Homo's Hell No Hillary!

It's just a few dissidents DF.

The LGBT are a greater threat to your way of life than Islam could ever be.
The faggots are pissed off and they have had it with tolerance. Homo groups in two states today have said "Hell No To Hillary". THEY want tighter borders and THEY want zero islamic immigration. And they are pushing for TRUMP on twitter.

If you have a twitter account you can go and see for yourself. Hillary is now toast with her gay base.


This liberal democrat horsesh#t is just about over. See you at the polls!


What does LBGT stand for?

Is it the same as LGBT?
LBGT. :lol:

Don't be surprised if this turns out to be absolute bullshit.

According to the Log Cabin Republicans their phones have been ringing off the hook. Shouldn't be surprising considering Hillary is calling for gun control.

Lately I've been trying to get the word out about a great group of Second Amendment Shooters called the Pink Pistols who have just been rocking with and winning in court against DC gun laws.

Sadly they have been predicting that what has happened in Europe with LGBT community under constant harassment by Muslim migrants would soon be on America's doorstep and they were right.

Only the Pulse was far far worse than harassment. It does not surprise me in the least that some in the LGBT community will turn to Trump.

Just an FYI (and I love, love love these guys!) They won't be voting for Hillary and her gun bans and gun control now will they?

A Gay-Friendly Shooting Club Just Won This Big Gun Rights Victory In DC
May 19, 2016 By Bre Payton

A federal judge ruled on Tuesday that a key provision of Washington DC’s concealed carry law was unconstitutional, and ordered DC police to stop requiring residents to prove they have a “good reason” to be issued a concealed carry permit.

The plaintiff, Matthew Grace, is a district gun owner and member of The Pink Pistols, a shooting group that “honors diversity and is open to all shooters regardless of sexual orientation,” with dozens of chapters nationwide.

More at link:

A Gay-Friendly Shooting Club Just Won Big Gun Rights Victory
MDK if you had to choose based solely on which candidate would better protect your fairy ass from Muslims who think you deserve to die you'd vote for Trump. Tell the truth
She remind's me of a poorly painted ventriloquist dummy. Especially when she drops her jaw for that hideous demented grin. You can tell a lot by how a person smiles. Nuff said.
LBGT. :lol:

Don't be surprised if this turns out to be absolute bullshit.

According to the Log Cabin Republicans their phones have been ringing off the hook. Shouldn't be surprising considering Hillary is calling for gun control.

Lately I've been trying to get the word out about a great group of Second Amendment Shooters called the Pink Pistols who have just been rocking with and winning in court against DC gun laws.

Sadly they have been predicting that what has happened in Europe with LGBT community under constant harassment by Muslim migrants would soon be on America's doorstep and they were right.

Only the Pulse was far far worse than harassment. It does not surprise me in the least that some in the LGBT community will turn to Trump.

Just an FYI (and I love, love love these guys!) They won't be voting for Hillary and her gun bans and gun control now will they?

A Gay-Friendly Shooting Club Just Won This Big Gun Rights Victory In DC
May 19, 2016 By Bre Payton

A federal judge ruled on Tuesday that a key provision of Washington DC’s concealed carry law was unconstitutional, and ordered DC police to stop requiring residents to prove they have a “good reason” to be issued a concealed carry permit.

The plaintiff, Matthew Grace, is a district gun owner and member of The Pink Pistols, a shooting group that “honors diversity and is open to all shooters regardless of sexual orientation,” with dozens of chapters nationwide.

More at link:

A Gay-Friendly Shooting Club Just Won Big Gun Rights Victory
if something like this happens in NYC, and we lose another 100 people, what will Hillary say?
MDK if you had to choose based solely on which candidate would better protect your fairy ass from Muslims who think you deserve to die you'd vote for Trump. Tell the truth

I don't need Trump to keep my fairy ass safe from Muslims that wish to kill me. I can do that all by myself.
The faggots are pissed off and they have had it with tolerance. Homo groups in two states today have said "Hell No To Hillary". THEY want tighter borders and THEY want zero islamic immigration. And they are pushing for TRUMP on twitter.

If you have a twitter account you can go and see for yourself. Hillary is now toast with her gay base.


This liberal democrat horsesh#t is just about over. See you at the polls!


What does LBGT stand for?

Is it the same as LGBT?
Lettuce Bacon Guacamole and Tomato. Very perky.
MDK if you had to choose based solely on which candidate would better protect your fairy ass from Muslims who think you deserve to die you'd vote for Trump. Tell the truth

I don't need Trump to keep my fairy ass safe from Muslims that wish to kill me. I can do that all by myself.
Whatever bro . You would have been in the toilet blowing some Puerto Rican kid until it was too late.

Lol okay that was mean
LBGT. :lol:

Don't be surprised if this turns out to be absolute bullshit.
Hildabeast is a stupid kunt who thinks Islam is a cult of peace... Your political correctness makes you a spineless piece of shit…

Hillary Rotten doesn't t really care about religion or sex or any of that shit...

All she cares about is million of dollars.... for her piggy bank/ foundation /library? LOL library yeah right....

How I despise that so and so....I can not begin to tell you!
is it true that she has to have a nose job every four weeks?

don't give a shit if she has or not....

only know the bitch will burn in Hell for an Eternity!
i heard beallzebub has already refused her, but south chicago will take her.

I can't take credit for this. Found it at the Daily Mail and laughed my ass off.

"Mr. Quin, Nowheresville, United States, 6 minutes ago

On the likeability scale Hillary ranked below O.J. Simpson and Leona
Helmsley but above Lucifer.

Last word was Lucifer was demanding a

LBGT. :lol:

Don't be surprised if this turns out to be absolute bullshit.

According to the Log Cabin Republicans their phones have been ringing off the hook. Shouldn't be surprising considering Hillary is calling for gun control.

Lately I've been trying to get the word out about a great group of Second Amendment Shooters called the Pink Pistols who have just been rocking with and winning in court against DC gun laws.

Sadly they have been predicting that what has happened in Europe with LGBT community under constant harassment by Muslim migrants would soon be on America's doorstep and they were right.

Only the Pulse was far far worse than harassment. It does not surprise me in the least that some in the LGBT community will turn to Trump.

Just an FYI (and I love, love love these guys!) They won't be voting for Hillary and her gun bans and gun control now will they?

A Gay-Friendly Shooting Club Just Won This Big Gun Rights Victory In DC
May 19, 2016 By Bre Payton

A federal judge ruled on Tuesday that a key provision of Washington DC’s concealed carry law was unconstitutional, and ordered DC police to stop requiring residents to prove they have a “good reason” to be issued a concealed carry permit.

The plaintiff, Matthew Grace, is a district gun owner and member of The Pink Pistols, a shooting group that “honors diversity and is open to all shooters regardless of sexual orientation,” with dozens of chapters nationwide.

More at link:

A Gay-Friendly Shooting Club Just Won Big Gun Rights Victory

The Pink Pistols is an old group and respectable group. I encourage other gay people to learn about firearms and to train with them. Not b/c of fear of anti-gay attacks but b/c I feel it something that is just prudent to do. I think it would be wise for most citizens as well.
We can just see Hillary in Heaven when she gets to that desk where God, St.Pete and Elvis are sitting there and reviewing the life of Hillary, then deciding what part of heaven she needs to spend eternity in {like a decision on three doors}, so after about 15 minutes, they all agree to send her to the heaven where everyone looks like either Richard Simmons/Dennis Roddman/Micheal Moore, they are all naked and cant wait to have all kinds of sex with Hillary
silly op is silly

Human Rights Campaign today announced its endorsement of Hillary Clinton for President. HRC’s Board of Directors, comprised of 32 community leaders from across the nation, unanimously voted to endorse Secretary Clinton -- an endorsement she will accept next Sunday, January 24 at an event in Des Moines, Iowa with HRC President Chad Griffin and the organization’s members and supporters.

Today’s endorsement comes at a time when the stakes could not be higher for the LGBT community. Over the last seven years under President Obama’s leadership, the nation has made substantial progress on LGBT equality -- from the end of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” to his Executive Order protecting LGBT employees of federal contractors from discrimination, to his historic support for nationwide marriage equality, to signing landmark hate crimes legislation, speaking out against so-called “conversion therapy,” and working to protect LGBT students. Despite the fact that a majority of Republican and Independent voters today support federal protections for LGBT Americans, the leading Republican candidates for president have threatened to halt progress as well as revoke, repeal, and overturn the gains made during President Obama’s two terms.

MDK if you had to choose based solely on which candidate would better protect your fairy ass from Muslims who think you deserve to die you'd vote for Trump. Tell the truth

I don't need Trump to keep my fairy ass safe from Muslims that wish to kill me. I can do that all by myself.
Whatever bro . You would have been in the toilet blowing some Puerto Rican kid until it was too late.

Lol okay that was mean

Rubio isn't Puerto Rican and nobody could see with all the foam about. lol

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