Homosexual declarations of children of homosexuals brings gay lifestyle into question..

I spent an hour researching this kid on the Internet and discovered some interest stuff. First off your assumption of sexual abuse is totally unsupported. His family appears perfectly normal. He has a younger sister, plays soccer, and has been singing in public for the last 4 or 5 years. He's 13 now and has been interested in makeup since he was 8. He is not a cross dresser. He has a fantastic voice, preforms in the UK and has his own channel on the Internet.

So you spent an hour of your life researching the intimate personal details of the life of a small child you don't even know AND FOUND THEM. Gee, that is reassuring. Wish I had your free time.
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Is this a healthy loving environment, or is it sex abuse of minors?

It is, after all, illegal to entice children to think or participate in sexual activity...

So why is it the homosexual community thinks that they are exempt?

Ellen praises girlish biological boy's "good lips":

Fucking makes me sick!
I spent an hour researching this kid on the Internet and discovered some interest stuff. First off your assumption of sexual abuse is totally unsupported. His family appears perfectly normal. He has a younger sister, plays soccer, and has been singing in public for the last 4 or 5 years. He's 13 now and has been interested in makeup since he was 8. He is not a cross dresser. He has a fantastic voice, preforms in the UK and has his own channel on the Internet.

So you spent an hour of your life researching the intimate personal details of the life of a small child you done even know AND FOUND THEM. Gee, that is reassuring. Wish I had your free time.
Why? You too fucking busy finding a cure for cancer? The cancer in this country is liberals.
Is this a healthy loving environment, or is it sex abuse of minors?

It is, after all, illegal to entice children to think or participate in sexual activity...

So why is it the homosexual community thinks that they are exempt?

Ellen praises girlish biological boy's "good lips":

Ellen Degenerate is sick.
Why? You too fucking busy finding a cure for cancer? The cancer in this country is liberals.

No, it is STUPIDITY, ignorance, intolerance and corruption wherever they are. Add yourself to the list.
My point was made to the OP or any other hypocritical bigot. Apparently the OP does not have a problem with it.

Does the word "bigot" apply to someone who rejects another lifestyle?
The word "bigot applies to someone who continuously refers to homosexuality as a "lifestyle:" or "behavior, " insinuates that how and with who they have sex is the primary factor that defines them, and refuses to acknowledge the whole person and that gayness is part of the essence of who they are as human beings
Homos are bigoted against heteros. They refuse to accept the hetero lifestyle and can't accept that hetero is part of the essence of who they are.

What do you mean by accept their lifestyle?
They don't accept the hetero lifestyle. What part don't you understand?

They don't accept the hetero lifestyle. What part don't you understand?

Right, we're referred to as "breeders" by the cult of LGBT. We breed new sex objects for them to "teach tolerance for deviant sex acts" when they're nice and young.
My point was made to the OP or any other hypocritical bigot. Apparently the OP does not have a problem with it.

Does the word "bigot" apply to someone who rejects another lifestyle?
The word "bigot applies to someone who continuously refers to homosexuality as a "lifestyle:" or "behavior, " insinuates that how and with who they have sex is the primary factor that defines them, and refuses to acknowledge the whole person and that gayness is part of the essence of who they are as human beings
Homos are bigoted against heteros. They refuse to accept the hetero lifestyle and can't accept that hetero is part of the essence of who they are.

What do you mean by accept their lifestyle?
They don't accept the hetero lifestyle. What part don't you understand?

Haven't heard of gays trying stop straights from marrying, adopting kids, or joining the military. Again what do you mean by accept the hetero lifestyle?
Does the word "bigot" apply to someone who rejects another lifestyle?
The word "bigot applies to someone who continuously refers to homosexuality as a "lifestyle:" or "behavior, " insinuates that how and with who they have sex is the primary factor that defines them, and refuses to acknowledge the whole person and that gayness is part of the essence of who they are as human beings
Homos are bigoted against heteros. They refuse to accept the hetero lifestyle and can't accept that hetero is part of the essence of who they are.

What do you mean by accept their lifestyle?
They don't accept the hetero lifestyle. What part don't you understand?

Haven't heard of gays trying stop straights from marrying, adopting kids, or joining the military. Again what do you mean by accept the hetero lifestyle?
I mean homos don't accept the hetero lifestyle. Homos don't breed heteros. As a lifelong hetero, I represent a far greater sample of not only America, but of humanity.

Without heteros, there would be no homos.

Haven't heard of gays trying stop straights from marrying, adopting kids, or joining the military.

That's because heteros provide both a mother and father for children in marriage. A thing gays forbid children in marriage via contract. Also, sexual attraction to your barracks and shower etc. mates creates a problem in morale in the military.
The word "bigot applies to someone who continuously refers to homosexuality as a "lifestyle:" or "behavior, " insinuates that how and with who they have sex is the primary factor that defines them, and refuses to acknowledge the whole person and that gayness is part of the essence of who they are as human beings
Homos are bigoted against heteros. They refuse to accept the hetero lifestyle and can't accept that hetero is part of the essence of who they are.

What do you mean by accept their lifestyle?
They don't accept the hetero lifestyle. What part don't you understand?

Haven't heard of gays trying stop straights from marrying, adopting kids, or joining the military. Again what do you mean by accept the hetero lifestyle?
I mean homos don't accept the hetero lifestyle. Homos don't breed heteros. As a lifelong hetero, I represent a far greater sample of not only America, but of humanity.

Without heteros, there would be no homos.

You are aware lifestyle goes well beyond having sex and children. There are plenty of hetros who have some of the weirdest sex you can imagine and many who never have children. There are also gays who do have children and families. People are all different particularly when it comes to sex. In addition to heterosexuals and homosexuals there're bisexuals, transsexuals, and asexuals and they have varying degrees of sex drive from strong to none.

It is not the label we put on a person that is important. It is the qualities of the person such as, empathy, creativity, passion, being responsible, kindness, leadership, honesty, integrity, and courage. These are the things that are really important, not who you love or how you have sex.
Haven't heard of gays trying stop straights from marrying, adopting kids, or joining the military.

That's because heteros provide both a mother and father for children in marriage..

Clearly they don't.

There would be no issue about 'gays adopting' if there were not thousands and thousands of kids abandoned by their hetero parents.

There would be no issue about kids being raised by a single parent if there were not hundreds of thousands- millions- of divorces- and mom's who never marry the baby daddy.

For decades- straights like yourself have worked to deny gay Americans jobs, and marriage, and even to deny them the honor of serving their country- hell you have even worked to harm their children.

Gays are not doing any of crap you homophobic assholes have done.
My point was made to the OP or any other hypocritical bigot. Apparently the OP does not have a problem with it.

Does the word "bigot" apply to someone who rejects another lifestyle?
No one is forcing you to that lifestyle. If you cannot accept that others embrace that lifestyle with no harm to you and others then yes you would be considered a bigot.
What if the lifestyle was buttsex .

Why is Silhouette always so obsessed about 'buttsex'

She can't stop talking about it.

Do a quick search for the word 'buttsex' used by Silhouette here at USMB- she can't stop talking about it.
70% of this country thinks these people should have the right to live their lives the way they see fit. Why is it such a problem?

Do you really want to make life hell for these people or what? It isn't right and I think some people need to learn to respect peoples personal liberties.
If people have struggled at life, I feel for them. Do not force me to hire them.
If you think that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is wrong- and that people should not be forced to hire blacks or Jews or Christians- well then get busy on overturning that law.

Hell with the Republicans controlling the White House and Congress- I am shocked it hasn't been a priority.
My point was made to the OP or any other hypocritical bigot. Apparently the OP does not have a problem with it.

Does the word "bigot" apply to someone who rejects another lifestyle?
Does the word 'bigot' apply to him?

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