Homosexual recruitment is working

I think the OP illustrates that homosexuality isn't simply something one is "born with".

It sounds like it's probably becoming more socially acceptable for young people to experiment with homosexuality due to the "glamorization" of homosexuality in the media today.

Or, is it possible that the stigma of being bi or gay is being lifted, and therefore more young people are not surpessing the tendency they may have for being bi or gay?
A hetero man can't be recruited. It's physically impossible.

Many young people that are hetero adult, experimented with sexuality in their late teens. It might not have gone beyond kissing and fondling, but if they found pleasure, they might have gone farther.
Teens are still finding out who they are.
Gays, usually know they are gay before puberty and struggle to be accepted, to find their place in their society or with their peers.
It is really what dilates the eyes, that can't be faked.
Even "heteros" married for years can find that one person in their own sex. They might have been going through the motion because that was expected and not understood real attraction and love till that one person came into their lives.
Everyone needs to know themselves, not be shoved into someone else's ideal mold for them.

Ancients had family and gay lovers, or slaves of both sex for their pleasure.
Even gays can be attracted to someone of the opposite sex at times, but it usually is "not right", just a fling.
Some gays really have no sexual feeling for women beyond friendship, sometimes good friends.

Sexuality is not cookie cutter precise for each individual for their whole life. It should not matter today or ten years from now.

Happiness for most people can be fleeting till that one soul mate steps into their lives. What you thing was love and what that special someone does to you can be drastically different when it happens. Like taking the sun glasses off.

Let people be happy.

Gibberish. Why not also encourage them to 'experiment' with Nazism or serial murder, then? This is ...

"NAMBLA" logic - an extreme absolutist position which demands that for logical consistencies sake that certain gross crimes be allowed, in order that no one might feel restrained.
Stirling S. Newberry

So being gay is a crime?
I think the OP illustrates that homosexuality isn't simply something one is "born with".

It sounds like it's probably becoming more socially acceptable for young people to experiment with homosexuality due to the "glamorization" of homosexuality in the media today.
That would coincide directly with the stunning increase in young men getting HIV from gay sex in just the last decade or so. It indicates a growth in population of a demographic, since the HIV prevention-behaviors are found to be roughly the same as before the millennial push for kids to "be OK with gay" or to be "bi-curious" etc. Remember "bi-curious"? If tons more young men were trying out gay sex and grafting their habit there, you'd expect a stunning increase in new HIV cases in that demographic.

And that's exactly what we have.

Yes, they still lead the list in new HIV infections, and are almost single-handedly keeping the syphilis epidemic going, along with drug resistant staph infections and other infectious diseases. they are mentally ill, and a public health menace, and should be treated as such.

Actually >>Most new infections are transmitted heterosexually<<

Well, then you should alert the CDC about your new study, because their data doesn't agree with yours, not to mention the heterosexual transmissions are disproportionately among minority women, and minority group males engage in bisexual sex at two to three times the rates whites do to boot, so homosexuals get to own that infection rate as well.

AIDS Cases Increase Among Heterosexuals - NYTimes.com
The New York Times
Mar 11, 1994 - AIDS Cases Increase Among Heterosexuals ... Those at highest risk for heterosexually transmitted H.I.V. infection, the report said, include ...
CDC Reports Troubling Rise in HIV Infections Among Young People ...
Nov 27, 2012 - Every month, 1000 young Americans are infected with HIV. ... how to prevent young people from contracting a disease that global advocates ... of young women — 86 percent — contract the disease from heterosexual sex.

You don't read data well, do you?


New Staph Strain Circulating in Gay, Bisexual Men

An article in the online version of the Annals of Internal Medicine documents the spread of MDR staph. Its first author, epidemiologist Binh An Diep, says the bacterium has made striking inroads in some communities.

Among gay men with resistant staph infections, Diep says, about 20 percent in San Francisco and up to 50 percent in Boston "are infected with this more-difficult-to-treat form of USA-300."

Incidence of the new variant is 13 times higher in San Francisco's heavily gay Castro neighborhood and surrounding zip codes than in the city's general population.

That concentration — and the fact that many infections appear on the buttocks and the genital region — is leading researchers to suggest that MDR staph is being spread through sexual contact. That leads some to worry this new infection could stigmatize gay men once again.

STD Facts - Syphilis & MSM

STD Facts - Syphilis & MSM

How common is syphilis among MSM?
Between 2013 and 2014, the number of reported primary and secondary (P&S) cases increased by 15%. Most cases are among MSM. In 2014, 83% of the reported male P&S syphilis cases where sex of sex partner was known were among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men.

We can keep going, with hepatitis, shigella infections, TB, HPV....

Homosexual males rate their own special pages at the CDC, while making up less than 2% of the population. Congratulations.

Gay, Bisexual and Other MSM | STDs | CDC

“While the heavy toll of HIV and syphilis among gay and bisexual men has been long recognized, this analysis shows just how stark the health disparities are between this and other populations,” “It is clear that we will not be able to stop the U.S. HIV epidemic until every affected community, along with health officials nationwide, prioritize the needs of gay and bisexual men with HIV prevention efforts.”

Kevin Fenton, M.D., director of CDC’s National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention.
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Quarter of 'straight' young women admit to having a gay sex experience

You aren't always "born" homosexual, some people are recruited into it. This is the truth the LGBT movement is trying to hide. They are recruiting young people into LGBT, while denying that recruitment is possible.

We must oppose them.

And how are they recruited, exactly?

Maybe some girls just have a bit of bisexuality in them, and then decide not to bother. What damage happens to a girl who has same sex experience? Teenage pregnancy?
Is it that "homosexual recruitment" is working or is it that straight men are more and more repulsive to women? I think the OP should put his tin foil hat on and investigate.
Quarter of 'straight' young women admit to having a gay sex experience

You aren't always "born" homosexual, some people are recruited into it. This is the truth the LGBT movement is trying to hide. They are recruiting young people into LGBT, while denying that recruitment is possible.

We must oppose them.
No one is born homosexual and the 'studies' that say they are are total horse shit.

Any actual evidence of that? Say, a reputable study? Or is that just your hope, so that you can demand that they stop making the choice to be gay?
And how are they recruited, exactly?

You have never heard of seduction?

For goodness sake, get out more, dude.

Unless they were already gay, bi, or bi-curious, seduction isn't going to work.

But my question still remains, why do you think it is any of your business who someone has sex with? If they are consenting adults, it is none of your business.
Any actual evidence of that? Say, a reputable study? Or is that just your hope, so that you can demand that they stop making the choice to be gay?

Lol, people do what they think feels good to them without prohibiting guilt that has been conditioned into them.

Prior to the edict that made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire, men and women were commonly bisexual. The Christian church was anti-pleasure at the time, but made an exception for sex to have children (they won the demographic contest with Christians that would give no exception to have kids, lol). Ancient history is full of records of bisexual leaders who would have sex with either gender, from Alenxander the Great to Julius Casar.

They did not even have the notion that a person was born with a preference to one sex or the other, but allowed that some grew to be exclusively preferring different things, from sex with the opposite gender to sex with anything or anyone.

These bullshit studies vary as to the nature of their bullshit. Some look for geneticly common flags, but that has not worked, only finding some predominate flags that vary, but nothing that they can prove directly CAUSES fagotry. Some claim that brain structures can cause butt-fucking degeneracy, but now we know how plastic the brain is and it molds itself based on our behavior, probably an adaptive mechanism.

And the notion that anyone can do a study that disproves these widespread bullshit pro-fagotry studies is hilarious. No one wants to be the target of butt-fucker rage and boycots?

Are you kidding?

Unless they were already gay, bi, or bi-curious, seduction isn't going to work.

We are all naturally bisexual, as it is simply a response to pleasure sensation.

We are conditioned by society to be heterosexual, because it is the right moral thing to do.
Any actual evidence of that? Say, a reputable study? Or is that just your hope, so that you can demand that they stop making the choice to be gay?

Lol, people do what they think feels good to them without prohibiting guilt that has been conditioned into them.

Prior to the edict that made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire, men and women were commonly bisexual. The Christian church was anti-pleasure at the time, but made an exception for sex to have children (they won the demographic contest with Christians that would give no exception to have kids, lol). Ancient history is full of records of bisexual leaders who would have sex with either gender, from Alenxander the Great to Julius Casar.

They did not even have the notion that a person was born with a preference to one sex or the other, but allowed that some grew to be exclusively preferring different things, from sex with the opposite gender to sex with anything or anyone.

These bullshit studies vary as to the nature of their bullshit. Some look for geneticly common flags, but that has not worked, only finding some predominate flags that vary, but nothing that they can prove directly CAUSES fagotry. Some claim that brain structures can cause but fucking degeneracy, but now we know how plastic the brain is and it molds itself based on our behavior, probably an adaptive mechanism.

And the notion that anyone can do a study that disproves these widespread bullshit studies is hilarious. No one wants to be the target of butt-fucker rage and boycots.

Are you kidding?


So sexual orientation is a choice? Really? I don't recall choosing to be straight. When did you make that choice?

Or are you saying that heterosexuality is not a choices, but homosexuality IS a choice? How convenient.
So being gay is a crime?

It is a moral crime and a degenerate mental disorder or perversion, yes. IT once was a crime, but we are going insane as a culture, so it isnt any more.

We survivors will have to rebuild our moral foundations of society once the pervs kill off enough of themselves.
Unless they were already gay, bi, or bi-curious, seduction isn't going to work.

We are all naturally bisexual, as it is simply a response to pleasure sensation.

We are conditioned by society to be heterosexual, because it is the right moral thing to do.

Now you are getting into real bullshit. Your claim that we are all only bisexual because it is the "right moral thing to do" is utter bullshit.

How about we celebrate the freedom to have sex with who WE choose? I, personally, find the notion that I can only sleep with who society approves of, to be repugnant. Perhaps you live your life in search of approval of others, but many of us don't.

I am heterosexual because I am innately wired that way. Not because I chose it. Not because society forced me to be.
So being gay is a crime?

It is a moral crime and a degenerate mental disorder or perversion, yes. IT once was a crime, but we are going insane as a culture, so it isnt any more.

We survivors will have to rebuild our moral foundations of society once the pervs kill off enough of themselves.

Yeah, I'm sure it is a fantasy of yours to be able to control what people do, down to the most personal acts. I guess the freedom to decide for yourself scares the hell out of you, doesn't it?
So sexual orientation is a choice? Really? I don't recall choosing to be straight.

That you dont recall making a choice proves nothing more than your convenient lapse of memory.

When did you make that choice?

My parents made that choice for me when they raised me to be a moral person.

Or are you saying that heterosexuality is not a choices, but homosexuality IS a choice? How convenient.

I didnt say anything of the kind.

Maybe you should take a remedial reading class?
Now you are getting into real bullshit. Your claim that we are all only bisexual because it is the "right moral thing to do" is utter bullshit.

But then I didnt say that, doofus.

How about we celebrate the freedom to have sex with who WE choose? I, personally, find the notion that I can only sleep with who society approves of, to be repugnant. Perhaps you live your life in search of approval of others, but many of us don't.

I imagine that you find any moral restraint to be repugnant.

I am heterosexual because I am innately wired that way. Not because I chose it. Not because society forced me to be.

At least you think it so. I think history of sexual behavior in the ancient world proves otherwise.
So sexual orientation is a choice? Really? I don't recall choosing to be straight.

That you dont recall making a choice proves nothing more than your convenient lapse of memory.

When did you make that choice?

My parents made that choice for me when they raised me to be a moral person.

Or are you saying that heterosexuality is not a choices, but homosexuality IS a choice? How convenient.

I didnt say anything of the kind.

Maybe you should take a remedial reading class?

That you think I just forgot when I chose to be straight is a laughable example of how you think the human mind works.
Yeah, I'm sure it is a fantasy of yours to be able to control what people do, down to the most personal acts.

Not at all. I do find the thought that one day people will be moral beings a pleasant one, but people like you are all about ME ME ME ME ME and are beyond any remedy.

But you will Darwin yourself soon enough, no problemo.

I guess the freedom to decide for yourself scares the hell out of you, doesn't it?

The consequences of immoral behavior are bad, but I have handled far worse than STD plagues. I simply dont cheat on my wife or stick my cock into someones shit hole and I do fine.
Now you are getting into real bullshit. Your claim that we are all only bisexual because it is the "right moral thing to do" is utter bullshit.

But then I didnt say that, doofus.

How about we celebrate the freedom to have sex with who WE choose? I, personally, find the notion that I can only sleep with who society approves of, to be repugnant. Perhaps you live your life in search of approval of others, but many of us don't.

I imagine that you find any moral restraint to be repugnant.

I am heterosexual because I am innately wired that way. Not because I chose it. Not because society forced me to be.

At least you think it so. I think history of sexual behavior in the ancient world proves otherwise.

If you want to look at the history of the world, look at the many, many cultures that killed or abused any homosexual activity. But there were still gays then. Are you saying that they were actually bisexual (as you say we all are) but CHOSE to be something that would likely get them killed??

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