Homosexual declarations of children of homosexuals brings gay lifestyle into question..

With the far-reaching LGBT cult science is passe'; or haven't you heard? :popcorn:

he majority of these are copycats seeking attention because it's fashionable
And you know that how, exactly?
And you know the opposite how, exactly?

Please don't tell me you're going to cite the APA... The same outfit that signs off on drugging kids with carcinogenic hormones to prep them for future amputations?


It should disturb people to note that the people who sign off on this type of macabre butchery and manifest malpractice (The American Psychological Association) is the same outfit overtaken by the cult of LGBT in the 1970s & 80s, retooled to nudge science out in favor of "audited subjective feeling-"data". Federal Gay-Activist Judges Aren't to Blame: They Rely on "Science".. They control the lion's share of mental health services and how they'e done in this country. Any wonder why mental illness, maladjustment and crime are at an all time high?

If I was screening for grant funding at the federal level, I would not give one red cent to that outfit until the practice of signing off on this butchery ceases completely. And also not until they return to citing objective science instead of "feelings over numbers" (not shitting you, click the link and read) Soros will probably pick up funding it from there. Probably has already occurred.
I'll be happy to help you by not buying into your delusions. Say thank you now.

The only delusion is trying to normalize deviant behavior. Have to love the, but there is a gay gene...so, genes mutate into deviant forms, we knew that already. Moneys are sometimes gay... yes, we call them deviants, what is your problem with using the term with humans?
I have a wake up call for you. You can call it deviant, perverted, or anything else that you want to call, but the fact is that gayness is in fact normalized in the minds of the vast majority of us. Gay people, gay parents are woven seamlessly into the fabric of modern society. They live, work and play among us and few others notice, care or think much about it. It is only you knuckle dragging Neanderthals who are agonizing over it and resisting change. And that my friend is your problem and your problem only
“Homosexual declarations of children of homosexuals brings gay lifestyle into question”

No, it doesn’t.

The thread premise fails as a hasty generalization fallacy – further confirmation of the ignorance, stupidity, fear, hate, and bigotry directed toward gay Americans, common to far too many on the right.


The overwhelming majority thinks these people are mental cases....your sentiments are decidedly fringe. Take a bow!:113::113:
Would you be kind enough to post the link to the study or survey that supports that ?

Oh my bad....what was i thinking?:26:

Of course most Dad's bring their sons Barbie's....with bright pink outfits!:2up:. So no need to post a link....im fairly certain all polls support it!:fingerscrossed:
“Homosexual declarations of children of homosexuals brings gay lifestyle into question”

No, it doesn’t.

The thread premise fails as a hasty generalization fallacy – further confirmation of the ignorance, stupidity, fear, hate, and bigotry directed toward gay Americans, common to far too many on the right.


The overwhelming majority thinks these people are mental cases....your sentiments are decidedly fringe. Take a bow!:113::113:
Would you be kind enough to post the link to the study or survey that supports that ?

Oh my bad....what was i thinking?:26:

Of course most Dad's bring their sons Barbie's....with bright pink outfits!:2up:. So no need to post a link....im fairly certain all polls support it!:fingerscrossed:
So boys whos fathers bring them dolls turn out gay, and boys who are not given dolls turn out straight? Good to know.
70% of this country thinks these people should have the right to live their lives the way they see fit. Why is it such a problem?

Do you really want to make life hell for these people or what? It isn't right and I think some people need to learn to respect peoples personal liberties.

Nobody in this country (at least nobody that pretends to be sane) thinks that people have the right to live their lives they way they see fit..if in doing that they are actively damaging/abusing children.

I agree.

Still waiting for you to provide any examples of activities that you can prove are damaging or abusing children?

I mean I can certainly believe that you are abusing your child by making them go to church every Sunday and forcing them to believe in your 'god'.....but I can't prove that is abusing your child.

As always- if you know of any child abuse- i strongly recommend that you notify the police immediately.

If you are claiming there is abuse- and you are not notifying the police you are either:
a) Lying or
b) Just don't give a damn about those kids.
So teaching your child to live a good life and love others is child abuse, but teaching your child to be gay and having sex with who ever you want is okay? At whatever age you want?

So you like to kick puppies?

Your enjoyment of kicking puppies has as much to do with my post as yours does.

Still waiting for you to provide any examples of activities that you can prove are damaging or abusing children?

I mean I can certainly believe that you are abusing your child by making them go to church every Sunday and forcing them to believe in your 'god'.....but I can't prove that is abusing your child.

As always- if you know of any child abuse- i strongly recommend that you notify the police immediately.

If you are claiming there is abuse- and you are not notifying the police you are either:
a) Lying or
b) Just don't give a damn about those kids
You cannot force someone to be a Christian, that is a choice that has to be made by the individual.

Parents influence their kids to 'discover' Jesus all the time.

I remember going with friends to their Baptist Church- where people are encouraged to testify to as to their personal experience with finding Jesus- and watching what appeared to be a 5 year old up there testifying about how he had been 'born again'.

You think that happened without vast amounts of parental influence?

I don't.
So teaching your child to live a good life and love others is child abuse, but teaching your child to be gay and having sex with who ever you want is okay? At whatever age you want?

So you like to kick puppies?

Your enjoyment of kicking puppies has as much to do with my post as yours does.

Still waiting for you to provide any examples of activities that you can prove are damaging or abusing children?

I mean I can certainly believe that you are abusing your child by making them go to church every Sunday and forcing them to believe in your 'god'.....but I can't prove that is abusing your child.

As always- if you know of any child abuse- i strongly recommend that you notify the police immediately.

If you are claiming there is abuse- and you are not notifying the police you are either:
a) Lying or
b) Just don't give a damn about those kids
You cannot force someone to be a Christian, that is a choice that has to be made by the individual.
You can coerce children into religious practices. I was told that I was a Catholic as a Child, and despite the fact that my parents were not particularly god Catholics, I did not know that I had a choice until my late teens. Looking back at all of the bullshit and guilt that I endured, I would say that it was, in fact abusive.

I have little doubt that kids who question their gender identity or sexual orientation but who are told by the parents that they have to be like everyone else feel a similar sense of emotional abuse. I'm willing to but that far fewer gay parents try to shape their child's preferences than do straight peoplel

Same thing with me...God this and god that! Pretty freaking abusive.

What's even sicker is the odds of being abused or raped by the priest is probably higher then being raped by an gay person. I'd bet money on it!

"What's even sicker is the odds of being abused or raped by the priest is probably higher then being raped by an gay person. I'd bet money on it!"

Yes the priest would be a Homo pervert, so whoever was getting raped then would be getting raped by a gay. Hello? Anyone home? Thought not :smoke:
Wow- you think priest raping- and all you think of is 'gay'

Why is it your homophobic perverts never- ever- consider the female victims of rape and abuse?

You know- the vast majority of all child sex abuse victims?
So teaching your child to live a good life and love others is child abuse, but teaching your child to be gay and having sex with who ever you want is okay? At whatever age you want?

So you like to kick puppies?

Your enjoyment of kicking puppies has as much to do with my post as yours does.

Still waiting for you to provide any examples of activities that you can prove are damaging or abusing children?

I mean I can certainly believe that you are abusing your child by making them go to church every Sunday and forcing them to believe in your 'god'.....but I can't prove that is abusing your child.

As always- if you know of any child abuse- i strongly recommend that you notify the police immediately.

If you are claiming there is abuse- and you are not notifying the police you are either:
a) Lying or
b) Just don't give a damn about those kids
You cannot force someone to be a Christian, that is a choice that has to be made by the individual.
You can coerce children into religious practices. I was told that I was a Catholic as a Child, and despite the fact that my parents were not particularly god Catholics, I did not know that I had a choice until my late teens. Looking back at all of the bullshit and guilt that I endured, I would say that it was, in fact abusive.

I have little doubt that kids who question their gender identity or sexual orientation but who are told by the parents that they have to be like everyone else feel a similar sense of emotional abuse. I'm willing to but that far fewer gay parents try to shape their child's preferences than do straight peoplel

Same thing with me...God this and god that! Pretty freaking abusive.

What's even sicker is the odds of being abused or raped by the priest is probably higher then being raped by an gay person. I'd bet money on it!
The odds of being raped or abused by a teacher is highest of all. Being a teacher is almost an admission of being a pedophile.
Pedophiles go where the kids are.

Fascinating that you homophobic perverts just assume that all teachers are pedophiles- what a slander to the vast majority of all teachers.

Most teachers are not child molesters.
Most coaches are not child molesters
Most priests are not child molesters
Most ministers are not child molesters
Most gays are not child molesters
Most men are not child molesters.

But certainly there are plenty of child molesters out there- and all of them should be villified- not because you think they are 'gay' but because they are raping girls and boys

None of which has anything to do with the topic of this thread.
Just sayin'....its no secret that the masses embrace the binary. Duh

That the 'masses' are hetero doesn't insist it's lack of acceptance for those who are not SkooK


Yeah but dollar to a thousand stale donuts 999 out of 1,000 Dad's out there sure as f*** aren't bringing home their sons barbie dolls riding in pink toy convertibles.:backpedal:

And if some asshole shows up with Barbie stuff as a gift, it's in the trash can in about 2 nanoseconds:coffee::fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed:

Because they think anything to the contrary would be ghey!:iyfyus.jpg:

Every gay man I know of was raised by heterosexual parents who gave him the usual collection of boys toys- sports stuff, trucks, guns etc.

Fascinating how you think that giving a boy a Barbie will somehow 'turn him gay' when the reverse never happened with gays raised with 'boy typical' toys.
I'll be happy to help you by not buying into your delusions. Say thank you now.

You have convinced me that you consider normalcy the delusion and deviancy normal.

You poor thing.

Isaiah 5:20:
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
21“You have heard that our ancestors were told, ‘You must not murder. If you commit murder, you are subject to judgment.’d 22But I say, if you are even angry with someone,e you are subject to judgment! If you call someone an idiot,f you are in danger of being brought before the court. And if you curse someone,g you are in danger of the fires of hell.h
I'll be happy to help you by not buying into your delusions. Say thank you now.

The only delusion is trying to normalize deviant behavior. Have to love the, but there is a gay gene...so, genes mutate into deviant forms, we knew that already. Moneys are sometimes gay... yes, we call them deviants, what is your problem with using the term with humans?

Is that vomit of words supposed to make any sense?

'Moneys are sometimes gay' LOL

Blonds are deviants
Left handed people are deviants.
Jews are deviants.
Hell straight people who had oral sex used to be considered deviant.

People are deviants in lots of different ways.

But all you can fantasize about is 'gay'
You don't help anyone by buying into their delusions. If an adult is gay they are obligated to refrain from demanding that everyone else accept their choices as viable.
I'll be happy to help you by not buying into your delusions. Say thank you now.

Your rights end where mine begin. Fuck You now. :fu:

People absolutely are under no obligation to accept your perverted ways as "normal".

And you have every right to remain a bigoted asshole. But no one has any obligation to accept your perverted ways as 'normal'

So if i was misfortunate enough to have been raised by dogs, would i be looking to hump your leg & lick my balls in front of company AveGuy?

So far it's going swimmingly. We have allowed our children to be readily accessed by a deviant sex cult who knows the laws of homo sapiens young-brain plasticity all too well...

So Silhouette- what is your plan?

  • Tear children away from their parents if they are gay?
  • Pass laws banning 'gays' from teaching and being ministers?
  • Pass laws where good censors like yourself decide on what content is 'gay free' enough for the kiddies to see?
  • Put all the gays in concentration camps?
  • Make all the gays where armbands?
Maryland Law Protects LGBTQ Youth from "Conversion Therapy" | Human Rights Campaign

Alex Cooper says she was forced to quit school, carry a backpack of rocks sometimes weighing 40 pounds and face a wall for hours at a time as part of her family’s efforts to change her sexuality after she came out at 15 years old.

Cooper, who identifies as a lesbian, describes her harrowing time at a Utah gay “conversion therapy camp” in a powerful new video produced by the Human Rights Campaign. She said she was subjected to “physical pain and emotional pain” during her eight-month stay at the camp run by a family “who promised to make me straight.”
Nobody in this country (at least nobody that pretends to be sane) thinks that people have the right to live their lives they way they see fit..if in doing that they are actively damaging/abusing children.

I agree.

Still waiting for you to provide any examples of activities that you can prove are damaging or abusing children?

I mean I can certainly believe that you are abusing your child by making them go to church every Sunday and forcing them to believe in your 'god'.....but I can't prove that is abusing your child.

As always- if you know of any child abuse- i strongly recommend that you notify the police immediately.

If you are claiming there is abuse- and you are not notifying the police you are either:
a) Lying or
b) Just don't give a damn about those kids.
So teaching your child to live a good life and love others is child abuse, but teaching your child to be gay and having sex with who ever you want is okay? At whatever age you want?

So you like to kick puppies?

Your enjoyment of kicking puppies has as much to do with my post as yours does.

Still waiting for you to provide any examples of activities that you can prove are damaging or abusing children?

I mean I can certainly believe that you are abusing your child by making them go to church every Sunday and forcing them to believe in your 'god'.....but I can't prove that is abusing your child.

As always- if you know of any child abuse- i strongly recommend that you notify the police immediately.

If you are claiming there is abuse- and you are not notifying the police you are either:
a) Lying or
b) Just don't give a damn about those kids
You cannot force someone to be a Christian, that is a choice that has to be made by the individual.

Parents influence their kids to 'discover' Jesus all the time.

I remember going with friends to their Baptist Church- where people are encouraged to testify to as to their personal experience with finding Jesus- and watching what appeared to be a 5 year old up there testifying about how he had been 'born again'.

You think that happened without vast amounts of parental influence?

I don't.
Well if a young one becomes a Christian early in life, and he changes his mind. In your world what has he lost. He was taught to love and obey others. If a child is taught at a young age to be gay, then realizes later he is not. He has all those bad memories to live with the rest of his life. This is what danger you are doing to our kids.

If he decides he isn't that way this will follow him, and also the hatred of the left if he converts back.
I have a wake up call for you. You can call it deviant, perverted, or anything else that you want to call, but the fact is that gayness is in fact normalized in the minds of the vast majority of us. Gay people, gay parents are woven seamlessly into the fabric of modern society. They live, work and play among us and few others notice, care or think much about it. It is only you knuckle dragging Neanderthals who are agonizing over it and resisting change. And that my friend is your problem and your problem only

I have a wake-up call for you. Deviant behavior makes for a deviant. Perverted behavior makes for being a pervert. Homosexuality is not normalized in society, it has been forcibly imposed on us by the Left under threat of laws made by the Left. In those videos, we have a boy who is being COACHED by adults into reinforcing freak behavior acting like a woman by an unfit mother covered in tattoos and nose rings, a lesbian, and another man dressed up like a woman. Has that kid any NORMAL people around him at all? NO WONDER HE IS CONFUSED. And your problem will be as soon as we break this legal and cultural pressure on society to accept homosexuality as "normal," you are going to see a great many people come out and admit they thought it was fucked up all along and your "gay wave" of freakdom and child abuse is going to snap back like a rubber band right in your face.
I agree.

Still waiting for you to provide any examples of activities that you can prove are damaging or abusing children?

I mean I can certainly believe that you are abusing your child by making them go to church every Sunday and forcing them to believe in your 'god'.....but I can't prove that is abusing your child.

As always- if you know of any child abuse- i strongly recommend that you notify the police immediately.

If you are claiming there is abuse- and you are not notifying the police you are either:
a) Lying or
b) Just don't give a damn about those kids.
So teaching your child to live a good life and love others is child abuse, but teaching your child to be gay and having sex with who ever you want is okay? At whatever age you want?

So you like to kick puppies?

Your enjoyment of kicking puppies has as much to do with my post as yours does.

Still waiting for you to provide any examples of activities that you can prove are damaging or abusing children?

I mean I can certainly believe that you are abusing your child by making them go to church every Sunday and forcing them to believe in your 'god'.....but I can't prove that is abusing your child.

As always- if you know of any child abuse- i strongly recommend that you notify the police immediately.

If you are claiming there is abuse- and you are not notifying the police you are either:
a) Lying or
b) Just don't give a damn about those kids
You cannot force someone to be a Christian, that is a choice that has to be made by the individual.

Parents influence their kids to 'discover' Jesus all the time.

I remember going with friends to their Baptist Church- where people are encouraged to testify to as to their personal experience with finding Jesus- and watching what appeared to be a 5 year old up there testifying about how he had been 'born again'.

You think that happened without vast amounts of parental influence?

I don't.
Well if a young one becomes a Christian early in life, and he changes his mind. In your world what has he lost. He was taught to love and obey others. If a child is taught at a young age to be gay, then realizes later he is not. He has all those bad memories to live with the rest of his life. This is what danger you are doing to our kids.View attachment 195675 View attachment 195675 View attachment 195676
If he decides he isn't that way this will follow him, and also the hatred of the left if he converts back.

The sad thing j is that in generations past, we raised boys to be good leaders able to deal with the ministries of the world and to defend our nation. The kids being raised now won't be worth jack shit for anything but how to be a hair dresser.

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