Homosexual declarations of children of homosexuals brings gay lifestyle into question..

lol! , you seem to think it expected behaviour AveGuy.

, but every child raised by homo's does not turn out homo

nor does every straight kid raised by straight parents turn out straight

and just look what being raised by a good religmo family does to a (certain) kid>


The reality is, the majority of kids rebel against 'the norm'

“Homosexual declarations of children of homosexuals brings gay lifestyle into question”

No, it doesn’t.

The thread premise fails as a hasty generalization fallacy – further confirmation of the ignorance, stupidity, fear, hate, and bigotry directed toward gay Americans, common to far too many on the right.


The overwhelming majority thinks these people are mental cases....your sentiments are decidedly fringe. Take a bow!:113::113:
We socialize our boys on how to be a man and girls to be a woman. It's how they learn to grow into normal adulthood. Putting impressionBle boys with two homo dads Teaches them faggotry.

The problem is that those on the left wrong deny that there's anything wrong with that.
No doubt there is a small percentage of the population who think they are in the wrong body for their perceived gender, but the majority of these are copycats seeking attention because it's fashionable and given cover by enablers like you.

Yes, the number of mentally ill that are THAT delusional thankfully is quite small. I recently had a health professional ask me during a checkup to give her information that her computer wanted for my file on my "sexual orientation and gender identity". She asked "do you prefer the same gender, identify as the opposite gender". I looked at her (with her face of total seriousness) and I said "No, I don't have any mental illness that I know of. I'm normal." She laughed nervously, looked sidelong at me quickly and changed the topic.
Just sayin'....its no secret that the masses embrace the binary. Duh

That the 'masses' are hetero doesn't insist it's lack of acceptance for those who are not SkooK


Yeah but dollar to a thousand stale donuts 999 out of 1,000 Dad's out there sure as f*** aren't bringing home their sons barbie dolls riding in pink toy convertibles.:backpedal:

And if some asshole shows up with Barbie stuff as a gift, it's in the trash can in about 2 nanoseconds:coffee::fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed:

Because they think anything to the contrary would be ghey!:iyfyus.jpg:
I love this forum....its like a shooting gallery for putting a bullseye on the fringe eccentrics of our society....the males out there who are still sore their parents failed to get them a Barbie!!:fu::funnyface::funnyface:

So if i was misfortunate enough to have been raised by dogs, would i be looking to hump your leg & lick my balls in front of company AveGuy?

Yes, that's exactly correct. You would be a product of the environment in which you were raised. Homo sapiens more than any other species retains plasticity of the brain longer in childhood-adolescence. It's adapted that way because we are a very highly social species, like most primates. So, as a youngster develops, paramount to that "social survival" is to remain open to new cues on how one's behaviors should be to please the troop.

Long story short, if you were raised by dogs I'd eat my hat if you weren't licking your balls and trying to hump people's legs in public.

Even with humans there is a cut off point in late adolescence where the basic character in most people "freezes". LGBTs therefore have always made it their campaign to normalize their deviant behaviors in as young of people as society will allow them access to with their dogma.

So far it's going swimmingly. We have allowed our children to be readily accessed by a deviant sex cult who knows the laws of homo sapiens young-brain plasticity all too well...
Like I said above you wouldn't accept any of the science that proves that it's wired within their mind even if I did post it.

Your solution is to shit on them and later on kill them as the islamic state and the taliban does. Weird how such people are within such places that kill them if it was a choice. Ever thought about it, mother fucker?
More lies.

You just post lie after lie after lie..then cop out by saying "I have proof but I'm not going to provide it because you wouldn't accept it."

And the "solution is to shit on them and later on kill them" is just 50 shades of nuttery.

I think you are probably a convicted sex offender currently living in a group home as a permanent ward of the court.

Lies? Don’t think so . I posted the proof but you are to intellectually limited and close minded to even consider it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Er..no, you didn't.
And I wasn't talking to you anyway, freak.

Who do you figure that sock was?

So if i was misfortunate enough to have been raised by dogs, would i be looking to hump your leg & lick my balls in front of company AveGuy?

Yes, that's exactly correct. You would be a product of the environment in which you were raised. Homo sapiens more than any other species retains plasticity of the brain longer in childhood-adolescence. It's adapted that way because we are a very highly social species, like most primates. So, as a youngster develops, paramount to that "social survival" is to remain open to new cues on how one's behaviors should be to please the troop.

Long story short, if you were raised by dogs I'd eat my hat if you weren't licking your balls and trying to hump people's legs in public.

Even with humans there is a cut off point in late adolescence where the basic character in most people "freezes". LGBTs therefore have always made it their campaign to normalize their deviant behaviors in as young of people as society will allow them access to with their dogma.

So far it's going swimmingly. We have allowed our children to be readily accessed by a deviant sex cult who knows the laws of homo sapiens young-brain plasticity all too well...

Well put.....or as the great Bob Grant used to say, "everyone knows a plug goes into a socket, not another plug!":laughing0301:
You don't help anyone by buying into their delusions. If an adult is gay they are obligated to refrain from demanding that everyone else accept their choices as viable.
I'll be happy to help you by not buying into your delusions. Say thank you now.

Your rights end where mine begin. Fuck You now. :fu:

People absolutely are under no obligation to accept your perverted ways as "normal".
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You don't help anyone by buying into their delusions. If an adult is gay they are obligated to refrain from demanding that everyone else accept their choices as viable.
I'll be happy to help you by not buying into your delusions. Say thank you now.

You have convinced me that you consider normalcy the delusion and deviancy normal.

You poor thing.
I'll be happy to help you by not buying into your delusions. Say thank you now.

The only delusion is trying to normalize deviant behavior. Have to love the, but there is a gay gene...so, genes mutate into deviant forms, we knew that already. Moneys are sometimes gay... yes, we call them deviants, what is your problem with using the term with humans?
It would seem that you are the one who is obsessed with children along with certain others . I here to call you all out on your stupidity and moronic ideas about homosexuality, transgenderism and how to deal with children who experience those feelings
No it is you who are the wierdo. If you're a homo, that's okay by me. Just don't teach that lifestyle to kids or try to convince us that a man is a woman.
"Teach that lifestyle" You don't even understand how fucking stupid that is , do you?
“Homosexual declarations of children of homosexuals brings gay lifestyle into question”

No, it doesn’t.

The thread premise fails as a hasty generalization fallacy – further confirmation of the ignorance, stupidity, fear, hate, and bigotry directed toward gay Americans, common to far too many on the right.


The overwhelming majority thinks these people are mental cases....your sentiments are decidedly fringe. Take a bow!:113::113:
Would you be kind enough to post the link to the study or survey that supports that ?

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