Honest debate: Libs...would the "AR15-pistol" w 10 Rd mag still be an "Assault Weapon"

Its not an assault weapon its a defense weapon used for defense don't listen to the liberal's LIES!

Interesting take. Who was Mateen defending?

He would likely answer "Islam."
He might say that, but it's all a lie. He wasn't a religious nut, he was a just a nut who wanted to go out in a blaze of glory. Nothing about his lifestyle showed a commitment to Islamic or even extreme Islamic religious beliefs

Nothing other than him doing a bayat while mowing people down, proclaiming their love to the pedophile who climbed up out of a well while in the midst of a murderous rampage. Yeah, he was committed to islamic violence.
You almost got it right... He was committed to violence. Isis was just his excuse to draw more attention

^^^ liberal denial.
There is a belief that any arm that you are able to "bear" should be allowed under law. I stand by that argument. Nuclear warheads and cannons are not "bearable", hence might not be covered under the 2nd.


You can own a cannon it's just not practical.

Possibly. Like I stated before, there is some question as to "right to bear" means.


And that would be?

That any weapon that is not "bearable" could be considered off limits. Even Scalia thought that this was a valid limit on the right to bear arms.


If you take the word bear as a literal definition.
But then I would be able to own a MANPAD....
View attachment 78672

Yes, you are correct. The reason Americans could "bear arms" is to fight tyranny in government, so some military hardware would be permissible.

You can own a cannon it's just not practical.

Possibly. Like I stated before, there is some question as to "right to bear" means.


And that would be?

That any weapon that is not "bearable" could be considered off limits. Even Scalia thought that this was a valid limit on the right to bear arms.


If you take the word bear as a literal definition.
But then I would be able to own a MANPAD....
View attachment 78672

Yes, you are correct. The reason Americans could "bear arms" is to fight tyranny in government, so some military hardware would be permissible.


Personally I think we'll need all the fire power we can get.....
Possibly. Like I stated before, there is some question as to "right to bear" means.


And that would be?

That any weapon that is not "bearable" could be considered off limits. Even Scalia thought that this was a valid limit on the right to bear arms.


If you take the word bear as a literal definition.
But then I would be able to own a MANPAD....
View attachment 78672

Yes, you are correct. The reason Americans could "bear arms" is to fight tyranny in government, so some military hardware would be permissible.


Personally I think we'll need all the fire power we can get.....

You could be right.

Possibly. Like I stated before, there is some question as to "right to bear" means.


And that would be?

That any weapon that is not "bearable" could be considered off limits. Even Scalia thought that this was a valid limit on the right to bear arms.


If you take the word bear as a literal definition.
But then I would be able to own a MANPAD....
View attachment 78672

Yes, you are correct. The reason Americans could "bear arms" is to fight tyranny in government, so some military hardware would be permissible.


Personally I think we'll need all the fire power we can get.....

And, whether guns are banned or not. . . Should the time ever come when we the people decide to take the same actions that our founding fathers did in the revolutionary war. . . I am pretty damn sure that it will be just about ANYTHING goes.

I have said this before but just imagine any of the founder's reaction to the king and the king's tyranny if the king tried to dictate what weapons the founders could have and use to defend THEIR (our) freedoms.
Assault weapons are like pornography. One knows it when one sees it.
Wrong, as in many cases one can not tell if confronted with a semi auto or an assault weapon. They may look identical but are not.

A person staring at the business end of a gun may very well not be able to tell the difference, but then telling the difference is almost certainly not what's foremost in their mind at the time. We, the cops, investigators, researchers, et al after the fact are who observe that the victim was shot with an assault weapon rather than a non-assault weapon (semi-automatic or fully automatic weapon).
These are BOTH Ruger 10/22s

The one on top is no faster nor more deadly than the one on the bottom. And a person CAN assault another person with either one.

Do they carry the same number of rounds? Is that a bump stock on the second one?
The rifles -look- different, they function identically.
Don't you think it makes sense to set a reasonable limit to fire

Like any of these fucking gun nutters on here "think" or have any "sense".

Good luck with these wack jobs.

The one stupid shit thinks by showing two weapons differently configured, that proves neither one is intended to be an assault weapon. So by insisting that ALL those types of weapons are equal, when the assault weapons ban comes, ALL those equivocal weapons are subject to the ban.

How fucking smart is that?

Fucking gun nutters like these guys are the biggest threat to the 2nd A. Cause they are fucking stupid.
It's good to know that when the terrorists invade screaming God is great and all carrying semi auto AK 47s that the terrorists won't be using assault weapons.

I feel so much better.

Like the survivors of the attack at Pulse. They feel so much better when told the shooter didn't have an assault rifle. Much better.
Any gun nutters want to answer the question as to why you nutters buy an AR 15, then go out and buy all the accoutrements to make the AR look like a full auto M16 assault rifle.

It's not because you can't easily own the M16? Is it?

Is the AR just an assault weapon wannabe for gun nutters?
That's hardly a good enough reason to continue to sell them.

Given the fact that mass shooters love to commit their assaults with them.

And by gun nutters own admission there are lots of weapons available that accomplish the same thing.
Any gun nutters want to answer the question as to why you nutters buy an AR 15, then go out and buy all the accoutrements to make the AR look like a full auto M16 assault rifle.

It's not because you can't easily own the M16? Is it?

Is the AR just an assault weapon wannabe for gun nutters?
That's hardly a good enough reason to continue to sell them.

Given the fact that mass shooters love to commit their assaults with them.

And by gun nutters own admission there are lots of weapons available that accomplish the same thing.

It was not even an AR-15. That said, So let's say we ban large clip semi-autos and the Terrorist start using IEDs, Bomb Vests, and Car Bombs? Gee, will you now become safer.

And how did all those gun laws work in Paris and Brussels? I didn't think so.

Note: Police in Fl went from using revolvers to using Semi-Auto "Large Clip" hand guns BECAUSE they were out gunned by the criminals.
Any gun nutters want to answer the question as to why you nutters buy an AR 15, then go out and buy all the accoutrements to make the AR look like a full auto M16 assault rifle.

It's not because you can't easily own the M16? Is it?

Is the AR just an assault weapon wannabe for gun nutters?
That's hardly a good enough reason to continue to sell them.

Given the fact that mass shooters love to commit their assaults with them.

And by gun nutters own admission there are lots of weapons available that accomplish the same thing.

It was not even an AR-15. That said, So let's say we ban large clip semi-autos and the Terrorist start using IEDs, Bomb Vests, and Car Bombs? Gee, will you now become safer.

And how did all those gun laws work in Paris and Brussels? I didn't think so.

Note: Police in Fl went from using revolvers to using Semi-Auto "Large Clip" hand guns BECAUSE they were out gunned by the criminals.

I love the sentiments expressed in your post but PLEASE DONT add to the confusion that so many have about magazines and "clips."

A magazine holds the rounds until they are ready to be chambered and fired. A "clip" is simply used to reload the magazine.
Any gun nutters want to answer the question as to why you nutters buy an AR 15, then go out and buy all the accoutrements to make the AR look like a full auto M16 assault rifle.

It was not even an AR-15. That said, So let's say we ban large clip semi-autos and the Terrorist start using IEDs, Bomb Vests, and Car Bombs? Gee, will you now become

You want to try and answer the question I asked.

Or is Bullshit deflection all you've got?

You live in France? Your problem, not mine.

Did you know we control explosives very tightly in this country.
Even fertilizer is controlled. How about that. No fertilizer bombs since American Tim McVeigh used one in Oklahoma. You go ahead and be scared of bombers. I'll pass.
By the way dude. While different manufacturers may call their AR style weapon something different, they (manufacturers) are all using the expired patents from the original design.

So whether it was called an AR 15 or a Bushmaster or whatever, they function exactly the same.
Its not an assault weapon its a defense weapon used for defense don't listen to the liberal's LIES!

Interesting take. Who was Mateen defending?

He would likely answer "Islam."
He might say that, but it's all a lie. He wasn't a religious nut, he was a just a nut who wanted to go out in a blaze of glory. Nothing about his lifestyle showed a commitment to Islamic or even extreme Islamic religious beliefs

Nothing other than him doing a bayat while mowing people down, proclaiming their love to the pedophile who climbed up out of a well while in the midst of a murderous rampage. Yeah, he was committed to islamic violence.
You almost got it right... He was committed to violence. Isis was just his excuse to draw more attention

No, he was committed to islamic violence.
Is an AK47 semi auto rifle an assault weapon if 500 terrorists are attacking a town using them to kill people?

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