Homophobic pastors organising Make America Straight Again to coincide with Pride Month

you also use bullshit like the MSM = NOT Homophobic .....should be:
pro-common sense
I have Gay friends who are all of those things. They arent calling for people to die either.

The people in your nation who are calling for people to die are Muslims.

But you think AMERICANS across the sea are 'rubbing your face in it'.

Get lost, Tommy. Get so lost you lose our number forever. I mean that. You and the entire UK
This is where it leads to.
Tennessee detective calls for gay people to be executed during church sermon

Look up the address for this "church" and see if you can find it. I did. It's in no discernible building. If they get 100 people on any given Sunday I'd be shocked.

So for 100 people or less, for a pastor who's ordained nowhere, in an "independent" church that has no affiliation, you're willing to offend all these former American allies. You and your Leftist pals have been doing it for so long that, well, you've actually, really done it, Tommy.

Good going, keep it up. You've earned yourself a Trump and "America first" and we. Really. Mean. It.

You enjoy that.
Job 34:30 applies if we have to "get moral". Article 4, Section 2 is our supreme law of the land. The right wing only complains when the less fortunate are "illegal" to the law.

Dear danielpalos
SO GLAD you brought up both Christian scripture AND
the Constitutional law of the land. These need separate redressing
and rebuke for trespasses/grievances under these two separate
authorities and audiences.

Do you really want to try addressing BOTH here? On this thread?
it make take a whole other thread since these are TWO DIFFERENT VENUES.

Constitutional laws can be dragged into Christian rebuke because of
Civil Obedience where Christians are supposed to obey both.
but not vice versa. When making Constitutional arguments,
scripture is not required for people to follow if they are only
agreeing to invoke secular authority not Christian in addition.

Thanks for bringing up BOTH.
I'm afraid this branches out into two different discussions.
If we need to take it to a new thread, that's fine,
otherwise, we can try addressing it here?
Homophobic pastors are organising Make America Straight Again to coincide with Pride Month

Ultra conservative pastors in Orlando are organising a “Make America Straight Again” in the middle of Pride Month and just two days after the third anniversary of the mass shooting which say 49 people killed at the Pulse nightclub.

The conference is taking place on the weekend of the 14th, 15th, and 16th of June.

In a video filled with homophobic statements made by a number of pastors, the conference was announced and Rev. Patrick Boyle, from Revival Baptist Church said the event will “expose the reprobates” and “against the sodomites and the filth that they’ve been spreading in.”

You know I understand that they are entitled to their sick and hate filled views. And their perverted lifestyle. But decent folk really shouldnt have to put up with this shit. Dont rub our noses in it you homophobic wankers.

Tommy Tainant
If Straight people and those who believe in traditional man/woman marriage
can support and be proud of gay friends and community as their own identity,
why can't gay people and LGBT advocates who believe in same sex marriage
support and be proud of friends and community who have their own beliefs?
I can only see the hate coming from one side. One side are celebrating hard won freedoms and the other side is condemning them. Its great that they are a minority but its worrying that you have one of these freaks in the White House.
Dear danielpalos
Regardless which side brings the complaint in which case,
all CIVIL grievances should be redressed by Constitutional democratic process
while SCRIPTURAL grievances mediated and resolved by Scripture
(see Matthew 18:15-20 James 5:16 Matthew 5:44)

A. By Christian laws you cannot reject people for rejection,
which is like Satan trying to cast out Satan.
That makes the problem worse.
By following Matthew 18 then we redress the grievance
in Christ Jesus, establish TRUTH and RESTORE good faith relations
between neighbors.

This works regardless which people bring out complaints
in which cases. That is NOT justification for refusing to
resolve issues, any such inconsistency can be ADDRESSED
and RESOLVED, not abused to AVOID reconciliation over them.

you also use bullshit like the MSM = NOT Homophobic .....should be:
pro-common sense
I have Gay friends who are all of those things. They arent calling for people to die either.

The people in your nation who are calling for people to die are Muslims.

But you think AMERICANS across the sea are 'rubbing your face in it'.

Get lost, Tommy. Get so lost you lose our number forever. I mean that. You and the entire UK
This is where it leads to.
Tennessee detective calls for gay people to be executed during church sermon

Look up the address for this "church" and see if you can find it. I did. It's in no discernible building. If they get 100 people on any given Sunday I'd be shocked.

So for 100 people or less, for a pastor who's ordained nowhere, in an "independent" church that has no affiliation, you're willing to offend all these former American allies. You and your Leftist pals have been doing it for so long that, well, you've actually, really done it, Tommy.

Good going, keep it up. You've earned yourself a Trump and "America first" and we. Really. Mean. It.

You enjoy that.
Job 34:30 applies if we have to "get moral". Article 4, Section 2 is our supreme law of the land. The right wing only complains when the less fortunate are "illegal" to the law.

B. for Civil redress of grievances
LGBT beliefs either for or against same sex marriage, identity and orientation
as natural or born, or as unnatural choices of behavior that can or should be changed

For this you can cite
* Amendment 1 on free exercise of religion/beliefs and Govt neither establishing nor prohibiting
* Amendment 14 and (4-5) on equal protections of the laws and not to be deprived of liberty without due process
* Civil Rights laws against Discrimination by CREED
* and Article 4.2 you cite if you want to add that
I also point out the Code of Ethics for Govt Service www.ethics-commission.net against
putting loyalty to PARTY above govt duty to the public under Constitutional laws protecting everyone equally

danielpalos for Christians to adhere to Biblical standards
of obeying both Civil and Scriptural authority without conflict,
it makes SENSE to separate BELIEFS from secular public laws
so that Constitutional principles can still be met:

1 Peter 2:13-14

Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every human institution, whether to a king as the one in authority, or to governors as sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and the praise of those who do right.

Mark 12:17

And Jesus said to them, "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's."


danielpalos the key to NOT FORCING Christians to compromise their beliefs
is NOT TO IMPOSE conflicting beliefs (such as LGBT beliefs in same sex marriage)
through Govt and public policy as mandatory for everyone, but agreeing to follow the
SAME CIVIL STANDARDS as Christians are expected to follow and KEEP BELIEFS OUT OF GOVT.

BOTH sides in conflicts over beliefs have to agree
Then they can redress grievances and settle disputes
you're an anti-American, anti-Christian bigot and we all know this Tommy.
Thank you, Tommie, for pointing out the fundies who want christian sharia law here in the US.

Christian Sharia is an oxymoron.
Nope...Example is blue laws.....holding everyone to a christian belief that things shouldn't be open on Sunday.

Which direction are we moving on blue laws, towards more or less? Then compare that to true Sharia law. Which laws do we have that mandate the death penalty for immoral behavior? Then compare that to true Sharia law.
We are improving...we are slowly getting rid of them...but we have to be vigilant of the backlash like we've been seeing in red states the last few years. So far, the good guys are winning.

So your hysteria is unwarranted.
I don't think people have any phobia about Homosexuality, its just the act, and lifestyle is viewed as a bit repulsive.
People are not afraid of homosexuals. We want what nature intended.
Thank you, Tommie, for pointing out the fundies who want christian sharia law here in the US.

Christian Sharia is an oxymoron.
Nope...Example is blue laws.....holding everyone to a christian belief that things shouldn't be open on Sunday.

Which direction are we moving on blue laws, towards more or less? Then compare that to true Sharia law. Which laws do we have that mandate the death penalty for immoral behavior? Then compare that to true Sharia law.
We are improving...we are slowly getting rid of them...but we have to be vigilant of the backlash like we've been seeing in red states the last few years. So far, the good guys are winning.

So your hysteria is unwarranted.
Vigilance cannot be understated.
Wrong to deny people the right to speak their mind.

Were you just born yesterday ?
But we are used to that here BECAUSE we have the 1st Amendment...one of the very few countries with such a thing. And you want to hold other countries to our Bill of Rights because......?

So, in your mind, human rights are GRANTED by government power?

How very unAmerican of you.
Not in our country...Our Declaration of Independence spells our belief out concerning that. Why is it you insist other countries follow our Bill of Rights?

I believe that human rights are god given, and universal across the world.

You are the one that brought up the US bill of rights, not me.
We are born with human rights....and governments are created to protect those rights BUT each government may or may not protect or take away rights....for example Saudi Arabia takes away quite a few of those rights. Our Bill of Rights (which you seemed concerned I brought up) protects many more of our rights in a more extensive manner. We are lucky that our country has the Bill of Rights that codify the Rights our government cannot take away. But that doesn't mean other countries are obligated to follow OUR Bill of Rights. Or do you think they have to?

If a government takes away a right, it is a violation of that right.

Why do you keep wanting to talk about the US Bill of Rights?
Sure. Bars closed one day a week, just like killing people for being gay, or getting raped.

It amazes me that more libs dont' die from accidentally eating broken glass, or drowning because they look up during rain.
Sharia is sharia....any law put in place for religious reasons. The severity is irrelevant. If you push a law because of your religion and you are trying to compell everyone to follow one of your religious rules, that is sharia. Period.

I think if you were to ask people if they saw a difference between not being able to buy beer one day a week, and being KILLED, that most people would see a relevant difference.

I understand that this distinction is too subtle for YOU.
There are severe laws and there are minor laws...but if any of them are created because of a religion's belief...it is a sharia law......Thank goodness our strong Constitution and secular traditions keep such sharia (of any religion) minor....for now. Not from want of trying for some religious groups.

Your interpretation of "not establish religion" is more of a desire of not allowing religious people to have full political participation.

Wanting one day a week to not be a business day for alcohol selling places, is not an establishment of religion or a theocracy.

You are an anti-Christian bigot.

Dear bodecea and Correll
If people AGREE to terms and conditions of law
such as "laws against murder" (while others believe in the Biblical
principle thou shalt not kill) then as long as people consent to
SECULAR laws on this, that isn't necessarily IMPOSING a religion.

Examples: the use of AD or CE calendar years can be argued
as founded in "religion" but CE/BCE is considered "secular."

Also if you consider the Govt slogan and principle of
"Equal JUSTICE under law" -- JUSTICE is still FAITH BASED.
But it is not considered "religious imposition" because people
AGREE to that principle (even though it's not proven to exist
but relies on personal faith which varies in degree and denomination)

The KEY bodecea and Correll is whether or not
people CONSENT to laws that respect their beliefs,
or whether the Govt is being abused to IMPOSE a
religious or faith based bias.

And by that standard, that's why we have people on both sides protesting:
* prochoice and prolife beliefs (including right to life and
right to health care as Political Beliefs not all people believe)
* beliefs for or against same sex marriage and recognizing
LGBT identity or orientation as a class, as a choice of behavior,
or as a faith-based creed or affiliation (still protected under law
from discrimination while govt can neither establish nor prohibit such beliefs either way)

bodecea we would have more consistent enforcement
if we RECOGNIZED these biases and political beliefs
equally under religious freedom and Civil Rights against
discrimination by creed. Both sides LOSE CREDIBILITY
and any leverage or authority to enforce laws and legal arguments
by arguing one side's beliefs OVER the other, which is
violating this very principle! We'd do better to defend rights
of citizens to protect and represent their own creeds by
recognizing BOTH sides as such, and agreeing to keep those
biases out of govt, and reserving public law, institutions and
policy to where we agree on terms. And keep the rest separate.

Exactly. Bodecea is arguing that his views are more valid, because they are secular, and that those who he disagrees with, it is wrong of them to even try to have input, because they views are faith based.

I am making no such argument against Bodecea or his views. I am fine with him participating in the political discussion. Even though I disagree with him on much, I support his right to be part of the process.

It is too bad he can't say the same, for those he disagrees with.
I don't think people have any phobia about Homosexuality, its just the act, and lifestyle is viewed as a bit repulsive.
People are not afraid of homosexuals. We want what nature intended.
Some people do in fact have an existential fear of gay people because being in the presence of a gay person evokes questions and fears about their own sexuality. In other cases, the homophobe fears not the individual, but what represent- the changes in society where they as heterosexual no longer are the exclusive or dominant culture -much like they fear the browning of America.

Homophobia is indeed real while the homophobes arrogantly claim to know what nature intended and use that as an excuse to marginalize and discriminate against gays. Being gay is far more than an "act" or a lifestyle" and much more than sex. Your problem is that you can't see or acknowledge the whole person who is like you and I in many more ways than they are different. If the sex repulses you stop watch the gay porn. And there is a pretty good chance that you are doing something in the bedroom that someone else finds yucky -so try relating to gay people s human beings and not just sex machines.
Last edited:
Christian Sharia is an oxymoron.
Nope...Example is blue laws.....holding everyone to a christian belief that things shouldn't be open on Sunday.

Which direction are we moving on blue laws, towards more or less? Then compare that to true Sharia law. Which laws do we have that mandate the death penalty for immoral behavior? Then compare that to true Sharia law.
We are improving...we are slowly getting rid of them...but we have to be vigilant of the backlash like we've been seeing in red states the last few years. So far, the good guys are winning.

So your hysteria is unwarranted.
Vigilance cannot be understated.

Okay, you do that. The rest of us will live our lives, unencumbered by irrational fear.
Homophobic pastors are organising Make America Straight Again to coincide with Pride Month

Ultra conservative pastors in Orlando are organising a “Make America Straight Again” in the middle of Pride Month and just two days after the third anniversary of the mass shooting which say 49 people killed at the Pulse nightclub.

The conference is taking place on the weekend of the 14th, 15th, and 16th of June.

In a video filled with homophobic statements made by a number of pastors, the conference was announced and Rev. Patrick Boyle, from Revival Baptist Church said the event will “expose the reprobates” and “against the sodomites and the filth that they’ve been spreading in.”

You know I understand that they are entitled to their sick and hate filled views. And their perverted lifestyle. But decent folk really shouldnt have to put up with this shit. Dont rub our noses in it you homophobic wankers.
The fags and the dykes are sick. Dont be a fag or a dyke, don't be like tommy.
Why are Republicans racist?

How many bad characteristics are concentrated into the GOP base? Racism, homophobia, hate, misogyny, science denial, it just goes on and on......
Why are democrats liars? Poor ones at that.
I can’t seem to figure out where the lie was. Perhaps you can enlighten us?
Dear danielpalos
Regardless which side brings the complaint in which case,
all CIVIL grievances should be redressed by Constitutional democratic process
while SCRIPTURAL grievances mediated and resolved by Scripture
(see Matthew 18:15-20 James 5:16 Matthew 5:44)

A. By Christian laws you cannot reject people for rejection,
which is like Satan trying to cast out Satan.
That makes the problem worse.
By following Matthew 18 then we redress the grievance
in Christ Jesus, establish TRUTH and RESTORE good faith relations
between neighbors.

This works regardless which people bring out complaints
in which cases. That is NOT justification for refusing to
resolve issues, any such inconsistency can be ADDRESSED
and RESOLVED, not abused to AVOID reconciliation over them.

I have Gay friends who are all of those things. They arent calling for people to die either.

The people in your nation who are calling for people to die are Muslims.

But you think AMERICANS across the sea are 'rubbing your face in it'.

Get lost, Tommy. Get so lost you lose our number forever. I mean that. You and the entire UK
This is where it leads to.
Tennessee detective calls for gay people to be executed during church sermon

Look up the address for this "church" and see if you can find it. I did. It's in no discernible building. If they get 100 people on any given Sunday I'd be shocked.

So for 100 people or less, for a pastor who's ordained nowhere, in an "independent" church that has no affiliation, you're willing to offend all these former American allies. You and your Leftist pals have been doing it for so long that, well, you've actually, really done it, Tommy.

Good going, keep it up. You've earned yourself a Trump and "America first" and we. Really. Mean. It.

You enjoy that.
Job 34:30 applies if we have to "get moral". Article 4, Section 2 is our supreme law of the land. The right wing only complains when the less fortunate are "illegal" to the law.

B. for Civil redress of grievances
LGBT beliefs either for or against same sex marriage, identity and orientation
as natural or born, or as unnatural choices of behavior that can or should be changed

For this you can cite
* Amendment 1 on free exercise of religion/beliefs and Govt neither establishing nor prohibiting
* Amendment 14 and (4-5) on equal protections of the laws and not to be deprived of liberty without due process
* Civil Rights laws against Discrimination by CREED
* and Article 4.2 you cite if you want to add that
I also point out the Code of Ethics for Govt Service www.ethics-commission.net against
putting loyalty to PARTY above govt duty to the public under Constitutional laws protecting everyone equally

danielpalos for Christians to adhere to Biblical standards
of obeying both Civil and Scriptural authority without conflict,
it makes SENSE to separate BELIEFS from secular public laws
so that Constitutional principles can still be met:

1 Peter 2:13-14

Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every human institution, whether to a king as the one in authority, or to governors as sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and the praise of those who do right.

Mark 12:17

And Jesus said to them, "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's."


danielpalos the key to NOT FORCING Christians to compromise their beliefs
is NOT TO IMPOSE conflicting beliefs (such as LGBT beliefs in same sex marriage)
through Govt and public policy as mandatory for everyone, but agreeing to follow the
SAME CIVIL STANDARDS as Christians are expected to follow and KEEP BELIEFS OUT OF GOVT.

BOTH sides in conflicts over beliefs have to agree
Then they can redress grievances and settle disputes
i am working on my tolerance.
Homophobic pastors are organising Make America Straight Again to coincide with Pride Month

Ultra conservative pastors in Orlando are organising a “Make America Straight Again” in the middle of Pride Month and just two days after the third anniversary of the mass shooting which say 49 people killed at the Pulse nightclub.

The conference is taking place on the weekend of the 14th, 15th, and 16th of June.

In a video filled with homophobic statements made by a number of pastors, the conference was announced and Rev. Patrick Boyle, from Revival Baptist Church said the event will “expose the reprobates” and “against the sodomites and the filth that they’ve been spreading in.”

You know I understand that they are entitled to their sick and hate filled views. And their perverted lifestyle. But decent folk really shouldnt have to put up with this shit. Dont rub our noses in it you homophobic wankers.
The fags and the dykes are sick. Dont be a fag or a dyke, don't be like tommy.
Why are Republicans racist?

How many bad characteristics are concentrated into the GOP base? Racism, homophobia, hate, misogyny, science denial, it just goes on and on......
Why are democrats liars? Poor ones at that.
I can’t seem to figure out where the lie was. Perhaps you can enlighten us?

Dear deanrd :

1. If you are going to argue that ALL Republicans are racist and support biases against LGBT and other groups, at least be honest and admit the same can be said of ANY group of people.

Everyone's going to have their biases.
So any GROUP of people is going to have collective biases.

Republicans and Democrats and any other group alike.
Why not admit that?

2. If you are going to complain that "Republicans as a party" push THEIR beliefs through Govt at the expense of Constitutional protection, inclusion, and due process for OTHER people of OTHER beliefs

At least be honest and admit that
DEMOCRATS do the same thing politically!

One side may push "right to life" beyond the free choice of others.
The other may push "right to health care" beyond the free choice of others.

How can anyone gripe about violating constitutional principles
in one case and not the other?

deanrd I hope you are one who is able to promote
and practice intellectual honesty in calling out BOTH parties
when they cross the line, and start proselytizing and "establishing
THEIR BELIEFS through Govt" at the expense, exclusion or
discrimination against people of OTHER beliefs and creeds.

Are you able to be that honest and transparent?

I hope so. This would give you greater leverage to compel
corrections the more honest you are in enforcing these
principles for ALL PEOPLE not just for your brand of political agenda.

I encourage you to do so, to be even more effective
as an advocate in demanding corrections to the biases
you see going on that are NOT LIMITED to "Republicans."
If you only target that group, you lose credibility and only
come across as being "politically motivated."

The more you seek corrections ACROSS THE BOARD
regardless of party affiliation or beliefs,
then you will be naturally invoke more weight of authority
in compelling others to acknowledge wrongs
and accept taking steps toward corrections.

Thank you deanrd and I support you in this way!
Is there a requirement that we believe in your god? And thank you for telling us you would support sharia that follows your religion.

Nobody is demanding that you believe in God. Dismiss him at your own peril.´ One day, you will stand before him, and be judged. Your willful disbelief will not protect you, then.

But your side demands that we accept your sick perversions as normal and appropriate.

Your side demands that we believe that your disgusting homosexual mockery of marriage is comparable to genuine marriage.

Yoru side demands that we believe that boys are girls, and that girls are boys, and that the only meaningful difference between them is how one claims to “identify”.

And your side demands that this insane, immoral, destructive bullshit be taught as fact to children in public schools.

Even if my side did imagine that we could force you to believe in God, and even if we were to try to do so, we would not be coming anywhere near to the level of outright evil and madness that your side routinely embraces.
Is there a requirement that we believe in your god? And thank you for telling us you would support sharia that follows your religion.

Nobody is demanding that you believe in God. Dismiss him at your own peril.´ One day, you will stand before him, and be judged. Your willful disbelief will not protect you, then.

But your side demands that we accept your sick perversions as normal and appropriate.

Your side demands that we believe that your disgusting homosexual mockery of marriage is comparable to genuine marriage.

Yoru side demands that we believe that boys are girls, and that girls are boys, and that the only meaningful difference between them is how one claims to “identify”.

And your side demands that this insane, immoral, destructive bullshit be taught as fact to children in public schools.

Even if my side did imagine that we could force you to believe in God, and even if we were to try to do so, we would not be coming anywhere near to the level of outright evil and madness that your side routinely embraces.
Thats odd. Because I thought that Gay folks just wanted to be treated like everybody else. Live.love,work and associate without fear.Why is that too big a mountain for you to climb ?
But we are used to that here BECAUSE we have the 1st Amendment...one of the very few countries with such a thing. And you want to hold other countries to our Bill of Rights because......?

So, in your mind, human rights are GRANTED by government power?

How very unAmerican of you.
Not in our country...Our Declaration of Independence spells our belief out concerning that. Why is it you insist other countries follow our Bill of Rights?

I believe that human rights are god given, and universal across the world.

You are the one that brought up the US bill of rights, not me.
We are born with human rights....and governments are created to protect those rights BUT each government may or may not protect or take away rights....for example Saudi Arabia takes away quite a few of those rights. Our Bill of Rights (which you seemed concerned I brought up) protects many more of our rights in a more extensive manner. We are lucky that our country has the Bill of Rights that codify the Rights our government cannot take away. But that doesn't mean other countries are obligated to follow OUR Bill of Rights. Or do you think they have to?

If a government takes away a right, it is a violation of that right.

Why do you keep wanting to talk about the US Bill of Rights?
Why wouldn't you want to talk about the U.S. Bill of Rights? You have something against them here?
Is there a requirement that we believe in your god? And thank you for telling us you would support sharia that follows your religion.

Nobody is demanding that you believe in God. Dismiss him at your own peril.´ One day, you will stand before him, and be judged. Your willful disbelief will not protect you, then.

But your side demands that we accept your sick perversions as normal and appropriate.

Your side demands that we believe that your disgusting homosexual mockery of marriage is comparable to genuine marriage.

Yoru side demands that we believe that boys are girls, and that girls are boys, and that the only meaningful difference between them is how one claims to “identify”.

And your side demands that this insane, immoral, destructive bullshit be taught as fact to children in public schools.

Even if my side did imagine that we could force you to believe in God, and even if we were to try to do so, we would not be coming anywhere near to the level of outright evil and madness that your side routinely embraces.
Which god this time? What if I were to say that you are dismissing my gods at YOUR own peril? What if I were to say that you are worshipping a false god? What if I were to say that any gods, yours or mine, would find your hate towards your fellow American citizens disgusting?
I don't think people have any phobia about Homosexuality, its just the act, and lifestyle is viewed as a bit repulsive.
People are not afraid of homosexuals. We want what nature intended.
Some people do in fact have an existential fear of gay people because being in the presence of a gay person evokes questions and fears about their own sexuality. In other cases, the homophobe fears not the individual, but what represent- the changes in society where they as heterosexual no longer are the exclusive or dominant culture -much like they fear the browning of America.

Homophobia is indeed real while the homophobes arrogantly claim to know what nature intended and use that as an excuse to marginalize and discriminate against gays. Being gay is far more than an "act" or a lifestyle" and much more than sex. Your problem is that you can't see or acknowledge the whole person who is like you and I in many more ways than they are different. If the sex repulses you stop watch the gay porn. And there is a pretty good chance that you are doing something in the bedroom that someone else finds yucky -so try relating to gay people s human beings and not just sex machines.

As I said I don't think it is a real fear, and or phobia. I see and understand the whole person. I see these homosexuals as mentally Ill. People who are living a life against what mother nature intended. A dead end life style. Having sex not for procreation, but just for sexual satisfaction. The homosexual act is still considered illegal in many countries. I don't watch gay porn or accept homosexuality. All this gay pride crap is considered as a form of Satanism.

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