Honest. Does Anybody Think Healthcare.gov Will be Working at the End of the Month?

Healthcare.gov fully Operational in 28 Days?

  • Not a Snowball's chance in Hell

    Votes: 10 50.0%
  • I'd give it a 10% chance...maybe

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • 50-50

    Votes: 6 30.0%
  • Of Course it Will Work. Obama Promised, Right?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
I been reading from a variety of sources, and everything I am hearing says the Healthcare.gov website will not be working for months...if ever. Democrat Max Baucus, who helped write the bill called the website "Humpty Dumpty" said the following:

"Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.), in a new interview, compares President Obama's new health-care exchanges and the accompanying Web site to "Humpty Dumpty."

Baucus also said he's open to delaying the penalties for those who don't obtain insurance by the current March 31 deadline, but that he thinks it's "premature" to do so.

"Let's just see how much of this can be put together, how much Humpty Dumpty can be fixed, in the next month," Baucus told KYAA-AM. "And if it looks like Humpty Dumpty's not getting put back ... together, then maybe we should start thinking about delaying the penalties.

"It's not right to penalize people for mistakes that the government's made because the exchange isn't working."

Baucus, whose committee helped draft the law and has been described as an "architect" of it, previously warned that its implementation could result in a "train wreck" -- a comment Republicans have used with gusto ever since he uttered it."

It does not sound like Max Baucus is real confident the web site will be glitch-free in 28 days.

Do any of you out there seriously think it will work properly in 28 days? The clock is ticking.....
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Since it is working now, sure.

The question is "will it be working as it should" by the end of the month.
Since it is working now, sure.

The question is "will it be working as it should" by the end of the month.


I think that was the obvious inference. So I'm curious. In your opinion, glitch-free and fully operational in 28 days? Inquiring minds want to know. :)
Since it is working now, sure.

The question is "will it be working as it should" by the end of the month.


I think that was the obvious inference. So I'm curious. In your opinion, glitch-free and fully operational in 28 days? Inquiring minds want to know. :)

If they couldn't launch a functionable website in three years, what makes you think they can repair it in 28 days? They won't.
I understand it crashed again while Sebelius was testifying before Congress so not promising will it be working better than it is now probably but that's not really saying much.
I just went on. Still can't get any specific prices/plans without entering personal info.

Still says: You'll get final quotes for specific plans based on your income and household after you complete a Marketplace application. All health plans and stand-alone dental plans may not be available at this time, due to technical issues. We'll update this information as soon as it's available.
I understand it crashed again while Sebelius was testifying before Congress so not promising will it be working better than it is now probably but that's not really saying much.

The Obama Administration has promised it will be 100% fully operational and glitch-free by the end of this month.

The promise was not "kinda-working," or "sorta-working." The promise is 100% fully operational. That is the poll question. Do believe that this is accurate?
I understand it crashed again while Sebelius was testifying before Congress so not promising will it be working better than it is now probably but that's not really saying much.

The Obama Administration has promised it will be 100% fully operational and glitch-free by the end of this month.

The promise was not "kinda-working," or "sorta-working." The promise is 100% fully operational. That is the poll question. Do believe that is accurate.

:lol: He's an idiot.
I understand it crashed again while Sebelius was testifying before Congress so not promising will it be working better than it is now probably but that's not really saying much.

The Obama Administration has promised it will be 100% fully operational and glitch-free by the end of this month.

The promise was not "kinda-working," or "sorta-working." The promise is 100% fully operational. That is the poll question. Do believe that is accurate.

They also said it was ready to go on October 1st so I'm sure you will understand my doubts about this current claim and if you don't I really don't care meeting time tables is not something the government excels at especially the ones they set for themselves.
I understand it crashed again while Sebelius was testifying before Congress so not promising will it be working better than it is now probably but that's not really saying much.

The Obama Administration has promised it will be 100% fully operational and glitch-free by the end of this month.

The promise was not "kinda-working," or "sorta-working." The promise is 100% fully operational. That is the poll question. Do believe that this is accurate?

The Obama Administration has promised it will be 100% fully operational and glitch-free by the end of this month.

Someone also said....

If you like your health care plan you can keep it...period...
I just went on. Still can't get any specific prices/plans without entering personal info.

Still says: You'll get final quotes for specific plans based on your income and household after you complete a Marketplace application. All health plans and stand-alone dental plans may not be available at this time, due to technical issues. We'll update this information as soon as it's available.

Same here even if they get this working 100% there is a lot of hoops you have to jump through.
I just went online. This is the message on the front page of Healthcare.gov now.

"The Health Insurance Marketplace online application won't be available from around 9 p.m. EST Saturday, November 2 to 9 a.m. Sunday, November 3 while we make improvements. The rest of the site and the Marketplace call center remain available during these hours."

I tried to get a quote. You know, just like Obama promised. Just like Kayak.com. I had understood through the White House you can finally get an immediate quote. Surprise! Another lie. The only way you can get a quote is to fully apply online. I will not do this, primarily because the website has no encryption, and my personal information (and yours) can be very easily hacked.
Not really. The fact that it has this many problems is not really all that surprising, but factor in also that it was somewhat of a hatchet job and it has "crap sandwich" written all over it.
Since it is working now, sure.

The question is "will it be working as it should" by the end of the month.


I think that was the obvious inference. So I'm curious. In your opinion, glitch-free and fully operational in 28 days? Inquiring minds want to know. :)

One, nothing is glitch free and perfect.

Two, will it be working better? Sure.

Three, how good? Only time will tell.
what difference does it make (sound familiar)
No one on this forum is signing up for this pos program any whoo
Since it is working now, sure.

The question is "will it be working as it should" by the end of the month.


I think that was the obvious inference. So I'm curious. In your opinion, glitch-free and fully operational in 28 days? Inquiring minds want to know. :)

One, nothing is glitch free and perfect.

Two, will it be working better? Sure.

Three, how good? Only time will tell.

Fair enough. Just to remind you, the latest promise from Obama and Sebielus is 100% operational is what is now 27 days. Like you say..."only time will tell."

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