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Homosexuals - Born or Turn

Born or Turn

  • Born

    Votes: 20 62.5%
  • Turn

    Votes: 12 37.5%

  • Total voters
It CAN be both. I KNOW I WAS BORN GAY. My mom had a gay cousin, I NEVER CHOOSE TO BE THIS WAY, feels natural to me, etc.

But I've turned a few former straight and bi dudes fully out so yea.

That's not something I'd admit to with any sort of pride. In fact I think it's flat out disgusting and offensive. You proudly admit you led straight people into a life of perversion, and add to that you know that the Lord calls homosexuality an "abomination," and you call yourself "righteous." Wow... that's sick.
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Homosexuals become that way by choice, not by birth. Mostly, they become homosexuals in school. There, they are exposed to pansy, liberal teachers, who teach them to be homosexuals, both by persuasion and by example.

A particular hotbed for this kind of activity is the University of Southern California and also the University of Alabama. Both of these institutions actually have classes where homosexuality is taught and practiced. I am informed that, within the next three or four years, homosexuality will become an official major at many colleges and universities around the country.

Another way in which people are turned into homosexuals is by watching professional football on television. They watch the players in those tight pants, and it naturally turns them into gay people. And when one player slaps another player on the rear end, numerous would be homosexuals hop up and down with glee and then run out, into the street, seeking to attack straight people.

You can tell a homosexual when you see him. (Women are never homosexuals. They are lesbians. I have known four lesbians. But I digress . . . ) Homosexuals wear pink flowers in their lapels and talk with a lisp. If you tell them a joke, they will laugh, but it is a phony laugh. They don't care about your joke. All they care about is boffing you in the rear end, so watch it.

Another way to tell if someone is a homosexual or not, is by what they do for a living. All university professors are homosexuals except economics professors, who are mostly Methodists. There are some firemen who are gay, but not too many. The rest of them are just Good Guys. Lots of police officers are homosexuals. That's why they carry those long, round, sticks. I think you know what I'm getting at here. Of course you have your hair dressers, window washers and trash collectors. NEVER put the trash out early in the morning unless you are fully clothed. Many gay trash collectors like to hide in an empty trash barrel and wait for you to come out to empty the trash. Then they pop out of the trash can and say: "Hi there." Avoid something like this at all costs.

Thank you very much.

So...you would have been a gay except you didn't get the training. George?

Who trained you to be a heterosexual?

Or are you still undecided?
Do you believe that homosexuals and bisexuals are born that way and it is in their genes, or that it's a life choice and they choose to be homosexual or bisexual? I believe that homosexuals/bisexuals choose to be gay/lesbian/bi. Currently no scientific evidence supports that homosexuals are born homosexual.

I don't have an opinion on whether they are born or turn homosexual, but I do highly doubt that anybody just chooses to be gay. I couldn't. It wouldn't work for me. I am attracted to the opposite sex.
Homosexuals become that way by choice, not by birth. Mostly, they become homosexuals in school. There, they are exposed to pansy, liberal teachers, who teach them to be homosexuals, both by persuasion and by example.

A particular hotbed for this kind of activity is the University of Southern California and also the University of Alabama. Both of these institutions actually have classes where homosexuality is taught and practiced. I am informed that, within the next three or four years, homosexuality will become an official major at many colleges and universities around the country.

Another way in which people are turned into homosexuals is by watching professional football on television. They watch the players in those tight pants, and it naturally turns them into gay people. And when one player slaps another player on the rear end, numerous would be homosexuals hop up and down with glee and then run out, into the street, seeking to attack straight people.

You can tell a homosexual when you see him. (Women are never homosexuals. They are lesbians. I have known four lesbians. But I digress . . . ) Homosexuals wear pink flowers in their lapels and talk with a lisp. If you tell them a joke, they will laugh, but it is a phony laugh. They don't care about your joke. All they care about is boffing you in the rear end, so watch it.

Another way to tell if someone is a homosexual or not, is by what they do for a living. All university professors are homosexuals except economics professors, who are mostly Methodists. There are some firemen who are gay, but not too many. The rest of them are just Good Guys. Lots of police officers are homosexuals. That's why they carry those long, round, sticks. I think you know what I'm getting at here. Of course you have your hair dressers, window washers and trash collectors. NEVER put the trash out early in the morning unless you are fully clothed. Many gay trash collectors like to hide in an empty trash barrel and wait for you to come out to empty the trash. Then they pop out of the trash can and say: "Hi there." Avoid something like this at all costs.

Thank you very much.

So...you would have been a gay except you didn't get the training. George?

Who trained you to be a heterosexual?

Or are you still undecided?

george is being sarcastic.
I think they are recipients of a chemical combination that determines who they are sexually attracted too but that's no reason for them to act all goofy.
You're the bigot, I'm not the one that's resorted to childish name calling. I've simply shown some facts about homosexuaility. Not only is it a sin but it's immoral, I'd put it in the same catagory as beastiality.

Thank you for further proving my point.

Again, you're a bass ackwards, hateful, redneck POS who is likely closeted freak show, ANYONE who hates us this much clearly has something to hide.:lol:

No sin, those few verses condemning us in the OLD Testament are nothing more than RCC revisions, annnnnd:

"The Bible contains six (6) admonishments to homosexuals and three
hundred sixty-two (362) admonishments to heterosexuals. That doesn't
mean God doesn't love heterosexuals. It's just that they need more
...supervision." ~Lynn Lavner

Looks like YOU'RE the real sinner here, KKKer.:lol:

You have yet to make a point.

Who said anything about hate?

1 Cor. 6: 9-10

Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

Do YOU know that you should kiss every person you greet, 'lest you go against the bible?
Do YOU know that any/all women in your home or family should avoid wearing their hair short, since only prostitutes in biblical times wore their hair in such fashion?
Are YOU aware that in the CORRECT biblical linguistics, there was NO word for "homosexuality"?

Do YOU know that government-approved "no fault" divorce is against the bible? That would be the same government that is apparently supposed to say "yes, you two can get married, but no, you two cannot".

Let's reason this out a bit, shall we?
That government-approved "no fault" divorce has led to a 50% percent divorce rate amongst those who are straight and married....Uh, that would be those folks who are "normal" and "should be" married, according to those who share your views.

Taking the entire bible, literally, without studying proper biblical linguistics and contexts,...Is dangerous.
After pages of this thread can anyone tell me why it matters if a gay person chooses his sexuality or not?

I think it matters to homosexuals because they need an excuse for their irrational lifestyle and perhaps it's another attempt to validate their perversions. IMO
I think it matters to bigoted hicks because they need an excuse to propagate their irrational bigotry and perhaps it's another attempt to validate their stupidity as well.

I've already obliterated every single one of your ridiculous remarks regarding statistics of homosexuals. It's about time you stop typing.

It CAN be both. I KNOW I WAS BORN GAY. My mom had a gay cousin, I NEVER CHOOSE TO BE THIS WAY, feels natural to me, etc.

But I've turned a few former straight and bi dudes fully out so yea.

That's not something I'd admit to with any sort of pride. In fact I think it's flat out disgusting and offensive. You proudly admit you led straight people into a life of perversion, and add to that you know that the Lord calls homosexuality an "abomination," and you call yourself "righteous." Wow... that's sick.
I think you're flat out disgusting and offensive. I find it amazing that dumb Christians such as yourself pick and choose which parts of their religion apply to them. Well, which is it? Either the OT doesn't apply because a New Covenant was formed, and thus you can't cite old rules any longer, or it DOES apply and you should be following kosher law. No, dumb bigots can't make such a distinction, and they can't think for themselves either, so they resort to this ridiculous obsolete text to hide behind because they can't actually make an independent point on their own.

A hundred years ago you're the type of person that would have been burning blacks on the side of the road. Two hundred years before that you'd be stoning "witches." It's time you looked back at the horrible evils your religion's bigotry has caused in the past and learn to grow up.

If anyone else would like to point out the reasons behind their bigotry, I will happily indulge in publicly making you look like a fool.
After pages of this thread can anyone tell me why it matters if a gay person chooses his sexuality or not?

I think it matters to homosexuals because they need an excuse for their irrational lifestyle and perhaps it's another attempt to validate their perversions. IMO
I think it matters to bigoted hicks because they need an excuse to propagate their irrational bigotry and perhaps it's another attempt to validate their stupidity as well.

I've already obliterated every single one of your ridiculous remarks regarding statistics of homosexuals. It's about time you stop typing.

It CAN be both. I KNOW I WAS BORN GAY. My mom had a gay cousin, I NEVER CHOOSE TO BE THIS WAY, feels natural to me, etc.

But I've turned a few former straight and bi dudes fully out so yea.

That's not something I'd admit to with any sort of pride. In fact I think it's flat out disgusting and offensive. You proudly admit you led straight people into a life of perversion, and add to that you know that the Lord calls homosexuality an "abomination," and you call yourself "righteous." Wow... that's sick.
I think you're flat out disgusting and offensive. I find it amazing that dumb Christians such as yourself pick and choose which parts of their religion apply to them. Well, which is it? Either the OT doesn't apply because a New Covenant was formed, and thus you can't cite old rules any longer, or it DOES apply and you should be following kosher law. No, dumb bigots can't make such a distinction, and they can't think for themselves either, so they resort to this ridiculous obsolete text to hide behind because they can't actually make an independent point on their own.

A hundred years ago you're the type of person that would have been burning blacks on the side of the road. Two hundred years before that you'd be stoning "witches." It's time you looked back at the horrible evils your religion's bigotry has caused in the past and learn to grow up.

If anyone else would like to point out the reasons behind their bigotry, I will happily indulge in publicly making you look like a fool.

Even if I was born this way ? :lol:
Thank you for further proving my point.

Again, you're a bass ackwards, hateful, redneck POS who is likely closeted freak show, ANYONE who hates us this much clearly has something to hide.:lol:

No sin, those few verses condemning us in the OLD Testament are nothing more than RCC revisions, annnnnd:

"The Bible contains six (6) admonishments to homosexuals and three
hundred sixty-two (362) admonishments to heterosexuals. That doesn't
mean God doesn't love heterosexuals. It's just that they need more
...supervision." ~Lynn Lavner

Looks like YOU'RE the real sinner here, KKKer.:lol:

You have yet to make a point.

Who said anything about hate?

1 Cor. 6: 9-10

Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

Do YOU know that you should kiss every person you greet, 'lest you go against the bible?
Do YOU know that any/all women in your home or family should avoid wearing their hair short, since only prostitutes in biblical times wore their hair in such fashion?
Are YOU aware that in the CORRECT biblical linguistics, there was NO word for "homosexuality"?

Do YOU know that government-approved "no fault" divorce is against the bible? That would be the same government that is apparently supposed to say "yes, you two can get married, but no, you two cannot".

Let's reason this out a bit, shall we?
That government-approved "no fault" divorce has led to a 50% percent divorce rate amongst those who are straight and married....Uh, that would be those folks who are "normal" and "should be" married, according to those who share your views.

Taking the entire bible, literally, without studying proper biblical linguistics and contexts,...Is dangerous.

Oh brother, the kiss was an ancient greeting, when Paul spoke of a holy kiss he meant a kiss that was out of love and sincerity. We meet the requirements of the "holy kiss' when we greet one another sincerely and warmly in the manner our cultural is accostumed to. Seems like you're the one that's taking the Bible literally.
After pages of this thread can anyone tell me why it matters if a gay person chooses his sexuality or not?

I think it matters to homosexuals because they need an excuse for their irrational lifestyle and perhaps it's another attempt to validate their perversions. IMO
I think it matters to bigoted hicks because they need an excuse to propagate their irrational bigotry and perhaps it's another attempt to validate their stupidity as well.

I've already obliterated every single one of your ridiculous remarks regarding statistics of homosexuals. It's about time you stop typing.

It CAN be both. I KNOW I WAS BORN GAY. My mom had a gay cousin, I NEVER CHOOSE TO BE THIS WAY, feels natural to me, etc.

But I've turned a few former straight and bi dudes fully out so yea.

That's not something I'd admit to with any sort of pride. In fact I think it's flat out disgusting and offensive. You proudly admit you led straight people into a life of perversion, and add to that you know that the Lord calls homosexuality an "abomination," and you call yourself "righteous." Wow... that's sick.
I think you're flat out disgusting and offensive. I find it amazing that dumb Christians such as yourself pick and choose which parts of their religion apply to them. Well, which is it? Either the OT doesn't apply because a New Covenant was formed, and thus you can't cite old rules any longer, or it DOES apply and you should be following kosher law. No, dumb bigots can't make such a distinction, and they can't think for themselves either, so they resort to this ridiculous obsolete text to hide behind because they can't actually make an independent point on their own.

A hundred years ago you're the type of person that would have been burning blacks on the side of the road. Two hundred years before that you'd be stoning "witches." It's time you looked back at the horrible evils your religion's bigotry has caused in the past and learn to grow up.

If anyone else would like to point out the reasons behind their bigotry, I will happily indulge in publicly making you look like a fool.

You sucking another man's dick or taking it up the ass is rational?
You have yet to make a point.

Who said anything about hate?

1 Cor. 6: 9-10

Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

Do YOU know that you should kiss every person you greet, 'lest you go against the bible?
Do YOU know that any/all women in your home or family should avoid wearing their hair short, since only prostitutes in biblical times wore their hair in such fashion?
Are YOU aware that in the CORRECT biblical linguistics, there was NO word for "homosexuality"?

Do YOU know that government-approved "no fault" divorce is against the bible? That would be the same government that is apparently supposed to say "yes, you two can get married, but no, you two cannot".

Let's reason this out a bit, shall we?
That government-approved "no fault" divorce has led to a 50% percent divorce rate amongst those who are straight and married....Uh, that would be those folks who are "normal" and "should be" married, according to those who share your views.

Taking the entire bible, literally, without studying proper biblical linguistics and contexts,...Is dangerous.

Oh brother, the kiss was an ancient greeting, when Paul spoke of a holy kiss he meant a kiss that was out of love and sincerity.

We meet the requirements of the "holy kiss' when we greet one another sincerely and warmly in the manner our cultural is accostumed to. Seems like you're the one that's taking the Bible literally.
Tut tut tut now....If we're going to use YOUR logic and YOUR adherence to the bible, THIS isn't "ancient" and you cannot disregard it. You run the risk of flaunting your nose at God's authority.

Full disclosure: Yes, before you ask, I'm a Christian.
Just not YOUR "kind" of Christian.

I'm more secure in my beliefs than most people, and THAT is why the 'scary ol' homos' (end sarcasm) don't bother me.
Thank you for further proving my point.

Again, you're a bass ackwards, hateful, redneck POS who is likely closeted freak show, ANYONE who hates us this much clearly has something to hide.:lol:

No sin, those few verses condemning us in the OLD Testament are nothing more than RCC revisions, annnnnd:

"The Bible contains six (6) admonishments to homosexuals and three
hundred sixty-two (362) admonishments to heterosexuals. That doesn't
mean God doesn't love heterosexuals. It's just that they need more
...supervision." ~Lynn Lavner

Looks like YOU'RE the real sinner here, KKKer.:lol:

You have yet to make a point.

Who said anything about hate?

1 Cor. 6: 9-10

Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

Do YOU know that you should kiss every person you greet, 'lest you go against the bible?
Do YOU know that any/all women in your home or family should avoid wearing their hair short, since only prostitutes in biblical times wore their hair in such fashion?
Are YOU aware that in the CORRECT biblical linguistics, there was NO word for "homosexuality"?

Do YOU know that government-approved "no fault" divorce is against the bible? That would be the same government that is apparently supposed to say "yes, you two can get married, but no, you two cannot".

Let's reason this out a bit, shall we?
That government-approved "no fault" divorce has led to a 50% percent divorce rate amongst those who are straight and married....Uh, that would be those folks who are "normal" and "should be" married, according to those who share your views.

Taking the entire bible, literally, without studying proper biblical linguistics and contexts,...Is dangerous.

Yet the Bible still did more for society, government, and the people than any other document. So now that you cut the Bible into two or three sentences how about the parts you left out.

Not a word for homosexuality, imagine, no direct translation or just nothing, when it came up did the Hebrews gaffe and look expressionless like a deer caught in the headlights?
It CAN be both. I KNOW I WAS BORN GAY. My mom had a gay cousin, I NEVER CHOOSE TO BE THIS WAY, feels natural to me, etc.

But I've turned a few former straight and bi dudes fully out so yea.

that explains a lot

i'm beginning to understand why you are such a deranged and hate filled lunatic

here you admit you are gay

while just the other day you spoke about how the bible (and your god) is ANTI-gay

I believe you mentioned something about people following gods dictates against homosexuals....

you hate yourself for being gay
and you blame liberals for it
because you (being conservative AND deranged) REFUSE to take responsibility for your own behavior



I explain how one can be BOTH gay AND Christian, your sad attempt to put words in my mouth =EPIC FAIL:lol::cuckoo:

Seriously, aint you gotten tired of constantly pwning yourself here? It's obvious all you really know how to do is troll flame ultimately.:lol:

Time to try and save some face here dude, leave.
Do you believe that homosexuals and bisexuals are born that way and it is in their genes, or that it's a life choice and they choose to be homosexual or bisexual? I believe that homosexuals/bisexuals choose to be gay/lesbian/bi. Currently no scientific evidence supports that homosexuals are born homosexual.

Where does current scientific evidence support that anyone is born anything? I can easily site studies that prove that sexual choice is neither the result of genetics or environment, which means that the only answer to the question in your poll is no one knows yet.

US researchers find evidence that homosexuality linked to genetics | World news | guardian.co.uk

Compared to straight men, gay men are more likely to be left-handed, to be the younger siblings of older brothers, and to have hair that whorls in a counterclockwise direction.

US researchers are finding common biological traits among gay men, feeding a growing consensus that sexual orientation is an inborn combination of genetic and environmental factors that largely decide a person's sexual attractions before they are born.


We know for a fact that some genetic traits are "linked". Homosexuality simply hasn't been studied that long, even though the hate has been spread by the church for thousands of years.

Take a look at some gays and there simply can't be any doubt it's not a choice. No one can act that good on purpose.


Where did I say that genetics is not an influential factor? What I said was that sexual preferences is not the result of either genetics or environment, it is the result of both, and who knows what else.

A recent study of all adult twins in Sweden (more than 7,600 twins)[8] found that same-sex behavior was explained by both heritable factors and individual-specific environmental sources (such as prenatal environment, experience with illness and trauma, as well as peer groups, and sexual experiences), while influences of shared-environment variables such as familial environment and societal attitudes had a weaker, but significant effect. Women showed a statistically non-significant trend to weaker influence of hereditary effects, while men showed no effect of shared environmental effects. The use of all adult twins in Sweden was designed to address the criticism of volunteer studies, in which a potential bias towards participation by gay twin may influence the results (see below).
Overall, the environment shared by twins (including familial and societal attitudes) explained 0–17% of the choice of sexual partner, genetic factors 18–39% and the unique environment 61–66%. The individual's unique environment includes, for example, circumstances during pregnancy and childbirth, physical and psychological trauma (e.g., accidents, violence, and disease), peer groups, and sexual experiences. [...] In men, genetic effects explained .34–.39 of the variance, the shared environment .00, and the individual-specific environment .61–.66 of the variance. Corresponding estimates among women were .18–.19 for genetic factors, .16–.17 for shared environmental, and .64–.66 for unique environmental factors.
Biology and sexual orientation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I can find evidence that UFOs visited the planet and built the pyramids, doesn't make it true. If sexual choice were solely a matter of genetics every pair of identical twins where one is gay would have both gay. This clearly does not happen, proving beyond doubt that sexual preference is not solely genetic in nature. You can cite all the popular misinterpretations of scientific studies in the universe and it will not change the underlying facts.

No one understands why some people are homosexual and some or not. Being a believer in free will I believe that there is always a choice, and will continue to do so until conclusive evidence is provided to prove me wrong. Subjective testimony is not conclusive evidence of anything other than what that person believes.

Since science has not yet doscovered how we even make decisions you citing people who do not know why they are gay is proof only that they do not know how they made that choice, or when. I personally like many things that are different than what my family likes, despite being raised by the same parents. I cannot tell you how I developed the taste for some things, and to reject others, nor can I tell you why I find leather sexier than rubber. That does not change my understanding that free will exists, and that there are always choices, even if we do not always use it and allow circumstances to control our choices.

If you get to cite subjective testimony to prove being gay is not a choice I get to cite subjective testimony to prove that God exists. Supporting one set of subjective data and rejecting another is not the way a rational person approaches science.
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I think it matters to homosexuals because they need an excuse for their irrational lifestyle and perhaps it's another attempt to validate their perversions. IMO
I think it matters to bigoted hicks because they need an excuse to propagate their irrational bigotry and perhaps it's another attempt to validate their stupidity as well.

I've already obliterated every single one of your ridiculous remarks regarding statistics of homosexuals. It's about time you stop typing.

That's not something I'd admit to with any sort of pride. In fact I think it's flat out disgusting and offensive. You proudly admit you led straight people into a life of perversion, and add to that you know that the Lord calls homosexuality an "abomination," and you call yourself "righteous." Wow... that's sick.
I think you're flat out disgusting and offensive. I find it amazing that dumb Christians such as yourself pick and choose which parts of their religion apply to them. Well, which is it? Either the OT doesn't apply because a New Covenant was formed, and thus you can't cite old rules any longer, or it DOES apply and you should be following kosher law. No, dumb bigots can't make such a distinction, and they can't think for themselves either, so they resort to this ridiculous obsolete text to hide behind because they can't actually make an independent point on their own.

A hundred years ago you're the type of person that would have been burning blacks on the side of the road. Two hundred years before that you'd be stoning "witches." It's time you looked back at the horrible evils your religion's bigotry has caused in the past and learn to grow up.

If anyone else would like to point out the reasons behind their bigotry, I will happily indulge in publicly making you look like a fool.

You sucking another man's dick or taking it up the ass is rational?

Do YOU know that you should kiss every person you greet, 'lest you go against the bible?
Do YOU know that any/all women in your home or family should avoid wearing their hair short, since only prostitutes in biblical times wore their hair in such fashion?
Are YOU aware that in the CORRECT biblical linguistics, there was NO word for "homosexuality"?

Do YOU know that government-approved "no fault" divorce is against the bible? That would be the same government that is apparently supposed to say "yes, you two can get married, but no, you two cannot".

Let's reason this out a bit, shall we?
That government-approved "no fault" divorce has led to a 50% percent divorce rate amongst those who are straight and married....Uh, that would be those folks who are "normal" and "should be" married, according to those who share your views.

Taking the entire bible, literally, without studying proper biblical linguistics and contexts,...Is dangerous.

Oh brother, the kiss was an ancient greeting, when Paul spoke of a holy kiss he meant a kiss that was out of love and sincerity.

We meet the requirements of the "holy kiss' when we greet one another sincerely and warmly in the manner our cultural is accostumed to. Seems like you're the one that's taking the Bible literally.
Tut tut tut now....If we're going to use YOUR logic and YOUR adherence to the bible, THIS isn't "ancient" and you cannot disregard it. You run the risk of flaunting your nose at God's authority.

Full disclosure: Yes, before you ask, I'm a Christian.
Just not YOUR "kind" of Christian.

I'm more secure in my beliefs than most people, and THAT is why the 'scary ol' homos' (end sarcasm) don't bother me.

Your point is?
I think it matters to bigoted hicks because they need an excuse to propagate their irrational bigotry and perhaps it's another attempt to validate their stupidity as well.

I've already obliterated every single one of your ridiculous remarks regarding statistics of homosexuals. It's about time you stop typing.

I think you're flat out disgusting and offensive. I find it amazing that dumb Christians such as yourself pick and choose which parts of their religion apply to them. Well, which is it? Either the OT doesn't apply because a New Covenant was formed, and thus you can't cite old rules any longer, or it DOES apply and you should be following kosher law. No, dumb bigots can't make such a distinction, and they can't think for themselves either, so they resort to this ridiculous obsolete text to hide behind because they can't actually make an independent point on their own.

A hundred years ago you're the type of person that would have been burning blacks on the side of the road. Two hundred years before that you'd be stoning "witches." It's time you looked back at the horrible evils your religion's bigotry has caused in the past and learn to grow up.

If anyone else would like to point out the reasons behind their bigotry, I will happily indulge in publicly making you look like a fool.

You sucking another man's dick or taking it up the ass is rational?


Your concession is duly noted.
I think it matters to homosexuals because they need an excuse for their irrational lifestyle and perhaps it's another attempt to validate their perversions. IMO
I think it matters to bigoted hicks because they need an excuse to propagate their irrational bigotry and perhaps it's another attempt to validate their stupidity as well.

I've already obliterated every single one of your ridiculous remarks regarding statistics of homosexuals. It's about time you stop typing.

That's not something I'd admit to with any sort of pride. In fact I think it's flat out disgusting and offensive. You proudly admit you led straight people into a life of perversion, and add to that you know that the Lord calls homosexuality an "abomination," and you call yourself "righteous." Wow... that's sick.
I think you're flat out disgusting and offensive. I find it amazing that dumb Christians such as yourself pick and choose which parts of their religion apply to them. Well, which is it? Either the OT doesn't apply because a New Covenant was formed, and thus you can't cite old rules any longer, or it DOES apply and you should be following kosher law. No, dumb bigots can't make such a distinction, and they can't think for themselves either, so they resort to this ridiculous obsolete text to hide behind because they can't actually make an independent point on their own.

A hundred years ago you're the type of person that would have been burning blacks on the side of the road. Two hundred years before that you'd be stoning "witches." It's time you looked back at the horrible evils your religion's bigotry has caused in the past and learn to grow up.

If anyone else would like to point out the reasons behind their bigotry, I will happily indulge in publicly making you look like a fool.

You sucking another man's dick or taking it up the ass is rational?

It is more rational than you obsessing over it.

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