Homosexual recruitment is working

So being gay is a crime?

It is a moral crime and a degenerate mental disorder or perversion, yes. IT once was a crime, but we are going insane as a culture, so it isnt any more.

We survivors will have to rebuild our moral foundations of society once the pervs kill off enough of themselves.

Yeah, I'm sure it is a fantasy of yours to be able to control what people do, down to the most personal acts. I guess the freedom to decide for yourself scares the hell out of you, doesn't it?

How much girl-girl porn do you figure this dude has?
This is another lie dead, killed by them coming out and admitting their lifestyle is a choice....thus recruitment is happening, thus their campaign in public schools......oh look an agenda they claimed is a lie too......

Everyone's lifestyle is a choice- some choose to hang out at bars, some choose to go to church- and some do both.

Who someone is attracted to is not a choice.

Well at least not for anyone I know- not for me- perhaps you feel like you could be gay if you were recruited right?
So being gay is a crime?

It is a moral crime and a degenerate mental disorder or perversion, yes. IT once was a crime, but we are going insane as a culture, so it isnt any more.

We survivors will have to rebuild our moral foundations of society once the pervs kill off enough of themselves.

Who's moral crime? yours?
What of the moral crime of abusing, verbal abuse and persecution of your fellow humans?

To love your brother is moral.

disinformation and lies are not moral

Interfering with the rights of others is not moral

>>Transgender Mental Illness Classification Axed In Denmark — First Nation To Spite The WHO’s Slow Progress<<

"Homosexuality is no longer considered a mental illness by the American Psychiatric Association and the World Health Organization"

"The American Psychiatric Association (APA) removed homosexuality from its official Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) in 1973."

"(APA), it supported the right to privacy in adult consensual relations conducted"

"normal variant of human sexuality"

It is not moral to discriminate based on sex/sexuality

acceptance, treating other as just people, kindness, these things are moral.

You know, it doesnt work to just make up your own morality. To have any gravitas it has to be based on something more than the paper out of a Chinese Fortune Cookie.

No, I do not have to 'love' my fellow man who would force their perversion on the innocent. Nor do I have to pretend to love these degenerates who wreck families, abandon their children and cause the fastest spread of disease and moral degeneracy of any segment in our population.

Well that sounds pretty much like what men do.

'wreck families'
'abandon their children'
'moral degeneracy'


Who abandons their children the most?

Heterosexual men.

Who 'wrecks' families the most?

Heterosexual men.

But I am glad you came out of the closet to tell us you attract shitty friends.
This is another lie dead, killed by them coming out and admitting their lifestyle is a choice....thus recruitment is happening, thus their campaign in public schools......oh look an agenda they claimed is a lie too......

Everyone's lifestyle is a choice- some choose to hang out at bars, some choose to go to church- and some do both.

Who someone is attracted to is not a choice.

Well at least not for anyone I know- not for me- perhaps you feel like you could be gay if you were recruited right?
Alrdy destroyed that canard in other thread
This is another lie dead, killed by them coming out and admitting their lifestyle is a choice....thus recruitment is happening, thus their campaign in public schools......oh look an agenda they claimed is a lie too......

Everyone's lifestyle is a choice- some choose to hang out at bars, some choose to go to church- and some do both.

Who someone is attracted to is not a choice.

Well at least not for anyone I know- not for me- perhaps you feel like you could be gay if you were recruited right?
Alrdy destroyed that canard in other thread

Not that I have seen.

How much will power has it taken you to refrain from being recruited?
Any actual evidence of that? Say, a reputable study? Or is that just your hope, so that you can demand that they stop making the choice to be gay?

You have it backwards; the homosexual lobby is obligated to prove it's not a choice on their part, and of course all of the 'studies' purporting to 'prove' it's 'genetic' are junk, with ridiculously lame methodologies and outright falsifications. This is why nobody ever posts them in support of them being anything but fetishists and mentally ill, into humiliation and abuse fantasies, S&M freaks, etc., etc.

I am overcome by nostalgia for the 18th century every time you post....
Quarter of 'straight' young women admit to having a gay sex experience

You aren't always "born" homosexual, some people are recruited into it. This is the truth the LGBT movement is trying to hide. They are recruiting young people into LGBT, while denying that recruitment is possible.

We must oppose them.

President Trump shall prohibit homosexuality like it was prohibited longer as five thousands years.
Homosexuality is insanity!


woman having sex with another woman is not homosexual...

Merriam-Webster would disagree with you.

"Full Definition of homosexual
  1. 1 : of, relating to, or characterized by a tendency to direct sexual desire toward another of the same sex

  2. 2 : of, relating to, or involving sexual intercourse between persons of the same sex"

Just because you like to watch it does not mean it is not homosexual.
So being gay is a crime?

It is a moral crime and a degenerate mental disorder or perversion, yes. IT once was a crime, but we are going insane as a culture, so it isnt any more..

Some people get so sad that the Government can no longer tell consenting adults what kind of sex that they can have in the privacy of their own home.

I dont want the government enforcing said law against buggery, but antiSodomy laws stretched a lot further than merely banning buggery among fagots. It also gave wives a legal basis for getting a restraining order on their husbands if he was insistent on fucking her in her ass. It gave her a basis for beating the hell out of him in divorce court.

It also provided similar cover for the weaker 'catching' member of a homo couple, though I doubt many of them would have ever used it.

The point is it gave a legal advantage to those who wanted to say 'no', just like strict parents give their kids a basis for not getting into wild activities with their friends, 'No, man, I cant, my parents would kill me, and mean KILL me!'

But dont worry about your standing among your militant Queer peers, no one expects you to get all objective or something.
It simply makes it easier for people like you to hate them, if you can say it is their choice & their fault.

I dont hate the run of the mill fagot.

I hate the militant leaders of the fagot community as they lie to their own flock (and everyone else) and sell them out for political gain. They use them worse than the 'Civil Rights' leaders have exploited the black community.
Hardly does a week go by where my neighborhood isn't inundated with finely-dressed queers handing out recruitment pamphlets.
Hardly does a week go by where my neighborhood isn't inundated with finely dressed queers handing out recruitment pamphlets.
I knew it, you damned Sodomite.


At the county fair, do you have a BJ booth too?
So being gay is a crime?

It is a moral crime and a degenerate mental disorder or perversion, yes. IT once was a crime, but we are going insane as a culture, so it isnt any more..

Some people get so sad that the Government can no longer tell consenting adults what kind of sex that they can have in the privacy of their own home.

I dont want the government enforcing said law against buggery, but antiSodomy laws stretched a lot further than merely banning buggery among fagots. It also gave wives a legal basis for getting a restraining order on their husbands if he was insistent on fucking her in her ass. It gave her a basis for beating the hell out of him in divorce court..

Actually many anti-sodomy laws covered only male-male sodomy- such as Texas's and Lousiana.

Regarding women and 'restraining orders'- to hell with that- that is what marital rape laws are for. Non-consensual sex is rape regardless of the gender or orifice the man is raping.

Remember the sodomy laws we are talking about are about consensual sex- and those sodomy laws made it illegal for either two men to have consensual sex- or in many states- for a husband and wife to have consensual anal sex.

Sodomy laws were about one thing- and one thing only- the "moral majority" telling Americans what kind of sex they were allowed to have- using criminal law to enforce a moral perspective.
It simply makes it easier for people like you to hate them, if you can say it is their choice & their fault.

I dont hate the run of the mill fagot.

I hate the militant leaders of the fagot community as they lie to their own flock (and everyone else) and sell them out for political gain. They use them worse than the 'Civil Rights' leaders have exploited the black community.

So that would mean that the homosexuals should hate you for lying about them.
woman having sex with another woman is not homosexual...

Do you think that a man who commits ass rape on another man is a fagot? I sure do.

First and foremost he is a rapist.

See, if I was discussing a man raping a woman's ass, I wouldn't call him a 'straight' or a 'heterosexual'- I would call him a rapist.

You have your own anti-gay agenda and your speech demonstrates it.

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