Homosexual indoctrination event axed after parents revolt

They just dont get it. They think their kids can catch Gay. That is the real child abuse.
More strawman inventions from the low IQ Tammy :rolleyes:

If thereā€™s an argument for anyone thinking kids can ā€˜catch gayā€™ it would be YOU LGBTQxyz militant types who believe it - as demonstrated by you and your ilk continuing to insist that young children be exposed to what should be your private business, and in your attempts to BYPASS PARENTS by getting at their kids in schools, and screaming HATER at any parents who disagree with this type of exposure.
No doubt you think itā€™s working, but the backlash has already started and itā€™s going to grow.

This is what the Head Teacher said;

ā€œWe thought we would celebrate Pride month so those children from LGBT families would feel included and to show the kids that children come from different families."

Education and inclusion. Fantastic. I can see why it would be frowned on in the C19th circles you move in.

No, Tammy, the schools own statement illustrates that their aim was to indoctrinate kids into viewing the LGBTQ crowd as ā€˜specialā€™ - not equal - but special. To kids ā€˜specialā€™ in such a context means better:

ā€œIt said it wanted parents join in celebrating ā€œthe rainbow of things that make them and their family specialā€.


And this is what one ā€˜hatefulā€™ (lol) parent said:

I want to be able to educate my child on these things, itā€™s not just a matter of religion or our religious beliefs.

Parents who donā€™t want the LGBTQxyz stuff force fed to their kids IN SCHOOL have rights as parents too.

Why do you hate responsible parents so much???
Why do you want to usurp their role as parents???
Why do you want to deprive them of their rights as parents?
Special refers to all families.
I suspect that your heart really isnt in this Tilly. You are just spouting cutnpaste bollox.
No, according to the moron teachers in your own article, who, incidentally, allege they believe kids donā€™t know that the other kids in the school come from ā€˜differentā€™ families :uhoh3: , - ā€˜specialā€™ only applies to the rainbow families.

I c&p my earlier comments and quotes from concerned parents as you donā€™t address their concerns apart from referring to such parents as backward haters.

I would love to see you confront one of these parents with your opinion that they are bad parents, backwards, and haters, but we all know you are far too cowardly to do so. Pity.

However, with the backlash growing, youā€™ll have ample opportunity if you ever find some cojones :wink:
There is no "backlash". Support for Gay Marriage grows every year and you and your reactionary mates are part of a dwindling minority. We won -you lost -Get over it.
There is no "backlash". Support for Gay Marriage grows every year and you and your reactionary mates are part of a dwindling minority. We won -you lost -Get over it.

You might have won, for a short while. But when you started going after children, that was crossing a line that you ought to have never even approached. Sane, decent people, who might have been OK with what consenting adults might do in the privacy of their own homes; are going to react very differently when you sick, evil pieces of shit start going after children.

You have no idea the backlash that is coming your way.
There is no "backlash". Support for Gay Marriage grows every year and you and your reactionary mates are part of a dwindling minority. We won -you lost -Get over it.

You might have won, for a short while. But when you started going after children, that was crossing a line that you ought to have never even approached. Sane, decent people, who might have been OK with what consenting adults might do in the privacy of their own homes; are going to react very differently when you sick, evil pieces of shit start going after children.

You have no idea the backlash that is coming your way.
Nobody is going after children apart from in your sick and twisted head. Its over matey, you lost. Get with the modern world or you will die biter and twisted.
Nobody is going after childrenā€¦

Your side keeps getting caught red-handed going after children. And you alternate between defending it and denying that it's happening.

You are not fooling anyone. You've made it very clear what you stand for.
There is no "backlash". Support for Gay Marriage grows every year and you and your reactionary mates are part of a dwindling minority. We won -you lost -Get over it.

You might have won, for a short while. But when you started going after children, that was crossing a line that you ought to have never even approached. Sane, decent people, who might have been OK with what consenting adults might do in the privacy of their own homes; are going to react very differently when you sick, evil pieces of shit start going after children.

You have no idea the backlash that is coming your way.
Nobody is going after children apart from in your sick and twisted head. Its over matey, you lost. Get with the modern world or you will die biter and twisted.

The backlash has already started, Timmy dear.
Many parents are of the opinion that young children donā€™t need to know about LGBTQxyz stuff. That they shouldnā€™t be having this stuff thrown at them AT PRIMARY SCHOOL.

Those parents who think otherwise are free to cover LGBTQxyz issues with their young children at home if they want to.

Why do you want to deprive other parents of dealing with these issues with their own young children in their own time?

Why are you such a gross fascist, Tammy? (Rhet) :popcorn:
Young children SHOULD NOT be exposed to this LGBTQxyz stuff!
WHY are such young children being targeted? Why do the fascist Tammys defend this??? I really wonder why :eusa_think:

ā€œ...A Croydon mum has called for her son's primary school to stop teaching pupils LGBT lessons without first asking parental permission.

The woman explained she found it astonishing pupils would be taught what lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender mean before the children had been given general sex education lessons.

The mum, who wished to remain anonymous, said Heavers Farm Primary School, on Dinsdale Gardens, in South Norwood, had not asked parents of pupils if they would be happy for their children to be taught lessons on the subject.

She said: "[My Year 4 son is] just far too young to be learning about all of this.

"He came home the other day talking about lesbians and transgender people and I was so shocked.

"They haven't even started sexual education classes yet, but they're being taught all about LGBT.

"I'm all for diversity and for children to learn about it, but not in Year 4 when they are incredibly immature.

"My son has learning difficulties and subjects like this are very hard for him to understand, and I'm sure he isn't the only one."

Croydon mum says children are 'simply too young' for LGBT lessons
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Four year old children SHOULD NOT be exposed to this LGBTQxyz stuff!
WHY are such young children being targeted? Why do the fascist Tammys defend this??? I really wonder whyā€¦

No need to wonder. I think it's quite obvious.
More backlash, Tammy :itsok:

A Croydon mum is calling for the head teacher of Heavers Farm Primary School to resign after several parents were outraged by a planned "pride march" at the school on Friday, June 29.

Ruth Anderson, 34, from Thornton Heath, says she feels Susan Papas, head teacher of both Heavers Farm and Selsdon Primary schools has abused her role as head teacher in planning the pride march and should step down.

Mrs Anderson explained that several parents had refused to let their children go to school on the day of the march in protest against the pride march, to which parents were invited on Friday (June 29).

But the march was cancelled and was instead held inside a classroom as a smaller event.

Mrs Anderson said: "We were given this whole story that it was all about having pride in yourself, but that's ridiculous."

"There were rainbow flags around the school, and the kids were even told to wear bright colours. That's not having pride in yourself, that is blatant support for LGBT.

"I am not homophobic, but my faith teaches me a certain set of beliefs, and I do not want my child's school making her choices for her."

Croydon mum calls for head teacher to resign over 'pride march'

Fairy Nuff, surely?
(Unless youā€™re a fascist like Tammy and the Head Teacher)
...a PTA meeting has been planned where Ms Papas' resignation will be demanded.

She went on to say that she felt as though her child was being forced to believe certain things by teachers, rather than going to school "and learning academic subjects like maths, English and science."...

"As adults we respect other people's choices in life but we are not forced to accept anything or take part in anything, so why do this to children?"

Mrs Anderson stressed that she is looking for the school apologise as she feels that it is trying to use her children to push an unwanted agenda.


Croydon mum calls for head teacher to resign over 'pride march'
I think that my contribution to this thread is on topic.


1. Colombia had a presidential election last month.

2. The winner got 54% of the vote.

3. The winner's political party had earlier criticized a peace agreement between the Colombian government and guerrilla groups.

a. The winner's political party had claimed that the peace agreement "would spread homosexuality in the schools."

Source: London Review of Books, (print) edition of July 5, 2018, page 16.
...a PTA meeting has been planned where Ms Papas' resignation will be demanded.

She went on to say that she felt as though her child was being forced to believe certain things by teachers, rather than going to school "and learning academic subjects like maths, English and science."...

"As adults we respect other people's choices in life but we are not forced to accept anything or take part in anything, so why do this to children?"

Mrs Anderson stressed that she is looking for the school apologise as she feels that it is trying to use her children to push an unwanted agenda.


Croydon mum calls for head teacher to resign over 'pride march'
Laughable. The majority of parents will tell this bigoted bitch to fuck off. Why doesnt she find a school that practices hate ?
...a PTA meeting has been planned where Ms Papas' resignation will be demanded.

She went on to say that she felt as though her child was being forced to believe certain things by teachers, rather than going to school "and learning academic subjects like maths, English and science."...

"As adults we respect other people's choices in life but we are not forced to accept anything or take part in anything, so why do this to children?"

Mrs Anderson stressed that she is looking for the school apologise as she feels that it is trying to use her children to push an unwanted agenda.


Croydon mum calls for head teacher to resign over 'pride march'
Laughable. The majority of parents will tell this bigoted bitch to fuck off. Why doesnt she find a school that practices hate ?
She already found a school that practices hate.

Like you, the staff are bigotted fascists who view concerned parents who want to educate their young kids themselves about LGBTQ issues - as haters - no doubt because these parents are Identified as a danger to the agenda.

And, as usual, the Leftards revert to trying to shut people up by labelling them.
How ironic.
And predictable.

Even the mother who is concerned because these kids havenā€™t received ANY sex ed yet but are being force fed LGBTQ stuff and being told the LGBTQ crowd are ā€˜specialā€™ - not equal - is allegedly a hater.

And even though this parent, and many like her, undoubtedly know best how and when to address this subject with their children - in this case a child with learning difficulties - sheā€™s a hater.

You clearly underestimate the level of anger parents feel about schools sneaking this crap in to primary schools without their consent.

But then youā€™re a moron and itā€™s so very long since youā€™ve parented young kids your complete ignorance on this matter can be forgiven.

Your overt bigotry, disrespect for parents with different views - even for those whose children have learning difficulties, your support for sidellining parents and your fascistic attitude have been noted - again.

You are nothing more than a typical fascist leftard creep, as you have so capably demonstrated yet again in this thread, Tammy.
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