again to coincide with Pride Month

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis issues Pulse proclamation, forgets to mention LGBTQ community

I’m surprised Republicans in Florida haven’t blamed the Pulse shooting on gay victims.

It was a Muslim

Oh snap
Muslims have a long way to go to catch up. Don’t you agree?


Who did Pulse you were just whining about you deflecting troll?
Homophobic pastors are organising Make America Straight Again to coincide with Pride Month

Ultra conservative pastors in Orlando are organising a “Make America Straight Again” in the middle of Pride Month and just two days after the third anniversary of the mass shooting which say 49 people killed at the Pulse nightclub.

The conference is taking place on the weekend of the 14th, 15th, and 16th of June.

In a video filled with homophobic statements made by a number of pastors, the conference was announced and Rev. Patrick Boyle, from Revival Baptist Church said the event will “expose the reprobates” and “against the sodomites and the filth that they’ve been spreading in.”

You know I understand that they are entitled to their sick and hate filled views. And their perverted lifestyle. But decent folk really shouldnt have to put up with this shit. Dont rub our noses in it you homophobic wankers.
It’s make America hate again.

Americans understand that because this sort of rightwing ignorance, bigotry, and hate is allowed to exist, our comprehensive rights and protected liberties remain immune from attack by the state.

And it’s telling that the bigot preacher won’t disclose the location of his hate event.
Homophobic pastors are organising Make America Straight Again to coincide with Pride Month

Ultra conservative pastors in Orlando are organising a “Make America Straight Again” in the middle of Pride Month and just two days after the third anniversary of the mass shooting which say 49 people killed at the Pulse nightclub.

The conference is taking place on the weekend of the 14th, 15th, and 16th of June.

In a video filled with homophobic statements made by a number of pastors, the conference was announced and Rev. Patrick Boyle, from Revival Baptist Church said the event will “expose the reprobates” and “against the sodomites and the filth that they’ve been spreading in.”

You know I understand that they are entitled to their sick and hate filled views. And their perverted lifestyle. But decent folk really shouldnt have to put up with this shit. Dont rub our noses in it you homophobic wankers.
It’s make America hate again.

Americans understand that because this sort of rightwing ignorance, bigotry, and hate is allowed to exist, our comprehensive rights and protected liberties remain immune from attack by the state.

And it’s telling that the bigot preacher won’t disclose the location of his hate event.
That's what you lying liberals are doing all over the country.
Because Straight pride is so wrong, and Gay pride is so right. (Rolls eyes)
Straight pride is fine....unless one's definition of "straight pride" is 100% running down gays.
Straight Pride reflects the heroic efforts of an oppressed majority to hate on a despised minority. Look at all the characters on this thread and tell me if they are reflective of normal ?
Because Straight pride is so wrong, and Gay pride is so right. (Rolls eyes)
Straight pride is fine....unless one's definition of "straight pride" is 100% running down gays.
Straight Pride reflects the heroic efforts of an oppressed majority to hate on a despised minority. Look at all the characters on this thread and tell me if they are reflective of normal ?
We are normal, queers are not.
Because Straight pride is so wrong, and Gay pride is so right. (Rolls eyes)
Straight pride is fine....unless one's definition of "straight pride" is 100% running down gays.
Straight Pride reflects the heroic efforts of an oppressed majority to hate on a despised minority. Look at all the characters on this thread and tell me if they are reflective of normal ?

Poor Tommy doesn't realize taking a schlong up his backside isn't normal
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis issues Pulse proclamation, forgets to mention LGBTQ community

I’m surprised Republicans in Florida haven’t blamed the Pulse shooting on gay victims.

It was a Muslim

Oh snap
Muslims have a long way to go to catch up. Don’t you agree?


Who did Pulse you were just whining about you deflecting troll?
That's part of that 24%....and even with that...it's only 24% compared to the 74% by domestic extremists...particularly INCEL.
Because Straight pride is so wrong, and Gay pride is so right. (Rolls eyes)
Straight pride is fine....unless one's definition of "straight pride" is 100% running down gays.
Straight Pride reflects the heroic efforts of an oppressed majority to hate on a despised minority. Look at all the characters on this thread and tell me if they are reflective of normal ?

Poor Tommy doesn't realize taking a schlong up his backside isn't normal
Ah yes....it's all about the gay sex and things going up the wazoo with CRCs.
Homophobic pastors are organising Make America Straight Again to coincide with Pride Month

Ultra conservative pastors in Orlando are organising a “Make America Straight Again” in the middle of Pride Month and just two days after the third anniversary of the mass shooting which say 49 people killed at the Pulse nightclub.

The conference is taking place on the weekend of the 14th, 15th, and 16th of June.

In a video filled with homophobic statements made by a number of pastors, the conference was announced and Rev. Patrick Boyle, from Revival Baptist Church said the event will “expose the reprobates” and “against the sodomites and the filth that they’ve been spreading in.”

You know I understand that they are entitled to their sick and hate filled views. And their perverted lifestyle. But decent folk really shouldnt have to put up with this shit. Dont rub our noses in it you homophobic wankers.

You really wonder if Tommy has counted the cost of his anti-American bigotry and decided it's worth it.

I don't care either way. It serves my purpose beautifully. You keep posting, Tommy.
How am I being anti American when I am being supportive of Americans ? How does that work babe ?

You are blatantly anti-American and anyone can see it.

But please, keep it up. See those cooling relations between us? Your army of Leftists started this years ago when the WWW opened up. You just couldn't keep your fat traps shut about how much you hated us. Great going, Tommy. Now we know. That Pandora's Box ain't gonna close.
But I am supportive of Americans, my posting history shows that. How am I being anti American on this thread ?
You’re not.

You’ve just hit a nerve; most conservatives will resort to ad hominem fallacies when they know they’re wrong.
Homophobic pastors are organising Make America Straight Again to coincide with Pride Month

Ultra conservative pastors in Orlando are organising a “Make America Straight Again” in the middle of Pride Month and just two days after the third anniversary of the mass shooting which say 49 people killed at the Pulse nightclub.

The conference is taking place on the weekend of the 14th, 15th, and 16th of June.

In a video filled with homophobic statements made by a number of pastors, the conference was announced and Rev. Patrick Boyle, from Revival Baptist Church said the event will “expose the reprobates” and “against the sodomites and the filth that they’ve been spreading in.”

You know I understand that they are entitled to their sick and hate filled views. And their perverted lifestyle. But decent folk really shouldnt have to put up with this shit. Dont rub our noses in it you homophobic wankers.

Kind of dishonest to link a bunch of Christians with Muslim terrorism.

And kind of revealing that you thought you had to make that connection in order to make your point.
I cant really see the difference between Christian and Muslim homophobia. Please explain it to me ?
For starters, in Christian societies, they don't throw people off rooftops for being gay.
In Christian societies, they shoot people on the streets and in nightclubs for being gay.
Homophobic pastors are organising Make America Straight Again to coincide with Pride Month

Ultra conservative pastors in Orlando are organising a “Make America Straight Again” in the middle of Pride Month and just two days after the third anniversary of the mass shooting which say 49 people killed at the Pulse nightclub.

The conference is taking place on the weekend of the 14th, 15th, and 16th of June.

In a video filled with homophobic statements made by a number of pastors, the conference was announced and Rev. Patrick Boyle, from Revival Baptist Church said the event will “expose the reprobates” and “against the sodomites and the filth that they’ve been spreading in.”

You know I understand that they are entitled to their sick and hate filled views. And their perverted lifestyle. But decent folk really shouldnt have to put up with this shit. Dont rub our noses in it you homophobic wankers.

you're an anti-American, anti-Christian bigot and we all know this Tommy.
Thank you, Tommie, for pointing out the fundies who want christian sharia law here in the US.

Find one post of mine that would indicate I would Sharia Law, you vicious liar.

Why would you? It's obvious you're not Islamic

The poster in question unbelievably thinks Christians want to impose Sharia Law on America too.

Remember: 63rd female Navy pilot oh yeah

It is a fact that among most on the Christian right there is a desire to codify religious dogma into secular law, that conservative Christians have contempt for Establishment Clause jurisprudence, where Christian fundamentalists seek to make Christianity the dominant religion in the United States, to the detriment of Muslim Americans in particular.

No one is saying all Christians believe this – but the number of Christians on the right who do support this is significant, representing an actual threat to the religious liberty of all Americans.
Homophobic pastors are organising Make America Straight Again to coincide with Pride Month

Ultra conservative pastors in Orlando are organising a “Make America Straight Again” in the middle of Pride Month and just two days after the third anniversary of the mass shooting which say 49 people killed at the Pulse nightclub.

The conference is taking place on the weekend of the 14th, 15th, and 16th of June.

In a video filled with homophobic statements made by a number of pastors, the conference was announced and Rev. Patrick Boyle, from Revival Baptist Church said the event will “expose the reprobates” and “against the sodomites and the filth that they’ve been spreading in.”

You know I understand that they are entitled to their sick and hate filled views. And their perverted lifestyle. But decent folk really shouldnt have to put up with this shit. Dont rub our noses in it you homophobic wankers.

You really wonder if Tommy has counted the cost of his anti-American bigotry and decided it's worth it.

I don't care either way. It serves my purpose beautifully. You keep posting, Tommy.
How am I being anti American when I am being supportive of Americans ? How does that work babe ?

You are blatantly anti-American and anyone can see it.

But please, keep it up. See those cooling relations between us? Your army of Leftists started this years ago when the WWW opened up. You just couldn't keep your fat traps shut about how much you hated us. Great going, Tommy. Now we know. That Pandora's Box ain't gonna close.
But I am supportive of Americans, my posting history shows that. How am I being anti American on this thread ?
You’re not.

You’ve just hit a nerve; most conservatives will resort to ad hominem fallacies when they know they’re wrong.
Agreed...when they don't rush to condemn such behavior, but rush to attack the messenger...............well, there's your answer right there.

Republicans didn’t want the gay flag flown because there’s not enough space. They already had put another flag there. They were signaling to the world that American elections are open for business. How else are the Republicans going to get elected?
They were able to attack abortion by forcing laws through they knew would become null yet now they are gonna tackle that gay inclusion of society that the dems had the nerve to facilitate...
They are just whining about gay pride month like they whine about Black History Month in February.
That conservatives perceive gay and transgender Americans working to defend their protected liberties from attack by the right as some sort of a ‘threat’ is both sad and telling.
Homophobic pastors are organising Make America Straight Again to coincide with Pride Month

Ultra conservative pastors in Orlando are organising a “Make America Straight Again” in the middle of Pride Month and just two days after the third anniversary of the mass shooting which say 49 people killed at the Pulse nightclub.

The conference is taking place on the weekend of the 14th, 15th, and 16th of June.

In a video filled with homophobic statements made by a number of pastors, the conference was announced and Rev. Patrick Boyle, from Revival Baptist Church said the event will “expose the reprobates” and “against the sodomites and the filth that they’ve been spreading in.”

You know I understand that they are entitled to their sick and hate filled views. And their perverted lifestyle. But decent folk really shouldnt have to put up with this shit. Dont rub our noses in it you homophobic wankers.

Kind of dishonest to link a bunch of Christians with Muslim terrorism.

And kind of revealing that you thought you had to make that connection in order to make your point.
I cant really see the difference between Christian and Muslim homophobia. Please explain it to me ?
For starters, in Christian societies, they don't throw people off rooftops for being gay.
Thanks to our secular laws. That Tennessee deputy sheriff, if the laws allowed, would be executing gays...probably shooting us....more American to shoot people.

Actually half or more of the violence committed against you queers comes fro other queers; you like to beat and kill each other a lot. That's because you're mentally ill sociopaths and emotionally stunted sickos.

Republicans didn’t want the gay flag flown because there’s not enough space. They already had put another flag there. They were signaling to the world that American elections are open for business. How else are the Republicans going to get elected?
They were able to attack abortion by forcing laws through they knew would become null yet now they are gonna tackle that gay inclusion of society that the dems had the nerve to facilitate...
They are just whining about gay pride month like they whine about Black History Month in February.
That conservatives perceive gay and transgender Americans working to defend their protected liberties from attack by the right as some sort of a ‘threat’ is both sad and telling.
I find that the older I am getting I am becoming less and less tolerant of this faux christian shite. I pray that my unborn Grandson will not have to live in such a polluted world. My generation has failed .
It's easy to see why the Democrats and the Jihadist admire each other so much.
It's because they hate the same people.

muslim radicals and radical democrats.jpg

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